rdt-digest V1 #15

From: owner-rdt-digest@oasis.novia.net
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 12:14:50 -0500
Subject: rdt-digest V1 #15
To: rdt-digest@oasis.novia.net

Please send unsubscribe messages to rdt-request@novia.net
DO NOT send unsubscribe messages to the list --- they will be ignored

rdt-digest                Wednesday, 21 June 1995      Volume 01 : Number 015

brown hair, red hair, long hair, no nair
shirts, boredom, stress, and catharsis
Burning witches, burning books.
a word of thanks
Utc copy
Sex, and lots of it.
oh my heavens
rdt essays?
Everybody else's comments
What shall i call this one??



From: CFISHER@uoft02.utoledo.edu
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 02:24:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: brown hair, red hair, long hair, no nair

	Hi again.  
	HAIR COLORS: I have brown hair (not sandy, although I have been known to
go dune hiking), and I have managed a rather happy extremely-red auburn color. 
To turn brown hair red, really red, yes, you must bleach.  But I found a way to
get a very red auburn, which better matches skin complexions that tend to
coexist with dark hair, so that you can go to job interviews and not have the
person behind the desk look you over and put their pencil down and sigh.
	I use the Clairol Glints stuff, in either Russet or Chestnut (Chestnut
is nicer, I think, but both work pretty well).  I also used the Aussie
reddening shampoo and conditioner.  None of that will fry your hair, because
it's all conditioners, and the Glints is temporary, so you can see if you like
it, then if you do, leave it in for about an hour to save yourself frequent
redying (is that like being born again, only in reverse?) and cash...

	Enough on hair.  The shirts sound lovely, welcome to the new list
manager (waving and grinning), and he perdi' direcciones a los hispanohablantes
, so please write me a brief line and I'll reply a fuzzy-squirmily-long letter,
I promise... I need the practice badly... And for those people who are gone for
summer, if anybody who has an absent friend buys an extra shirt, would that be a
way to handle that?  Then, the worst you have is an extra shirt or two.  You're
set if your dryer misbehaves, and besides, in all likelihood there will be 
requests over rdt later, anyway.
			Root Beer Foam Can Save the Universe!

	As Always, Chris Fisher  "La Reina Pescadora"
	"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent." -Isaac Asimov
	"Where do the electrons go?"
	(Chorus): "Tahiti."



From: shawn k mccartt <skmcca00@mik.uky.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 03:09:32 -0400
Subject: shirts, boredom, stress, and catharsis

it's 2:45 am... I really should be in bed, but I finished the past 2 days
of rdts and wanted to respond to a few things, and because I'm starting
to enjoy babbaling via mailing lists :)

Last comment on Hobbes I will ever make (cross my heart and hope to die)
unsubscribing him from this list, or not allowing him to post to this list
is a far cry from censorship: explain . . . Just becuase hobbes has the
right to free speech and expression does not me that we need give him
a forum for said speech.  Analogy - If I ran a newspaper it is not
censorship for me to refuse to print an article that I find offensive or
harrasing.. here it would not be censorship for the list owner to refuse
to "publish" (by re-mailing his messages to everyone on the list) the rants
of said hobbes...hobbes still has the right to express his opinions, but
we don't have to provide an audience or forum... now if Sen. Exon or some
other governmental fool (and to think I expected to republicans to launch
censorship attempts first) to say that it is ILLEGAL for x and y to be said
that is censorship... sorry that is so long, but I really need to say it

Now on to more pleasing subjects (like tori and shirts and happy things)
I would just die if I was able to get a cool looking ('specially black) shirt
that mixed delerium and tori and rdt!  delerium says such cool things that
I wish I was able to leave sanity long enough to say like "I think you're
very nice.  I think twinkle's a nice word, so's viridian." and she had
a word that means red and green at the same time... oh well

I got the new Bjork albulm after several hearty recommendations from other
people on this list and think it's truly wonderful...I could go on and on, but
this is a tori list so I won't...

Speaking of other artists everyone right now stop and go get Natalie Merchants
new CD, Tigerlily... much less "poppy" then previous 10K maniacs stuff and
*this is the coolest* mucho piano playing with lovely female vocal singing 
stuff... I'm listening to it right now for like the fourth time today
(I'm a pizza delivery guy, so I just drive around all night listening to
music... great job :)  and I like it very much...

ummm, I'm bored, and everyone is gone for the summer to far away places
like Katawah and Michigan so I'm starved for human contact...someone write me
please... it sucks to open up my mailbox and only have like 3 rdts in there
oh well I'll stop and go to bed now...

- -Shawn



From: Tracy Sefl <U28904@UICVM.CC.UIC.EDU>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 02:16:14 CDT
Subject: Burning witches, burning books.

It's late, so I have to be very, very quiet.  I'm just thinking of
the past week-or-so on this list.  "Honey" is on repeat in my mind.

"Sometimes I can hold my tongue.
Sometimes not,
When you just skip-to-lou, my darling."

You know the rest.  I think RDT rallied remarkably and impressively.
Nighty-night.  Tracy



From: OMBO@aol.com
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 03:39:22 -0400
Subject: a word of thanks

I'd like to thank Anthony for all the great work he did on behalf of the list
and all of us Tori fans. My brief experience on these lists has taught me
that they tend to take on the personality of the owner, and I think that this
has been a really cool place to hang and talk about Tori and (usually)
related stuff. Yeah, there have been aberrations named after cartoon tigers,
but that happens. For the most part, RDT is really cool.
And you deserve a lot of the credit for that, Anthony. Thanks for your time
and energy, and for respecting us enough to "rule" with a light hand. I hope
you stay on the list, and post from time to time.
Steve the Sweet Fat Grateful Man
Welcome and thanks to the new owner, too!



From: kjeld@knoware.nl (Kjeld Loozen)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 12:29:25 WET DST
Subject: Utc copy

Hi all,

I'm looking for a copy of under the covers.
Could someone (in Europe, or better, Holland) make a copy for me?
That's all, folks

Love, peace and Tori to for all




From: Damaged Justice <frogfarm@yakko.cs.wmich.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 09:28:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Sex, and lots of it.

"Yuri-G" <CHRISTEA@edu-suu-student.ns.suu.edu> writes:

>>Hence the
>> violent opposition, in Christian cultures, against both polytheism and
>> polygamy;
>JUST SO YOU KNOW: mormons are not polygamists. they stopped doing
>that in 1895. only weird off-shoot groups do that. groups like that
>are wierd. they seriously frighten me. how do those women put up with
>that? arg.....

Would you find it acceptable for people to practice polyandry; i.e., one
woman having multiple male mates? If so, why not polygamy? If not, why are
you disturbed by what people do voluntarily, of their own free will? "Weird"
is only what OTHER people do - right?

Patrick698@aol.com writes:

>> But in the end, no one wants to lust after an
>>unwilling, or even less willing, partner;
>Tell that to the guy who stars in MAAG.

I don't see this as a valid analogy; the original quote was referring to
consensual relationships. MAAG is nonconsensual. In the context of the
former, I'd say it's a truism more often than not.

>>nor does anyone want to be lusted
>>after, and be the 'sex object' of, a more lusting partner.
>oh. c'mon, be honest. You wouldn't find it incredibly flattering and nice
>when someone is attracted to you but you're not really very attracted to

Maybe. Depends on how I feel about the person in question.

At this point in my life I'd actually be extremely suspicious; the woman who
fucked me over, tore my heart out and ripped it to shreds started out by
pursuing me very aggressively and actively telling me she was interested in
me, which had never happened to me before; I've always had to pursue people
who interested me and go through a lot of bullshit social games to get them
to communicate honestly, so it was a refreshing change. I gave my heart to
her; I'd known her for years, I trusted her like my soulmate, I wanted my
mother to meet her. Unfortunately, she was planning on leaving her husband
anyway, but didn't want him to find out. I was friends with both of them. He
was distraught that she was interested in me, but their relationship was
supposedly based on trust, honesty and freedom, and he didn't want to treat
her like a slave. When we finally took it to the physical level, she told me,
"Let's not tell him yet, I don't want him to get hurt." I know about now most
of you are saying, "NO! NO! DON'T BE A MORON!"  But I was the biggest kind of
fool, a fool in love; this was the first actual EMOTIONAL relationship I'd
had in over five years, and I was completely blind to any possible negative
consequences. In return for my crime of dishonesty, the same thing happened
to me: She started havng sex with ANOTHER person, someone I absolutely HATE
and DESPISE, and lied to me by saying that she hadn't done anything with him,
she just WANTED to.

You could call it karma, I call it justice, but the results are the same. It
ended up with me huddling inside the apartment for the past year, screaming
at the walls, sending hate-filled e-mail on local bulletin boards, and making
my lover miserable. She's put up with so much angst and bullshit from me, I
truly don't deserve her. I still have a lot of hate in me, and this town is
way too small, and I live in fear every day that I'll see someone whose face
I want to grind into a bloody wreck. Basically, out of the huge group of
friends I used to have, there are four or five left who still like me; the
rest of them either know what happened and think I'm the one to blame, or
don't know what happened and just think I've suddenly become an asshole.

One of the things that keeps me from going out and satisfying my homicidal
urges: "Five years, five years, broomstick up the butt, is this jerk really
worth five years of your life behind bars?" Along with her music, of course.

The other is my mate. We both have more scar tissue, but our relationship is
stronger than ever. Most of "that crowd" still likes her just fine and keeps
encouraging her to leave me. As a result, she's learned which of them she can
hang out with and not be constantly assaulted by "Have you left that asshole
yet?". Life is learning who you can trust.

Didn't mean to ramble on like this...

Oh hey, Toolophile - love your answering machine. Some of my past messages
have included:

"You have reached the number which you have dialed..." [insert deliberately
ambiguous message]

"The number you have dialed, Nine, One, One, has been changed. The new number
is, One, Nine Oh Oh, Nine One One, Two One One One."

"We're out of here. If you know who lives here, leave a message. If you don't
know who lives here, what the hell are you doing calling?"

[random quote from a book] "If you can identify the quote you just heard, you
get to pick the next quote that goes on this machine!" [The first one I put
on was the concluding sentences of Orwell's _Animal Farm_...]

Mike Harris: Thanks for the "cool quotes" mail. That book's full of 'em.

It's been real and it's been fun, and it's even been real fun. See y'all

- --
frogfarm@yakko.cs.wmich.edu |  "From now on, you'll stand out in life as an
   imschira@nyx10.cs.du.edu | individual."  "Will I?"  "Well, of course you
            Damaged Justice | will... all the other slaves will be black."
     Freedom...yeah, right. |                   - Black Adder



From: Ayanna Gaines <AYANNA@brownvm.brown.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 09:19:44 EDT
Subject: whoo-hoo!

hi, keeds!
finally, last night, i had my first tori-dream (that i remembered).  and, what
a coincidence, it answers the question, "what would i say to tori, should i
have the opportunity to speak with her?"  in my dream, we were in a smallish
room, and we were talking pianos!  i was asking her about her chosen brand of
piano, what she thought about other pianos, music in general.  it was cool!
on another topic, i really want a t-shirt, but . . .  there are some wrinkles.
 see, my access to the internet is courtesy of my job here at the univesity.
and.  well, my redhead sig. other and i are relocating to chicago at the end of
 the month (it's a long commute to providence from the windy city), and alas, i
 will lose my account once i leave this place.  whah!  so please, shirt people,
 keep me in mind for a t-shirt (incidentally, ryan, yer design sounds nifty!
what is your snail mail address?), and hopefully i will be able to get back on
via some private suchandsuch.
in other news, i finally got the _under the pink_ cd which i owed tom.  i got
it via BMG, and i gave a listen.  it's probably the cause of my tori dream.
anyhoo, it's groovy, and i liked looking at the lyrics foldout.  how is it that
 what appears to be so few (but oh so pregnant) words become such full songs?
something to ponder . . .
oh, how i will miss y'all when i leave.  but that's not for another week.
<sniffling ensues>
laurahey, sweetie, i can understand how that guy may have freaked you out.  the
 world we are inheriting seems to be less friendly and safe than what our elder
 folk have been promising us.  and, as wonderful as you are, i can see that you
 are still a little unsure about yourself, and don't really trust yourself or
the world.  but rest assured, i don't think your reaction was unwarranted.  it
can be scary to have one's space invaded, even if the invasious was not inten-
ded.  so, i hope you are feeling okay, and that the situation becomes resolved,
 and know that you are loved and liked.  :)
yes, virginia, most cartoons these days suck.  with the exception of animaniacs
 and the tick, there seems to be much less intelligence and wit, and more . . .
 random violence, and sticky-sweetness, lame segal-esque dialogue than from my
youth (youf?) ;).  whatever happened to the grooviness of scooby (sans scrapy),
the punniness of bullwinkle, the charm of bugs?  it's all been sucked up by the
 evil purple dinosaur and his cohorts, the power rangers.  <boo!  even the emus
 are peeved!>
greetings to the newbies, who demonstrate a wonderful charm and humor thus far.
  reading recommendation:  _tales from the beanworld_.  a wise little comic.
not quite my last farwell (that will be next week) . . .

  -- ayanna ("what are we doing tonight, pinky?")



From: ESANDER@uoft02.utoledo.edu
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 12:12:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: oh my heavens

sounds like the world is nearly as swamped as me this summer.
boyoboy has the rdt been weird.  thank you very very much
Jennifer-who-was-abused-by-hobbes.  I was wondering about the whole story.
I'm all for freedom of speech and no censoring, but sexual harassment is just
wrong.  I would've taken action if it was off net, and think that she did the
right thing.  If hobbes does come back, I say we ignore him to our fullest
oh I know I'm late on this one but as far as cartoons go...I think every era
has it's goodies and it's baddies.  I couldn't have lived without thundercats,
and animaniacs makes me happy when I can see it.  "Is this hell, or are we in
Ohio?"-Dot Warner.  I'm afraid they're the same.
Sorry to the guy (Appel?) who was upset that I didn't like Baker Baker and 
Icicle, but I said I only don't like them SOMETIMES.  Like when I'm crabby.  
Oh and I wholeheartedly agree with anna on wearing out on cd's.  I've even once
wore out some tori (please forgive me), but I'm much better now. 
and one last bit--ANDREA, don't be worried about your age, nobody would've ever
guessed.  Your comments prove that you are not little.  :)  
I think I'm done being wordy now.  hi to widget!  and chris!  and all the
people who are neat! (wait, that's all of you!)
                                           As always, Elizabeth
"Why be depressed when you can be bitter and sarcastic."  -me, last year
"I gave up real life for Lent.  It's easier than being bitter."  -me, this year 



From: jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jai Nelson)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 18:11:26 BST
Subject: rdt essays?

I've just seen something stupid. I just closed my reply file to RDT that I
was going to send now, and Eudora has a little '10' next to it. Not sure
what that means (suppose it means the message is 10k big) but now that the
H has gone, I wonder if people will complain at people like myself for
messages that are too large. So, before I open up the file again and hack
it to pieces and much more managable sizes, I thought I'd ask your

What's the general concensus (sp?) of opinion about large files?
At the moment myself and Todd(Toolophile@aol.com) seem to be eternally
trying to catch up with replying to about 4 rdts in one post. And of
course, there's Michael Jones(mtj@iglou.com)'s issues of RamblingPost which
appear from time to time. An unexpected addition to this list of large
contributers is Patrick698@aol.com who only posts short replies to each
question, but about three or four of them at a time.
So in short:
Would you rather I reply to individual issues in single messages (but
there'll be several every other rdt) or one or two large posts that cover
everything in one go?
If you have any preference then please E-mail the answer to me, I'll go
with the majority decsion.

yours trying to make rdt nicer for you to read:


(Who has just decided that the bass is FAR too loud on his hi-fi but likes
the way the floor shakes and so is leaving it on :-))

- -- ---

Appologies for any breechies of netequette,.. ...

|                  |  . \ ` ' /    |"Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
|    Jai Nelson    | ._` __^__ '_. | Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
| jnel@atlas.co.uk |    [()=()]    | Everybody knows the war is over
|                  |    /_____\    | Everybody knows the good guys lost"
|                  |               |       - Leonard Cohen

Quote of the week (Wintermute):

"The pope is Inflammable.. ..."



From: jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jai Nelson)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 18:12:22 BST
Subject: Everybody else's comments

On Sunday, 18 Jun, Patrick <Patrick698@aol.com> wrote:
>Subject: Re: #1(2) 17/06/9

<snip all the stuff about being 'brought to our knees in five seconds flat'
which I totally agree with, but isn't revelvant.>

>.. ...society tells us we should be, are all
>nothing but illusions that are destined to be shattered in this very mortal
>world of ours (the reaper makes exceptions for no one).
Obviously this is a man who isn't a big fan of The Sandman.
Or is just that he lives in a 'real'er world than I do and doesn't take
comics as seriously??

His next post included:
>You know, I for one want to go on record as saying that for the most part I
>am perfectly comfortable with the current directly-Tori-related vs.
>not-so-Tori-related ratio of topics on the list.

I second this. I'll admit that my interest here is really to find out ASAP
when the next album comes out (looks like a long wait) and to find out any
interesting infomation about Tori, but it is nice to have other stuff to
talk about while we wait for the next piece of news.
For example, I sub to another list that talks about a group thats been
split for the past three years. Now they only discuss topic related stuff
so most traffic is concerned with "is it a bootleg or not?" And its very
slow too, maybe five messages a week. But last week I screwed up and sent
the wrong message to a whole bunch of lists instead of the Cyndi Lauper one
and this list just blew up. People just were totally incensed. Now on rdt,
on the other hand, the mistake was absorbed into the usual flow. There were
some comments (and I appologise again to anyone still pissed at it) but our
list admin didn't have to step in and threaten to throw people off if the
flamewar continued. (Or at least he hasn't yet.)
Forgotten what the point was (and most of you have probably jumped on by
now anyway) Oh yes, what I wanted to say was that rdt appears to be just
like a roomfull of Tori-addicts just talking and laughing with each other.
If you hear something you want to comment on, your add your bit to the
conversation, if not then you go listen to a different conversation.
Admittedly the Hobbesgate thing recently has rather tipped the scales in
favour of non-Tori content, but I'm sure that will die down soon. When the
next song is released from Tori then I'd imagine most of the talk will be
about Tori. It all balances out over a thousand years anyway :-)

Same day, Anna Sunshine Ison <asison01@msuacad.morehead-st.edu> wrote:

>Subject: tshirts, the wizard of oz, and other related things.

<concerning the r.m.t-a stuff>
I agree that it is wierd over there. Not at all what I expected. Which is
wierd 'cos I was reading r.m.t-a before rdt, but I don't picture Tori fans
as being the sort of people who'd post to r.m.t-a. Which is complete
nonsense and makes no sense what so ever.

Miss Sunshine said:
>and on that note, does anyone have
>an idea how to post to a usenet group when your system doesn't sponser the

I don't know how you could do it yourself, I assume their must be a way.
The alternative is to e-mail your message to someone who has newsgroup
access and get them to re-post it. I'd do it, if you want, as I can
configure my newsreader to have your name and e-mail address instead of
mine. I wouldn't be able to send you any replies that were made to the
newsgroup, though as I don't read r.m.t-a that much.

(who wished he could write normal length posts too rdt instead of these 10k
mothers that take an age to upload and then download the next day :-))

- -- ---

Appologies for any breechies of netequette,.. ...

|                  |  . \ ` ' /    |"Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
|    Jai Nelson    | ._` __^__ '_. | Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
| jnel@atlas.co.uk |    [()=()]    | Everybody knows the war is over
|                  |    /_____\    | Everybody knows the good guys lost"
|                  |               |       - Leonard Cohen

Quote of the week (Wintermute):

"The pope is Inflammable.. ..."



From: jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jai Nelson)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 18:13:05 BST
Subject: What shall i call this one??

On Monday, 19th June, mtj@iglou.com (Michael Jones) wrote:
>Subject: too many topics to list in one subject line (ie his RamblingPost)

>  -----
> * jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jamie Nelson) wrote:
> >  If you've the faith
> > to believe it then you're a better person than I am.
>Why would someone be a better person than you if they have faith in a deity?

Because I lack the need to believe in anything like that. I feel its a
shame. If more people really needed to believe in a deity then the world
could only be a better place. As it is, the state of most religions (and
I'm talking about their entire histories here) is deplorable. For example
Englands very own Crusades. There was nothing religious about that. Just a
good chance to go to some foreign land and slaughter a few thousand people
and then go home and be celebrated for doing a 'holy' deed. I am afraid
that religious institutions get in the way of religion and I am affraid
that they stop me from believing in anything they say. But I have a huge
amount of respect for anyone who can see beyond the material side of
religions and worship a deity. I'm too cynical to believe in anything other
than the material world. Besides, I don't like to dis someone because of
their religion, so I respect them for it, instead of laughing :-)

Then Michael also wrote:
>  -----
> * jnel@atlas.co.uk (Jai Nelson) wrote:
>Hey, why does it sometimes say Jamie and other times say Jai?

Depends on what machine I wrote the reply on. My modems hooked upto one Mac
in my dad's office. I then copy every across to my machine in my bedroom
and answer everything there. But if it gets late then I copy whats left
onto the powerbook and read it (mostly rdt) in bed and answer there. One of
the machines has still got Jamie Nelson (my actual name) in the settings.
I've changed the other two to 'Jai' as its what most people call me when
they know me better (just cos most people are too lazy to say more than one
syllable unless they have to :-))

> > You must have heard it, surely. Its on the double album: Virtual
> > Earthquakes/Under The Internet.
>Brilliant stuff!

No, no, you're too kind. I'm glad people liked it. At least I now feel it
was worth spending the entire weekend listening to both albums and trying
to find the right words with the right amount of syllables (sp?) in it when
I should have been revising for an exam.

On Tuesday, 20th June, "ANDREW BROOME: NZDRI" <BROOME@nzdri.org.nz> wrote:
>If we're going to have material POSTed that isn't strictly about what Tori has
>done or will be doing (which is fine by me) then I'd vote for more messages
>from Ms. Sunshine and less from Hobbes.  Anybody want to add a 'Me too'?

I'll bite: 'Me too'

On Monday 19th June, Mr M S Smith <eidmss@cent1.lancs.ac.uk> wrote:
>Subject: oh my god...
> hobbes, i have never seen a digest full of so much crap.  i am so glad
> that i no longer get it sent to me and read it over the web.  what on
> earth is happening to rdt? in the nine months that i've been reading it,
> it's turned from the best list i ever saw to the biggest pile of rubbish
> since leicester city lost 4-3 to wimbledon. you should be ashamed of
> yourselves.
> yours, matt smith, who will probably never read rdt again.

I consider that a bit strong. Mind you, we can't be that big a pile of
rubbish as Leicester City ain't that great :-)
Surely this is another one of those
s-us-all-so-wound-up" cases.

Also on Monsay, Mike Harris <mharris@injersey.com> wrote:
>Subject: A Final Word Concerning Hobbes

>Dear Friends at RDT,
>I recently learned that Senator Exon's bill concerning the
>regulation of the Internet was approved by the Senate and
>will now pass to the House.

Oh hell! That's it then, I'm outa here :-). If this gets passed and is
really enforced then I'm affraid that the American sectors of the Internet
may well have to become off-limits just on principles. Which will probably
include RDT (boo-hoo)
Actually, could someone tell me where to look to find more info on this
bill. I'm sure there must be some Web pages somewhere. I just want to know
what exactly will happen and how it will affect those of us in other
countries that don't have such laws (yet :-)) Thanx

yours, felling totally mellow listening to Portishead:
(Whose wondering where the hell the capital 'J' got to.. ...)

P.s. Oh and CHEER UP ANNA SUNSHINE, CARA, and anyone else whose feeling
down but didn't mention it in rdt. Its cool to be sad, as long as you don't
stay that way for long.

P.P.s. Definitely no HIGs (they're bad) but loads of HUGs to all those
newbies and delurkers that are appearing on the list recently. And Hi to
everyone still lurking, we know you're there.. ...
Damn, got to stop eating mushrooms when I find them.. ...:-)

- -- ---

Appologies for any breechies of netequette,.. ...

|                  |  . \ ` ' /    |"Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
|    Jai Nelson    | ._` __^__ '_. | Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
| jnel@atlas.co.uk |    [()=()]    | Everybody knows the war is over
|                  |    /_____\    | Everybody knows the good guys lost"
|                  |               |       - Leonard Cohen

Quote of the week (Wintermute):

"The pope is Inflammable.. ..."


End of rdt-digest V1 #15

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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > June 1995