Really Deep THoughts #159

From: Really Deep Thoughts <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 21:10:27 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Really Deep THoughts #159
To: Really Deep Thoughts <>

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rdt-digest          Wednesday, 22 May 1996      Volume 01 : Number 159

Embrace Me!
I cried../to Victoria
history in tori's songs
one I forgot
enter: The Furies
Re: a thought-provoking Tori question 
Bios ...
tori Caught a Light Sneeze Limited Edition UK Single
Boston 5/21 review/setlist/etc
Re: butterfly

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 03:27:40 -0500
From: Angela DiIulio <>
Subject: Embrace Me!

Hi everyone,
 I am new to this list, though I have the art of lurking finely tuned. 
I have truly enjoyed reading all of the posts. What I find especially 
appealling about this list is that all of you care about Tori as you 
would a family member and respect her work and self...I love that! I 
have finally found a place where I belong! I run into the people who 
just heard the latest "hit" on the alternative station and they ramble 
about how much they love Tori, but they couldn't possibly understand 
what it feels like to be a fan out of love and admiration for an artist 
and their being.
 Here I am rambling because I have been touched by her musical rays 
since LE and many times, her songs have saved me. I have yet to be so 
fortunate to meet her and thank her for being my anchor...this is what I 
wish. Not for an autograph or picture (although that WOULD look nice 
hanging over my bed!)I want to say thank you..
 I am going to see her July 15 in Dallas. From all the posts with the 
reviews, I already know to bring my Kleenex!
 I hope I can find a niche here..maybe become a regular "poster" or my subject says..all I want you to do is EMBRACE ME! :)

Sprinkles of faerie dust for all the lovelies,~~*~**~*~**~**~*~*~*~
"Hitch your wagon to a star" - Thoreou

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 05:22:48 -0500
From: Angela DiIulio <>
Subject: I cried../to Victoria

Dear Victoria,
 I loved your story. It made me cry because that's how I've
imagined Tori-caring, nurturing,understanding. I have the need
to talk to to her. I just need her to know how much she has helped 
all of us. I have been battling manic depression for 3 years
(diagnosed) and listening to her has helped me hang in there.
I also had a very close call with a sick guy that could've
cost me my life. After hearing MAAG, I sobbed for hours.
Was it true? A beautiful singer-songwriter expressing what
I hadn't been able to say?!
 I have to ask you, how were you able to meet her? I know that
some people have been whisked away as her limo passes, but
others such as yourself have had the chance to spend a bit
of time with Ms. Amos. Hopefully, I don't come across as
some kid groupie thang who wants to run up to her and start
gabbing..I love her. As we all do..I love how she has affected
so many people. :-)

Take care all you lovelies,

Take care of yourselves lovelies,

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:01:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Piglet <>
Subject: history in tori's songs

Another historical reference in Tori's songs is Anne Boleyn in Talula.  
I'm sure there are many others.  And yes, Yes Anastasia is about the 
russian princess Anastasia Romanov.  I can't remember where I heard or 
read the story about how she wrote it...something about how the ghost 
came to her and she had to tell her story.

WEll it's time to go find the floor of my room (i just moved back in and 
have way way way too much stuff.

"Let go and love.  Fuck that shit.  My heart is scarred; there's a tear 
running down the middle of it and I'm not ready to say Let go and love."

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:37:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Agatha S. Donkar" <>
To: "really.deep.thoughts" <>
Subject: one I forgot

When I posted yesterday, I forgot one (okay, two) historical figures I 
noticed...Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII in _Talula_.  Tori even commented on 
that once, that Anne Boleyn was one of her favorite dead people.

And thanks cmeyers, for noticing me...


Aggie Donkar `98

"Well, the rain falls down without my help, I'm afraid.  
And my lawn gets wet even though I've withheld my consent."
--They Might Be Giants
"Ginger is always sincere just not to one man..."
--Tori Amos

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 12:37:17 -0400
Subject: enter: The Furies

we are the furies.

some girl says "hey, do u know any african-american Tori fans?"
one of us says no. 
girl says "i've never been to a concert so i wouldn't know. in my mind she's
cross cultural. i think"

the Furies
on the net it doesn't matter if your def.
on the net it doesn't matter if you have aids.

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 11:49:59 -0500 (CDT)
From: Patrick Crumhorn <patrik@IO.COM>
To: Really Deep Thoughts <>
Subject: Re: a thought-provoking Tori question 

     On Tue, 21 May 1996, Agatha S. Donkar wrote:

> Am I just imagining stuff that isn't there?  Or does Tori have a thing 
> for historical figures?  And *is* _Yes Anastasia_ about the last Russian 
> princess?

     Well, it's clearly not *just* about her, but the original 
inspiration for the song came when, according to Tori, Anastasia Romanov 
appeared to her, and asked Tori to write her story in song.  Other people 
on the list probably have the exact quotes from Tori Herself.
     And, yeah, Tori does seem to have a great respect for history and 
histroical figures as inspiration.  Let us not forget that she has 
collaborated in the past with Al Stewart, the master of making History 
into Poetic Song.  Sounds very much like you might like Al Stewart's 
work, Aggie.  See if you can find "Past, Present and Future" in a CD bin 


				Patrick (the Old Hippie)  ;-)

          Patrick Crumhorn        
     "Stay out of churches, son...and promise me you'll never
          wear a lawman's badge." -- William S. Burroughs

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 10:35:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: The Mermaid <>
To: Really Deep thoughts mailing list <>
Subject: Bios ...

	I seem to have missed where this started ....

	A bio, eh ...

	... there's far too much to tell, for someone
	who's no one of consequence ...

				-- The Mermaid

Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 14:01:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: three miles of bad road <>
Subject: tori Caught a Light Sneeze Limited Edition UK Single

	I have an extra copy of this for sale.  Someone make an offer!  :-)

'To know I was carefully building this mask I was wearing for 2 years, 
 swearing I'd tear it off.  I've sat in the dark explaining to myself that 
 I'm straining too hard for feelings I ought to find easily.'  10,000 Maniacs
<> adam <> <>

From: abbe@MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 18:44:06 -0400
Subject: Boston 5/21 review/setlist/etc

Last night was by far the best Tori concert I've gone to.

Whatever has been said about people worrying about Tori becoming more
and more drained emotionally as time goes on... I'm not sure.  She
seemed to have more energy than usual --- which is saying a lot, given
what her concerts are like.  Yet it felt like she was giving it all to
the audience and winding up drained in the end.  I hope she's trying
to take care of herself.

The set list:

Beauty Queen/Horses

	(she didn't seem to enjoy it nearly as much as
	last time I saw her play it. *shrug*) 

Introduces her harpsichord...went something like "this is my new
friend.  She has seven guys taking care of her, bringing her blankets,
margaritias, anyting anyone could want..she's 300 years old, so don't
you girls worry about aging too much"

Blood Roses (harpsichord)
	(this was *amazing*. drool.)

Little Amsterdam

	(Steve was playing these weird little sounds
	 on the guitar to accompany her.  She also played
	a verse in the middle that I didn't recognize at all...
	anyone else who was there get any of it?? )

Introduces Steve Caton (as Caton) to the audience, sounds kind of
embarrassed to say they were in YKTR together...

Cornflake Girl (with Steve)
	This was much much much much better than the backing track version.
	WOW.  They had a lot of fun with it.

Doughnut Song
	(She sung the lyrics that you can hear if
	 you listen carefully to the album, too, like
	people have mentioned before... I started crying at
	the "happy for you / but I am sure that I hate you line."
	It's kind of funny... I went and watched Seth and Amy get
	married last weekend.  I've been "over" this for nearly
	four years now, and I love them both and was happy to see them
	married, yet it was amazing how quickly I could go back to
	reliving it from the emotion in her voice.)

Space Dog (with Steve)
	(Again, they had sooooooo much fun, and in a lot of places
 	it sounded nothing like the recorded version. whee.)

	(the audience loved it)

A brief talk to the audience..."Girls, do you know when you keep going
and doing something... and I don't mean like chocolate cake.. that you
know is bad for you?"  (someone in the audience says men...) "Well,
men, women, whatever..." she goes on about this for a bit...into
Putting the Damage On

Precious Things
	(the GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRL is just getting longer
	 and longer each time.)

Not the Red Baron

Caught a Lite Sneeze	(with Steve)
	(very different from the recorded version, pretty interesting)

Talula	(with Steve)
	(with the tornado mix lyrics at the beginning.
	I really really liked this.)


-----1st Encore

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
	(slow,  but pretty)

------2nd Encore

Pretty Good Year

During the song they pulled out what we thought was the Bells for Her
piano.  Turned out to be an organ.

Professional Widow

She said she's only tried this once before and she almost wound up
with a brain aneurism. =) She had said earlier that someone asked her
to play Professional Widow and she said she hadn't "learned" it yet -
not sure what she meant - but that she could try to pull it off
anyway.  It was a very different version from the album, slower, a bit
less chaotic, and on the organ. and she only did some of it... but it
was cool.

Hey Jupiter (also on the organ.)


They gave out roses afterwards and said they were from Tori and the
Wang Center.  It was really coooool.  afterwards I went and waited for
her to come out of the stage door.  I touched her hand very briefly,
but after she talked to about 2 people her security guy dragged her
off to her limo and she waved one last time and got in.

Still, it was really amazing.


From: "dollies" <>
Date:          Wed, 22 May 1996 20:59:03 AST
Subject:       felching

Is that what felching is?  


my dollies are too young to know that...


oh well, whatever tickles...


Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 20:08:15 -0400
Subject: Re: butterfly

emmy and i have been corresponding (well, once) about the song butterfly.
 (she quotes it at the bottom of her posts.) i thought that our correspondece
(or at least part of it) might be of interest to the list.  in her last note
to me, emmy said:  
>>>>>Hello Laura,
     Thanks for your note :)
     >i saw on the bottom of your posts the quote:
     >"'And Is It Right, Butterfly, They like You Better Framed      And
Dried?'"  that's neat, i've never thought of it      punctuated like that.  I
always thought
     >of it as,"And is it right, butterfly?  they like you better      framed
and dried."
Hmmm, that certainly alters that line completely.. What big difference in
meaning a small difference in punctiation makes.. 
Gosh, I really love the song "Butterfly".. I don't really understand what
it's all about, but it always strikes me as really sad.. So much pain in that
song.. It's heartwrenchingly beautiful..


to emmy and all:
I really love the song too.  i think that on the surface, it's about how
beautiful butterflies are, and the irony that people like them better under
glass, when they are dead already.  I think that symbolically, tori feels
like the butterfly (i know i do).  I'm guessing that she thinks, at least in
the context of the song, that people appreciate her for the wrong reasons, or
that she has to conform to other people's standards before she can be
appreciated or acknowleged.  kind of like "everybody else's girl..."

i think that my interpretation of the line you quote ("And is it right,
butterfly?  they like you better framed and dried.") makes a little more
sense in the context -- not to say that i am right.  but i think she's asking
a rhetorical question, basically saying "can you belive how stupid people
are?  it can't be right for people to like you better when you're under
glass," instead of her asking "And Is It Right, Butterfly, They like You
Better Framed And Dried?" for clarification, as in "hey isn't it true that
they like you better framed and dried?"

eager to hear anyone else's input,

End of rdt-digest V1 #159
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