RDT Right Now #83

From: RDT Right Now <seaclaid@earthling.net>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 22:15:09 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #83
To: violet@slip.net


  REALLY DEEP THOUGHTS (RIGHT NOW) #83     Monday, December 15, 1997

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

The Third Day of Christmas
=46iona & PeTA
non-defense of alanis- a "c.y.a." quicky
we can go for a walk where it's quiet and dry...
The newbie explains herself...
half a bottle of kaluha
this list has gone to hell when....
A cheerful Christmas story
beyond the pale, again
Britcoms and Tootsie Rolls
Santa and Tori-dreams

(Bob Masse poster info is included after the final post)


December 15th

Dear John:

Oh, aren't you the extravagant one!  Now I must protest.  I don't
deserve such generosity.  Three french hens.  They are just darling
but I must insist....  you're just too kind.



Date: Sun, 14 Dec 97 11:37 EST
From: "Kim.Dyer" <21329KAD@MSU.EDU>
Subject: Fiona & PeTA

> Entertainment Weekly actually says that Fiona's PETA message is getting
> flooded with phone calls. someone has to get the phone away from Kim.... :=

I hope those people understood they'd be getting solitications for
money from PeTA until they could warm an uninsulated shack in
Alaska with them all winter.  Heck, *I* get something asking for
money from them every couple of weeks ... and I've been sending
it back for YEARS now, in their post paid envelopes, with
strongly worded "take me off your mailing list" notes.
"Your dollars at work .."

-- Kim



From: Thrak75 <Thrak75@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 12:55:01 EST
Subject: non-defense of alanis- a "c.y.a." quicky

i just noticed i said slander was illegal. oops. i don't think there's a law
that says "it's illegal to slander (or on a bigger scale, defame) someone."
what i meant is that slander, like copyright infringement, is actionable. ye=
there is a big difference. ;-) but i just wanted to clear that up. and
um..don't knock the law student- hopefully, i'll find all this out when i ta=
criminal law next semester.

see ya.

koba, wild.

david y. kobayashi
the new york law school

"until the circle breaks and wisdom lies ahead, the faithful live Awake, the
rest remain misled." -j. petrucci



Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 13:05:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Alexis Gang <bf20154@binghamton.edu>
Subject: Siren

I think I read somewhere that Binghamton is one of the cloudiest cities in
the world (if you can really call it a city).  I can't take it anymore.
It's been snowing everyday for 5 or 6 days and I just hate it.

> I am graduating in May and I can't deal
>with it!  Does anyone else have graduation anxiety?  I can't wait to
>graduate but I would rather it happen ten years from now, you know?

I am graduating in May, and I'm a little upset about it.  I am definately
ready to be out of school, but I went to community college for 2 years, and
I can't help but feel like I was "gypped" out of the real college
experience.  I've never lived in a proper dorm or anything like that.  I
just feel like there should have been more to it than this.  Besides, that
means in May I suddenly have to be like responsible and an adult.  Its not
sitting well with me just yet.

Anyway, I'm so excited!  I managed to get my hands on a copy of the full
length version of Siren and Finn Runs.  Siren is sooooo good.  I'm
completely addicted to it already.  Finn Runs is just incidental music,
there's no words but Tori does do this little humming thing.  There's
whistling in this song, I wonder who it is.  Does anyone know if Siren is
supposed to be released as a single?  I downloaded Siren off the Dent a
while ago, but the lyrics are just about as unclear on my tape as they are
on the other.

I have to go now because my boyfriend is dragging me kicking and screaming
to go see Scream 2 (no pun intended).  I'm really dying to see this movie,
can't you tell? *sarcastic smile*




Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 09:54:04
From: "I Don't Believe That I Believed In You" <njbarano@artsci.wustl.edu>
Subject: we can go for a walk where it's quiet and dry...

Jeez, maybe if I posted more than once in a billion-zillion years, I might
stop deleting digests all the time. :)  this is the first one I've had time
to read in weeks.  In theory, I should be working on studying for my finals
or at least prepping some questions for when I interview Curve tomorrow,
but no, I just have to show how much I love you all <hug>.

>Hi my name is chris and I just made a website Iam the world's biggest
>fanatic of tori amos and now that I got my website I could show how much

partner, you're going to find some *stiff* competition for that title on
this list.  If you can manage to beat Mikewhy, though, my hat's off to you,
since the dent is a massive feat of tori-loving.

>From: "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspring.com>

>Entertainment Weekly actually says that Fiona's PETA message is getting
>flooded with phone calls. someone has to get the phone away from Kim.... :)

heh.  check my sig for my feelings on fiona's politics.  And this is after
seeing her live and being not totally blown away, but instilled with a
renewed appreciation of her work.


Yeah, but last I heard they were calling it quits after this last
tour/album(?).  But it doesn't matter, since Catherine Wheel is quickly
becoming the new Pink Floyd.

eastercat asked:
>I need help.  Puff Daddy is coming to concert on the 13th.
>the Flaming Lips are doing a boom box experiment on the same
>night.  I really like Puff Daddy and want to see him and the others in

I'd go with the Lips.  I haven't bought the new album for the simple reason
that I don't have four stereos, but I hear it's fascinating as all hell.
Plus, a friend of mine saw Puff Daddy and said that his live show is
pathetic.  He lip syncs, spends half the concert looking towards the back
of the stage at a video projection of "Biggie", and on top of that, the
little plagiarist can't even tap dance!  they had to play a rhythm track of
feet tapping and he couldn't even match that.

>concert. I'm pretty sure my friend'll be trying to tape the Lips.

Yes, but unless you have four stereos to run the tape on, you're going to
be missing quite a lot.

>Paige B./ BlueMeani3 writes:
>>i hate alanis morrissette. in fact, i despise her more than ally mcbeal,
>>cole, and hanson combined. her bargain-counter wisdom and knee high depth
>>mysteriously wooed the already corrupt media into believing that *she* is
>>worthy enough to be the spokeswoman for an entire populace.
and a typical response from the list:
>Paige, um, with all due respect (and welcome to the list) I have to ask why
>you spend so much time thinking and writing about Alanis Morrissette, when
>you hate her so much. When I'm having a party, I don't invite people I
>don't like. Just as well, when I'm talking about music, I don't talk about
>musicians I don't like.  Sure, I make my occasional Phil-Collins-is-evil
>comment, but when the radio's playing a song I don't like, I just turn it
>off. I don't listen closely to figure out who the artist ripped off.

I disagree.  It is fun just to rail on some other artist.  Sure it's
negative, but once you take it to such a cartoonish extreme that even you
aren't taking yourself seriously, there really isn't much harm in it.  Like
someone posted this great missive to another mailing list I'm on about the
Beautiful South.  Now, I like the Beautiful South (well, a little) but it
was just so funny to hear someone rave like that.  Like that guy Mase, I
could waste pages on his faults (so whose bright idea was it to give
Mumbles from Dick Tracy his own rap career?) but it's just catharsis.
What's my point?  Not much, just that there is sometimes enough amusement
value to make it worth it.

>>(aack! I can't remember who does that song right now!)
>I think it was Bananarama- I don't even know if I'm spelling that right.
It sure was, and you sure did.  *However*, their version of the song was a
cover, so I'm afraid that we'll have to give your prize to whoever comes up
with the correct answer.  anyone?  i sure don't know...

>From: "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspring.com>
>because MTV is a slimy, piece of shit with no backbone who would bleep out
>the words "AK 47 Assault Rifle" in an Ice Cube a few years back....

??  Now, if anything I'd think this would be an argument for MTV's standing
up to censors.

There is a lot of controversy about this song [Smack My Bitch Up by
Prodigy] and most of it is really uninformed.

The song has virtually no meaning at all: the entire lyrics are "change my
pitch up/ smack my bitch up".  If you can divine any meaning to these, you
sir are a better man than I.  It just rhymes.

The video is being shown a total of twice on MTV.  If you missed it on last
week's 120 Minutes, it'll be shown on this week's 120 (or you can ask me to
dub a copy for you.  I got a promo of it from their PR Company. you can see
what even MTV censors :))

Yet, for some reason people are acting like this song is a threat.  BBC is
not allowing their DJ's to play it.  Not because of the lyrics, but because
they dont' want their DJ's saying the title.  Oddly enough, America (home
of the puritans) has this song added to most modern rock stations).

You could make a case that the song is anti-woman by some huge stretch, I
grant you.  But the video totally negates this.  It totally throws a curve
to old gender stereotypes.

>whatever....i saw it....i found nothing particularly wrong with the video.

you didn't and neither did I.  but Jorge, when was the last time you saw a
totally exposed breast on MTV?  I'm thinking it may have been Madonna back
in the days of Erotica and that too was played solely after midnight.

>MTV is absolutely irrelevant right now in the world of music.

well, there's a bold statement.  I'd agree with mostly irrelevant, but I
don't think you can ever say that anything that reaches the entire nation
will be totally irrelevant.

What totally amuses me is how people blame MTV for ruining music.  yeah,
yeah, that and a quarter will get you half a soda.  If you look at the top
20 Billboard charts and the top 20 MTV charts, the difference is
immediately apparent.  MTV's chart has beeter taste, more diversity and
less of one artist dominating the top spot for weeks on end.  If an artist
has a song that is a bit odd, they don't have a hope of getting on radio,
but if they can make a great video they might make it on MTV.  Plus, when
in doubt, MTV follows radio, not vice versa.

Radio is killing music more than MTV.

>Sarat wrote this capsule look at every MTV Unplugged....
>>just think Crowded house, Michael Penn, the Cure, REM, Bjork, Sting,
>>Winger, Sluaghter, Gilberto Gil, L L cool J, Mc Lyte, Hall & Oats, Dr.
>>John, Sinead O'Connor, Joe Satriani, Ratt, De La Soul, Tribe, Dennis,
>>Leary, Tony Bennett, and of course Tori.

but she left out all the recent ones.  And I must've been smoking up
seriously during that Bjork one, cuz I sure don't remember it.

>From: Jennifer Crispin <jcrispin@jinx.sckans.edu>
and her MU330 rocking fixation.
>Not that this has anything to do with anything, but they *do* and I am
>listening to them right now and they make me bounce up and down in my

Well, it's odd.  They're St. Louis natives and no one in town will give
them the time of day, but everyone outside of town who's seen or heard
them, loves them.  The Skalars are probably a better band, but MU330 are
better crowd pleasers

>  I know I haven't
>been the most constant of e-mailers, but still!

heh.  I'll second that one ;)

>here, even the ones that have been here two years or longer, have more
>than 5 fellow rdters that know their name and gender...  Really!  I've
>been here about 3 years (really 3?  wow!) and I bet I have maybe 8.  And

I wonder about this.  I've been her about three years (quite possibly close
to four), too and there's very few people who I remember from the beginning
(Nini, Jorge, Andrea are all that come to mind).  I know that some people
don't recognize my posts because I'm always changing names/addresses
(remember my Dr. Sandbo period, anyone?) but I hope a few more remember
moi.  <gawrsh, now I feel all insignificant>

>the vast majority of them I stalked until they submitted and agreed to

Hey, I had to stalk you first, kiddo! :)

Well, I guess I should go back to my regularly scheduled schoolwork now...
take care everyone!
--niles, the little boy who can end the universe

TV Quote of the week
"Fiona, right back at ya, you self-righteous, unwashed bag of
sticks"--Craig Kilborne of the Daily Show on ms. fiona apple



From: BlueMeani3 <BlueMeani3@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 17:49:20 EST
Subject: The newbie explains herself...

Don't worry about me, kids. It's not worth your energy.

>Paige, um, with all due respect (and welcome to the list) I have to ask why
>you spend so much time thinking and writing about Alanis Morrissette, when
>you hate her so much. When I'm having a party, I don't invite people I
>don't like. Just as well, when I'm talking about music, I don't talk about
>musicians I don't like.  Sure, I make my occasional Phil-Collins-is-evil
>comment, but when the radio's playing a song I don't like, I just turn it
>off. I don't listen closely to figure out who the artist ripped off.
>The reason this is important is that there is way too much negative energy
>in the world. There are too many people who complain, and not enough people
>who talk about things that are cool in an effort to make the world a cooler
>place. Besides, top-40 pop music has always been insipid, and today's pop
>is no exception. (However, sometimes you need a good insipid pop song to
>bounce around to. And some people may like Alanis for that purpose. You
>never know.)
>I just always have to wonder about the mindset that causes people to be so
>anti-Alanis, anti-Spice, anti-Marilyn Manson to write a long analysis like
>this, or a web page on the topic, or whatever. I'll say it again: if you
>don't like it, turn the radio off! Don't waste energy trying to convince
>other people to hate as much as you do.

One of the reasons I dislike her so passionately is because she has become t=
media's everywoman-- the already corrupt media has embraced her as the
emodiment of all thing female and considers her growl the voice of all women=
The idea that there could ever be *one* person worthy of speaking for the
entire female populace is ridiculous, but my disgust with this is overshadow=
by the fact that she lied to millions and millions of people. How can I
respect that or be indifferent about something that immoral and hypocritical=

I don't spend all my time thinking about her and bashing her; I wrote the
message for my favorite anti-Alanis site, and it actually didn't take very
long to organize my thoughts on the subject. It was something I did before I
sent it to the list; I decided to send it because it was on-topic and I
figured it might interest people on the list. Maybe I did make a bad first
impression, but it's too late to turn back now and I'm not apologizing for i=
It's an opinion, and nothing more.

I *do* agree that there is too much negetivity in the world, and I guess I
must apologize for being an extremely pesimistic and negetive person if that
brings the nature of the list down.

>you, my friend, are a disgrace to Alanis-haters worldwide. as THE
>Alanis-hater, i can say those sort of things. #1- i gotta take issue with
>Paula Cole. you really didn't just stick her in that sentence, did you? #2-
>don't hate Hanson. just leave them the hell alone. they're what they are.
>they don't claim to be anything else. by hating them, you're giving them wa=
>too much of yourself.
>this person makes some good points, but i think i made all of them about a
>year ago. this person also knows way too much about "Jagged Little Pill" to
>really have us believe them, don't ya think?
>i've left Alanis for dead already. there are plenty of new, young Alana
>Davises out there to launch our hatred towards..

If I am such a disgrace to Alanis-haters, why have the owners of the anti-
Alanis websites out there been scrambling to publish my epiphany on their
websites? I may be a disgrace to *you*, but I have opened people's eyes abou=
this issue in other areas. So don't speak for anyone but yourself. Other
people really support what I have to say.

While I'm on this subject of speaking for other people, maybe I should point
out that I began the post with " *i* hate alanis morissette. in fact, *i* ha=
her more than ally mcbeal, paula cole and hanson combined ". I was speaking
for myself and no one else. I was expressing *my* low tolerance for a certai=
Top-40 singer who sings trite lyrics in a nasal voice that makes me want to
put my head though a wall and average young musicians whose fame is based
almost completely on their looks that appeal to adolescent girls out there. =
I have a less-than-glowing opinion of them, I have the right to express it--
whether it offends you or not.

Lastly, if you made these points a year ago, how in God's name would I know?
It said in the heading that I was a list newbie. Give me a fucking break.

>Friend, you spend *alot* of time on someone you hate.  I hope  still have
>time for the things you love!  :)
>I simply do not understand Alanis bashing.  She has *many* faults and is
>immature in some ways, but I still think she has talent.  Sounds the old
>"if it does well on the charts it must be crap" mindset to me.  I judge an
>artist's merit on the music alone, and how well that artist does on the
>charts is irrelevant to me.  When Alanis' album first came out, there were
>many positive comments on the Tori lists, but then that all changed after
>Jagged Little Pill exploded at retail. How easily we are swayed....  ;)

Ah, hate can be acceptable as long as I'm not threatening her and have
relatively valid reasons for it. I personally don't sing the " It's made
money! It's evil " mantra; in fact, I like a lot of the bands that are
currently doing well on the charts. I dislike her because she lied to the
public and she ripped off the living goddess ( she's also *ruining* one of
Radiohead's many masterpieces in concert and she even lifted pieces of Plane=
Telex for her new song Can't Not. I mean, ripping off Tori was pretty fuckin=
low-- but now she's ripping off the greatest alternative band this decade? S=

The basic thing here is that you really shouldn't take me too literally. I
generally take the " we're all deaf, dumb and blind sheep who wouldn't know =
lie if it kicked us in the hinder " stance on everything; maybe if the list
works out well for me, you'll get used to it. I'm also paranoid. My reasons
for disliking Alanis are a reflection of that.

>paige  - hello newest of the newbies. personally, i can't get enough of
>evil alanis morrisette conspiracy theories. i saw her at the phoenix
>festival in stratford in 1996 and she was godawful. i ran away and ended up
>trying to leap on stage with the james taylor quartet, but that's another
>story. i don't think i would hate her quite so much, if she once sang a
>song that wasn't about herself. ok, so she probably has, but they all sound
>like she's playing pseudo-psychoanalyst to herself even when she's wailing
>about 'free rides when you've already paid'. pay with your life, you
>pretentious banshee and get off my radio.

Thanks for the welcome. :) I think the true test of any musician is performi=
live-- and I can safely say that the true nature of her lacking musical skil=
shines through in concerts. I saw her here in New York last year, simply
beause that was the only time I would be able to see Radiohead that year, I
was watched in disgust as she ruined " Fake Plastic Trees ". Of course, her
version was just theirs only less elegant and beautiful, but *no one* could
possibly sing the song the way it's supposed to be sung-- other than the god=
Thom Yorke, obviously. Unlike Alanis, Thom's voice can actually express grie=
and weariness as opposed to Alanis only emotion, frustration.

Oh, how I hate her.

>Someone (forget whom) posted a huge thing about Alanis ripping
>off Tori.  Wow.  This really shocked me.  It's been a long time since I
>heard Alanis so I never really drew any connections.  I never really
>liked the way she sang or the music, but I bought her album because she
>had so much passion and it sounded so real.  Now I find out that was all
>fake.  I'm so disalusioned.  What really bugs me is that Alanis got so
>much recognition from JLP while the genious of Tori is hardly recognized.
> Sigh.  When will the world learn?

I know how this feels. When I first made the realization that Morissette
ripped off Tori, I felt like I had been taken for a ride. I used to like
Alanis. The credit Alanis gets for being " honest " is one of the reasons I
felt obliged to share my epiphany with people.

I agree that Tori doesn't get nearly enough credit for her musical genius;
Little Earthquakes a my life on a disk, and Alanis' Jagged Little Pill was a
nice listen for a few months but it really didn't deserve all the praise it
got. Another reason to resent her.

Paige B.



To: thenextone@aol.com, fargobull@aol.com, rivrflower@aol.com,
        xmagnesium@aol.com, starbur756@aol.com, jedibreil@aol.com,
        65mustang@adelphia.net, revbachuus@aol.com, hainya@aol.com,
        lukdragn@aol.com, chosen1@mindspring.com, terrilee11@aol.com,
        adams@tradenet.net, cermz27@aol.com, dpmo15@aol.com,
        fragments1@aol.com, rynnfox@mailcity.com, s_craft@hotmail.com,
        perilcreed@aol.com, watchword@virginia.edu, seaclaid@earthling.net
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 18:51:50 -0500
Subject: half a bottle of kaluha
From: drusian@juno.com (heather thepiderqueen)

his eyes are the colour of autumn and sadnness
in a place where jealousies collide and merge,
with no regard for cold mornings and sandy feet
dripping solitude or ignorance of love.
i wash my hands in rapid motions
frustrated by the eroding of friendship,
the death of my only hope of salvation
arriving in the measured pace of furious waves;
salty water hungrily caressing my breasts in
pale moonlight - he watches with careless straying eyes
because he is not interested in this
ode to feminine vitality (brutality).
his back muscles stiffen at my approach
like five year old boys eager to be out of the house
on a restless summer morning;
no more easy tired touches that dont mean a
goddamn thing -
we all have to be careful now of the side effects
inherent in each distinctive movement of flesh.
he walks away from me again and again.
i knew that
some days are colder than others.


i crave inertia every move made so i can stop
whatever this madness is in me spinning like a top
on a bed of anxiety over a deep dark drop
down into nothingness, into withoutyouness
-es "leeds"



From: "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspring.com>
Subject: this list has gone to hell when....
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 21:51:05 -0500

=2E...we start to question Santa Claus.

it's great that we have minds on this list. it's great that we use them to
question many things about our own lives, society, and the such. to start
saying "you know....childhood fantasies might be damaging...." is taking it
just a bit too far.

this list goes in cycles. i've been on it for over three years. we've had
our ultra politically-correct times which have made me want to vomit and
we've had our moments where everyone just sits back, chills, and realizes
the fact that we are humans and have our imperfections. my favorite moments
on this list were probably sometime in the fall of last year. Scotch posted
his words of wisdom every other day, I was around, Ren was around, and so
were a lot of others who were still here. we didn't take every nitpicky
issue and make a mountain out of it. we realized that we weren't going to
change the world from our computers. we had fun.

everyone is taking shit too damn seriously on this list. everyone treats
everything in this super-pious P.C. manner which drives me up the wall
sometimes. we have others whining and crying about not getting attention.
this is a little speck of dirt on the internet, people. let's liven up
before you guys drive me to get in my car and run over three vegetarians and
a couple of gay guys. jeez....

anyways...Greensleeves....i feel for you so. i went through hell before my
GRE's. my only advice is this: what they say is true. if you did good on the
SAT, you'll do good on the GRE. my GRE score was 20 points above my SAT
score. not much difference. you'll never master the vocabulary section. some
of things aren't real words. some of them don't even have vowels in them.
they're just sounds made my babies thrown down flights of stairs and such.
review your math and practice those logic problems.....and good luck.

Mikewhy....yes, a good percentage of people get on the "success=3Dcrap"
bandwagon, but some of us don't. i sat at a Blockbuster Music and heard
"Jagged Little Pill" in it's entirety after I first saw the video for "You
Oughta Know" on a pay-per-view video channel. i didn't buy it because i
thought the last thing i needed in my collection was another one-hit-wonder.
i thought the music was awful and her voice was a warbly mess. needless to
say, i was shocked about a week later when posts started popping up here
saying "has anyone heard Alanis Morrissette? she's so good.....she must have
had classical voice training!" she was bad then and she's bad now.

i'm the Dokken fan, remember? commercial success must mean absolutely
nothing to me.

anyways, someone tell Scotch to get the hell back on this list. some of you
need a kick in the ass the likes of which you won't believe...




Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 00:35:44 -0300
From: Laura <ldamico@adinet.com.uy>
Subject: imports

On RDT(RN) #81 Alexis wrote :

>I think we're all forgetting that the American versions that a lot of us ca=
>easily procure are "imports" everywhere else and can probably be as
>difficult to procure in other countries as the UK stuff can be here.  I kno=
>I had a hell of a time just getting a hold of Crucify UK, never mind some o=
>my other stuff.

Tell *me* about that ... "el dia que las vacas vuelen" will be the day I get
a "Made in Uruguay" Tori CD :-)  Down here all the US and UK CD's are
imports and they love to remind you that with the tag prices...
BTW "el dia que las vacas vuelen" it's a saying that means "the day that
cows fly" ... it won't happen... or we'll have to be a lot more careful than
we are when we walk beneath pigeons ;) and some will have a harder time to
catch their dinner ;p

Smooches to whomever posted this quote: "I'm not a vegetarian because I love
animals; I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants."--A. Whitney Brown

plane-L the ovo-lacto vegetarian in the most meat eating country on this pla=
and whose giving Tori CD's a rest for a couple days... and hard rocking her
way to christmas 'cause "Jesus is at a Nirvana concert"
=46or her lust =E1 she'll burn in hell =E1 her soul done medium well =E1 All=
mass manual stimulation =E1 Salvation. "Christian Woman" - Type O Negative



From: violet@slip.net
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 00:27:40 -0800
To: RDT(RN) <seaclaid@earthling.net>
Subject: A cheerful Christmas story

Here is the truth behind Christmas...

        THE CHRISTMAS CRISIS  (Copyright 1995, David Hoover)

        Once there was a man named Puck Dahmer, who made his living as
a bicycle messenger.  He had a good career when he was young, because
he was smart and fast. Over the years however, his career began to
wither dry, for he became old and slow.  As a result, he became ever
more depressed and violent -- and all because he never got what he
wanted from Santa.

        One Christmas Eve Puck had a little too much eggnog.  He made
a batch of marijuana brownies and filled a glass with some milk laced
with Everclear.  Then he set a trap for Santa by setting the food out
to eat.  Cackling evilly to himself, he went to bed. Later that night,
Santa came down the chimney, ate the brownies, drank the milk, danced
with the Christmas tree and passed out.  When Puck woke up, he found
Santa sitting on top of the Christmas tree with a bow on his head and
explaining to a light fixture, in a slightly slurred voice, why he
felt trapped by his marriage.  Puck smiled to himself and proceeded
with the second part of his plan -- to take the fat man prisoner as
revenge for all the presents he had never received.  After Puck got
Santa off the tree and tied to a chair (which took a while, since Puck
never suspected that Santa had a boot knife or that he would be such a
good fighter with it, even drunk), Santa screamed, "How dare you
offend the Mighty Thor!! I will smite you for your blasphemy!!!"  He
began waving his one free arm around in circles, pretending he had a
mighty hammer and making smiting noises with his mouth.  After his
shoulder began to cramp up, he calmed down a bit.

        Puck took the opportunity to ask him, "Santa, why didn't you
ever bring me what I wanted for Christmas?  I asked for a moped
because I was tired of pedaling all over the freakin' city!  All you
ever gave me was a bunch of rock-hard fruitcakes and, finally, a pony!
Well, I wouldn't have minded the pony, except IT WAS FREAKIN' DEAD!!"

        Santa screamed, "Well, bite me!!  The pony was FINE until I
tried to wrap it...  How the heck was I supposed to know that it
couldn't breathe through the paper!?"

        Puck screamed back, "SHUT UP, FAT MAN!  FORGET ABOUT THE PONY,

        "Listen, you little smegger," said Santa.  "You never got the
moped because we don't handle ANYTHING mechanical, so STUFF THAT IN

        "Why the heck not?!  Why don't you handle anything mechanical!

TRUTH!"  screamed Santa. "Besides, it's classified."  With this, Santa
reached into a hidden pocket and yanked out a live grenade.

        "HO, HO, HO, HERE WE GO," screamed Santa, who then stuffed the
grenade into his mouth and pulled the pin.

        From that tragic day forward, the parents of young children
have had to spend massive amounts of money on Christmas presents.  All
good parents curse the name of Santa every time they are forced to
fork out for a stupid Cabbage Patch doll.

        On a side note, the widowed Mrs. Claus and the seven hundred
orphaned elves tried to continue life at the North pole.
Unfortunately, one day Mrs. Claus wandered off in a snowstorm, never
to be seen again.  The elves tried bravely to continue as before,
although after they had eaten all the reindeer they were forced to
begin feeding on the weak among themselves.  They became a group of
nomadic barbarians, and eventually wandered down to Montana, where
they took up residence in a large oak tree.  They formed the tribe of
Keebler, and produced cookies, chips, and snack foods forever after.

                            THE END

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     *                                                       *
     *      A Hawaiian Christmas:  "Poi To The World!"       *
     *                                                       *
     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 20:26:49 +1100
From: Danielle Ringrose <Danielle.R@mailbox.uq.edu.au>
To: "Really Deep Thoughts (right now)" <seaclaid@earthling.net>
Subject: beyond the pale, again

Arrggghhh... believe it or not, I was going to post a quote out of an
Irish tour guide book I read this weekend to RDT... you beat me!
Anyways, I thought I might as well quote it, because it's very
interesting... the reason why it caught my eye ... the 'pale' thing...
was *because* it was in the book on Ireland, and I remembered Tori had
recorded parts of BFP in Ireland.... here goes...

"the term 'Pale' refers to an area around Dublin which marked the limits
of English influence from Norman to Tudor times. The frontier fluctated,
but at its largest the Pale stretched from Dundalk in County Louth to
Waterford town. Gaelic chieftains outside the area could keep their
lands provided they agreed to bring up their heirs within the Pale.
The Palesmen supported their rulers' interests and considered themselves
the upholders of English values. This widened the gap between the Gaelic
majority and the Anglo-Irish, a foretaste of England's doomed
involvement in the country. Long after its fortifications were
dismantled, the idea of the Pale lived on as a state of mind. The
expression "beyond the pale" survives as a definition of those outside
the bounds of civilised society."

I thought it was interesting reading. But *arrgggghhh* you beat me to
(sulks in corner for five mins)

Anyways, I have good news... my best friend whom I absolutely adore,
*grin* well we're finally going out *sighs* that's my good news for the
week I'm over the moon, off with the faeries, etc etc etc. the good news
is that he's a huuuuge tori fan too :)

Take care peoples,
*hugs and faery dust*



From: violet@slip.net
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 03:13:12 -0800
To: RDT(RN) <seaclaid@earthling.net>
Subject: Britcoms and Tootsie Rolls

Jo wrote:
>i think that's why american sit-coms tend to be so much better than >ours
>- though i know i'm generalising  - we have a national inability >to be
>sharp and snappy in a hip and happening kind of way (Austin >Powers

I don't think that's true at all.  Look at Michael Palin.  He is INCREDIBLY
sharp and snappy in exactly that Austin Powers-esque way.  (What's strange
is that I had a really wild erotic dream about Michael last night.  In it,
I was hanging out at his house and there was just him, me, a hot tub, and
his "sons" who looked remarkably like more mature versions of the three
Hanson boys.  During the dream it was fun, but when I woke up, it was just
plain scary.)  Anyways....

I'm a major Anglophile.  That means I'm fanatically into Britcoms (what my
local public television station calls British sitcoms).  I've collected
them on video for years.  Fortunately here in the Bay Area there's a large
British population, so one of the PBS stations here shows a large variety
of good ones.  It used to be that back in the 70's and early-80's all you
could really count on seeing here in the states (if you were lucky) were
=46awlty Towers, Monty Python, Doctor Who, and The Good Neighbors (changed
from the British title The Good Life).  But the ones I've seen since moving
to this area in 1984 have included Only When I Laugh, The Bounder, To the
Manor Born, Gemma, Are You Being Served? (and Are You Being Served Again),
Robin's Nest, Next of Kin, Keeping Up Appearances, Fresh Fields (and French
=46ields), Chef, Last of the Summer Wine, Waiting for God, Mulberry, Rising
Damp, and my all-time favorite, A Fine Romance.  There was also the one
that the current Cosby show is based on, but the name escapes me just now.
And these are only the titles that have come to me at the moment...there
have been so many over the years.  And I'd throw over any of my favorite
American shows to watch just about any one of these instead (especially
Next of Kin, which has just started 1997 episodes).

The point is, I love a lot of American shows, but I also really really love
British sitcoms, probably more.  The humor is just very different.  British
humor is not as desperate.  The reason I love the shows so much is that
(for the most part) the humorous situations are things that really could
happen to just about anyone.  They're not so "over-the-top unrealistic" as
most American shows.
It's the difference between Robin Williams, who bounces off the walls and
is very very funny, and Johnny Carson, who often would have people rolling
on the floor an laughing hysterically just by raising an eyebrow at the
appropriate moment.

Jo also said:
>i've never actually really thought about my 'britishness'. and
>i know there are people from all over the world on the list, which is
>great, but it kind of has an american 'tone'. which makes me more aware of
>my nationality. i mean, i don't know what a tootsie roll is,

I don't think you stand out as too "British."  (I sometimes get e-mail from
people who are surprised to learn I live in California, because they assume
I'm British, and there are Brits on this list that I thought were American,
so it works both ways).  As far as feeling in the dark about Tootsie Rolls,
just substitute "Bubble & Squeak" instead (I guarantee you right about now
there are an awful lot of Americans scratching their heads).  ;)

Okay, Tootsie Rolls....  Tootsie Rolls are candies.  They're somewhat
quaint now, even though you can still find them in just about any store.
But they're nowhere near as popular as they were in the 60's and 70's (when
you couldn't go trick-or-treating without carting half a sack of them home
and you'd be thrilled to get them -- although not as thrilled as when you
got actual chocolate, which was the SERIOUS BIG TIME LOOT).  Tootsie Rolls
are just basically individually wrapped bite-size fudge-flavored taffies.
And they're shaped like, well, what's the best way to describe it? -- if
you took a pencil and cut it into five or six equal pieces, each piece
would be about the size and shape of a Tootsie Roll (Tootsie Rolls being
just a bit bigger around).  And then there are Tootsie Roll Pops, which are
just round fruit-flavored lollipops with fudgey Tootsie Roll in the center
-- but those are another story for another day.

Oh, I wanted to tell you guys about my favorite Christmas card.  I liked it
so much, I just bought it to keep:

    There are two reindeer standing in the snow, talking.

    Reindeer 1:  Dad, why is Rudolph's nose red?

    Reindeer 2:  Because he's a drunk, son, plain and simple.

I just love that.

My hands hurt.  Enough typing for me.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    *                                                         *
    *     A Family Christmas: "Let the bickering begin!"      *
    *                                                         *
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 14:22:22 +0200 (EET)
From: Katja Laitinen <klaitine@cc.joensuu.fi>
Subject: Santa and Tori-dreams

Ho ho ho!

Santa in Finland never says so. When I grow up (I'm 24 now...) and have
kids, I'll definetely tell them about Santa. The reason for this is that,
as Mari wrote, we in Finland have such a great belief that Santa lives in
Lapland, in Finland! So North Pole is just a huge fake! Remember this! And
Santa really meets children here. He doesn't use chimney or a fire-place
at night. Here he comes to the house on Christmas eve and he sees the kids
and gives the gifts straight to them. When I was young, around four or
five years of age, my father always went out just before Santa came in.
Then Santa left and dad came back in... He always missed Santa. Oh, I
still wonder why...

We just had our very own pre-christmas party last saturday. It was so
nice. We ate and drunk (and drunk and drunk 'cause we're Finns...) and
sang carols and played games and changed little presents. I love all my
friends, they're the nicest people on earth! I really got this xmas
feeling and now I'm so exited about next week and especially the eve!

About Tori related dreams. I've had many! I always dream a lot. Once I had
this dream that Tori came to my  grandparents's house to give a concert.
My grandparents live in an old Finnish country house where's this really
big room called tupa. Tupa is a kind of living-room and kitchen all
together. So there she played. There were only about five people in the
audience. I tried to take photos about Tori and she got angry at me. I was
so unhappy! And I had no film in my camera! Later we went out to see the
laundry room, I wonder why. Anyway since it was the house of my
grandparents, Tori forgave me for taking those non-filmed photos. I guess
this was the most sensible dream I've had of her. The others are just too
weird, like me!



     Bob Masse Poster Info

Since we have new people joining all the time, I'll include the poster
information in this spot until the project closes, just so everyone has an
opportunity to order one if they're interested.

Renowned artist Bob Masse, who has been creating beautiful posters for rock
concerts and events for over 30 years, is working on a brand new Tori
poster FOR FANS ONLY -- unlike his previous posters, Bob has refused to
make this one available to stores and galleries.  The price is #30 (which
will pay for print costs and the artist's time) and a portion of each sale
will be donated to RAINN.  This project is very intimate and personal, and
only a small quantity of 300 prints will be made, period.  Each will be
signed and numbered by Mr. Masse.  A live shot of Tori in concert will be
incorporated into the poster, and fans are encouraged to submit design
suggestions.  This is YOUR poster. :)

Bob has put Toriphile, Alisdair, in charge of coordinating this project,
since it was Alisdair who originally convinced [begged?] him to do another
Tori poster.

To learn about this project in more detail, please see the post in RDT(RN)
#41, visit the RDT(RN) archives and click on the banner, or go directly to
the project page itself (where you can see some of Bob's work, including
the Tori poster he created for a Dew Drop Inn Tour date at Madison Square


Keep an eye on that site for previews of the work as it progresses.

To reserve a copy of this poster, send a request to:


There are also very limited prints of the DDI tour poster still available
for sale through Alisdair's site as well.  (That poster is just *so*


     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

        *** Hauskaa joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta! digest ***

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To post messages to this list:  <seaclaid@earthling.net>

To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send mail to <seaclaid@earthling.net> with
     "Subscribe Thoughts" OR "Unsubscribe Thoughts" in the body of the messa=

ARCHIVES:  http://www.slip.net/~violet/archives/Thoughts_archive.html

Other Tori mailing lists:

 * Precious Things (on-topic discussion of Tori and her music):
      bounce version  <precious-things-request@smoe.org>
      digest version  <precious-things-digest-request@smoe.org>
      (put the word "subscribe" in the body of your message)

 * ToriNews (strictly time-sensitive info about Tori -- no chat):
      this list is subscriber only, and is currently in the process
      of moving to Smoe.org.  I'll let you know when it's up again.

 * Tori-Boot (bootleg info, trades, sales):
      to subscribe, send a message to <majordomo@world.std.com>  The body
      of your message should read EXACTLY LIKE THIS: subscribe tori-boot

 * Tori Amos Quote of the Day (self-explanaTori):
      to subscribe, send a request to <elizabeth@muderick.com>.

 * The Philosophy of Tori (words of Tori wizdom to ponder):
      to subscribe, send a request to <toriphoria@aol.com>.

 * The News Group for Tori is rec.music.tori-amos.

                 *                    *

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                                   three french hens

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1997