RDT Right Now #32

From: RDT Right Now <seaclaid@earthling.net>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 16:47:00 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #32
To: violet@slip.net


   REALLY DEEP THOUGHTS (RIGHT NOW) #32     Friday, October 17, 1997

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

ixnay on the ionafay ashingbay
Re: RDT Right Now #30
Re: RDT Right Now #30
On multiple personalities
Finalmente respondo a la historia de Lauritahey
the bible
Death, Life and  Rocky Mountain Highs
Beths and Mayans and Sirens...
catching up
RDT Right Now #31
Fwd: Hear "Siren", A new Tori song, Now At The Dent!
Mariah Amos?


  *** LIST NEWS ***

Hi Guys,

I just want to let everyone know that I'm going to be away for the weekend
(it's Pumpkin Festival time in Half Moon Bay again, so I'll be staying at

I'm going to try to see if I can set everything up at her place so I can
put the list out from there, but just in case I don't manage to get it
worked out (or have the time -- we might be pretty busy), the list will go
out again on Tuesday.  I'll put all the posts out in several digests,
assuming there will be a lot of posts piled up.

But I'll put out at least one more digest -- #33 -- before I leave.




Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 23:44:46 -0400
From: Nicole Labbe <NML4173@students.ssu.edu>
To: seaclaid@earthling.net
Subject:  babble

>>>Next-  I forget who it was that had the idea of the mix tape tree, but that
would be really cool.  Everybody here has at least one artist in common that
they like, but everybody is into different branches of music you know?
Personally I like everything from Tori, Bjork, and PJ to NIN, Lords of Acid,
and Tool.  It'd be cool and you might even convert a few people!<<<

That sounds like a great idea!

Beth Wrote:
>>"Faeries" by Brian Froud (and that other guy, someone help me!).

I forget the other guys name, too, but Michele, you must get this book. I've
had it since I was a child. The illustrations are beautiful. I should buy
another one to frame! (If you want the other guys name, I can find it out for

Hi Angela!

Also, can anyone recommend Madeline Peyroux (sorry, don't have her name in
front of me) ?
How many CDs does she have out?




From: OMBO@aol.com
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 01:42:15 -0400 (EDT)
To: seaclaid@earthling.net
Subject: ixnay on the ionafay ashingbay

OK. The whole Fiona thing. I think it's time for some perspective here.
There's been a lot of dumping on Fiona on both this list and my Courtney
Love/Hole list, and I am truly over it.

I'm not trying to dump on anyone specific here. But there's been a lot of
going on about some stupid things that Fiona has said, usually from people
who tend to start like "I really like Fiona's music, but...", and there seems
to be the inference that the things she has said come anywhere close to being
as important as her music.

And IMO, that just ain't the case.

It might be different if she was a shithead, instead of a basically decent
person who's just said some stupid things. I don't think she is a shithead. I
think she's made mistakes with things she's said, just like we all do. The
difference being, of course, that when we say stupid things, they ain't
printed in SPIN.

And you know what? I'm just having a really hard time seeing that these
things are terribly important in light of how great her music is and how much
potential she has to be even better. I'm sorry, but I just don't think some
stupid statements are one tenth as important as quality music. Hell, one

And yes, that even goes for what she said about Tori. I didn't read the
article, but I gather that she's honking off about how Tori talks so much
about rape. I got news for you. A lot of people think that way - a lot of
people who, again, aren't necessarily featured on the covers of big glossy
magazines. Unless you're prepared to be just as angry at all of them, I just
have to say that I don't understand the intensity of the anger at Fiona. Yes,
she's wrong. People often are. It doesn't make them bad people. It just makes
them wrong.

I definitely think that Fiona should be a bit more careful about what she
says, at least in public. But I think she'll learn that. I think her heart is
in the right place. I have no proof of that, but it's the feeling I get. So I
think she should definitely be cut some slack.

I'm sorry that I got a little pedantic there. But I'm not THAT sorry. :-)

Steve the Sweet (If Sometimes Pissy) Fat Man



To: seaclaid@earthling.net
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 23:13:19 -0400
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #30
From: jdsbgldy@juno.com (baglady on roof)

>   |  To me happiness, true happiness is when you can really dance  |
>   |      with sad.                                 --Tori Amos     |
>   |  I have spent a lifetime learning how to cry.  --Janis Ian     |

Both of those are amazing quotes. Thanks for putting
them in here, it hit a note on me that needed it badly.

Sarah, I really hope that (whatever advice or action
you finally took) everything worked out. So many times
we are lost in the act of helping, to the point where
we forget to care about *who* we're helping. I'm so
overwhelmed by number of caring and gentle people in here. (not including
the "FuckYou" person of course...)

Hats off in a major way to Michael Jones and the advice he gave to Sarah.
Michael, I may not agree 100% with you, but all differences aside- I
think you said it beautifully and honorably. I respect that so much. The
world needs more
"specks of dust" like you.
With all of this said, I want to make it clear I'm not
trying to kiss ass or make friends the easy way. When I
see good being done, I'll be damned if I just stand and
watch indifferently.

>I have a live recording of a show (where? Im sure I dont >know) where
Tori had some sort of break down while on >stage and started screaming
and ran off. she hid >backstage for like 45 minutes and finally she
managed to >come on stage and tell them that she was sorry but she
>couldnt play.
Hannah, when was this exactly? I haven't heard about
this before.

> sorry for bothering everyone.
>thank you for not reading.

Listen, you're not bothering anyone. That's
bullshit and you know it. (looks menacingly at anyone
who dares to disagree)
Hey write me personally, I'll listen to everything
you feel like telling me, ok? I'm not the best at giving
advice but at least I can listen well. Even if you don't
want to talk to me, talk to someone. God I sound like
a GreenLeaf commercial I know, but I'm serious about this.
I have a friend named Lance who was cutting himself in a
McDonald's bathroom and before he knew it he cut too deep,
passed out and would've died if someone hadn't found him
in time. Please, there's so much more out there to life
than this misery. Trust me on this. Talk to somebody, do
yourself at least that one favor.

take care,

"Don't compromise yourself-
you're all you got."
-Janis Joplin



Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 04:45:51 -0300
To: precious-things@smoe.org, RDT(RN) <seaclaid@earthling.net>
From: Laura <ldamico@adinet.com.uy>
Subject: 4.20 am new Tori.. I don't wanna wake up from this dream :)

I barely took 3 breathes (whatever the right way of saying it might be)
during the first time I heard the song, listened for a second time 'cause I
didn't remember what I heard, I was so anxious... and after that I was like
WHAT! :-\. Third time came as I started typing this and I'm getting friends
with the song . Just started 5th playback I kinda like it :-) it's sooo

Ok time to listen to the lyrics now.. I won't go to bed before I get the
lyrics.. this will be tough

Ok scroll down for what I figured out...but be prepared to laugh.. my ear is
used to spanish remember :) so have mercy on me and don't start flames
coming my way ;)

We know... didn't? lie to you ....all the way
You know... lie to you and in the only way
and I lie ....
and you say ...girl
know, know too well,  no chill?
know she beggs
my siren
know she needs flesh
no chill
know she writes???
my siren
no no chill noo

never was born for a pussy girl
cool kitty calling for an ambulance
sweety try ..love him??? in the stomach
<something that sounds japanese to me> is gonna saw your leather handy
almost brave almost a prick?
and almost denying love

end of lot of playbacks....I love it! :):) I want moremoremore




Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 03:42:08 -0700
To: RDT Right Now <seaclaid@earthling.net>
From: violet@slip.net
Subject: On multiple personalities

All of us are different people in different situations.  All of us have
different hats we wear on different days.

You might be obnoxious and loud around your friends, but become quiet in a
classroom.  Respectful around older people, but bratty towards your
parents.  Shy around new people, but sexy with your boy/girlfriend.
Awkward and scared when giving a speech, but confident when put in charge
of a group project.  Every single person alive has different masks they
wear to suit various roles and circustances.  Everyone.

Personally, I am a person of psychological extremes, which is one reason
why I'm in therapy, I suppose. ;)  My varying aspects of myself cause a lot
of confusion in myself and in my friends.  In high school, in fact, there
were people who were afraid of me because they said I was schizophrenic.  I
wasn't, of course, as schizophrenia is not about multiple personalities
(and I don't have THOSE, either).  And I have a close personal friend who
*is* schizophrenic, so I know that it is nothing that I am dealing with.
But people often said it, and it hurt that they would be that mean, but
even then I knew it was only because I had a lot of parts -- a lot of
different feelings and moods that could come on at the drop of a hat -- and
that most people, even wearing different hats, are more on an even keel
than I am... more moderate.

On every aspect of personality, I am a 1 and a 10 at the same time.  I am
NEVER balanced, never a 5.  For example, I am a very kind person, but also
have an extreme cruel streak.  I love Kim more than just about anything,
but he is also the person I hate and despise and resent more than anyone
else the entire world.  I am very bold and confident talking to anyone and
everyone, and at other times I am so painfully shy that I can't stand to
leave my house.  Sometimes I walk down the street and stop to say hello to
every neighbor I pass, other times I slink along looking at the pavement
and hoping that no one will notice me.  I can be silly and laughing on
minute, and then one tiny little thing can change (like I'll get a bill in
the mail and there will be a tiny error) and I'll become instantly
despondent and suicidal.  Some days I feel I can tackle life's biggest
problems and take on the whole system, other days I literally break down
and fall to pieces if they don't have the brand of juice I want at the
market.  Some days I dress all in black, other days I wear orange socks
with purple pants and a green shirt and hot pink lipstick.  One day I am
hot, the next day cold, but I'm never never just comfortably warm.  I can
be the most friendly and supportive person in the world, and then turn
around and be aloof and standoffish.

So I'm working and hoping that one day I will be able to balance myself.
One reason that I became so attached to Tori is that I see that she is like
this as well, but more importantly, I see her struggling with the exact
same parts of herself as I do.  Especially where sexuality is concerned.
So she's helped me along, making me feel I have a companion holding my hand
as I walk down the road.


       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
       *                                           *
       *     Roses are red, violets are blue,      *
       *     I'm schizophrenic...and so am I.      *
       *                                           *
       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 03:35:16 -0300
To: RDT(RN) <seaclaid@earthling.net>
From: Laura <ldamico@adinet.com.uy>
Subject: Finalmente respondo a la historia de Lauritahey

First of all, this is the last time I'll write to the list in spanish,
promised! So be patient with me this time ... Laurahey wanted to get mail in
spanish... now here's my reply :) (english version below)

Hola Laura :)

Esto es raro, parece que me estuviera escribiendo a mi misma ;) Lem en
RDT(RN) que quermas que te escribiesen en espaqol. Tus deseos son ordenes
asi que todo este mensaje sera en espaqol. Mas abajo ira la traduccisn para
que los que no estuvieron en espaqa tambiin entiendan ;)

Recien termino de leer tu carta a Tori y la historia de cuando la conociste.
La carta me parecis *muy* sincera y estoy segura que Tori debe haber
comprendido cada palabra y sentimiento que escribiste. Con la historia
termini en lagrimas y es no es facil de lograr. Hasta ahora solo R. :-)[~ me
habma conmovido a tal grado con sus mensajes.
De todas maneras, quiero agradecerte profundamente el haber compartido todo
esto con nosotros. Yo *amo* leer ese tipo de historias. Algzn dma me
encantarma poder sentir con mi propia piel cosas como esas , pero estoy a
miles de kilometros de distancia, asm que por el momento me conformari con
vivir esas cosas maravillosas a travis de vuestras experiencias... asm que
EWF, continuen compartiendo :)

Gracias nuevamente,
Laura, EWF en Uruguay

English version for lazy spanish readers ;)

Hi Laura :)

This is weird, it seems like I'm writing to myself ;) I read on RDT(RN) that
you wanted people to write to you in spanish. Your wish is an order so all
this message will be in spanish. I'll paste a translation below so the
people that didn't go to spain will also understand ;)

I've just finished reading your letter to Tori and the story of when you met
her. I found the letter to be *very* sincere and I'm sure that Tori
understood every word and feeling that you wrote down. After reading the
story I found myself in tears and that is not easy to achieve. So far only
R. :-)[~  had touched me to that degree with his messages.
Anyway, I'd like to thank you for sharing all that with us. I really like
reading those kind of stories. I'd love to feel in my own skin things like
that someday, but  I'm thousands of kilometers away, so for the time being
I'll comply with living those great things through your experiences... so
please EWF keep sharing :)

Thanks again,
Laura, EWF in Uruguay (plane-L to avoid confussion)

p.s. Lisa in Norway and Beth W. (BeththeonewhointerviewedTori is too long,
so I guess i'll stick to Beth W. from now on) you're right, the movie must
be Higher Learning... he probably translated the title from spanish and
those vary greatly from the original ones. Example : The Witches of Salem =
The Crucible (Hi lisa)
The mess of Wanda = A fish named Wanda and the most disastrous one is the
"translation" to Dead man Walking... that had so little to do with the
original name, that I can't remember it right now...

BTW if we had a version to this list in spanish down here, I can assure it
wouldn't be translated as RDT right now... it's more likely to be translated
as RDT At This Moment or better yet Really Deep Thoughts Right Now = "the
thinkers that got too deep" ... no, it's not a long nonsense title you
should go to the movies down here, believe me.. :)

oh...I remember the name ... be prepared..
"dead man walking" = "while you are with me"
and I didn't made this one up.. I don't have that great imagination :)
ok. that was enough from me.. for months.. byebye again.. I'm back to my
lurker life :)
'How do you know I'm not having a Margarita with Jesus
tonight at 10 o'clock?' - Tori Amos

Come join me in my dream...
Margaritas With The Goddess - Margaritas Con La Diosa
When the spanish conquerors came, they had a bible and the native
american had land. They tought the natives how to pray with their
eyes closed, and when the natives opened their eyes again, they
had a bible and the conquerors had the land.     @?  :-\



Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 08:16:45 -0700
From: Will_Elefante@krinfo.com (Will Elefante)
Subject: the bible
To: seaclaid@earthling.net

     *throw in my 1 1/2 cents on sarah's religion thing...i was raised
     *christian....never did believe any of it..jesus christ..yeajh sure
     *whatever....read the bible..nice book......can't buy into
     *it......father son
     *etc....so i became an atheist

     I used to think that way. I dunno, maybe its because I'm older now
     that I started to take a second look at the things I was taught when I
     was younger. After all, there are a lot of my ancestors that found
     comfort in Christianity and I can not say that they were wrong to
     follow the teachings of the church.

     I guess it depends on 'Who' is interpreting the Bible for you.
     Example: for years, popular sentiment states that masterbation was a
     sin. This is referred to the 'sin of Onan'. If you read the passage (I
     don't have the book or chapter on hand), the story is about a man who
     cannot get his wife pregant. He asks his brother to impregnate his
     wife. His brother agrees and goes to have sex with his brother's wife.
     Right before he climaxes, he pulls out of the woman and 'spills his
     seed onto the ground'. The man is put to death because of this act. My
     problem is 'where does masterbation' fall into this act? I think the
     story tells more about betrayal than masterbation.

     One of the best shows I have ever seen about the bible is the series
     on the A&E network called 'mysteries of the bible'. They take a
     situtation in the bible and it is explained by College Professors
     and/or authors but not ministers or preachers. This series actually
     opened my eyes into the bible.

     One of the best explanations of the bible I have heard is that the
     bible is a history of a peoples being Human. The bible is full of
     people trying to be perfect but failing badly. King David, one of
     God's chosen, ordered the death of his lovers husband because he
     wanted her for his very own. For this act, he paid for it with the
     death of his own son (what goes around, comes around).




Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:16:12 -0400
To: RDT Right Now <seaclaid@earthling.net>
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: Death, Life and  Rocky Mountain Highs

I have read the various posts on the death of John Denver. I guess what
disturbs me most is the repitition of my daughters comment: "He's dead, so
Being of the generation of the '70's (forgive me please, a curse of birth),
I grew up with "Grandma's Feather Bed" and "RMH", "Take me Home Country
Roads" and the best bit of poetry, "The Box".
In this day and age when F*ck and S*it and other obsenities are par for the
course, I would like to comment on an age of innocence.
John Denver (believe it or not) made smoking pot just a "home time" thing
to do, no more than slopping the pigs, milking the cows and lighting up a
nice "J'" for the end of the day.
Yes, his melodies were simple and his lyrics simpleton, but he shined a
light for us who were disillusioned by "Watergate", the Nixon, Ford and
Reagan administrations.  We, who were too cynical for hope and dreams, were
able to find happiness with "Sunshine" on our shoulders.
I ask you all to listen to the great poets of the 1970's, John Denver, Jim
Croce, Carole King and James Taylor.  No, you will not find the "depth and
anguish" found in the poets of the '90's, but perhaps you can find the
magic that brought hope to a hopeless generation.  (Talk about
hopeless--this is the generation that brought "Disco" to popuarity!)
I feel great sorrow when I read comments that say in part--I'm glad Denver
is dead.  Even those who do not know his music hate him for principles sake.
I am not saying that Johnny was the greatest musician in the world, but he
had a lot to say, and said it in such a fun but meaningful way.
I beg of all of you!!!--do not take joy from anothers demise. Feel sorrow
that perhaps the man died before he said what he needed to.  Think of how
you would feel if Tori took off in one of those "Formula" cars that  she
loves and crashed, burned and died.  How would you feel if others rejoiced
in her death?

I do wish to express that I truly believe that death is but a door to
another, better place, but to negate others grief is just plain wrong.

*OPPS----got on the stupid soapbox again!  someone knock me down!*

At any rate, as an "old woman", can I ask tolerence in the passing of "0ld
Artists"?  They may not fit into your tastes, but they had a message way
back then that made being confused an ok state to be in.  "Confusion is
good!  It means you are thinking!"

Saw a great Edit. cartoon.  J. Denver reaches the pearly gates to see
George Burns sitting in God's throne and he says, "OH GOD!"
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!  If you haven't seen the movie, rent it.
"God makes Mistakes!"
Thank the powers that be that Tori is not one of those mistakes, just a
precious gift and muse to us all.
*end blabbering*

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy



Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 10:15:47 -0700
To: seaclaid@earthling.net
From: Beth Winegarner <bethw@sonic.net>
Subject: Beths and Mayans and Sirens...

Bethey wrote:
>OK.  I hate the confusion so I will now be called "Bethey".  Only my
>dearest friend calls me that, so now ALL OF YOU have to be my dearest
>friends!!! ;)

I can live with that. :) It's creepy though, since my friends sometimes like
to call me 'Bethie' sometimes. My real name is Bethany, and sometimes my dad
goes too far and calls me Bethany-ny...

*sigh* I poured my soul out to the SF goth list last night because someone
out there was saying how they didn't want to donate their organs because
some moron might get them... So I posted about my mom, and how if there had
been enough sets of lungs to go around she might still be alive right now.
Sometimes I feel guilty, like I'm using this obviously heart-wrenching story
to play with someone's ideas, but at the same time how can I not? How can I
sit there and be politely silent? My stomach is churning just thinking about

The digest hasn't gone through yet, but I had one email from a lady who said
she noticed...

Maybe this is sacrilege or something, but I didn't like Foxfire the book. I
got about 2/3 of the way through it and gave up. I couldn't stand the
writing style! I thought the movie was so well done, well acted, well
edited, well cast -- and the songs they chose were wonderful. I've always
wanted to do film scores in the sense that the song actually heightens the
mood of a scene (rather than just being a 'cool song' to get the
movie/soundtrack to attract more customers). Especially that song they
picked for the, ah, 'topless' scene (anything else would really give away
one of the best parts of the film) and the use of that Candlebox song, which
I always liked, but never so much as when I saw the movie. (It also included
that song with the line "I'm a Goddess not your mother" that we all know so
well). And I just adore Angelina Jolie and that girl who played Maddy.

Tpr(?) said:
> From what I understand, and this is from very hazy memory, the Mayan
>calendar has us moving into the Sixth World.  At least I think it was
>the sixth, and I think it was even prophesied as a final act for our

I don't know nearly enough about this stuff (especially considering one of
my close friends is what he calls a 'Mayan Timekeeper' in this life) but
essentially the Mayan calendar ENDS in the year 2011 (which is,
coincidentally, the original release date for the final Star Wars movie,
back when Lucas was planning the releases. It might still be, I don't know).
Each Mayan year is a cycle of 260 days (instead of 365) and there of course
are a ton of other cycles which I totally forget. The neat thing is, you get
a Mayan birthday every year, and you can figure out when that is by counting
each 260-day cycle since the day you were born. Each '260' is your birthday.
So I had my 24th earth birthday on March 5 this year, and my ... I forget
which one ... mayan birthday on May 24th of this year.

Scotch said:
>I know there are other 80s metalheads on the list, dammit.  Such as Jorge
>Jorge Jorge of The Jungle and maybe Beth The Wine Gardener...?

Oh, dear. Is it that obvious? *laugh* I don't listen to too much of that
stuff anymore, but I sure did when I was a teenager. Most of my teen
memories are linked to 80s metal -- White Lion, Scorpions, Metallica, etc.
The only ones I listen to much anymore is Metallica. I've had a recent
revival though 'cause one of my managers at work is *really* into all that
stuff, and it's hard not to want to get into it when he's around. :)

I remembered the name of that book on Muliple Personality Disorder that I
mentioned before: "Making Monsters" by Richard Ofshe. It's basically a
compelling argument for the position that MPD doesn't exist.

So I've just (just now!) heard "Siren" -- WOW! I love the feel of this, the
rhythm, it's so rich and organic and lovely. Do we know (of course we don't)
if these songs are just special to the soundtrack or will they bo going on
Tori's next album?

Oh well. ONe more thing I have to go into here. The new ish of SPIN. Now,
I'm none too thrilled with Miss Apple but that's a story for another day.
("I'm going to die young?" What is that? A deathwish?) What I really liked
was EVERYTHING ELSE. Wow. What an intelligent issue! It almost read like an
old _Sassy_ or something. All those little cultural icons (Claire Danes
*and* Jordan Catalano! And Angelina Jolie!). I also liked how Tori was
sandwiched between Lil Kim and Kathleen Hanna. :) :) But anyway, the "Sex
Tips for Boys" from Bust was so cool, man, EVERYTHING was cool. Very
intelligently written. Probably left some things out, but it put a whole lot
more in and I appreciated that. So people should check it out, even though
Miss Apple looks like she's on 'ludes on the cover.

I gotta go have a real life now guys...


"Don't say you're easy on me -- you're about as easy as a nuclear war."
(Duran Duran



From: DVChick@aol.com
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:59:50 -0400 (EDT)
To: seaclaid@earthling.net
Subject: catching up

Hello all... Finally i have caught up with reading all the posts.  Like i
said the first time i posted, this is the first time i have ever done one of
these postings, so i am confused on basically two things.  What exactly is
the significance of * * and _ _ when you use them.  Is there any signficance?
 Ok ok now that i made a real idiot out of myself i will continue on.  I have
scanned through all of the posts that i missed out on..which i had about 5
backed up because my profs think it's fun to pile exams up on their students.
 But anyway i have been reading about religion and multi- personalities and
well i guess i really have nothing much to say about either except this.  I
have found the Buddhism philosphy very comforting because it doesn't stress
that you believe in everything that is taught, but rather just keep an open
mind about the beliefs.  It is more of a philosophy than a religion, and
while i am not "orignally from any culture that deals with Buddihsm" or even
remotely aware of all the facts about Buddhism, it is something that i think
everyone should check out.  And on multi personalities and Tori...well i say
we all need multiple personalities, well at least  i need them.  It helps us
deal with things in different ways.  Think about it, are you the same person
in all situations? I know we would love to jsut say "I am me. I don't change
for anyone or anything"  I know i would love to say that.  But moving away
form home made me realize how many different people i am.  I am a different
person to my family when i go home, i am a different person to my boyfriend
and i am totally different with my friends.  I know you are talking about
Tori and her personalities and not me or you, but we are all the same.  We
all deal with things differently, with different appraoches. So i think Tori
just combines them in all her lyrics...I don't know..am i making sense to
anyone else? I always have a hard time explaining myself.
       I originally started writing because the one post i read, i think
Manda wrote it (sorry if i misspell or got the wrong name)  She said
something that she isn't as old and mature as she once thought she was.  Well
I am 20, I know i am not a wise person yet, but when i first got here at
college last year i realized that i will always be a kid and young no matter
what.  And i want to stay that way.  Why would you want to change?  I was a
misfit in high school, called a "freak" even though i dressed as everyone
esle dressed, did lots of activities and got good grades.  Once i left there
i found myself here.  You just have to be pactient until you find where your
place is.  Things start making more sense.  I feel like me here. I am me and
me and me...all the different me's, i am here.  I feel accepted for who i am.
I feel respected for what i do and the choices i make.  So at 16, you
shouldn't give up hope.  Just accept that that's the way it is going to be
until you can do somethign about it.  And when you could do somethign about
it, don't accept it.  Make it work, find your place in this world that you
feel at home at.  Believe me, then you will grow into much more than a
"bigger name."  Plus then you can keep all the mint chocalate ship ice cream
you want in YOUR OWN freezer!   : )



From: JWFJ10D@prodigy.com (MISS MARY J EIDE)
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 16:03:40, -0500
To: seaclaid@earthling.net
Subject: RDT Right Now #31

I think that you can find Tori shirts online at cdnow if you type in
Tori Amos. I found 4 shirts last I checked. I would loooove to have a
tori t-shirt too.

I heard that Tori and Trent Reznor were engaged to be married but
then they broke up, and Tori was so upset that she set her piano on
fire. Is this true? Does anybody know anything about this? I also
heard that Tori and trent are like best friends...I thought they
mostly hung out around 94 when he sung in past the mission...



From: MM62@aol.com
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 16:12:22 -0400 (EDT)
To: seaclaid@earthling.net
Subject: Fwd: Hear "Siren", A new Tori song, Now At The Dent!

thought you guys might want to read this!!! new tori music!!!! yessss!!

luv polly

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Fwd: Hear "Siren", A new Tori song, Now At The Dent!
Date:    97-10-16 09:53:47 EDT
From:    DeadPetals
To:      IiIdragon,MM62,FareyFreak

lookit, peeps - a new T song!!! ahhhh... paris, this might be the song that
you heard on the radio the other day! (i'll w/b later i promise) :o)

Forwarded message:
From:	mikewhy@iglou.com (Michael L. Whitehead)
Sender:	owner-precious-things@smoe.org
Reply-to:	mikewhy@iglou.com (Michael L. Whitehead)
To:	precious-things@smoe.org
Date: 97-10-15 22:19:13 EDT

Hi Ears With Feet,

Through the generosity of Toriphile Matt Meyers, I have obtained a 1:34
minute wav sound clip of a new Tori song called "Siren" that is scheduled
to appear on the Great Expectations soundtrack soon!  This clip appears on
an Atlantic Promotional CD that is floating around.  Read more details and
hear this new clip at my web site, A Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe,


And let me know what you think as well.

New Tori music at last!  It is a good day :)

Yours in Tori,

Michael L. Whitehead
My Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe =>

"Moses I know, I know you've seen fire,
but you've never seen fire
until you've seen Pele blow..."  Tori Amos


Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 15:09:57 -0500
To: seaclaid@earthling.net
From: "conner@sanasys.com" <conner@sanasys.com>
Subject: Why do the things we do right feel so wrong?

       I was sitting here yesterday afternoon. At my computer, reading
RDT-RN, and humming along with a song on the radio. Everything I was doing
was right. Nothing could have made it feel wrong.
       Then Jim came over. Jim  is this guy I used to like. Just a hint
about what he's like... he hates Tori, told me I was stupid, and once
burned my entire notebook of poetry. I always fall for the guys who treat
me like shit. Not sure why.
       Jim asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner with him. "Sorry, I
made plans with Kari for tonite". It felt *SO* good to refuse to let him
have his way. "So she's more important to you than I am?" A monkey's more
important to me than he is at this point. "Yeah.. Kari's my best friend.
You hurt me, and she never has." I'd rather spend time with her anyway.
       So why do I feel like what I did was wrong? I told him "no" for
once. I didn't let him have his way. I didn't give in. I could've gone with
him and lived through another nite of verbal abuse and insults. I didn't.
And I felt bad about it.
        Today is different. Today I feel good. Today I wrote poetry and hid
the book. I won't let him hurt me again. I don't need anymore hurt. I've
got enough to go around I bet. I think I'm in the right here. It feels
pretty good to shut out pain.

Just want to say "Hiya." to laurahey. Thanks for brightening my day laura.

--=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=-- --=--
--=-- --=-- --=-- --=--
It feels good to
open an envelope
and find money.
But it feels better
to open your heart
and let someone
inside you.

Hugs 'n' Twinkles,



Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 16:01:35 -0700
From: Doug Smeath <bsmeth@slkc.uswest.net>
To: seaclaid@earthling.net
Subject: Mariah Amos?

In watching that weirdo music video channel The Box with my little
brothers, I noticed something kinda interesting...  Don't you think it's
funny that Mariah Carey's last big song was called "Honey," and now she
has a new song out called "Butterfly"?!?!  (Of course, both are MUCH
WORSE and MUCH MORE ANNOYING than Tori's by the same names!! :-))

     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

                  *** Touch A Stranger digest ***

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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > October 1997