RDT Right Now #72

From: RDT Right Now <seaclaid@earthling.net>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 19:31:47 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #72
To: violet@slip.net


 REALLY DEEP THOUGHTS (RIGHT NOW) #72     Thursday, December 4, 1997

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

Aphex Twin
DentNews (Dec. 3, 1997)
neil's friend
alternative press
Stuart where are you?
RE:  RDT(RN) #63-70.
times and videos
Re: Wrapped in your Papoose & Spam
King of the Grey Ears and his court
fa la la la la   la lalalalalal( deck the halls)
Rusted Root and some Faerie Dust
a girl takes in her tea
Kate Bush/Tori Amos
Tori Calenders & other rarities
RDT(RN) Question of the week
Framed & Dried
Tori on MTV News
whoops, my bad

(Bob Masse poster info is included after the final post)



Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 20:33:41 -0800
From: Beth Winegarner <beth@sonic.net>
Subject: Aphex Twin

Sorry, no Tori content today. I just wanted to add a brief comment to the AT
topic. That face? You know, the one on the kids all over the video? That's
the face of the guy who IS Aphex Twin. Actually he's a very normal and
nice-looking guy. He was just making menacing faces and they pasted his head
over the heads of all those kids. I thought it was kind of a cool trick,




Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 02:55:49 -0500
To: precious-things@smoe.org, seaclaid@earthling.net
From: "Michael L. Whitehead" <mikewhy@iglou.com>
Subject: DentNews (Dec. 3, 1997)

A Look At What Is New With A Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe.

Hello Ears With Feet/Toriphiles,

Every now and then, as time permits, I will sent out emails like this to
let you know of exciting new additions to my Tori web site.  I can't
promise I will always have to time to do this, but I will try to send out a
message every time there is a MAJOR addition to the site.  However, I
usually try to update the Dent at least 5 days a week, often all 7 days, so
feel free to check it daily if you want the very latest Tori info!


First of all, for those who may have missed it the first time I sent email
out, I have a very special offer from RAINN on my web site.  With the help
and authorization of the Executive Director of RAINN, Debbie Andrews, you
can order from my web site a special RAINN Lithograph.  This print,
imprinted with Tori's signature, is 20'' x 24'' and printed on high
quality, acid-free paper. The cost is $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
All the proceeds from this sale will help RAINN.  You can order this
collectible online, or by an 800 number, or even by snail mail.  I am
getting one myself and I highly encourage all Toriphiles to consider it.
It helps an outstanding cause, and you can even order extra copies and have
them sent to different addresses as Christmas presents!  You can see the
print and find out more on my entry page.

The other big addition is a lovely new photo and article from the January
1998 issue of Alternative Press Magazine! Besides a recent and cool new
photo of Tori, you can read her latest comments on the new album, which
this article says will be released April 1998.  There are some cool quotes
in this article.

Speaking of the new album, it is almost finished.  We don't have a title
yet, but there are some interesting facts and rumors about the new album
that I have gathered and placed on my New Album Watch page.  We have a
tentative song title from Willy Porter who plays some guitar on the new
album. (That title is "Playboy Mama."  It may or may not be on the album.)

The complete details on the Great Expectations soundtrack are on my site as
well.  You can see exactly what Tori is contributing, see the album cover,
connect to a cool preview of the soundtrack on Atlantic's web site complete
bwith sound clips of ALL songs, and find out the lengths of the 2 Tori
songs that are on the soundtrack, called "Siren" and "Finn (Intro)".  As
most of you know, Tori vocals will be featured on the score as well, and
that is a separate CD that will be released the same day as the main
soundtrack, which is January 6, 1998.

I have added a special 1998 concert/tour page to the Dent.  Here you can
always find out the latest info I have on what Tori's tour plans are.
(Plans are really sketchy right now, but there are some interesting stuff
to report!)  This page will become more important as we get closer to the
tour, reportedly to begin in the Spring.

I have also added information about 2 local CD compilations released that
contain Tori on them.  On is an album released in Boston called "WBCN NAKED
DISC", which contains Tori singing "Losing My Religion" live.  The other CD
is available locally in Philadelphia and is called "Y100 Sonic Sessions
Vol. 1"  which contains a live version of "Landslide".

There are other updates as well, so stop by if you get a chance.  Looks
like 1998 will be an exciting year for us with a new album, soundtrack,
tour, and who knows what else!  I am really excited about all this!

Yours in Tori,

Michael L. Whitehead
My Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe =>

"Moses I know, I know you've seen fire,
but you've never seen fire
until you've seen Pele blow..."  Tori Amos



From: OKmoon@aol.com
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 06:09:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: neil's friend

-----Original Message-----
From: Smire <smire@aol.com>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.neil-gaiman
Date: Monday, December 01, 1997 2:45 AM
Subject: Kathy Acker dies

>I just readt that Kathy Acker has died of cancer in Mexico. She was
>a close friend of Neil's, I saw him mention her in his topic when I was on
>Genie years ago. (I tried one of her books based on that and decided it was
>Probably Very Clever but Not For Me.)
>I don't know if he ever reads this topic, but wanted to send condolences
>the loss of a friend.



Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 20:28:10 -0500
To: precious-things@smoe.org, seaclaid@earthling.net
From: squeaky watson <woj@remus.rutgers.edu>
Subject: alternative press

the appended is from the latest issue of alternative press. posted without
permission, of course.

>[from =Alternative Press='s] 25 MOST ANTICIPATED ALBUMS OF 1988
>[fourth of an unnumbered list]
>=Working Album Title:= TBA
>=Projected Release Date:= April 1988, on Atlantic
>=Why Is It Anticipated?= Sensitivefemale singer-songwriters proliferated
>in the wake of Amos' 1996 album =Boys for Pele=. Have performers such as
>Fiona Apple stolen Amos' thunder or merely whetted the public's appetite
>for the singer's return?
>=What's It Gonna Sound Like?= "They're a ruthless lot, these songs," Amos]
>says in her typically obscure manner. "One thinks she's made the final cut,
>but then they spray-paint her dress before she walks down the catwalk, and
>she isn't allowed to go out."
>The singer has esconced herself in a 300-year-old barn in Cornwall, England,
>with her nine-foot piano, engineers Mark Hawley and Marcel Van Linbeek, and
>several other musicians. Amos is fully in charge again, and this time she
>wants to expand her musical abilities through the recording process.
>"Musician: It's not like actress or poetess; it is an agenda," she says. "I
>think there are [a] lot of great female writers, but I don't think there
>are a lot of great female musicians. It's not just about songs and a chorus;
>it's about the playing. So I'm trying to be more of a player."
>As both player and producer, Amos is trying to remove what she calls "white,
>straight" elements from the studio. Using live takes with drums for these
>sessions, she says she's pursuing an "old records" sound, citing Led
>Zeppelin and Marvin Gaye as influences.
>And the goal?
>"I want to bite people's butts when they hear my record, and I want people
>to want to bite other people's butts when they hear it."
>Now that's ruthless.
>--Randee Dawn



Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 21:02:43 -0500 (EST)
From: Fireheart <carrieb@hopper.unh.edu>
Subject: Stuart where are you?

Okay, first I'm looking for shows, now I'm looking for a person.  I feel
really dumb posting this on the list, but this has never happened before.
My friend Stuart Ellershaw and I keep in touch by e-mail, and my messages
to him are suddenly being returned to me leading me to believe his address
is no longer correct.  The reason I am posting this to the list is because
I am pretty sure he is on it (at least, he was on Really Deep Thoughts).
Even if he isn't, he's a big Tori fan so probably made a few friends on
the list.

Stuart, what is your address????

         ____             Carrie-Ellen Batcheller
      .-" +' "-.          carrieb@hopper.unh.edu
    |:.*'/\-\. ':|      UNH Babcock Hall Box 2110
    |:.'.||"|.'*:|           Durham NH 03824
     /          \            H*A*P*P*Y * H*O*L*I*D*A*Y*S!

                         ***     visit my web page :)
                      _ {(")} _  http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/9523
                     { `\.U./` }          Starfire's Circle
                      {(/   \)} "Love is the law, no matter what the
                       /     \    religion"



Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 21:21:52 -0500 (EST)
From: Charlie Poole <cpoole@indiana.edu>
Subject: RE:  RDT(RN) #63-70.

Hi all you wonderful Tori-fans (equal time for those who dislike EWFs),

OK, let's start with this vegitarian/vegan thread.  "Kim.Dyer,"
<21329KAD@MSU.EDU>, in what I thought was a testy post, albeit mostly
well-reasoned said:

:Most people become vegan because they see it as a way to make themselves
:feel superior or "different". It draws attention to you.  I have met very
:few vegetarians (and no vegans) who didn't define themselves in terms of
:what they eat.

I agree with your position on PETA but I have to disagree with such a gross
blanketed over-generalization as is this.  I am a vegetarian for one and
only one reason -- it makes me feel better physically.  I still eat fish
and animal products such as milk and eggs so I'm not a "complete"
vegetarian nor am I a "nut" about it.  I ate dressing this week that was
made with chicken broth.  Had I know this I wouldn't have but I'm not
puking and pissing angry words because of a little chicken broth.

You added in a response:

:>There's a lot of irony in the fact that a lot of the
:> diseases we suffer from are a result of eating animal products.
:Now it's MY turn to ask for references.  And lets quote some
:objective sources, not Tofu Information Council sources. I will
:counter with evidence that the same diseases you are likely to
:mention are due to lack of exercise. Get out from in front of
:the television, grab a shovel, and get to work ... and most of
:those diseases you are thinking of will vanish.

I can give you bunches but you sound as though you probably wouldn't accept
them and, in general I agree with you about people getting off their butts.

Warning - disgusting, to some, comments to follow.

However,  consider this:  Humans are omniverous.  To the best of our
knowledge we evolved eating SMALL amounts of meat with large quantities of
RAW, fresh fruits and vegtables.  Humans have a very long digestive tract.
Dogs (carnivores) have a very short digestive tract.  When humans eat meat
in the quantities which most consume it stays in the intestinal tract for
as much as three days or more.  During this time the partially digested
meat putrifies.  That means "rots" in just the same way a dead dog by the
highway rots in the sun.  The toxic byproducts of this process slowly eat
away at the mucosal lining in the intestines resulting in breaches directly
into the blood capilaries.  The protein pieces from the meat directly enter
the blood stream where they are attacked by the body's immune system as a
foreign invader.  There is a lot of scientific evidence (with some hard
proof) that this continued assault and overstimulation of the immune system
is a cause or contributing factor in such devastating autoimmune disorders
such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, amytrophic lateral sclerosis, and
fibromyalgia plus more than 60 other degenerative disorders associated with

If this isn't enough let's discuss all the chemical additives in animal
feed and antibiotics given to try keeping animals healthy enough to make it
to slaughter.  If you've never had the opportunity of visiting a slaughter
house may I suggest you do so.  When you see the pus roll out of a chicken
I think you might reconsider the macho meat eater trip.

Finally, would you like to discuss BSE, bovine spongiform encephalitis,
also known, unfortunately, as mad cow disease?  I say unfortunately because
this disease is far from limited to cows.  In humans it's Cruetzfeld-Jakob
disease.  In sheep "scrapie" which causes the sheep to tear thier skin off
against barbed wire trying to stop the itching.  It's been found in hens
and even cats.  In the US:  squirrels, deer, and elk.  Even when
incinerated the infecting agent is still active.  There is NO cure.

If you really want chapter and verse authentication for my comments I'll be
happy to provide them.  Or you can easily find them yourself 'cause there's
plenty of information from the scientific community to back what I've said.

So, for anyone who still wants to eat meat I say, "Enjoy!"  For turkey day
I ate hickory smoked salmon and it was wonderful.

With all this said I want to reinforce my position of agreement that the
words "PETA" and "ethical" are contradictions in terms.

violet made the best comment on this whole subject:

:                  *** Live And Let Live digest ***

Nuff said but if anyone would like to continue this discussion I'd be happy
to oblige but let's take it off list as some people seem to be getting
upset about the subject taking up so much Tori-space(R).  :-)

Bethey wrote with tounge firmly planted in her cheek:

:(those underage may open their eyes now)

ROTFLMAO  Yeah, right!

And she went on in a totally insulting but cute, whimsical, and
affectionate way:

:Lastly--only three people were born before 1965 on this list?  Come now,
:there has to be more of us "Gray-Ears".  I want your responces if you are
:apart of the "disco generation".  The oldest gets to be King/Queen of the
:Gray-Ears, K? :)

At 55 I predate the "disco generation" by a long ways.  Hell, I even
predate rock 'n roll.  I even saw Bob Dylan sing in coffee houses in NYC
when he was still known as Bobby Zimmerman.  Anyone remember The Kingston
Trio, The Kingsman, or Peter, Paul and Mary?  Better yet does anyone know
anything about Giselle McKinsie and "The Hit Parade" on TV?  <grin>

And while we're (or at least I am) discussing trivia:
Who was the first man to wear a dress on TV?  Nope, it was Milton Berle.
Who was the first MC of The Tonight Show?  Nope, Ernie Kovacs.

I'm sooooo old I predate TV.  I grew up on radio: The Shadow, Inner
Sanctum, and The Lone Ranger.

Do I win the kingship?  Do I have to suffer the ignominy of wearing a crown
to cover my gray hair?

Pollock, <addison@scruznet.com>, wrote about her lights going out:

:give me a response or be an evil groupie! heehee

OK!  <giving my best dirty old man effort>  Want some candy little girl?
Now, before I get lots of indignant flames, *I'm just kidding!*  Please
refer to the age comments above for one of the primary prerequisites for
being labeled a "dirty old man."

rosebud aka: mireya #1 asked:

:OH!  and, does anybody know if i have to attain permission from someone if
:i'm going to use one of tori's songs for a competitive dance routine?  if
:you have any info, please send it my way...i'll send you a cool little
:something if you do.  how's that for incentive? :)

Tres cool.  I'd love to see your routine.  The answer to your question:
No, you don't have to get permission unless you are doing the routine in a
commercial setting and receiving payment.  Example:  I could perform a song
for friends or in a competition without paying royalties.  If I am being
paid for my performance I have to join ASCAP and pay royalties.  The
payments go to ASCAP, are lumped together, and are shared among the artists
in some complex formula that's beyond me.

Beth Coulter, <betheqt@voicenet.com>, envisioned:

:but I get the feeling that "joy" to Tori is the equivalent of finally
:getting the last of a scab off a wound, you know what I mean?

Ouch!  What a very visual and viceral analogy.  Personally I hope the scab
is gone, the wound healed, the scar faded and Tori sings, "I'm so happy I
could just shit!"  I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.  My view:
Tori's often said that she's a "rock chick" and proud to be one so I think
we'll get to hear some stuff that rocks harder than anything she's done to
date.  But I really don't care what she does 'cause I'm going through
terminal Tori-withdrawal(R) for lack of new songs and sounds.

Nadyne Mielke, <ahagon@st6000.sct.edu>, bragged:

:I don't try to make anyone a {insert religion here}, I don't try to make
:them eat meat, I don't even try to convert the Mac people to PCs. ;)

Gee nad, I'm sorry.  I didn't know you were Intel-impared.  There are
support groups on usenet to help you overcome your PC addiction.  ;-)

"Little Wonder", <g1immer@hotmail.com>, said stuff about her slightly less
than (IMHO) sensitive mother:

:and my mom comes in, looks at them and says, "Why would you want to draw

I think all of us here understand why you would want to draw Tori.  I'd
like to see your drawing so may I humbly suggest that you send them to
mikewhy so he can put them in the section of The Dent devoted to the
creativity of Tori's wonderful EWFs.  Send them to:  mikewhy@iglou.com

If some of you have never visited The Dent it's an absolutely must see.

Specially to Doug:  Man, how can you get your head through the doorways?
You have absolutely got to be goosed into a totally manic fit at your
well-deserved good fortune as the beneficiary of Dr. Amos' generosity.  Go
Doug.  You have major bragging rights on this one.

Chris (Artist formerly known as listowner) who is probably going to get a
lot of heat about his people eating comment spoke of plants being living
things.  Thank you Chris.  You're absolutely right.  Plants do have
"feelings."  Maybe they're not the same as animal feelings but pulling up a
carrot by its roots is still wrenching a living thing from its source of
life and just as surely killing it as the hunters shooting all the "Bambis"
each fall.  As does one of my friends, with each meal some Indians thanked
the food, both plant and animal, for giving up its life.  Instead of
ignoring where our food comes from maybe we should all pay a little more

MM62@aol.com dictated:

:unless ofcourse someone is ignorant or curious of the benefits of a
:plant-based diet, in which this list is not the place for debate.

and added:

:read, learn, choose.... but keep it off the list!

Excuse me.  violet as listowner and moderator has the right to tell us to
keep something off the list.  The rest of us can offer opinions as to what
are "proper" subjects for the list, but no one other than violet can TELL
us to stop talking about a subject.  So, until violet tells us different,
may I humbly suggest that anyone who doesn't like or feel comfortable with
the vegan/vegatarian comments just simply scroll through them?  Thanks!

"Anna Quinn" <aq@aquinn.source.co.uk> succeeded with much humor (thank you
very much) in "lowering the tone" with:

:Can anyone advise me on the correct behavioural protocol when you keep
:running into someone you recently had a one-night-stand with, cos I'm
:really struggling with this one.

Thanks Jo for giving me a really good chuckle after my diatribe at the
previous poster.  Hmm, is there any source for correct protocols on this
very touchy subject?  I don't think so but let me give you my
tounge-in-cheek (but slightly serious) response.  First, did you enjoy the
experience?  If so, I might approach the person with a grin on my face,
keeping an extremely light touch (even a little flippant with some
sincerity) and say, "I really enjoyed our first one-night stand.  How's
about a second night?"  If it wasn't so great I'd just smile and wave the
same as you did.  And if it was really horrible I'd probably pretend it
never happened.  ;-)

angela told us:  my boyfriend (of 5 years) broke up with me.

{{HUG}}  Sometimes friends make the best lovers and sometimes not.  You
sound as though you're dealing with it very well.  Hope so.

Natalie said:  I didn't mean to scar everyone with a brief rundown of my
short life,

"Scar" everyone?  I doubt your story scarred anyone 'cause we've all been
through bad shit although you may have been through a lot more than many of
us.  I hope that it hasn't scarred you either even though I realize that
your mother's condition as instilled some very deep feelings in you.
Perhaps her experiences and her response to them and your watching has made
you a stronger person.  Hope so.  Give yourself a big {hug} from me.  OK?
You certainly do deserve it.

Ok, I'm sure I've rambled on much too long and bored some of you to tears.
This will be the last of the long, long posts.  Hope some you you enjoyed
it.  :-)

Love and hugs to all, vegitarians, vegans, omivores, and carnivores alike.

In Tori,


   |     C.W. Poole    |    "Charlie"    |    cpoole@indiana.edu    |
   |  To me happiness, true happiness is when you can really dance  |
   |      with sad.                                 --Tori Amos     |
   |  I have spent a lifetime learning how to cry.  --Janis Ian     |



Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 01:00:26 +1100
From: Danielle Ringrose <Danielle.R@mailbox.uq.edu.au>
Subject: times and videos

Okay... something went really wrong with my windows 95 date and time
thing, so it was *not* new years... typical Windows 95 stuffup... but
thanx Violet for pointing it out (hopefully it's all fixed up now!)

On a much shorter and more exciting note, I bought the RAINN video today
*sigh* I haven't even watched it yet, that will be the next thing to do!
It's (rare) times like this I thank the goddess I live in Australia.
(ie. I heard it was only released in Europe and Aust).

Take cares everybody,
love Dani.



Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 22:55:28 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: Wrapped in your Papoose & Spam

carolyn wrote:
>Danielle--you asked about the intros to "icicle" and "mother"--i
>have found a webpage where you can get sheet music to these, as well as
> "graveyard"--it's called "wrapped in your papoose"
I got real excited till it wouldn't go there.  so I found for all.  Just a
little mistake in the addy.

But a big thanks! Now I have the perfect Xmas present for my best friend. :)

You guys are going to love this little experience of mine.  Monday evening
at 6:58 PM I got kicked off my server.  I was unable to get back on, my
password and username were invalid.  I was unable to get through until 1AM
on the phone, where the tech asked if I had been notified of my suspention.
 I said no, why was I suspended and he said there was no information about
that and someone would call me by 9am with an answer.
I was pissed, mostly because the woman I'm working with at RAINN was to
send me an Important E-mail Mon. evening.  But I went to bed and woke at 8.
 At 9:30 I started calling every hour, being suffled around and told I'd be
called back, no one had any answers.  At 2:30, I finally got a hold of the
supervisor of the person who had suspended me.
I was in violation of my internet contract, I was informed, and subject to
hefty fines for spam.  SPAM!!!
Some nonsense about earning money.  I refuted him, telling him I don't have
time nor interest in spamming, I'm a writer and need my internet access.
He said OK, told me to change my password and if my account were
"compromised" again, I would be kicked off for good.
I have been a loyal customer for a year come Jan. 2.  If I were new, I
could understand them just cutting me off, but for christ sakes, I deserved
a phone call, warning, whatever.
So this evening I finally got a call from the chief legal council of
voicenet. He told me about having to stop the account as soon as a
complaint is registered, and on Monday, I was just one of 80 accounts
closed.  When I complained that I shouldn't have had to chase down the
resolution, He said that true spammers won't go through the hassle to
reinstate. He said he is working with the FBI on "spam-hackers" who do
nothing but try to guess your password through discussion lists,
chat-rooms, and postings. Anyone with Tori related passwords might want to
change it.
When I further complained that some of my mail had been bounced back and
there was a possibility of some important stuff being lost, he said that
was impossible, it had to be a mistake in addressing and they truly
couldn't reimburse me for a lost day, or prorate me.
I really like voicenet.  There is rarely a time I can't get through, always
connect at a decent speed and the techs are wonderful for the most part.
It's the office people that suck. So I just wanted to vent and warn.  I
have a surprise for you all coming up on the "Dent".  (sorry mike if I
stole your thunder, but I's excited!!!).  Hope you all enjoy, and let me
know what you think. :)
And I mucho in agreement, enough carnivores/herbavores(sp?).  Tension is
not nice.

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy



Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 23:54:09 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: King of the Grey Ears and his court

All Hail Charlie P.  King of the Grey Ears and all he survies.
His royal court (in order of age):
Brad S.
Richard H.
Beth C.
and the young prince: Dave Woodson.

The King has absolutely no power and recognizes he is but a figurehead for
"Mid-Age" EwF.

You may all go about your business now.  (note: should anyone like to join
the Grey Ears, please e-mail me with date of birth, pre-1965) (belonging in
no way gives you special status in this list.)

Challangers to the throne must predate 1942.

---Violet wrote:
>                       *** Too Tired digest ***

Just wanted to let you know how much we appriciate your hard work
girlfriend.  We's are all jus' typin' fools!  :)  Thanks for keeping it

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy



From: Jethro5448@aol.com
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 00:06:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: fa la la la la   la lalalalalal( deck the halls)

list your top 5 tori songs okay

theses are mine

1 in the springtime of his voodoo
2frog on my toe
3little amsterdam
4the happy phantom
5pretty good year

well get back to me please

voodoo on your prunes,



From: "Daisy Girl" <daisies_girl@hotmail.com>
Subject: Rusted Root and some Faerie Dust
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 21:37:24 PST

Hey all!

It is almost time for my Christmas break! I am so excited!! Someone
asked a couple of posts back if anyone likes Rusted Root -- I do! I do!
I did not have a clue who they were until I met my boyfriend. He got me

You guys may have come across my Tori page *Faerie Dust*... well I just
finished majorly updating it (new set-up, etc.) and I am so excited
about it that I thought I would share this info with you. The URL is in
my sig! :-)

Smiles to all and Goodnight!

             Lara - daisies_girl@hotmail.com
          "if my heart's soaking wet, boy your boots
                can leave a mess" - Tori Amos

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 00:39:44 -0500 (EST)
From: Nadyne Mielke <ahagon@st6000.sct.edu>
Subject: *yawn*

Jorge queried:
: #1...what the hell is the difference between "Vegan" and "Vegetarian."
: i had never heard the word "Vegan" until a few months ago....the word,
: to me, just wreaks of being a new, trendy, term to the same old belief.

If you'll excuse the pun, there are all sorts of different flavors of
veggies.  Some veggies will eat milk and egg products {and if you're
technical, you can call them lacto-ovovegetarians}.  Some veggies will
eat fish and/or fish {I guess these are more veggies for health
And some veggies will eat nothing that comes from an animal, and these
are the vegans.  In fact, I know a couple of people who won't eat even
eat veggies if you have to harvest them, and will only eat things that
actually fall off the tree/vine/whatever, and they call themselves
fruitarians.  I don't know if this is something that's widespread,
though, I consider them to be pretty radical.

Jorge also queried:
: besides, when does MTV play videos anymore, anyway? i thought all
: they did was play "My So-Called Life" 24 hours a day....

Actually, they just have "Singled Out" marathons 24/7.  Duh. ;)

MM62 said:
: but keep it off the list!

*sigh*  Y'know, instead of trying to say "keep it off the list",
just give folks something else to talk about!  The veggie conversation
will die down, and it'll die down faster if folks have other stuff
to talk about.

In other words: don't complain about the content if you don't do
anything to help move the content of the list in a direction you
would prefer. :P

Ashley said:
<snipped everything>

Ashley!  Please make sure that you trim out what you're replying
to!  At least the list stuff barfed so that we didn't have to read
the whole digest you were replying to, but I still got treated to
several screens of the intro to that digest.  If you're not familiar
enough with your mail software to know how to do this {or rather, to
not do this again}, just ask and I'm sure that someone here will be
able to help you out. :)

Ben-David said:
: I have seen several shows at Chastain that were great.

Oh, I've seen good ones there . . . but I just try to avoid the
ones that are a part of their summer series for the reasons I
listed before.  Now, granted, if Tori's there next summer, I might
actually buy tickets to the whole damn series just to get a shot at
the good seats, but that's another story. ;)

Mikewhy the Dent guy said:
: I hear homophobic comments at work all the time, and
: it amazes me that we still have this today.

One of the VPs of my company is gay and very much out {not the
annoying "hey look everyone I'm gay!"... just the nice "this is
just me" kind of out}.  I have to say that (1) he impresses me,
and (2) my co-workers impress me.  He impresses me 'cause, for
him, it's just not an issue.  It's a part of who he is, it doesn't
define who he is, it's just how he is.  My co-workers {especially
those who have been hired in the past year} impress me 'cause I've
seen how their attitudes have evolved regarding him.  They've all
{apparently} come to the realisation that it's not wrong, that it's
just part of the spectrum that makes us all human.

This is getting long, isn't it?
Charlie Poole, old fart extraordinaire ;), said:
: Don't tell me that you didn't try the olive burgers at Jon's Drive-in?

I miss those things terribly!  I can't find anyone down here who will
serve me a good olive burger.  I'm visiting my parents in Michigan
for Christmas, so I'm going to get my fill of olive burgers from either
Jon's or from a Halo Burger.  Yum!!!!

RDT(RN) said:
*** Let's Do The Time Warp (Again) digest ***


{and god said "let there be lips!"}

*          Nadyne Mielke, CS majour, Southern Tech, Marietta, GA          *
*                                                                         *
* "I regret to say that we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of    *
*  oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate *
*  commerce. "                                       -- J. Edgar Hoover   *



Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 18:35:03 -0800
From: Beth Winegarner <beth@sonic.net>
Subject: a girl takes in her tea

First off, I just have to razz Jorge for a moment about My So-Called Life.
I'm sure I've mentioned this show enough times here that everyone knows how
obsessed I am... I think running that show is one of the few right things
MTV has done in its miserable existence (I've also been enjoying 'MTV Live,'
not that I still wouldn't kill for M2). IMO it's one of the best TV shows
ever made and even though ABC didn't have the brains to keep the show, at
least SOMEONE recognizes its worth... :P

Misty wrote:
> Everybody Else's Grrl wrote:
> >sorta a coming of age story of four girls...I can't describe it...anyone
> I just watched it about 10 minutes ago for the hundredth time. It was a
> wonderful story of five girls (sorry to correct you) who become who they are

I'm not sure, but since I know EEG personally I made the mental leap and
guessed she meant that only 4 of the girls really came of age. Legs grows
closer to these girls, sure, but she doesn't seem to learn anything new
necessarily; she becomes the catalyst for the others to learn and grow
stronger and more self-aware.

> Beth wrote:
> >By the by, why is Laurahey organizing a Tori get-together in Seattle, when
> >we haven't even had one for us Bay Area folks? *pout*
> Do you mean Tampa Bay?

Nope.... sorry. I mean the San Francisco Bay. :)

Sorry for the non-Tori content... I'm saving that for my next post. :)




Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 18:49:35 -0800
From: Beth Winegarner <beth@sonic.net>
To: seaclaid@earthling.net, recious-things@smoe.org
Subject: Kate Bush/Tori Amos

Since the subject of comparisons between Kate Bush and Tori has come up
recently on the Precious Things list, I wanted to post about something I've
been thinking about. I listen to Kate Bush's album "The Red Shoes" a lot at
work because we have a few used copies of it and it's nice to hear while I'm
working. But the other day I was listening a bit more closely and it
occurred to me that "Lily" reminds me a lot of some of the themes on Pele,
especially on CaLS. A few things in particular...

"Well I said
'Lily, oh Lily I don't feel safe
I feel that life has blown a great big hole through me'
ANd she said
'Child you must protect yourself
I'll show you how with fire'"

This reminds me a lot of Tori's discussion of the notion that Pele was about
finding her own fire, so to speak. Not stealing it from men anymore, but
finding it within... and I've always thought that that search really started
with CaLS (both because it was the single, the song we heard before we heard
the whole album, and because it seems to be the turning point for the album
being in the middle). CaLS talks about finding strength in womanhood and
female friends ("I need a big loan from the girl zone...") and here Bush is
talking to Lily is -- and I'm naive enough that I don't know if she's
talking about a specific figure or a friend -- but it's obviously a feminine
influence. Then she says:

"Gabriel before me
Raphael behind me
Michael to my right
Uriel on my left side
In the circle of fire"

And Tori says: "Boys on my left side/Boys on my right side/Boys in the
middle/And you're not here."

Now, before anyone gets up in arms, I'm not saying that Tori is stealing
anything from Kate Bush's work (as some people have alleged). I just think
it's neat that it seems Tori was inspired by this song. Other songs on the
album, like the title track and Rubberband Girl, are inspirational in the
sense of finding strength and becoming more magical (in the first) and more
flexible (in the second).

What do you guys think, especially those of you who listen to both artists?
I found it really interesting.




Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 02:17:06 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: Tori Calenders & other rarities

Go to Intergalactic Garage.  I've done business with them twice.  The
calender is $8.99 +S&H.


They also have a HUGE assortment of Tori rarities. (those with turntables
may drool).

I completely endorse this company, altho' make sure your return addy &
email addy are on the envelope to ensure no mix-ups.  Good prices, good
service, neat stuff!!!

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy



Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 02:22:27 -0500
To: Jethro5448@aol.com
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: RDT(RN) Question of the week
Cc: seaclaid@earthling.net

"Way Down" 1:13 time.  Boys for Pele.  Song #10
Wadda I win???

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy



Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 02:25:00 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: Framed & Dried

>Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 02:10:45 -0500
>To: Doug Smeath <bsmeth@slkc.uswest.net>
>From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
>Subject: Framed & Dried
>Sorry to say, it *dried* up.  They took it down.  Damn, I really liked
that page also.  About 3 months ago it died.
Fairy Blessings,



Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 02:16:16 -0600
From: A Faerie <prowidow@geocities.com>
CC: mikewhy@iglou.com
Subject: Tori on MTV News

I *have* to share.....

RIGHT NOW im waiting on MTV news cause they just had some words go by
that said "Tori Amos.....and something about RAINN" so im sitting here
with remote control in hand to see what is going on!  Details in 30
minutes tho this email will sit here for that long.

that news girl (i forget her name) says "coming up, Tori Amos fights
back" <gruelling commercial break>

she comes back on and talks about how tori is recording her 4th album
and how its the first time with a full band, and speak of the Great
Expectations Soundtrack.  The she talks about how Tori headed up RAINN
and that Tori talked with the crew at MTV Europe, and showed a clip of
that.  Tori is sitting there in a white shirt, her hair is straight and
a bit stringy looking, and she's gorgeous, absolutly beautiful.  Tori
talks about that imfamous story on how she got RAINN started, and the
clip goes off with the newscaster giving the # to RAINN out at the
bottom of the screen.

thats it, just wanted to let anyone know in case they didnt see it, it
*is* 2am central time :)

...For I am gone to the fairy people...

What do I care if you are good? Be beautiful! and be sad!
					-Charles Baudelaire

All That Glitters.....Is Sour



Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 02:20:46 -0600
From: A Faerie <prowidow@geocities.com>
CC: mikewhy@iglou.com
Subject: whoops, my bad

Tori was wearing a black shirt, not while....just correcting myself,
sorry for the 2nd email!!!!!

...For I am gone to the fairy people...

What do I care if you are good? Be beautiful! and be sad!
					-Charles Baudelaire

All That Glitters.....Is Sour


     Bob Masse Poster Info

Since not everyone reads the list every single day, I'll include the poster
information in this spot until the project closes, just so everyone has an
opportunity to order one if they're interested.

Renowned artist Bob Masse, who has been creating beautiful posters for rock
concerts and events for over 30 years, is working on a brand new Tori
poster FOR FANS ONLY -- unlike his previous posters, Bob has refused to
make this one available to stores and galleries.  The price is #30 (which
will pay for print costs and the artist's time) and a portion of each sale
will be donated to RAINN.  This project is very intimate and personal, and
only a small quantity of 300 prints will be made, period.  Each will be
signed and numbered by Mr. Masse.  A live shot of Tori in concert will be
incorporated into the poster, and fans are encouraged to submit design
suggestions.  This is YOUR poster. :)

Bob has put Toriphile, Alisdair, in charge of coordinating this project,
since it was Alisdair who originally convinced [begged?] him to do another
Tori poster.

To learn about this project in more detail, please see the post in RDT(RN)
#41, visit the RDT(RN) archives and click on the banner, or go directly to
the project page itself (where you can see some of Bob's work, including
the Tori poster he created for a Dew Drop Inn Tour date at Madison Square


Keep an eye on that site for previews of the work as it progresses.

There are also very limited prints of the DDI tour poster still available
for sale through Alisdair's site as well.  (That poster is just *so*


     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

                   *** Blow Raspberries digest ***

To Write PRIVATE mail to me, my PERSONAL address is:  <violet@slip.net>

To post messages to this list:  <seaclaid@earthling.net>

To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send mail to <seaclaid@earthling.net> with
     "Subscribe Thoughts" OR "Unsubscribe Thoughts" in the body of the message.

ARCHIVES:  http://www.slip.net/~violet/archives/Thoughts_archive.html

Other Tori mailing lists:

 * Precious Things (on-topic discussion of Tori and her music):
      bounce version  <precious-things-request@smoe.org>
      digest version  <precious-things-digest-request@smoe.org>
      (put the word "subscribe" in the body of your message)

 * ToriNews (strictly time-sensitive info about Tori -- no chat):
      this list is subscriber only, and is currently in the process
      of moving to Smoe.org.  I'll let you know when it's up again.

 * Tori-Boot (bootleg info, trades, sales):
      to subscribe, send a message to <majordomo@world.std.com>  The body
      of your message should read EXACTLY LIKE THIS: subscribe tori-boot

 * Tori Amos Quote of the Day (self-explanaTori):
      to subscribe, send a request to <elizabeth@muderick.com>.

 * The Philosophy of Tori (words of Tori wizdom to ponder):
      to subscribe, send a request to <toriphoria@aol.com>.

 * The News Group for Tori is rec.music.tori-amos.
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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1997