Really Deep Thoughts #156

From: Really Deep Thoughts <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 13:47:44 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Really Deep Thoughts #156
To: Really Deep Thoughts <>

Forward by listowner:

	RDT has a sense of community that I am very proud to be a part
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 before I ever was, and it is part of the reason I decided to take
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 over to another person.

	I was kicking around the idea of adding pictures and brief bio's
 to the rdt page here at novia for just this reason. Those who wanted
 their privacy and anonymity could just send in a bio if they still wanted
 to be part of the project and that would be fine. 

	I have not decided whether or not to do this, so please do not
 send anything of this sort to me just yet, and do not of course post it
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rdt-digest           Monday, 20 May 1996      Volume 01 : Number 156

It's all made of steel
Happy Birthday to Maery!!!
hedgehogs and hussies and churchmice horray
Re: one question
Tori Clue..
a worthy repeat of SNL
Auntie Em, Toto, it's a Twister!
Syracuse NY Show
Tori Stories
two 3rd row boston tix 5/22
Tori in Springfield Mass.
and thus does the countdown begin...
FS: Good San Jose Tori Tickets (and possibly Oakland)
Menage a trois
Chris's comments
Tori, Tori,Tori
boys who see things and more
hello from the other Mary

From: (Elin Olson)
Subject: It's all made of steel
Date: 17 May 1996 22:51:20 GMT

I wish I knew what to do.

I don't know what's happened but I just can't enjoy Tori's music as much as I
did before, I don't know if I like it. I try to listen to her and after just
one or two songs I have to listen to something else, only that there isn't
any other CD I want to listen to, so it's all silent in my room.

(I almost forgot; there is one CD i can listen; Broder Daniel's. The lyric to
one of the songs is:

I love you.

And that's all.)

I sit there and know there are things I really have to do, like homework,
cleaning, practising playing, calling people, writing letters. You know, all
that sort of stuff. 
I will have noone but myself to blame when I have to do my homework the night
before it should be in. 
I just sit and think and dream, all those wild plans I make up. People I want
to meet, but never will. Letters I want to write, but never will. I have
tried to write those letters but they never turn out the way I want them to i
know 'cause I sent them and didn't get any response. (I told a boy I was in
love with him.) And stuff that I can't say because if I do they won't come

Tell me what I should do, how to, in some way, get back to Tori. I hope I'm
on the way back, to read RDT after a while without doing so made me want to
get back, I mean it. Msgs from both Anna Sunshine and Laurahey ... I really
want to be one of the faeries again.
(Wasn't able to get RDT for a while, and now I read it without being
subscribed to it.)

Well, that's all for now.
I'll go to my room, turn up the volume on my CD, play LE and see what

Elin, frustrated dreambuilder & wild-planmaker.
Do I count?

Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 20:12:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tumbleweed <>
To: Really Deep Thoughts <>
Subject: Happy Birthday to Maery!!!

> From: (Maery)

>   On the count of three, everyone say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUMBLEWEED!!"

You little dickens, you beat me to the happy bitthday wishes! *grin*
Thank you very much, I now have warm fuzzies. *smile*

And I hope YOU have a great birthday, my little sister, and get lots of
great presents (Maleen got me a Great Gift - a copy of the Silent All
These Years CD single which is the rare import one with the cool artwork
on the CD itself...*ooooohhhhhh* btw- Thanks Maleen!), and I hope you have
a wonderful cake with lots of ice cream. Ha. :)

Timothy McClanahan - Tumbleweed - - Seattle, WA
The Moon may be *smaller* than the Earth, but it's farther away.

Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 20:21:13 -0700
To: Really Deep Thoughts <>
From: (anna sunshine ison)
Subject: hedgehogs and hussies and churchmice horray

first off Happybirthday and many hugs to dear tumbleweed who i adore in Spite
of the fact that he does not properly appreciate the writing of pamela dean.
you see, i am very tolerant and adore people In spite of our differances, 
aren't i kind?

i don't suppose anyone (i am thinking maybe canadians but maybe not?) is going
to see the tragically hip this week or has seen them recently? because their
opening band, clarissa, is a lovely band from chapel hill, nc who has recently
been signed to atlantic. they are all very lovely, i promise.

i have been Thinking about this sonicists vs quakers thing and i think that
in many cases, it varies from song to song. you see.. i am a writer and perhaps
even More a reader (and dammit, there are Mosquitos having Sex in this room!)
and i know Nothing At All about music. so it makes me sad sometimes that i
cannot appreciate tori in the way that, for example a musical tori fan i know
who is very very Brilliantly gifted with the bassoon can, Or, it seems, lady
laurahey of the sirenvoice (siren meaning mythical lala, you know dear, not..
oh You know). but Still there are Some songs which i love more for the words
and some for the music. silent all these years, for example.. is just
deliciously beautifully poetic and the word play in precious things is Great,
whereas so far as.. hmm.. well, springtime of his voodoo, i am Definitely
in it for the music most of all. because it has such a swingy lovely tone
and.. well, i'm thinking Especially of the things she does live with this..
the Yeahs and also just at some points her Voice just make me want to jump a
thousand years. and dance about for a dozen. and.. well the harpsichord in
blood roses... aie! now i am not saying that precious things is not fabulous
musically for it Does catch me like that too, i am only saying that i think
one can be a quaker on some songs an a sonicist on others, or even both at
once.. and could there be a catagory for.. well, how she Says things? for 
example.. the way "and if there is a way to find you i will find you" for
i suppose that is musical but it is almost more.. Acting.. the way the two work

the wise and debonaire says:

>As far as hedgehogs go did anyone see that little girl on Leno the other
>night (tuesday?) who had a hedgehog for a pet but as Leno pointed out she had
>no hedge.  So where does the hedgehog live?
>A log of course

Oh, this is Lovely.. i have such a soft spot in my heart for hedgehogs. my
friend lorraine has a lovely one named hotchi-witchi and while she has most
Plenty of hedgehogs, dear hotchi lives inside in, i belive a little hedgehog
condo constructed of cardboard boxes and various other nice things of the

and from great sarat:
>and sunshine, are you under twenty feet of water?  can you go swimming in 
>your backyard?  don't you love flash floods? btw, is there anyone else in 
>the appalachian area besides me ( huntington, wv) and sunshine (somewhere 
>between here and lexington, KY)?  we should gather and picnic if there 
>are.  it would mighty fun.  of course everyone else is invited as well.
nooo, i live on a Ridge you see.. and while i Do Love thunderstorms, it all
goes to the bottom of the hill. of course, the bottom of the hill means 
the Waterfall and so soon i think i must journey down and see if it is warm
enough to play in. and i would like to extend an invitation to all of you
to come visit me. we love visitors here and it's such a pretty farm and i know
that jeff is planning to come visit and co-song with  me and sarat and jenny
del (You don't know her but WE do) have promised to visit for my birthday
but there's nothing i love more than birthday parties and visitors so Come
Come, i will make pie for you all! shoefly pie even now that i know what it 

steve the sweet fat man makes note of--
>Couple of other thoughts on the Conan appearance. Isn't it cool that the
>censors missed "Got an angry snatch"? This shows why it's important to use
>other naughty words besides those that start with "F". Also, it was nice to
>see Caton. Like Tori, he's much cuter without the YKTR poodle hair.

do you ever wonder what the level of innocence of the censors is? i would
be a terrifically bad censor, i've been sitting here lately thinking, "now
by snatch does she mean.. um.. that?" thanks for clearing that up. embarrassing
moment in sunshine's life-- my grandparents sent me, for some reason, a 
little stuffed animal beaver from austria with a backpack and a little hat. so
being the sweet innocent girl i am, and always being excited when i get mail,
i see my friend jeff across (and i do mean faaar across) the student center
and with great loudness and sweetness i yell "Jake! look at my Beaver!" *blush*
but also in the hey-good-avoiding-the-censor catagory, did you all see the nice
neil gaiman trickyness in the last sandman? her "quoint?" oh yeah, archaic
spellings are funfunfun.

mr famous says:
>(no comp treatment this time sunshine-shall i weep) 

no, m'dear, i think weeping is no fun. seeing that little comp in the corner
is mighty fun but then.. i got a comp ticket and tori hasn't one idea who
i am, whereas... (and thank you SO much for calling..)

ok, the stories are ended for the night.. and oh what a Pretty night. i am
glad of summer, gladgladglad. for climbing trees and baring feet.. oh how Nice.


Date: Sat, 18 May 1996 15:35:25 -0400
Subject: Re: one question

hi honies : )
don't have much time to write because i'm off to be 'the waitress', but
thought i'd try to answer this one...
>One question- during Talula, (i think) -> the part where there are a few 
>voices going at the same time- the words she sang at the concert: "every 
>road.... (leads, follows?)"  what were they?  This is when you usually 
>here "Right there for a minute, I knew you so well"  (heh, or whatever it 
>is she says... I'm so bad with lyrics.)
i think she says 'every road leads back to my door'  then 'every road i
foooooolow'.  i need to listen to it but those are my thoughts right now. : )

Date: Sat, 18 May 1996 16:10:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: LoriAnn L Beck <>
Subject: Tori Clue..

This is the first time I've delurked although I've been here for about 10 
months.  Reading this digest, and getting to know everyone through it, is 
the only thing that gets me through a boring day at work!

Today was one of those days, so I decided to download the NY Times 
Crossword.  And there, in May 15 crossword, was the clue for 11 down "Singer 
Amos". Yay...I actually knew the answer!!!

Anyway, thats my little Tori fact of the day.  Anyone who has been 
blessed to see our Goddess in, keep the reviews coming.  I am one 
of the sad ones who did not get to see her.  I must live vicariously 
through you.

oh and Chris...Keep up the great Work :)


Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 00:09:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: maria i velez <>
Subject: a worthy repeat of SNL

A wave hello to you great RDTers,

In case anyone missed it,
Tori will be on Saturday Night Live again this next Saturday, May 25.

A big Kool-Aid smile and jugs of hugs to all,

The pinksno

Date: Sun, 19 May 96 01:51:03 EDT
From: (john robinson)
Subject: Auntie Em, Toto, it's a Twister!

Okay, it was a fun movie.  Fun...hmmm...okay, it scared the shit out of
me.  i had fun having the fecal matter terrified right out of me.  And as
reported, the goddess is pumping out of the speakers early early on, and
i rejoiced.  i pointed to the screen, and my friend nodded.  We knew.
Tori's song listed first in the song credits.

And hey, Tori's listed first on the ad for the soundtrack, too.  Three
and a half cheers for the Goddess.  We'll take the exposure where we
can get it.  And hey, it worked for Seal.  <G>

---john robinson
"And it don't bleed and it don't breathe, it's locked its jaws and now
 it's swallowing.  It's in our hearts, it's in our heads, it's in our love,
 baby, it's in our bed."
-Afghan Whigs

Date:        Sun, 19 May 1996 04:10:55 EDT
From: "Fisher, Carlton D." <X7E0@MUSIC.STLAWU.EDU>
To: <rdt@NOVIA.NET>
Subject: Syracuse NY Show

It's 4:00AM and I just got back from seeing Tori play in Syracuse.  The
show was absolutely amazing.  It was my first Tori Concert and I was in
comnplete and total awe.  As a result, I don't have the right order for
the set list, but I think I remembered everything that she did play
(how could I forget?)  Is it just me or was this a pretty unique
setlist for this tour (Two b-sides, two covers, LE and YA and 4 songs
from utp)?

These are definitely not in anything close to the order she played them
in, but this is everything, I'm pretty sure:

Landslide (YES!)
Honey (she started off by saying that it was for the "boy who drove
four hours just to hear this song"--but I didn't even get a chance to
talk to her before the show so how did she know?:))
Here. In My Head
You Make Me Feel Brand New (right title?)  (I don't think this one was
planned--someone in the audience mentioned some place and Tori told a
story about going there when she was little and meeting a boy she fell
in love with who taught her to play a song and then she played the
entire thing from start to finish while Steve just watched because
there wasn't a part for his guitar)
Past The Mission
Pretty Good Year
Yes Anastasia  (She started from the part that goes thought i'd been
through this in 1919 instead of at the very begining)
Cornflake Girl (WOW)
Blood Roses
Beauty Queen
China (I thought she wasn't going to play this one anymore)
Me and a Gun (chilling)
Little Earthquakes
Precious Things
Caught A Lite Sneeze (eerie in this arangment)
Hey Jupiter (the organ really works)
Talula (tornado mix)  (I like the backing tape)
Not the Red Baron
Doughnut Song

It was a great show.  She interacted a lot with the audience and was
very friendly.  At the beginning, after Yes Anastasia she turned and
faced everyone and said, "How ya Doin'" and a girl in the front yelled
"Tori!"  Tori said, "And what's your name," and the girl shouted, Lori"
then Tori said "Nice to meet you Lori, but I have to go back to work
now," and then played Blood Roses.  She also told the really neat story
before You make me feel brand new (who did this originally and has she
been doing it on the tour before toninght because I don't rember seeing
it mentioned).  The audience was well behaved for the most part, but it
got loud a couple of times--but she whispered things in the mic during
the song intros like "I love you guys and I know you love me, but I
have to be able to hear myself sing, but I love you."  At least people
were polite enough to keep quiet during me and a gun.  Caught a Lite
Sneeze is eerie in this arangment--alot of underlying tension that
feels as though it's barely reigned in.

Any way, I need to go to bed.  Good night all, pleasant Toir dreams.

Carlton Fisher                                            Carlton Fisher
"and in the darkness,I saw a light.  I called out, "What are you?" and
it answered, "I am depression."  "Then why do you burn so brightly?" I
asked.  "Because I burn in the hearts of everyone," it answered......."

Date: 19 May 96 07:01:41 EDT
From: Clare Chalkley <100776.1221@CompuServe.COM>
To: RDT <>
Subject: Tori Stories

Please can someone help me. I accidently deleted my last RDT(yes I know, I'm
stupid), and lost the e-mail address of Rainy Day Records. Can anyone give me
this agian, I'm hoping to get the Tori Stories cd's from here.
Thanks a lot,

Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 13:54:34 -0700
Subject: two 3rd row boston tix 5/22

i still have two extra tickets (third row) for tori's wednesday night 
show in boston. i obviously must get this resolved quickly. as i 
mentioned before these cost me $65 each, but i will take the best offer 
i receive by tuesday and deliver on wednesday. email me asap


Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 18:32:36 -0400
Subject: Tori in Springfield Mass.

PLEASE if anyone has / finds a copy of Tori's recent show in Springfield,
Mass., I REALLY need it.  PLEASE.


Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 22:53:53 -0400
Subject: mistakes?

i noticed two things today.

1)  the sticker on the front of the pretty good year single #1 says "disc two
available seperately".  which is fine, except that it's spelled "separately".

2)  sometimes tori's home on the range version is listed as "home on the
range:  cherokee edition" (god cd-5 maxi single) and sometimes it is listed
as "home on the range with cherokee addition" (pretty good year disc 1).

maybe it's just something about the PGY single...?


Date: Sun, 19 May 1996 23:17:09 -0400
Subject: and thus does the countdown begin...

I have three days left to my high school career.  I graduate this Saturday
and I am happy about it, but I will really miss high school.  I mean, I was
just starting to get into a groove and then everything I know is wrong.
 Yuck!!  And then 23 days till our favorite carrot-top comes to Ames.  

There has been some discussion of my use of the term "silly depressive type."
 Whether or not its a bad thing and all that.  I didn't really mean it as an
insult to this silly depressive type that I know.  She's a nice person, but
she's just rather moody and tends to do the bizarrest things sometimes.  What
I want to know is how it came to be that people assumed that I was being
insulting.  I guess playfulness doesn't come across as well as I think it

The new Cure album:  At first I really was very unimpressed.  I'm new to the
Cure (I just bought Standing by the Sea a month ago on a whim, it was my
first real exposure) and this wasn't what I expected.  Now...I dunno.  I like
almost all of the first side, especially Club America and the 13th (Mint Car
tends to grate on me a little, too Friday I'm in Love).  The second side just
runs together in my head, though.  Too much grandiose moodiness, not enough
real songs.  And that _is_ a criticism.

Oh, my review of B4P is going to be printed in my school paper this month.
  They were an article short on the Art/Entertainment Page and I had posted
this review on the wall for some odd reason, so they decided to use it.  Its
a fairly good review, though I made it a tad harsh so I wouldn't start

B-side artists: if you like really loud, poppy, intelligent music I'd
recommend Sugar's b-sides.  They've even released a compilation of them all
called Besides, which I'd recommend to everyone here.  Sugar's lead singer,
Bob Mould, has just released a solo album and a single (which you must hear
the guitar on in order to believe it), too.  That has some killer b-sides.
 The Catherine Wheel also has some great B-sides, most of which will be
released on an upcoming compilation called "Like Cats and Dogs."  I know
we've got at least one other CW fan on here (Hi, Ms. Sunshine, you are my
sunshine.) so I thought this was worth mentioning.

Talula:  the tornado mix is really growing on me even more.  Its even on the
radio now.  Except, has anyone else noticed that they cut the first verse and
go right to the harpsichord bit on the radio?  I kinda miss it, but at least
they're playing it.  I'm still hearing CaLS more on my local "alternative"
station, though.  I thought the saying was "new music now," guys!

A Big shoutout to all of the following:  Kirsten "Chinagirl", Deb, sped,
nini, Todd (are you still on this list, man?  Did you get yr Ames ticket?)
and anyone else who I've accidentally fallen out of touch with.  I promise to
get better about writing letters now that school is over.  

Oh, if you can't tell, I'm in a grrrrreat mood now!  :)


Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 01:03:38 -0700
From: Michael Baer <>
Subject: FS: Good San Jose Tori Tickets (and possibly Oakland)

Four Tickets for sale for the San Jose (July 14) show.  Floor, Row W,
Seats all 10?'s (all together).  I'm selling them for $30.50 each (what I
paid) to the first person who comes through for all four.  I live in west
San Jose, and you pick them up - most preferrably cash and live exchange
so you don't have to worry about getting them, and I don't have to worry
about a check clearing.  Please e-mail me at this account,  A backup account is 

Also, a friend of mine has three tickets (together), for the first Oakland 
show.  Her e-mail address is, so mail her for 
details on those; she lives near the UC Berkeley campus.



Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 06:32:02 -0400
Subject: Menage a trois

I returned from a few days in San Francisco to find that tickets had gone on
sale for a Tracy Chapman show here in LA.  I called immediately and thank God
they weren't sold out.  This means that, in the space of one month, at the
same venue, I will be seeing Alanis, Tori twice and Tracy Chapman.  Three
Righteous Babes with Something to Say.  I'm so happy I could ... I dunno, do
something, or someone...


From: "dollies" <>
Date:          Mon, 20 May 1996 12:51:45 AST
Subject:       Chris's comments

after the posting by the wonderful schwenky boy 
who sees the world in such masochistic beauty
our moderator wrote possibly the greatest thing he has ever:

"If it affects you this much, it isn't unimportant stuff"

how true.

thank you.
I think schwenky needed that.
I'm glad you let us see that.
it made my dollies shimmer.

"she tried, that one with the alligator boots, but the 
other side drew her in"
"Dripping with blood, and with time and with your advice
poison me against the moon"
- Tori Amos
"Et puis il le lui avait dit. Il lui avait dit que c'etait 
comme avant, qu'il l'amait encore, qu'il ne pourrait jamais
cesser de l'aimer, qu'il l'aimerait jusqu'a sa mort."
- "L'amant" par Marguerite Duras 
"The dark horse will bring glory to the jailer and his men
it's always much more sporting when there's families in the
pit and the madness of the crowd is an epileptic fit."
- Tom, the poet for the freaks

To: (RDT)
From: (Tammy Ares)
Subject: Tori, Tori,Tori

Hi everyone,
           Tammy here. I just sending a little note to let you all know
that I'm seeing Tori this week. (two times)
For my first time... I'm so happy. I'll have to let you know how great she
was... I'm so happy, that I know I will not be able to sleep tonight.
Because I'm seeing her tomorrow. Oh' boy.

*                     CytoTherapeutics, Inc.                     *
*   "Developing central nervous system (CNS) targeting tech-     *
*    nology which provides controlled delivery of gene products  *
*    and other therapeutics to treat chronic CNS disorders"      *
*                                                                *
*  2 Richmond Square                                             *
*  Providence, RI 02906                         (401) 272-3310   *

From: "dollies" <>
Date:          Mon, 20 May 1996 13:37:03 AST
Subject:       boys who see things and more

this weekend
i met a paradoxical child.
i say child, for they had the face of a child
but their tenure was not one of a child.
they had seen very much.
we sat 
in a small bar,
about the eternal siblings and of tori, and books
and films, and theatre and things.
and i told them about myself
and they looked at me funny
and then i realized what they had done.
they were seeing evrything move
hearing things i didn't
and i wanted to be able to do that also
but not yet.
the next day,
the child's mother said he wa sick with the flu.
liar, i thought.

I sent them a message.

"Hi raisin boy.  From: dollies".
The mommy looked at me funny, but i smiled, and when i saw her again, 
they said they the child had smiled.

"she tried, that one with the alligator boots, but the 
other side drew her in"
"Dripping with blood, and with time and with your advice
poison me against the moon"
- Tori Amos
"Et puis il le lui avait dit. Il lui avait dit que c'etait 
comme avant, qu'il l'amait encore, qu'il ne pourrait jamais
cesser de l'aimer, qu'il l'aimerait jusqu'a sa mort."
- "L'amant" par Marguerite Duras 
"The dark horse will bring glory to the jailer and his men
it's always much more sporting when there's families in the
pit and the madness of the crowd is an epileptic fit."
- Tom, the poet for the freaks

Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 13:16:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: glitter girl <marymary@UDel.Edu>
Subject: hello from the other Mary

You'll have to excuse me if I address things that are _weeks_ old...last 
semester of your senior year in college can be a bit demanding, and I 
haven't been able to keep up on my rdt's 

I'm glad to see there is another Mary, I mean Maery! I can completely
identify with the Catholicness of your mother.  My grandmother is teaching 
my niece how to kiss her Jesus statues.  She has tons of plastic Jesus 
and Virgin Mary and St. Jude statues and a crucifix with a glow in the dark 
Jesus on it. I think she also has a glow in the dark rosary. Oh, yeah. 
And she has the Pope on CD.

I missed the whole thing about laurahey performing...what kind of 
instrument do you play, or did you sing acapella?

I went to a show this past weekend where my friend Antje Duvekot (you 
should all buy her tape if you see it in the store, it's lovely) 
performed Winter on acoustic guitar with a cello accompaniment. It was 
soooooo beautiful!!  And then she did Black Boys on Mopeds and an Ani 
DeFranco song.  I was very happy. 

I've seen lots of mention of the Cure...the new album is DEFINITELY worth 
buying, and try and get your hands on the single for _The 13th_ , the 
b-sides are amazing. Also make sure you see the video, it's fabulous.  
And what's the story on the two "women" in it?  I heard they were British 
comedians? (can anyone from the UK verify this?)  In case you couldn't 
tell, I really like the Cure and just about fell out of my seat when Tori 
played Lovesong at her 2nd Philly show.

I went into my favorite comic book store this weekend and found a 
delicious Delerium shirt.  It's Delerium sitting with her hair waving in 
the air and things like kittens, butterflies and eye with arms and legs 
flying away from her. And at her feet is an open bag of stars that says 
"Twinkle" on it.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Does anyone know when 
"The Dreaming" will be out?

Wow, I didn't think I had so much to say.  I guess it all comes from not 
posting in so long.  Jonathan, don't let this happen to you!

gumdrops and lollipops,

Mary (the glitter girrrrrrl)

p.s. - if you haven't read _Black Orchid_ by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, 
you definitely should before you die.  I just read it last night.  It was 
soooo pretty.  You'll especially like it if you know anything about 
Batman or the Swamp Thing. 'kay bye.

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly 
making exciting discoveries." - A.A. Milne
"I'm not about races or religions.  I mean, I'm into faeries." - Tori Amos
marymary@strauss.Udel.Edu.   :)

End of rdt-digest V1 #156
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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > May 1996