RDT Right Now #99

From: RDT Right Now <seaclaid@earthling.net>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 05:18:22 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #99
To: violet@slip.net


  REALLY DEEP THOUGHTS (RIGHT NOW) #99     Thursday, January 8, 1998

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

Re: RDT Right Now #84
here we are now entertain us
Vanilla Released!!!!
adoptions and famblings and faeries oh my!
Geographical Survey
"What Fairies Mean To Me" (by Violet, age 7 1/2)
Hey you - the rock steady crew!
Stuff and other Stuff
Tori Amos Link Exchange!
various replies

(Bob Masse poster info is included after the final post)



Subject: INTRO
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 98 00:47:06 -0000
From: <hurni@concentric.net>

     When I made my first two posts, I realized I never introduced myself.
So I'll make a quick intro.
First off, I only own three Tori albums, and I got them all part of a package
with columbia house.  11 cds for one penny!  I'm poor ;(  The first one I
was Boys for Pele, right after I heard caught a lite sneeze.  I guess I
liked the
song so much was the reason I bought it.  I bought the cassette tape at the
because I didn't have a cd player.  But cassettes are better because you
almost have to
listen to each song all the time, especially when walking around campus
with a walkman,
you can't just stop and rewind every second.  This gave the songs a chance
to grow in to me,
and all of the sudden all the riddles and lyrics started making sense and I
started to appreciate
the genius that which is tori amos.  Not only the lyrics, I like the way
she could cut loose on a song
the way jimi hendrix used to, and instead of crashing she brings it on to
another level.  In other words,
she doesn't hold back, she leaves it all there, on her records, in her
concerts.  Then a while later I seen
her live which cemented me in the back of her bandwagon forever.
---What I like:  play guitar, fiddle with my casio, draw pictures, watch
Anime, watch Late Night with
ConanO'Brien,  watch South Park, watch the Simpsons + X-files,  Dennis
Rodman,  animate on my
Macintosh, to play Basketball, Albert Einstein, comic books, video games,
work outdoors (last job was
at BuschGardens, Will.), A broad range of music expanding generations,
everything else best not shared.
---What I despise: Politicians, Swollen Egos, Overcontrolling Parents, Lack
of Funding for Colleges,
superficiality, mean people, ignorant people, gimmicks, although I don't
wanna say it, I guess I kind of
despise society....But I love cool people!

well, this is my intro, I hope i stick to this list for a while, who knows.



"Shake Hands with Beef"



Date: 	Tue, 6 Jan 1998 01:17:20 -0500 (EST)
From: Karen Whyte <karenjw@one.net>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #84

My sincere apologies for taking so long to respond to this...<sigh> I've
been busy with my boy from Canada. ;)

the most awesome clare emily wrote:
> karen said:
> > I completely forgot to post about this earlier, but someone mentioned Anne
> > Sexton and dicussed whether her mental illness affected her writing. There
> > were some comparisons between Sexton and Sylvia Plath, who BTW, is my own
> > personal hero in many ways.
> and... well..
> i did my thesis on
> three confessional poet,
> sexton, plath and berryman...
> so whenever the topic comes up on
> lists, i always try to stay pretty quiet
> so as not to come off
> with this elitist
> knowledge of sorts...
> but i did just want to poke in
> here and say a few things...

I thank you for educating me. :)

> > Did you guys know that Sexton and Plath were considered rivals? They
> > attended school together for a while and were definitely contemporaries.
> they weren't rivals,
> although many people
> tried to pit them as such...

Hmm...ok. Do you know the extent of their friendship? Or were they just
aware of each other?

> they were in robert lowell's
> poetry workshop at boston university
> together in the late fifties
> and you can see lots of similarities
> in a few of their poems,
> most noticably sexton's 'my friend my friend'
> and plath's 'daddy'

There's a good web site with comparisons of those two poems. I *think* I
have the link on my poetry page. If not, I'll put it up ASAP.

> during this time,
> sexton and plath and another poet,
> george starbuck, after class,
> would pile into sexton's beat
> up old ford and drive down to the ritz
> carlton, and sexton would park
> in the 'loading zone only' lane
> and sexton would shout, 'it's ok!
> we're going in to get loaded!'
> and they'd head into the lounge
> and drink martinis and plath
> and sexton would talk about
> their suicide attempts...
> george starbuck has a poem
> which mentions, 'i weave with
> two sweet ladies out of the ritz'

How beautiful and strange. Sylvia had an incredible sense of humor, irony,
sarcasm. I don't know a lot about Sexton, but...

> > I've read several reviews and criticisms of both and I noticed one major
> > thing. Plath was considered abstract and asthetically "pleasing", while
> > Sexton's work was viewed as literal and sometimes, less complex.
> >
> > In my opinion, Sylvia is to Tori as Anne is to Ani. :)
> this is a great parallel,
> and interestingly enough i'm excited to
> see someone else bring it up...

I'm glad someone understood. :)

And thanks so much for correcting me...I've only read a few things that
could have been inaccurate.

> but i cant' talk about
> what i'm actually doing with this
> other than to say that i'm
> presently working on
> an intertextual comp lit
> endeavour to trace some
> plath lines in tori's music...
> cuz... man... is it there...

I read a poem the other day from Collected Works (does anyone else have
this book? it's AWESOME. i can't seem to make my way through it, though.)
and it had Tori written all over it. They're kindred.

> > RE: Sexton's illness - I think mental illness helps writers see things
> > from a skewed angle, but ultimately, it did Anne in and ended her life.
> it didn't 'do her in'... at least..
> not here writing...
> i want to make sure that is
> clear.... maxine kumin, sexton's
> best friend said, that
> 'anne was only on loan to
> poetry... it was what actually
> kept her alive those last fifteen years...'

Ah...I guess I stated that incorrectly. <sigh> I can't seem to communicate
these days...sorry.

> > Oh yeah! Did you know that Plath and Sexton both committed suicide by
> > sticking their heads in ovens? Sad, but strangely true.
> eeeeek!!
> this is indeed what happened to plath,
> (the best bio i have that describes
> plath's suicide is called 'the death and life of sylvia plath'
> by ronald haymen' )
> but sexton didn't do the same...

I was sure I read that a few years later, Sexton did the same. Oh well.
Again, I'm wrong. Sorry for the misinformation. <g>

> on a warm sunny day in october, after an appointment
> with her psychiatrist, and lunch with her best friend,
> sexton got home and
> took all her rings off, and took her mother's
> old fur coat and put it on.
> with a glass of vodka she went into
> the garage and closed the doors
> behind her. she climbed
> into the driver's seat of her
> cougar, turned on the ignition,
> and turned on the radio.

<sigh> Makes me so sad.

> > I think that a lot of writers who suffer from mental illness use the time
> > that they are in throes of depression or mania to observe the way they
> > feel and think and act. Then, when they are feeling a little more sane and
> > serene, they write, summoning those demons, but also tempering them with
> > the choice of words. At least that's how it works for me. ;)
> one other method that is often
> choice for writers
> who lead frantic lives,
> is that they do an abundance of
> writing while in
> manic states (insert reason,
> alcoholic binges, mental illness, etc, here)
> yet they use that
> material and rework it over
> and over and over while
> in a collected state....

I've started to edit some of my old stuff, but I'm still not sure. I don't
like editing. I feel like I'm chopping off my baby's arms or something.

Clare Emily, you are so cool. <basks in the light of clare's intelligence>

Ah to be caught up!


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 i told you nice.  i cannot get over you twice.
                            - kelley deal 6000
 - - http://w3.one.net/~karenjw/welcome.html - -



Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 01:24:29 -0500
From: Scotch <anthem@virginia.edu>
Subject: here we are now entertain us

> I guess the big difference is that art has the potential to change people's
> lives, while entertainment can help people escape from their lives and give
> them something to laugh at and enjoy.

Laughing and enjoying things can change people's lives too.

Remember that calling something "art" doesn't automatically make it good:
there is good art and there is bad art.

Art, whatever you might think it is, has tended to get equated with
"seriousness."  And we're at the point in our culture where people are
realizing that seriousness isn't all it's cracked up to be.

The line between art and entertainment isn't just blurring -- it's becoming
irrelevant, the line is.

Anyone who's ever been to a Tori concert, I mean, you have to admit, she's
really entertaining.

Don't say it like it's a bad word.

Entertainment IS an art.

57 varieties and then some,




Date: Tue, 06 Jan 98 07:39 EST
From: "Kim.Dyer" <21329KAD@MSU.EDU>
Subject: various

> PS all you techie geekie types out there, my dad spent about 5hours
> trying to install a new hard drive for me, that just never worked. But
> that's not my question. I'm having a hell of a time installing Win 95
> onto my OLD drive (yes, i'm still running 3.11) and was hoping for a
> little help - it hangs up (whether i install it via CD or floppy) just
> after I say "Yes, I agree to the agreement" - it looks at the a: drive
> (whether there's a floppy in it or not), and the hourglass appears, and
> then it just...sits there. anyone?...

Arthur C. Clarke was recently asked about the state of today's
computers, and what he thought HAL's first words would be.
Without missing a beat (it is reported) he replied "I have taken
the liberty of deinstalling Windows 95."   I know of NOBODY who
has gotten it to work well, and the only people who can get it
to work at ALL have very new machines with the latest processor
and a whole lot of memory.  My advice would be stick with 3.11
until they get something that actually WORKS going, or chuck the
whole thing and get a Mac if you want a machine that does GUI

Seriously, I know a number of computer professionals who only
use Win95 when it's something their non-technical bosses are
DEMANDING be done on a Win95 program.  It's a memory and disk
space hog, and even the people I know who use it regularly aren't
HAPPY with it.

> >In RDT #95 Chelsea wrote (I think) examples of the differences between
> >artists and entertainers (sorry I'm just suddenly too lazy to cut and
> >paste). I'm afraid,I'm going to have to agree with you - it's the kind
> >of logical argument and whatnot that I needed about half a year ago
> >having a huge argument with a friend about Madonna and other various
> >'entertainers'. Artists *do* touch something deep inside you (well hey,
> >look what Tori has done for me over the years ... helped me through some
> >very tough and also some very wonderful moments) :) I'd be very
> >surprised if many people besides 'teenyboppers' could honestly say that
> >something by, say, Michael Jackson or Take That touched them deeply.

You never know.  I can't say that Michael Jackson has done anything
that touched my heart, but I can't claim to speak for everyone.  I
*can* tell you that a 1970s (I think) song "Red Rubber Ball" by Cyrkle
REALLY hit home while I was going through an emotionally nasty divorce.
I mean, I was ready to kill myself.  I was just trying to figure out
how to arrange to have the body found before it started to smell.
Yes, it's a silly song ... but it HIT at just the right point. It quite
literally saved my life, long after I could be classed as a "teenybopper"
Sometimes you can take a great deal of strength from something less
then serious.

And you know what, in a few years some of those songs that sounded
so deep and meaningful might begin to sound a little trite and
adolescent.  And yes, that includes some of Tori's stuff.  But if
you hear them at the right time in your life, they have meaning for

-- Kim



From: "Planet Tori" <planettori@geocities.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 23:57:16 +0000
Subject: Vanilla Released!!!!

Dear all EWF Worldwide....

Yes our server is  back online and to celebrate guess what we have
been broadcasting to the world for the past 24 hours?

Its a Tori Internet EXCLUSIVE before Official release so come and
download your Tori Ass now before someone beats you to it and you
miss out on icecream ok?...

Thanks for the intrusion Violet :)


Maria and Terry

Please use our email (NOT spacedog addresses)

She's a Beauty Queen, my sweet bean bag in the street
Tori Amos... Opening verse Boys For Pele



Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 23:30:35 +1100
From: Danielle Ringrose <Danielle.R@uq.net.au>
Subject: adoptions and famblings and faeries oh my!

Oh dear, I have the feeling this will be a lengthy message: so tis just
a warning not to be bored to death (grab a coffee to keep from going to
sleep, I say) :)

Bec the sweet Australian wrote (but aren't all we Australians sweet?)

> On the Australian thing note:  Where do the people here come from.  I know
> there's a lot of people from the US (Where isn't there on the net?) but who
> else is out there?  I'm from Melbourne in Oz, I'm 22 and at unverisity
> studying Pyshchology among other things.

My sweet, I'm from Australia *hugshugshugs and more hugs!* My 'vital
stats' say that I'm 19 in Brisbane, studying Arts/Education at uni. My
guess is that there's a few people from Australia on this list ... *Dani
waves to Jenny* yes my darlen I got your e-mail! lol

> To Dani:  I didn't read your message I just saw a parting reference to it
> in Jorge's post but I'm really interested in your experience with your
> birth parents.  I'm adopted, and I wondering whether to meet my birth
> mother (she's written to me).  If you feel like rehashing the whole thing
> I'd love to hear your story.

*giggle* methinks we have more in common than first thought :)
Alrighties, here's the deep breath that precedes boring personal story
which I've bored all my friends with dozens of times before:

Okay... I was told I was adopted before I even understood what it meant.
I always knew, then, that when I turned 18, I'd start searching for my
parents, because I've always been curious as to where I get certain
traits (like my vague creative abilities and my ability to talk
everyone's heads off) from. However, when I turned 18, suddenly it
wasn't the biggest priority in my life ... it wasn't a "be all and end
all" activity. Uni and work were my two priorities in my life and the
burning desire (to use slightly dodgy terminology) to meet/find them was
but on the backburner.

Even if I didn't maintain contact with them, I always wanted to just
have some minimum of contact so I could show or tell them that I turned
out okay :) and I wanted to thank them for the opportunities they gave
me though adoption and that I held no resentments for being put up for

About a year ago, my *ahem* ex boyfriend (which is, truly another story
*yawn*) became curious about the fact that I was adopted, and he began
asking me questions as to what I'd do. My curiosity was started up again
and I applied to the Queensland Dept. of FAmily Services for identifying
information. The law in my state is that once parties become of legal
age, either can apply for identifying information (that was given at the
time of the adoption) ... if either party does not want to be contacted,
a bar can be placed on the information.

Sorry if that bit of information confused everybody. It confused me too,
for a while. Anyways, I applied for info just before my 19th birthday,
and to my utter delight, found out not only was there no bar on the
information, but my birth mother had also applied for my information AND
had asked the Department to forward her current name and address to me
if I ever applied. *sigh!* In addition to this, was the fact that my
birth father had left a letter on file for me (since Stephan didn't sign
the adoption papers, the dept. can only give identifying information on
the people who signed the papers).

After I received all of this, and bashed all my friend's ears with the
thrilling information :) it kind of took a backburner again. Three
months after receving it (leaving small anecdotes about arguments with
adoptive parents out for fear of boring you all to death) I finally got
around to writing a letter to both Alison (my birth mother) and Stepahn.
Alison lives in a small town on the central Qld coast... eight hours'
drive from Brisbane and Stephan lives in Sydney. I just wrote a small,
one page letter to both of them explaining briefly that I wanted dearly
to get into contact, where I am in my life at the moment, and if they
didn't want to at this time, then it was fine.

I received a letter from Alison four days later, saying she'd love more
than anything to meet me. By an amazing coincidence (and there are more
coincidences I'll explain later), she'd booked a holiday (months in
advance) to come down to Brisbane two weeks later, and amazingly, in a
hotel only five minutes' drive from me. So... to cut that story short,
we met, twas absolutely wonderful, met my two half-sisters (who are
adorable) and we have kept in contact ever since.

however, the letter I sent to Stephan was returned :not at this address,
so with the help of Alison (who still talks to Stephan's parents
occasionally) tracked him down in Sydney. Alison had a bit of a talk to
him, told him she'd met me, and he said to pass on the message that he
wanted me to call him ASAP. :) Naturally, that made me feel wonderful,
and as soon as I got the number, I dialled it one evening (at a friend's
uni dormitory, so I tied up the phones for hours) and we talked for

To cut *that* story short, he started to have a couple of probs with his
fiancee about the situation - she seemed to think that I'd move in to
the situation and almost become a part of their everyday life - which is
the last thing I want, or need. It put a strain on their r/ship, but
Stephan surprised me fully by travelling up to Brisbane the week before
christmas and called me unexpectedly one afternoon :) hence the story
that was related last week.

Hmm... as for coincidences? Here are a few (well, two or three, anyway):
Stephan's middle name is "Daniel" *laughs* my name is Danielle.
Stephan worked in Brisbane for 18 months... about two mins' walk away
from where I live.
Stephan used to be a professional photographer; my adoptive father used
to be an amateur photographer.
Alison used to be a bookkeeper; that's mum's current job.
There are amazing parallels and similarities between handwriting -
Alison's looks like mum's and Stephan's looks like dad's;
Stephan used to study journalism, just like me (before I got smart and
got out)
and so on. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

And as for what advice i have for you? Well, I can't *really* say as I
don't know what she said in the letter. But if she *has* written you a
letter, it most likely means she wants to make contact (makes us sound
like aliens doesn't it?). I believe that you only have possibly a little
bit to lose and potentially sooooo much to gain... I just cannot
describe exactly the emotions and gooey feelings I get whenever I think
"hey, i just finally met the people who gave birth to me". However, if
it's not what you think is right at this moment in time, I say put a
hold on it for a couple of years - there's no use rushing in and ruining
what could be the most happiest moment of your life. It's up to you, but
I kinda hope my loverly tale has helped you in some way. And please my
darlen, don't hestitate to e-mail me if you want to hear more! I love
bashing everyone's ears with this story. :)

In the meantime.. some replies:

> Dani, Dani, Dani......*smack*

*giggles* how did you know I liked being spanked, Jorge? ;) lol

> besides, we all become mad cheeseballs whenever we're in love. Michael
> Bolton has us eating out of the palm of his hands.

you think *you* turn into a cheeseball when you're in love? *laugh* I
turn into a fawning giggling gurly when it hits me. You don't even want
to know what stupid songs get to me though ... *mutters something about
The Police*

> Michael Jackson.....remember the vid for "Man In The Mirror?" very touching.

Well... that was Michael's attempt at humanity. And yes even I'll agree
that was a touching song... I have it on LP.

> i could also make countless jokes regarding Michael, teeny-boppers, and
> being touching, but i won't.

LMAO i love it.

> i'll repeat what i said a few months ago: every singer, songwriter, whatever
> is an entertainer by definition. when you do what you do for the purpose of
> furthering your craft, then i'd call you an "artist." an "artist" can

Yeh, that's a pretty good summing up. Even though I got smacked :) I
still agree with ya Jorge. *hugs, trying to placate Jorge so I don't
start an argument*

And Mikewhy.... maybe you should lead the crusade for tori's upcoming
tour to ban screaming sillies from the concerts... perhaps *you* should
become a bodyguard/general doorperson for the concerts hmmm? :)

Brandy: your dream is *truly* bizarre! I can't offer an explanation,
although I hope the latter one is the more true interpretation. I've
just started to try writing down my dreams when I wake up and sheesh is
it hard. At least having the same dream over and over (even if it's
awful) you finally get the details and remember all of it. *hugs for

> My faeries question was: (drumroll please) What do faeries mean to you
> personally? A friend of mine told me the other day that he considers

Hmm... that's a hard one, Misty! To me, faeries aren't the little people
with wings who live in forests, they're little creatures who love having
fun here there and everywhere in my everyday life ... tis hard to
explain that one, but they're almost like a subconscious, in that they
help me out now and then. And lordy knows I *adore* the faeries in my
life now *sigh*

I can't *quite* answer your question Misty, without having to revert to
books on faeries, but then again, that wouldn't be a personal answer,
right? And I love the people who are close to me because I can see a
little bit of faery in them.

Hm.... well. "little green men do okay... *giggle* it's the faeries'
revenge they say"

Lots of love everybody. Hope the faeries in all your lives look after
you too.

*hugs and smooches everybody*
Tschuss, Dani.



Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 09:28:42 -0500
From: Jennifer  Cypres <CYPRESJ@SMTPG.COMPSYS.COM>
Subject: Geographical Survey

As newbie Aussie "Bec" suggested, maybe we should take a poll of all
the members of this list and find out who's where.  Wouldn't you like
to know who's a fan?  Maybe we could ask the following questions:

1.  Location (city, state, country)
2.  Birthdate
3.  Male/Female
4.  Occupation

And then someone could compile it all and keep it as a database, and
every time someone new subscribes to the list, we'll update it with
their info.  Sound good?  I'll start.

1. Knoxville, TN
2.  2/14/71
3.  female
4.  copywriter / technical writer

Bright blessings!



Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 06:47:08 -0800
From: violet@slip.net
Subject: "What Fairies Mean To Me" (by Violet, age 7 1/2)

misty wrote:
>My faeries question was: (drumroll please) What do faeries mean to
>you personally? A friend of mine told me the other day that he
>considers leprechauns to be faeries. I thought I had re-posted that,
>but I guess I didnit. Either way, I hear all sorts of lovely things
>about faeries on this list, I thought I might get a little feedback
>on that.

In a nutshell, fairies are "earth angels."  However, unlike angels of
the heavenly realm, they are not servants of God, having lost that
responsibility when he cast them out of heaven and relegated them to
the earth instead of sending them on to hell along with Satan and his
minions.  They are allowed to do as they please, be it good or bad,
according to their own whims.  (These whims normally center around
drink, dance, revel, and mischief-making -- more commonly known to
mortals as "partying down".)  On Judgement Day, when all other earthly
souls are judged, they will vanish into oblivion, having already been
judged by God when they fell from grace.

While there are other beliefs as to the origins of the Good People,
the above is one of the most common, and it is the one with which
I was raised.  I also do not often directly refer to the People by
the "f" word because I was taught it is a sign of great disrespect
and can incur their wrath;  however, seeing as how they are fickle
beings fond of praise, flattering euphamisms are much appreciated
and can actually persuade them into hanging around.

As for what they MEAN to me, I don't know that I could get across
to many people just how serious I am in my devotion to these
oft-forgotten, misunderstood, disrespected beings.  I really can't
even put it into words.  I also don't know that I can express the
anger I feel when people try to touch a thing that they don't
understand.  It reminds me of a child trying to catch a butterfly:
in catching it, they may hold the beauty for a moment, but in that
moment the wings have been damaged beyound repair and the butterfly
begins to die.  To hold a butterfly, you have to trust it to come to
you and then know enough not to touch its wings.  In much the same
way, to know and respect the Folk, people must know their stories
and history and the part they played from the dawning of time.  They
were here first, but mankind has driven them out of their own world
into a veiled hidden realm.  It wasn't always like that, and I hope
one day they'll feel safe enough -- understood and respected enough
-- to want to come out again.

I have always been able to get animals to come to me.  Butterflies
sit on my fingers while I talk to them.  Squirrels come and sit next
to me in parks.  I used to stand in the middle of my father's garden
and he would say, "Call the hummingbirds," and I would chirrup and
they would come and play in the spray from the garden hose.  Kim
calls me "Doctor Doolittle."  And my mom laughs at me because every
time I see a bumble bee I follow after it, wide-eyed, saying, "I
want to pat it."  The last time was just before Christmas and there
were people around and she got a tiny bit embarrassed and said in
mock exasperation, "You're such a child" and I said, "Yes.  Yes I
*am* a child...*your* child...and I always will be, so don't say
it like you're surprised."  And well, I'm sure a few of you remember
my story about Dot, the little theatrical housemouse who lived in my
wall and danced for me and who I took to live in a tangle of blackberry
brambles near my house.  I still miss that mousie and I think of her
when I eat pretzels, because she once tried to carry an entire pretzel
from the computer desk in the office to her hole in the living room.
They were obviously her favorite food.

Anyway, in the same way I connect with animals, I also connect with
the Folk.  A very few of you who were in the right place at the right
time know of some of the things they've given to me and the results
and what they've meant.  But how does a person commune with the unseen?
To connect with nature and with the beings in it -- visible or otherwise
-- I go to a place within myself that I call being "in tune with
blackberries."  See, I love to go picking blackberries.  I can spot
a tangle of blackberry brambles a mile away.  Several years ago, I
went picking blackberries with someone and as we stood there looking
at the brambles, we didn't see any blackberries at all.  Tons of stems
and leaves and blasted blossoms, but not a single blackberry.  We stood
looking and looking.  And then an amazing thing happened.... as we
became accustomed to standing there and focussed hard on the brambles
themselves and stopped thinking "Find blackberries, find blackberries,"
we suddenly saw hundreds, thousands of them, everywhere, on every branch.
We began picking them by the handful and my friend said, "I wonder why
we didn't see them before."  The next time we went out to pick, the same
thing happened, but this time, I turned to my friend and said, "The thing
is, we have to get in tune with the blackberries.  Until we get in tune
with them, we won't be able to see them."  Ever since, whenever I need
to go to a certain "place" in my thoughts that will allow the desired
thing to enter my realm of consciousness, I call it getting "in tune
with blackberries."  Just as I need to get in tune with blackberries
to speak with animals, I also have to go there to speak with the Folk.

It's not easy for me to speak about these thing publicly, because
they're very private and special to me.  But, there you go.

Oh, and Misty, your friend is right... leprechauns ARE fairies,
as are gnomes, sprites, nymphs, kelpies, nisses, brownies, boggles,
and any and all other sundry sorts of Wee Folk (even though some
are not so wee).


       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
       *                                               *
       *   Piss on the Fae and they'll piss on you.    *
       *                                               *
       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



From: "Jo Quinn" <aq@aquinn.source.co.uk>
Subject: Hey you - the rock steady crew!
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 14:51:57 -0000

Hello people,

On the subject of crappy bands we used to love, my first big musical love
was 'Wham!'  Heard 'Wake me up before you go-go' and my 8-year old self was
completely hooked. That's fairly embarrassing. My first ever musical
purchases were 'Uptown Girl' by Billy Joel and 'Rock Steady Crew' by the
appropriately named Rock Steady Crew. Obviously, I was transgressing
musical genres even at a young age. Ahem.

Misty, Misty, Misty - I really like Virgos! Honest, my best male friend is
a Virgo and obviously I liked the ex-boyfriend (aka 'The Stunted Dwarf'.
Sorry, bitter and twisted I know - but so very apt) at some point. Virgos
and Piseceans are opposite each other in the big astrological circle so
we're kind of each other's alter-egos. And as Paula Abdul said 'We come
together, cos opposites attract'. And I don't think she was talkng in terms
of orgasm - at least I hope not, cos that was a six-foot cartoon cat she
was with in the video wasn't it? Aaaanyway...

Have been chastising myself for leaving David Bowie off my 'All Time
Favourite Albums List'. Which is something close to blasphemy. So I decided
to include him a whole new catergory: Songs You Would Really Like Tori To
Cover. And my nomination is 'Life On Mars'. It's my most favourite Bowie
song and it is so perfect for Tori - piano melody and all. It would be

Watched 'Forrest Gump' the other night and have a vague feeling there's
something very ideologically suspect about that film, but I can't put my
finger on it. Foggy brain problems. Hmmmm.

Right - I have to go now as I have a very exciting interview to go to.
Trying to get a place on a pretty exclusive journalism course, only 15
people accepted kind of thing, so keep your faerie fingers crossed for me!
I'm optimistic it will be the start of a whole lot of good new stuff to
make up for the dissapointment of 1997. (New Year's Eve summed it up: lost
all my friends, had my wallet stolen, and had to walk home in the rain,
dressed as Ginger Spice in comedy wig and sequined mini-skirt, weeping big
runny mascara tears, my one remaining false eyelash flapping in the
gale-force winds. Not what you'd call a pretty sight.)

Big hellos to all the newbies, (HELLOS!!), big hugs to Dani, Misty and
Natalie, and big love to the rest of you.

Lotsalove - jo xxx (hopefully a trainee journalist by this time next week)



Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 12:24:20 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: Stuff and other Stuff

marlantigone asked:
>Oh, and was anyone else disappointed about the "Calendar" part of the
>Tori Calendar? USELESS!
um, it's a *calender*?  Let me check.  OH, you mean those little numbers
underneath the shot of Tori?  I just thought the months were instructions
for when the pics should be displayed and the numbers were for those of us
who can't count how many days in the month there are.  Seriously, I was
disappointed with the "calender" part, but quite frankly, I have 3 *real*
calenders in my office (a Far Side off the wall Daily, a regular monthly
from my bank and my datebook) so I really didn't mind the useless aspect.
I do like 90% of the pics and that makes it worth hanging.

Dani wrote:
>And if one more person (a la Pro widow on Jupiter single) reminds Tori
>of her real name (just in case she's forgotten, you see!) I just want to
I've wanted to say this for a while, but when I post I forget.  Tori
changed her name for a reason.  She does not want to be reminded of it.  I
changed my name, my first name got thown out with the trash when I was 17
and I never-ever would want someone digging into my past so they could call
me by my "real" name.  It's disrespectful.  Tori has made it clear what her
name is and I don't think she is at all impressed that jerko's in her
audience call it out.  If it were me, I'd be going, "who?  Oh, that name,
yuck".  When a person changes their name and it is a permanate change, you
must respect that.  "Myra Ellen" died at some point, or maybe she just went
into deep hiding.  So if you love Tori, give her that respect and let
others know also.  Names are powerful things, they can form the basis of
your personality, IMHO.

Misty wrote:
>My faeries question was: (drumroll please) What do faeries mean to you
>personally? A friend of mine told me the other day that he considers
>leprechauns to be faeries. I thought I had re-posted that, but I guess I
>didnit. Either way, I hear all sorts of lovely things about faeries on this
>list, I thought I might get a little feedback on that. So you guys can take a
>break from posting your top-ten love-making noises or whatever you guys are
>doing. (Just kidding)
Well Misty, It seems I sorta already answered in this post.  At least my
beliefs and the background.  But what do they mean to me personally?  I
know that at least one of my muses is a fairy and she whispers in my ear
when I'm writing.  I know that many fairies have taken up residence in my
home (a bit messy what with dripping honey and necter on the rug) and that
they help me emotionally and mentally.  Nothing like fairy whispers to make
you forget all the *YUCK* out in the world.  My fairies never came to me
when I was with my ex (to much negitivity) but when I moved into my little
palace, they moved in with me.  I can't believe in god, religion or higher
power stuff.  I've been way too hurt by these things.  But I can and do
believe in Faeries.  Does that answer your question, you eye-stealing hippy?

Barb wrote:
>I've been sitting back...reading this stuff... its cool.... my name is
>barb...just a couple comments:  I too have multipersonalities,  and how
>the hell do you stop being pissed at the world one day, and be in love
>with it the next?   be comforted the next,  and on the verdge of flipping
>the next,  and back to happy for a split few seconds the next?  I guess
>I've caught myself if a screwed up state.  Now that state has become the
>norm... and I don't like it.  peace to all that I can give it,  Barb.

Welcome Barb!  Wow, I am impressed that you could just come out and tell us
you are MP. It took a while and a lot of courage for me to do so.  I wish I
could answer your question, but I have never been able to stop the
conflicting emotions you mention.  I'd like to talk more with you about
this, why don't you e-mail me and you can tell me about yourself and
vice-versa, etc. Hope to hear from you.

Brandy wrote:
>Just wondering:  has anyone ever had a reocurring dream, I mean for
>years, that's really upsetting?

Yes!  Oh Gawd Yes!  My dream started when I was 8 or 9 and it didn't stop
until a couple of years ago.  It was always the same: there is a guy on a
motercycle dressed in a silver jump suit, silver/mirrored helmet and the
bike was silver.  I would approch him to see who he was, but he always took
off and I always started running after him.  His suit would billow(sp?)
out, filled with air.  Amazingly, I was able to keep up with him at
incredible speeds.  I would always wake up right before I caught him.  I
would feel terror and confusion when I woke.
The last time I had it, I finally caught him.  His suit was nothing but air
and when I lifted the mirrored face-plate of his helmet, there was nothing
there.  I never had the dream after that.  It took over 25 years to realize
my biggest fears were nothing but little fears pumped up with air until
that's all they were--big, pumped up, false fears.  I'd like to hear others
share their dreams.

Mikewhy wrote:
>I know that people disagree with me on this.  I have even received emails
>that say something to the effect that one can *always* hear the music
>simply by playing Tori CDS.  They say sitting there and simply listening is
>*boring*. It is the partying and screaming that count at a concert.  And I
>simply don't understand that line of reasoning...

AUGH!!!  Listen to the CD?  Don't they realize that Tori uses her voice as
an artist uses a brush to paint on canvas?  Tori's artistry demands respect
cause she is so *alive* in concerts, so expressive, the stuff that doesn't
come through on a studio recording.  I mean, do we have to really educate
the public so that they know that a Tori concert is not a Dance Party or a
rave?  If people want to party at a concert, well, go to a party band like
Blues Travelers or Phish.  Tori's concerts are much more on the spiritual
side, and require that sort of respect. And if someone is *bored* just
sitting and listening, well, I think they got the wrong ticket.  I'll never
forget at the concert in Philly in '94 there was this group of kids
(punk--wild hair, multi-pierced, leather covered) who were discussing the
concert.  These kids were there cause it was a concert and they needed to
go *party*.  One young man was trying to convice his friends that "this
tori chick" was like Ozzy Osborn who had rats and snakes crawling on the
stage and for an encore, she cuts herself and drinks her own blood.  I
think they were very disappointed (in fact, probably were the minority
screaming just to hear themselves).  At any rate,  I think we all have a
responcibility to educate others in concert decorum(sp?).

Well, that's all from this little corner of the universe.
Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy



Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 11:29:56 -0600
From: Lara <larajean@gmx.de>
Subject: Tori Amos Link Exchange!

Hello all! :-) It has been a while since I posted *waves*

I told my lil sis I would do this a little while back but I have not
done it yet -- so before she goes psycho... (jk) on with the goods...

My sister has started something called the Tori Exchange. Similar to the
Link Exchange program but the banners which are displayed are only of
Tori Amos sites. Any site providing whatever sort of information on Tori
are welcome to join. All you need to do is make a banner which is
468x60 and go to the page at
http://members.tripod.com/~blackstar979/ToriSwap.html (there is a form
to fill out there) and that is it! The banner can be made through a
program like paint shop pro which can be downloaded at tucows
(http://www.tucows.com) as shareware (for 30 days or something). Thats
about it! If you have a site -- especially those lesser known -- this is
a great way to increase traffic to your webpage!




From: "Nicole Labbe" <nlabbe@shore.intercom.net>
Subject: various replies
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 13:21:30 -0500

A bunch of replies for you:

Mikewhy wrote:
>>I know that people disagree with me on this.  I have even received emails
>>that say something to the effect that one can *always* hear the music
>>simply by playing Tori CDS.  They say sitting there and simply listening
>>*boring*. It is the partying and screaming that count at a concert.  And
>>simply don't understand that line of reasoning...

I vehemently agree with ya, Mikewhy; I've always felt there should be
separate shows for the quiet people who actually want to hear her live in
person and for those who feel the need to SCREAM at her. I just don't get
it, either. I'm there to see and hear her, not to yell at her.

I think Dani wrote this (?):
>>And just for the record... what other awful bands
>>did people listen to when they were in their early teens? Just kinda
>>curious to see!

Def Leppard all the way, baby! Seventh grade.  =) (yikes)

And Bethey wrote:
>>Nice person that I am, I didn't exchange insurence info, cause he has a
>>nice new truck and I got a piece of...chevy.  His friend is fixing it
>>Sat and I'll get $100 for being *nice*.  So I had to swear the doc to
>>secrecy after she wrote out my perscriptions not to report it as an
>>accident injury.  Am I like *too* nice?  I sometimes wonder

No offense, Bethey, but you're getting royally screwed on this one.
$100 and a back injury? This is not good, sweetie. You're going to have
major medical bills that he should pay for. My friends and I were in an
accident last
summer, and two of my friends had back injuries, and they still have to go
a chiropractor. You'd better believe that the guy who hit us is paying for

On that cheery note...
I shall leave you now, since I have nothing original or interesting to say

Nicole  =)


             --Cartman, "South Park"


     Bob Masse Poster Info

Since we have new people joining all the time, I'll include the poster
information in this spot until the project closes, just so everyone has an
opportunity to order one if they're interested.

Renowned artist Bob Masse, who has been creating beautiful posters for rock
concerts and events for over 30 years, is working on a brand new Tori
poster FOR FANS ONLY -- unlike his previous posters, Bob has refused to
make this one available to stores and galleries.  The price is #30 (which
will pay for print costs and the artist's time) and a portion of each sale
will be donated to RAINN.  This project is very intimate and personal, and
only a small quantity of 300 prints will be made, period.  Each will be
signed and numbered by Mr. Masse.  A live shot of Tori in concert will be
incorporated into the poster, and fans are encouraged to submit design
suggestions.  This is YOUR poster. :)

Bob has put Toriphile, Alisdair, in charge of coordinating this project,
since it was Alisdair who originally convinced [begged?] him to do another
Tori poster.

To learn about this project in more detail, please see the post in RDT(RN)
#41, visit the RDT(RN) archives and click on the banner, or go directly to
the project page itself (where you can see some of Bob's work, including
the Tori poster he created for a Dew Drop Inn Tour date at Madison Square


Keep an eye on that site for previews of the work as it progresses.

To reserve a copy of this poster, send a request to:


There are also very limited prints of the DDI tour poster still available
for sale through Alisdair's site as well.  (That poster is just *so*


     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

                       *** Tie A Boy digest ***

To Write PRIVATE mail to me, my PERSONAL address is:  <violet@slip.net>

To post messages to this list:  <seaclaid@earthling.net>

To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send mail to <seaclaid@earthling.net> with
     "Subscribe Thoughts" OR "Unsubscribe Thoughts" in the body of the message.

ARCHIVES:  http://www.slip.net/~violet/archives/Thoughts_archive.html

Other Tori mailing lists:

 * Precious Things (on-topic discussion of Tori and her music):
      bounce version  <precious-things-request@smoe.org>
      digest version  <precious-things-digest-request@smoe.org>
      (put the word "subscribe" in the body of your message)

 * ToriNews (strictly time-sensitive info about Tori -- no chat):
      this list is subscriber only, and is currently in the process
      of moving to Smoe.org.  I'll let you know when it's up again.

 * Tori-Boot (bootleg info, trades, sales):
      to subscribe, send a message to <majordomo@world.std.com>  The body
      of your message should read EXACTLY LIKE THIS: subscribe tori-boot

 * Tori Amos Quote of the Day (self-explanaTori):
      to subscribe, send a request to <elizabeth@muderick.com>.

 * The Philosophy of Tori (words of Tori wizdom to ponder):
      to subscribe, send a request to <toriphoria@aol.com>.

 * The News Group for Tori is rec.music.tori-amos.
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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1998