RDT Right Now #113

From: RDT Right Now <seaclaid@earthling.net>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 05:17:04 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #113
To: violet@slip.net


  REALLY DEEP THOUGHTS (RIGHT NOW) #113     Tuesday, January 27, 1998

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

Concerts, Cincinnati, and Sarah McLachlan :)
Is this the Real Life (or just Cyber-space)?
Don't believe the hype
Hey Jealousy
Beth, you're review kicks my butt!
MikeWhy's Enlightenment Showing Again In RDT Right Now #11
Tori-related, for once :)
Re: RDT Right Now #111
audiences, art, etc.
Honoring Mr. Whitehead's Graying of the Ears
Losing My Religion?
RAINN benefit at my high school
just an introduction...
Re: RDT Right Now #112
Import singles
(Bob Masse poster info is included after the final post)        /  .  \

                                                               |\_/|   |
                                                               |   |  /|
   .-----------------------------------------------------------------' |
  /  .-.                                                               |
 |  /   \   _  ***   ,*               BIRTHDAY WISHES          ***  _  |
 | |\_.  | ( `\( )  /   **,,,                                * ( )/' ) |
 |\|  | /|  `> /~\_/   _|||||_   A SPLENDIFEROUS B-DAY TO    I_/~\ <'  |
 | `---' |  (_/ /\/   {~*~*~*~}   MY ILLUSTRIOUS PREDECESSOR, \/\ \_)  |
 |       |    \ \   __{*~*~*~*}__   "PAPA" CHRIS MEYERS!!!      / /    |
 |       |    / /  `-------------`    SEND BIG HUGS HIS WAY:    \ \    |
 |       |    \/                        <cmeyers@novia.net>      \/    |
 |       |     `                                                 '     |
 |       |                                                             |
 |       |------------------------------------------------------------'
 \       |
  \     /

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDT(RN) archives:



Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 11:54:13 -0500
From: Mikewhy <mikewhy@iglou.com>
Subject: Concerts, Cincinnati, and Sarah McLachlan :)

Jorge said in RDT #111:

>thanks for the attempt at a guilt trip, Mike, but it didn't work.

But hopefully my true story may make at least one person think twice before
doing something, and that is all I can hope for.  These things *do* happen,
and I just wanted to point that out.  Actions have consequences, and
sometimes it is good to think about them.  Sounds like you do Jorge, so I
did not mean to direct that at you.  I truly apologize for the attempted
guilt trip. I just really love seeing Tori in concert, and sometimes I get
carried away.  Plus, seeing that crying boy at the Fiona concert shook me
up badly.

Steve the Sweet Fat Man says:

>I do hope that we realize that Tori can be
>conscious of both the gross receipts AND the fans, that she is ambitious AND
>caring, that she is a businesswoman AND a musician. She's a complex gal. She
>does seem to come up with a lot of stuff that we can spend our hard-earned
>scratch on. AND, she gives more to her fans than just about any artist.

Perfect my friend.  I agree 100%.

>And as for the actual screaming, I'm down with those folks who can hang with
>the occasional "I love you!" (and may have yelled that themself), but frown
>on constant screaming and chattering. She is more quiet than most shows
>(though we'll see how things go with that there band), but she ain't a
>church, either.

As usual, Steve injects real wisdom and common sense into the debate.  I
again agree with you 100%.  It is the constant screaming and chattering I
am talking about as well.  I think there are still some people here who
think I am advocating silence and continual sitting.  I am not.  All I
really saying is that everyone at the show deserves to *hear* the music and
*see* Tori on stage.

>One thing I am a little worried about is that some to be a
>little down on fans who are new or not quite as reverent as we longtimers
>are. They deserve to experience Tori, too, and their experience is not lesser
>- just different. Both they and we should stick to basic standards of
>conduct, and respect each other. That's what it's all about.

I also don't see a reason to be down on new fans.  I get letters all the
time form folks who stumble onto my web page and are not familiar with
Tori.  I pour them a virtual drink (non-alcoholic or alcoholic, their
choice) and welcome them to the Toriphile community!

Karen from Cincinnati said:

>I saw Tori for the first time in Cincinnati on June 3,1996.  I will never
>forget the way I felt on that day.  When Tori took the stage, I couldn't move,
>I couldn't speak, all I wanted to do was absord everything she did.  I was in
>a daze when I left, too.

Oh wow Karen!  I have been to 15 Tori concerts in my life, but NONE of them
came anywhere close to matching the intensity and magic of that night in
Cincinnati that you are speaking about.  Tori was completely possessed, and
her energy and power that night really blew me away.  Just thinking about
it gives me chills.

Doug Smeath said:

>Well, one of the most amazing parts about Tori, and especially about Tori
>live, >is the subtleties and the nuances in her voice.  In "Cloud on My
>Tongue," I
>just adore the spit-bubbling you can hear during some of the "circles
>and circles and circles again"s.  I love to hear the way her voice
>vibrates a little more grrrrrrr-ly on this particular word on the live
>version of such-and-such song than on the CD version.  You never know
>what you're going to miss, lost to a rude, "FATHER LUCIFER!!"

Doug, you are brilliant.  And these subtleties and nuances and moments of
silence in the music are just as important to the song as the loud intense
parts.  I just glowed when I read your post Doug :)

By the way, I am still freezing as I sit here and write this.  Sarah
McLachlan tickets went on sale this morning in Louisville, KY and I managed
to get, for the first time in my life, FRONT ROW SEATS after freezing my
booty of for hours.  I am so happy I could stand up and scream (ironic,
isn't it?)  The concert is March 20 and now the entire theater can get up
and dance their tushies off and I won't have to worry about it  ;)  Life
can be good....occasionally.

Yours in Tori,

Michael L. Whitehead
My Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe =>

"Moses I know, I know you've seen fire,
but you've never seen fire
until you've seen Pele blow..."  Tori Amos



Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 12:07:54 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: Is this the Real Life (or just Cyber-space)?

Someone wrote:
>>So i think email can lead to good friendships.  Now can you be friends with
>>someone SOLELY through email?  It is not the same as a physical friend to
>>be sure, but I feel you can.  There are many people I write to who I
>>consider friends even though I have never met them.  If I am down, I can
>>right to them and they often make me feel better.  So I think a large part
>>of a friendship can be confined to email, though of course real life
>>contact is always best!
I do need to put in my two cents on this.  I believe the above is from
Spot?  At any rate,  I have a big problem with trust and "emotional
investments" that Real Life friends need from me.  When I went online a
year ago, it seemed to be the perfect solution for me.  I could pick and
choose who I would have a *relationship* with, and if it at anytime became
uncomfortable, well, it's easy to just not write back.  I never expected to
gain the friends that I have *you know who you are!*, and even tho' it
hasn't gone beyond e-mail, I feel closer to these people then I do with my
best friend.  I guess that is sad in and of itself, but it is true.  I
really want to basically have cyber-friendships (even told a RL friend to
join this list so I would feel more comfortable *uh, John, you gonna lurk

Now that Tori is going back on tour, I have the opportunity to meet my
cyberfriends in real life. This really scares me somewhat, because I have
been so completely open and honest and vulnerable in cyber-space, not
wearing any masks and pretending to be someone as I have always done.  I
can't very well close up and put on a mask at this point, because those who
know me would know I wasn't being honest.  On one hand, I want to attend a
concert with all these wonderful people I have gotten to know, but on the
other hand, my basic distrust of all humans makes me take a step back and
try to hide behind my moniter.

My daughter thought it very sad that on New Years Eve, at midnight, I
raised a glass of champagne to my machine and sang "Auld Lang Syne" with my
arm around my moniter.  I did not think it was sad at all.  The freedom I
have felt in cyber-relationships can not be matched in RL, mostly due to my
own hang-ups.  My writing has improved and I can honestly admit feelings on
line that I can't bear to acknowledge in RL.  I guess it is strange, for a
lot of people prefer the anoniminity(is that a word?) and facelessness of
cyber-relationships because they can be whoever they want to be.  I am
truly myself out here, much more than I am in RL.

Beth W. so kindly posted:
>"People always say you should be yourself, like yourself is this definite
>thing, like a toaster, or something.  Like you can know what it is, even.
>But every so often, I'll have like -- a moment, where being myself, and my
>life right where I am is, like, enough."
>(Angela Chase, My So-Called Life)
Thanks so much Beth for turning me on to this truly insightful show.  My
daughter and I watch it together and then discuss it after in terms of our
relationship.  We can explain to eachother the different motives between
the parenting shown with Patty and Amber and how it affects each girl.  But
I really like the quote above and it just seemed to fit the topic.
NP: GE for the hundreth time. :)

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy



Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 11:10:40 -0700
From: Dave Woodson <otma@theriver.com>
Subject: Don't believe the hype

  Something occurred to me in the debate over rude/noisy crowds at Tori
shows. it has been ststed that tori's more elaborate "rock star"
performances have attracted a noisier and less respectful crowd. Well, the
Tori show i saw on the DDI tour [unfortunately, the only one I could get
to] was the August 19 show at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk, VA. The stage setup
consisted of Bosey and the harpsichord up by the front of the stage, with a
cloth backdrop that had small lights behind it , similar to Christmas
lights with white bulbs, to create a starry sky effect. The harmonium organ
was brought out for the final encore [Etienne]. Caton sat nearby, and
accompanied Tori on some, but not all of the songs. For Talula, the second
to last song of the main set, there were whirling colored lights on moving
robot-like arms. This was also the only song that utilized a pre-recorded
drum and bass backing track, activated by a foot pedal arrangement. The
rest of the show was Tori, sometimes Caton, and a simple lighting setup
that could have been constructed for any high school play.
  Now I can see how this show was a bit more involved and less intimate
then the LE era performances I have seen on my LE video, but come on folks,
we're not exactly talking the KISS Reunion Tour, the Pink Floyd Laser Show
or PopMart here. I don't know if every DDI show was comparable to this one,
but I kind of doubt that Tori had a much more elaborate show everywhere
else and just said "Screw it, let's not use any of that stuff tonight." I
can't see how today's hyped-up concert crowds would have found all that
much excitement in this show, if it wasn't coming to them from Tori
herself. There just wasn't enough else going on.
  By the way, the last song in the main set, right after all the flashing
lights and rock beats of Talula, was MAAG. Tori went from one song to the
next with practically no pause, not waiting for any audience reaction from
Talula to die down. She just swiveled around on her seat to face the
audience and started singing. The crowd went from 60 to 0 before the first
verse was over. Maybe I was too focused on Tori to notice, but I don't
recall any rude outbursts, in spite of having just come out of the only
truly "rock concert" moment in the whole set.
  Tori crowds, even in the post-BfP era, can be respectful, just as some of
the earlier crowds could be rude. I recall a quote in which Tori tells rude
audience members that they should leave if they're not interested in
listening, and says it would be appropriate karma if they had to put up
with themselves as an audience in the event that they ever found themselves
up on stage. I believe this was a LE concert.
  I don't think Tori's stage show really has much to do with the audience
behaviour, rude or respectful. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty much luck
of the draw in terms of who shows up.



From: fuzzbox@world.std.com (Ms. Chanandler Bong)
Subject: Hey Jealousy
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 13:43:29 -0500 (EST)

Marla Typeth:

>Jupiter ep - the US version has more anyway... And then there are always
>friends who DO own everything (*grumble* Japanese CD 5 *grumble* shrine
>*grumble*) so I can visit the Tori stuff

hey- that's the Japanese CD3, missy...

And you forgot the Precious things EP. ;-)

    Jason Bilsky   fuzzbox@world.std.com   http://world.std.com/~fuzzbox
       "I can't be really clear here, but if you know what I mean,
       you know exactly what I'm talking about." -Janeane Garofalo



Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 11:44:04 -0800
From: Doug Smeath <bsmeth@slkc.uswest.net>
Subject: Beth, you're review kicks my butt!

Beth, that is so cool!  I mean, that your review was in the newspaper!
:-)  How did you get it in there?  Do you write for them, or did you
just write it and send it to them?  I think it was fabulous, very well
written, and very accurate!  I agreed with all that you said!  Your
faves were my faves!  Your head-scratchers were my head-scratchers.  (Of
course, had we disagreed on the music, I would still think your review
was amazing, cuz it was! :-))  You didn't mention "Breakable," which is
one of the songs on there that I listen to (I would say "one of my
favorites," but that would sound like I adore it, but I don't, I just
think it's quite good).  Other than that...  Mono kicks ass, Tori's
songs MAKE the album (which is why it pisses me off so bad that she is
never mentioned, you know, like when they show advertisements and they
say "New Music from... And More." :-( )

Anyway, great job!

Much stronger than you know, not afraid to let it show,




Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 13:07:15 -0700
From: Dave Woodson <otma@theriver.com>
Subject: hugs


>I've babbled enough. Love to all of you guys, and may your faeries tuck
you in
>and give you sweet dreams tonight. ::hugs:: I feel like crying, so some hugs
>in return would be really welcome right about now.

                                 ( 0  0 )
                          ----000-> * <--000---



I hope all this turns out best for you, however that might be

"you'll be given love
you'll be taken care of
you'll be given love
you have to trust it"



Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 12:28:11 -0800
From: Doug Smeath <bsmeth@slkc.uswest.net>
Subject: MikeWhy's Enlightenment Showing Again In RDT Right Now #111

Mikewhy <mikewhy@iglou.com> said about "concerts" in RDT(RN) #111-

> Responses to RDTRN #110!

> True enough.  But I am saying Tori will not sacrifice her integrity for
> profit.  The b-sides and many versions don't bother me at all.

I absolutely love the B-sides, and I love how they vary from version to
version.  I also actually like how some are more rare than others.  I
don't know what it is, but after a long hard fight to get a song, you
just feel like, Ah, this was so worth it.  Now, I have many many less
B-sides than most other Toriphiles, because I don't have lots o' money
or resources to find all these rare rare rarities, but that really
doesn't make me feel bad.  Okay, maybe that was all a bit exaggerated, I
would LOVE it if I could get my hands on every song Tori ever recorded.
But I can't, and that's how Tori wants it, I guess, so...

> I don't have a problem with profit or capitalism..as long as an artist is
> true to her craft.

Amen!  We had a debate similar to this in humanities recently.  We were
talking about the commercial aspect of art, about art agents and all
this stuff, and it broke out into quite the hot-and-heavy argument.  I
and a few other idealists in the class were right, the rest of the
class, including the teacher, was wrong. :-)  We were so against this
idea of someone paying someone to create art "for them," and we
explained ourselves quite eloquently, if I do say so myself, and yet
everyone seemed to misunderstand it.  Let me just briefly explain what
our argument was.  It is FINE to make money from creating art, it's
great to have your art as a commercial thing, as long as it's YOUR ART!
If you have an agent telling you "Hey, paint this emotion for me," or,
"Hey, I want you to draw this scene, and I want it to look like this and
be this color and have this in it and blah blah blah," it's not from you
at all!  You are not creating art, you are mechanically reproducing an
idea or picture, and that is completely lacking, IMHO.  And it gets
worse.  You can't create anything without mannering it with your own
interpretation, so you aren't completely creating your agents emotions,
your audience's emotions, or your own.  It's a bastard mix of three
kinds of emotions, and when that happens, you usually end up taking the
most superficial, obvious, cliche aspects from the three personalities,
and you end up with crap.  Conclusion:  It's great to create something
entirely from yourself, something very individual and emotional and
good, and then have someone else see it and say, "That touches me
hugely!  Can I buy it for $10.5 million?"  It's horrible to have someone
say, "I will pay you $10.5 million if you will create the following
piece of art for me, but it has to meet this and this and this
criteria."  Tori doesn't need to have fans or Atlantic or anyone else
telling her what's right for her to create and what's bad, and if she
ever starts thinking about what OTHERS will want, that is when she will
start failing us.  As it is, she produces entirely from herself, and we
see the truthfulness and the integrity of it, and it touches something
in us, and that is why sells the multi-millions she does!

> >Heck, she's encouraging the "Beavis & Butthead" crowd by things like
> >   the breast feeding a pig photo, and the "no that's NOT a nipple"
> >   picture on "Hey Jupiter".

> You and I STRONGLY disagree with that assessment.  There is no way IMHO
> that photo was designed to appear to the Beavis & Butthead crowd.  For
> those interested in a more enlightened view of that incredible photo, go to
> this part of my web site:

When I first saw the piglet photo, it didn't effect me that much at
all.  Wait, let me clarify.  It didn't effect me negatively.  I saw it,
and to me, it was just another piece of amazing Tori idea, amazing Tori
art, amazing Tori, you know?  And then I heard people talking about
"that weird pig picture," and "You like Tori Amos?  She's weird; she
nurses pigs!" and "What do you see in this bestialist" and all this very
annoying stuff, and I just knew they were wrong.  I knew that wasn't at
all what the picture was about.  It had this inside meaning to me, and
though I hadn't been able to interpret it, I felt it, and I loved what
the picture sparked in my head, you know?  So when I finally read and
heard Tori's thoughts about it, it was such an enlightenment and an
amazingly insightful experience to me.

Don't worry, guys, just one more thing.  Steve, our very favorite, very
bestest Sweet Fat Man, said something that kinda made me giggle, and
kinda made me think, "Steve, did someone who's a little less all-that
than you take over your computer and write this?"  He wants Tori to act
on the Buffy TV show.  WHAT?!  Gosh, you might as well have her starring
as a witch on Sabrina the Witch or whatever.  Sorry, but while I totally
agree that Tori would bring an amazing twist to some piece of TV or film
that she was in, I don't think Buffy is the right medium for that.  The
only show that has been out so far that I think Tori would have been
perfect for was My So-Called Life, but those ABC people screwed our
chances for that.

Oriole Baseball On My Mind,




Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 21:21:12 +1100
From: FadaGurl <lemonpie@psynet.net>
Subject: Tori-related, for once :)

Just a quick note: I'm pretty sure more people out there would've
identified this, BUT I just want to point this out to everyone who has a
copy of BFP.

I was listening to _Talula_ through my CD-rom, and noticed, right at the
end of the song, after the music and singing has finished, there is a small
"ha!" emitted by Tori; a kind of smug "I finally got the take done" ha.
It's absolutely gorgeous, and I was just wondering if anyone else had heard
it, since it appears to be one of those "hidden" Tori-things that isn't
well known (unlike the spoken Bible quote in _God_ or the sustain pedal
being released at the end of _Yes, Anastasia_)...

oh well. Just a quick note (as all of my messages seem to have been in the
past week... "thank goodness" say the rest of RDT).

Hugs for non-specific faery people,



From: "felicity ranft" <redfraggle_world@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #111
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 03:24:13 PST

Me........... i've been a voyeur for at least two weeks.
You all have an awful lot to say....:)
My favourite pick up line is.......
. "so do you want to come home and watch my tori videos?"............

thanks "i'm new here"  felicity :)

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sun, 25 Jan 98 10:45 EST
From: "Kim.Dyer" <21329KAD@MSU.EDU>
Subject: audiences, art, etc.

> > Large audeinces are noisy, rude, etc. ... especially when you used
> >   to have an audience that sat there in rapt, silent awe.  It's
> >   the way these things evolve.
> I don't think large audiences are by default rude.  I have been at shows
> with large stadium audiences, and some of THEM were quieter than a few of
> the Tori shows I attended.  Therefore, your assumption is not always true.

Yes, you can get 5000 in to see "The Three Tenors" and it will be
fairly quiet.  You get 5000 in to see a "pop rock" concert of any
type and it will be noisier. And you probably think Tori's shows are
"louder" then they really are because you WANT rapt silence.

> >Heck, she's encouraging the "Beavis & Butthead" crowd by things like
> >   the breast feeding a pig photo, and the "no that's NOT a nipple"
> >   picture on "Hey Jupiter".
> You and I STRONGLY disagree with that assessment.  There is no way IMHO
> that photo was designed to appear to the Beavis & Butthead crowd.

Only because you are SO intent on believing Tori is pure and true
and ethereal and unworldly and artsy rather then a real person in
a dog-eat-dog business.

> For
> those interested in a more enlightened view of that incredible photo, go to
> this part of my web site:
> http://www.aye.net/~mikewhy/piglet.html

Ever see the explanations as to why "Piss Christ" was high art?

At least Robert Mapplethorpe was good use of light and shadow, even
when the subject matter was *intentionally* shocking. His non homo-erotic
work is excellent, but it got *zero* attntion in the press.

> Ms. Dyer  thinks it is merely a tasteless shock tactic with no real
> intrinsic value.  Tori's comments strongly contradict that.

Tori can work the publicity machine with the best of them.  That's
as important as the talent when it comes to "making it" in today's
record industry. We can all name folks with no talent who are
wildly successful on nothing BUT working the publicity machine.
With Tori, at least, it is only method to support the real talent.

> Even the stuff you've ever said
> about Tori (which hasn't been much) has been negative.

What have I said about Tori that was negative?  That she was a smart
businessperson?  Sorry if that disrupts your image of the pure artist.
I admire her for being able to make a go of it.  I have several
friends in the music industry (people with platinum records of their
own, one grammy winner, some who have been friends of Tori's since
YKTR, and one friend who is in a band on a sold out arena tour
right now) so my perspective is a little different.  Yes, being able
to talk frankly with these people about record company tactics,
touring, and publicity over Thai food will change your image of the
business very quickly.

Yes, Tori's audience is getting louder.  It's because it's getting
bigger.  It's no longer a hundred teenage girls who really need to
be on anti-depressents.  It's a few thousand people who want to go
to a show and have a good time.  This is *good for Tori*.  Without
it, she would have to go back to working a day job and playing in
a local dive at night for tips.  Personally, I'm *glad* she's no
longer playing to silent, sunken eyed audiences all dressed in
black. It means that she will be able to live without getting a
day job to support her music.  To go back to silent audeinces would
be to take her ability to make a living away.

-- Kim



Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 17:50:52 -0500 (EST)
From: Charlie Poole <cpoole@indiana.edu>
Subject: Honoring Mr. Whitehead's Graying of the Ears

Greetings fellow Toriphiles,

Nadyne Mielke <ahagon@st6000.sct.edu>, has referred to me in RDT(RN), with
absolutely no respect whatsoever, as Charlie Poole (king o' the old farts).
<sniff>  Sadly, however, it is true.

Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>, with impeccable taste and great
kindness recently bestowed on me the title, King of the Grey Ears, a title
I carry with full awareness of its awesome responsibility and the
realization of my quickening mortality.

Recently Beth wrote me, "And I have a request, dear King.  Mikewhy is going
to be 31 on Jan. 28. I think he should be made an honorary Greyears as a
B-day present.  Heck, he's officially *in* his 30's, old enough not to
trust himself anymore (obscure Abby Hoffman reference), but only the King
can grant such honorary status."

Being King of the Grey Ears the Abby Hoffman reference is not at all
obscure, "Never trust anyone over 30."  Therefore, in complete agreement
with Lady Beth, I, with the powers vested in my as King of the Grey Ears
hereby dub Mr. Michael Whitehead, Webmaster of The Dent, Defender of
Louisville, Worshipful Subject in the Church of Tori, and generally
Wonderful Human Being, an member in good standing of the holy order of Grey
Ears with full benefits thereof.  This should be deemed to be a regular
membership rather than an honorary one.  I believe Michael has earned this
position of respect to be accorded to one's elders.  As the King it is also
within my province to administer additional titles of royalty.  Therefore,
I would also like to take this opportunity of his day of birth to appoint
Michael Grey Ears to be an honored Page in the Temple of Tori and recognize
him as King of the Tori Amos Net Universe.

My I humbly request that all loyal subjects in the Temple of Tori, all Grey
Ears (both real and wannabes), and anyone else with vested interests, to
please send birthday greetings to Michael Grey Ears on, or before, this
Tuesday, January the 28th.  May we fill his e-mail box with a 1000
messages.   Greetings, salutations, and condolences may be sent to:

Michael L. Whitehead at mikewhy@iglou.com

For anyone who doesn't know who Mike is (and I can't imagine that there is
anyone in Toriland who doesn't), he is the creator and webmaster of A Dent
In The Tori Amos Net Universe which has got to be the most complete
collection of Tori information and news on the entire Internet, the entire
world, the universe even (with the possible exception of Tori's immediate
family).  If you have never visited (or haven't lately) go to:


Congratulation, Mike, on your encroaching senility.  May you make the age
of 31 at least three times over and have a successful reign as King of the
Tori Amos Net Universe.

With lots of love and affection,

In Tori,

Charles W. Poole, King of the Grey Ears

   |     C.W. Poole    |    "Charlie"    |    cpoole@indiana.edu    |
   |  To me happiness, true happiness is when you can really dance  |
   |      with sad.                                 --Tori Amos     |
   |  I have spent a lifetime learning how to cry.  --Janis Ian     |



Date: 	Sun, 25 Jan 1998 18:37:43 -0700
From: "Rynn Fox" <rynnfox@mailcity.com>
Subject: Losing My Religion?

Alright alright I know all you REally DeeP ThInKeRs HAVeN't HEaRd Or ReaD
About me and my where abouts for/...ooo.... the last..lez
say...millenium..but I've
been busy.. ah... honest.. i have..ah.. yeah, right..

okay, so word up peeps! waz going down in the hood?
I know I need to write and write I will but it will probably soiund more
like babbling
that any other damn ass thing!
so first of all:

I am now 17.  *please SOMEBODY clap* I received that number and promptly
went into
my 3 rd nervous break down in 8 years..come on.. YA'll know you feel PROUD


a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG hug and a hello to all of my pumpkin gang: Anna Ison,
Beth Winegarner,
Chris meyers *whereever he is*, Clare Emily, Doug Smeath, Emmy May,
Everybody Elses
Girl, Heather Hughes, Jaysen, Greensleeves, Jorge, Jupiters Boy, Laura
Maery *can u hear me?*, MArci, Mireya 1, Mr. St. John, Pelegrrl, REbecca
Pease, REbecca
Post,Laura Harris, REnaissance, SCOTCH!!, Violent Violet, and of course the
new Wiccan
boy- Ventrue....
my wasn't that a crazy ass mouth full

well, it's 5:43 and it's superbowl sunday... It's really really really
foggy and
I can't see my parking space from the Univ. window...

< "Jorge Fernandez muttered through the alcohol:
< 21st birthdays being letdowns- anyone who builds up <the ability to order
legally as a major event <in your life deserves the let down they receive.
it's not a big deal. the novelty wears off <quickly..about three days later.

yeah...along with the alcohol...

Ventrue screamed:ok.so i'm listening to the news right now....guys..get
ready for
this:a middle-school girl got suspended for supposedly being a witch and
a curse on a classmate. ok..i'm letting it sink in.... YUP! ok..the story,
as i gather
it, is thus: a girl was reading a book about witches. her classmates got
end of story. she wasn't even a REAL witch! damn! just a curious kid! i'm
not even
sure how authentic the book she read was! hell-it could've been
 "Miss Nelson Is Missing" for all anyone knows! so does this make being a
Wiccan illegal? am i going to jail? am i gonna get kicked outta school?
excuse me
for not being christian. and excuse her for being interested. damn it. i am
pissed right now. the
 whole system sucks, damn it." that's georgia for ya. hell, that's the
U.S. for ya.
                 -a very pissed ventrue

Honey, take a DEEEEEEEEP breath... yeah, it sucks! It sucks major ghetto
bootey but
it is the poison of ignorance and fear that made these people react this
way.  I
feel sorry for them because they were so ignorant.  I also feel sorry for
the girl
because she will probably be taunted/haunted by that one episode for the
reast of
her adolecence <SP>, not to mention the shit she might get from her own
flesh and
   The only way to combat this kind of ignorance is to spread the truth:
The truth
will set you free.

Frederique commented: Jo: What your wrote about witches <and Millenium and
intolerance was very <interesting. And I agree totally on your view of
I think we europeans have all that view on <America more or less. I
personnally see
it as a <country of the extremes, of all extremes (in a good or <a bad
sense, providing
that extreme can be of any <good.... one have to be very careful
<new person I met, after asking for my name would <automatically ask if I
was Christian.
And when I said <that I was a catholic, I felt like I was another lost
<sheep that
should be brought back to the flock. And <they kept talking to me about
Jesus and
all that <saving stuff. And the more they talked me in, the more <
questioned myself
and the less I felt free of my own <decisions. And as an European (and more
<as a French) I did not know how to deal with all that <emotional outburts
that went
along, all that crying <and all. When you hear nice people (like they all
tell you that those who dont believe in Jesus <are not saved and condemned
to hell
or whatever <terrible thing, when you hear them wondering if a baby <who
die prematurately
should go to paradise because it <wasnt baptiszed.... Well I cant adhere to
When <i came back to France I just didnt want to hear ,<anything about
I'd had too much. It took me <some time to go through that all process
again of <questioning
my believing, my religious belonging and I
< finally came to the conclusion that I wasn't a <believer and that i could
be as
good a person whether <i was a believer or not.

I know exactly where you're coming from.  On one hand, one has to know
religious background: he had convicts and the weirdo religious types settle
because Europe didn't want them.  And as a former Catholic I can pretty
much tell
you why you received such a shitty hello from the bible belt: they believe
are one step up from Pagan's.  Most of this belief stems from our rituals
*that many
other Christian religions do not understand* and the fact that they think
we worship
saints and Mary.  Goddess, ignorance needs to be flushed down the toilet....
when I went to Paris for the CAtholic world youth day I had the same kind
of religious
questioning you did...I also promptly had a nervous break down upon
return... it's
just so weird, that religion-this Force- *use the Force Luke* has become
like gravity
that weighs upon our souls, personas, personalities, and backs... for many
it's gone from being a thing beauty to a thing of torture.  I, like
Ventrue, escaped
from the yoke that I was harnessed in and became a Wicca.  Next year when I
get to
move to San Fran.  I'm hoping I can start learning more about Wicca than I
can now.

My have I been long winded!
Well everyone I'll write back soon!



punkins! Rynn Fox

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Date: 	Sun, 25 Jan 1998 18:41:48 -0700
From: "Rynn Fox" <rynnfox@mailcity.com>
Subject: RAINN benefit at my high school


My friends and I are going to be putting on a Battle of the Bands for RAINN
at my
high school. Does any body have any advice to give me!!


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From: "Stacy Snow" <snowstac@esuvm.emporia.edu>
Subject: just an introduction...
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 23:05:04 -0600

     Hi everyone!  I have been subscribed to RDT  for a few months now, and
thought it was about time to introduce myself.   I'm from the United States
- Kansas in fact.  Is there anyone out there  >from Kansas too?  The things
you have all heard about Kansas - the weird  weather and the boredom are
all true!  I grew up in a small town outside of  Lawrence, Kansas.  I now
attend Emporia State University and I am a  freshmen here majoring in
Business Education.   I'm kind of a "newbie" to Tori Amos,  only a few
years, but I'm a very strong fan.  My favorite thing about  Tori's music is
how you can listen to one of her songs and totally understand it  because
you know exactly what she's talking about.  You've had those  feelings and
experienced those emotions you just never knew how to express it  before! 
There are some songs of Tori's I don't understand and I know  that's
because I haven't faced those situations yet. We experience new things
everyday and I can be listening to Tori and just suddenly "get" one of  her
songs.  Has anybody else experienced this?  Tori gives me  strength, and
hope, and helps me better understand myself all at one  time.   Well, I
won't bore you guys any longer.  Just wanted to  say hi and introduce



Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 11:29:44 +0000
From: Ken Tough <ken@objectech.co.uk>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #112

>From: "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspring.com>
>Subject: Myra Ellen & The Imports

>>But the thing about those Ltd edition CDs is that the record
>>company does not sell them anymore.  When they were originally
>>sold, they cost no more than other digipack EPs.  Just because
>>they are expensive to buy on the collector's market now does
>>not mean the artist sees any of that money.

>um...no, Ken. when the import singles were first out on the market, they
>were $9.99 in most U.S. stores. that's $4.00 more than your standard CD5.

Yeah, but that's the import problem, not the ltd edition singles
problem.  The cost of imports is something that goes across the
whole record industry.  I doubt the artist has much influence on
import prices [though they can always push for an overseas release,
as you say].  Not that I know much about that, though.

>and it's not the presence of singles, it's the presence of MULTIPLE singles
>for each released song, each with a different set of songs. i think the
>biggest slap in the face was that, for the completist, after you bought BFP
>and the "Caught A Lite Sneeze" single, Tori/Atlantic/Mike Whitehead (it was
>really all his doing) decided to release a "limited edition" single where
>the only thing making it any different than anything else was a one-minute
>throw-away called "Hungarian Wedding Song."

Yeah, that certainly sounds like milking it, but if you are a
"completist" then you obviously enjoy it.  No one is forcing you
to buy the bloody thing.  I got "Hungarian Wedding Song" on a
Talula single for about 5 pounds.  (Regular single price).

>when the limited edition "Cornflake Girl" and "Silent All These Years"
>singles were first released, they were nowhere to be found as well. you
>always had to pay a premium for them.

Those were UK releases, no?  You could certainly find them here,
at regular prices.  "Limited edition" is difficult-to-find
by definition, BTW.

>all i have to say is this: Pearl Jam once went down the same route, but the
>band, THE BAND said "this has to stop" and REISSUED every hard-to-find
>import in America for $4.99. these are not baseball cards or coins. these
>are songs. why should a song be so hard to find, especially what i consider
>to be some of Tori's best work? why should i have to shell out $20+ every
>few months to get 2-3 different disks just because all the song repeat each
>other EXCEPT ONE?

No excuse.  If the market is there, they should be reissued in
the US.  (It also goes the other way, since UK CDs are more
expensive than US ones [12 to 15 pounds on average].  Add on
import charges, and it gets ridiculous.)  I can imagine that
a musician needs a strong bargaining position to force those
singles releases from the record company.  It isn't cheap, and
if they want to do it from their own pocket, great, but I don't
expect them to.  I would have thought that Tori could force
atlantic to do the same, but there is a lot of give & take,
especially when you want them to put up money for a long
tour of small clubs, when you want the freedom to change your
music style and "take risks".

BTW, if you want a compilation CD of the rarest B-sides, I have
a charity disc that I give away to people in recognition of
their support for charities or other donations.  It is called
Butterflies & Killer B's... See dejanews (rmt-a) or email me
for details.

Ken Tough              "Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine."
ken@objectech.co.uk    Cornwall, United Kingdom        -- Patti Smith



Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 06:30:59 -0500 (EST)
From: Nadyne Mielke <ahagon@st6000.sct.edu>
Subject: Import singles

Jorge said:

:um...no, Ken. when the import singles were first out on the market, they
:were $9.99 in most U.S. stores. that's $4.00 more than your standard CD5.

While the import singles may cost more to buy than domestic singles,
I believe that Ken's point was that the limited edition singles didn't
cost any more than the non-limited edition ones.  They may be harder for
those of us stateside to pick it up, but in their country of release,
they're both easier and cheaper.

:all i have to say is this: Pearl Jam once went down the same route, but
:the band, THE BAND said "this has to stop" and REISSUED every
:hard-to-find import in America for $4.99.

Which is just ducky.  But if you're the completist you mentioned before,
this means that you get to buy both the US -and- the {more expensive} UK
versions.  That sounds suspiciously like spending more money, which I
didn't think you're advocating.  A completist will buy everything they
can, even if they already have every single song on there.  Hell, I can
walk over to my Tori collection and show you multiple copies of the same
single 'cause I have both the UK and German versions.  {I'll grant you that
those multiple purchases were accidents, but I haven't sold 'em, and I
have no intent of selling 'em.}

I -do- agree that I would -love- to see a domestic release of a b-sides
compilation, somewhat like "More Pink" {except easier to find!}.  Or a
double live album.  Or both.  *grin*


*          Nadyne Mielke, CS majour, Southern Tech, Marietta, GA          *
*                                                                         *
* "I regret to say that we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of    *
*  oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate *
*  commerce. "                                       -- J. Edgar Hoover   *






     Bob Masse Poster Info

Since we have new people joining all the time, I'll include the poster
information in this spot until the project closes, just so everyone has an
opportunity to order one if they're interested.

Renowned artist Bob Masse, who has been creating beautiful posters for rock
concerts and events for over 30 years, is working on a brand new Tori
poster FOR FANS ONLY -- unlike his previous posters, Bob has refused to
make this one available to stores and galleries.  The price is #30 (which
will pay for print costs and the artist's time) and a portion of each sale
will be donated to RAINN.  This project is very intimate and personal, and
only a small quantity of 300 prints will be made, period.  Each will be
signed and numbered by Mr. Masse.  A live shot of Tori in concert will be
incorporated into the poster, and fans are encouraged to submit design
suggestions.  This is YOUR poster. :)

Bob has put Toriphile, Alisdair, in charge of coordinating this project,
since it was Alisdair who originally convinced [begged?] him to do another
Tori poster.

To learn about this project in more detail, please see the post in RDT(RN)
#41, visit the RDT(RN) archives and click on the banner, or go directly to
the project page itself (where you can see some of Bob's work, including
the Tori poster he created for a Dew Drop Inn Tour date at Madison Square


Keep an eye on that site for previews of the work as it progresses.

To reserve a copy of this poster, send a request to:


There are also very limited prints of the DDI tour poster still available
for sale through Alisdair's site as well.  (That poster is just *so*


     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

        *** Big Hug, Big Hug, Big Hug, Big Hug, Big Hug digest ***

To Write PRIVATE mail to me, my PERSONAL address is:  <violet@slip.net>

To post messages to this list:  <seaclaid@earthling.net>

To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send mail to <seaclaid@earthling.net> with
     "Subscribe Thoughts" OR "Unsubscribe Thoughts" in the body of the message.

ARCHIVES:  http://www.slip.net/~violet/archives/Thoughts_archive.html

Other Tori mailing lists:

 * Precious Things (on-topic discussion of Tori and her music):
      bounce version  <precious-things-request@smoe.org>
      digest version  <precious-things-digest-request@smoe.org>
      (put the word "subscribe" in the body of your message)

 * ToriNews (strictly time-sensitive info about Tori -- no chat):
      send a message to <torinews-request@smoe.org>.  The body of your
      request should contain ONLY the word "subscribe" and nothing more.

 * Tori-Boot (bootleg info, trades, sales):
      to subscribe, send a message to <majordomo@world.std.com>  The body
      of your message should read EXACTLY LIKE THIS: subscribe tori-boot

 * Tori Amos Quote of the Day (self-explanaTori):
      to subscribe, send a request to <elizabeth@muderick.com>.

 * The Philosophy of Tori (words of Tori wizdom to ponder):
      to subscribe, send a request to <toriphoria@aol.com>.

 * The News Group for Tori is rec.music.tori-amos.
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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1998