RDT Right Now #209

From: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 07:52:00 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #209
To: violet@slip.net


  REALLY DEEP THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW #209     Monday, June 8, 1998

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

ketchup (admincrap)
Warming up to Cooling
Cooling on your island
Risking my life to get Tori tickets
All I can say is WOW!!!
in the distance
Non-album tracks
i've missed you guys
people references in tori songs
Can anyone help with set lists?
Re: fairies, words, and disappointments
Sunflowers and your face fascinate me...
Catholicism.... and Modern Rock Live.....
Re: people references in tori songs
CGH review in People
Fwd: Tori story that gave me chills (good ones)
Re: people references in tori songs
Spice Girls Bust Up
Philly Tickets
Graduation Present whooooooooooo!
Re: -T- auction has ended (fwd)
Amazing Grace...Neil
Amazing Grace
nothing but faith in nothing

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report currently.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



From: RDT Right Now
Subject: ketchup

I'm planning to put out two digests a day until I get caught up.
I'll try to space each about twelve hours (or so) apart (or morning
and evening).

Just so's you know.




From: <GrecianUrn@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 02:38:46 EDT
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Warming up to Cooling

First of all, I have to share my amateur mathematical computation. Of the
requests I got for Tori postcards, fully one-quarter of them, no fooling, one
in four, were from permutations of Jen/Jenny/Jennie/Jennifer. What is this,
some sort of conspiracy?

Anyway, I finally found the two Spark singles. Of all the classic rock songs
to cover (A Case of You, Thank You and Angie are all wonderful), did Tori have
to pick Do It Again? I never liked Steely Dan, even if they did have the
chutzpah to name themselves after a dildo. To her credit, Tori's cover has a
nice groove to it, and I like it more than the original (which probably isn't
saying much).

But I think I know why she chose that song. From what I recall of Steely Dan
and Do It Again, with its chorus "You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels
turning round and round," the song's about reincarnation. And in the third
song of the single, Cooling, from what I can pick out of the lyrics, Tori's
singing to her lost baby, as in Playboy Mommy. So Spark could be considered a
theme single, with two songs about the miscarriage and a third about

I've got Cooling on repeat right now, but once I get sick of it I'll move on
to the other single with its three B-sides. Stay tuned for more of my riveting





From: <GrecianUrn@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 03:27:10 EDT
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Cooling on your island

I should have waited a few minutes to send my last email. I thought of some
more thematic connections in the Spark single:

-- In Spark, Tori sings "Say you don't want it again and again," then in the
next song she sings "Do it again."

-- In Cooling, she sings "Fire thought she'd really rather be water instead,"
perhaps a reference to the "spark" of life she's lost, which of course leads
us back to the first song, Spark.

Circles and circles...



"I can take only so much cool on your island." -- Tori Amos, 1988

"This is cooling." -- Tori Amos, 1998



Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 01:11:15 -0700
From: Doug Smeath <bsmeth@uswest.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Risking my life to get Tori tickets

This is so exciting!!!  For the first time in my life, I have, in my
posession, tickets to a Tori Amos concert!!!

And I almost was killed getting them!!! :-)  The story:

So I had my wrist band number 1, and I was supposed to be back at the
Smith Tix I got the wrist band at at 3:30 today (Friday); tickets would
go on sale at 4:00, but roll call was at 3:30.  So my friends Mary,
Geoff, and I skipped 8th period  to be sure we were there on time.  We
got there at 1:15.  :-)

So we walked around, I went to the Smith Tix counter and made sure I
could get tickets with my VISA, and we looked at magazines, trying to
find a summer hair cut for Mary.  Soon we were bored, and we decided to
go to where Geoff worked so he could pick some stuff up.  We got back to
Smiths at about 2:15.  I was starving, so we went to the bakery and got
bagels and donuts.  We took so long that we weren't done till like 3:00,
so I said, "Quick, let's go get food and cards and drinks and stuff for
the line party!"  Cuz I just really wanted to hang out in line and eat
and drink and have a fun waiting party! :-)  So we got all kinds of
stuff, and we went and sat in this out-of-the-way place by the counter.
But some guy who worked there eventually came over and told us to go
wait outside.  That was just after we met the first three other people
there who had wrist bands, so all six of us went outside into the
horrible wind and sat.  My party spirit kind of died.

By then it was like 3:27, so Mary and Geoff and I went back inside so we
could be there when roll call started.  If we weren't there, we'd have
to go to the end of the line.  But they told us to go wait outside and
they would come outside for roll call in 10 or 15 minutes.  So we knew
that we wouldn't miss roll call.  We were outside in the wind, sitting
there, getting to know people.  And here is where the adventure
happened. :-)

We were on the sidewalk-type thing in front of Smith's, near the pop
machines.  I don't know if there are Smith's stores outside of Utah, so
I don't know if you know, but they are just these big grocery stores.
Anyway, we were sitting there talking and stuff, and suddenly, there's
this car about three feet from where Geoff is sitting!  I looked at it,
wondering if he didn't see Geoff or something.  Then the car started
moving again, but it was going backwards.  It backed up off the sidewalk
and back into the parking lot, but then it just sat there.  After a
while, we heard tires squealing, and we looked up to see this car flying
at us.  We jumped up, and the car turned just before it crashed into
us.  I swear it was close enough that it could have brushed up on my
pants leg!!  The guy drove off really fast, like some kind of, oh I
don't know what!  Geoff got a license plate.  The cute boy with purple
hair who we had met said, "Whoa, man, that penis is HUGE!  Do you need a
wheelbarrow!" which I thought was hilarious!! :-)  Geoff went in and
told someone, and they called the cops.

So anyway, at 3:50 they came out and took roll.  They asked us each how
many tickets we wanted, then they went in and got the tickets.  At like
4:05 they told us to go in, in order, and pay for our tickets.  I got,
get ready for this:


Officially, it's FAA Row 5 seats 7-14.  We're a little to the right of
center, about where Caton used to be when it was just Caton and Tori.
This will be amazing!!!!!!!

I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!





From: "Toni Rolland" <craic@globalnet.co.uk>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: All I can say is WOW!!!
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 11:07:33 +0100

     I saw Tori play at Manchester last week and was  completely blown
away - I can't get her performance out of my head.  The  sheer intensity
with which she threw herself into the music and the sound that  she made
with the fantastic band was awesome.  It was a truly spiritual
experience.     Does anyone know when her next single  "Jackie's Strength"
will be out in the UK?



From: <Fragments1@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 10:53:42 EDT
To: gothiclove16@yahoo.com, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: in the distance

naydene wrote about her boyfriend leaving.....and..and i can't bring myself to
quote anything she said, because it cuts into me too much. i....i guess i'm
gonna open my mouth now.

the only way i've survived the past year is through daily contact with
michelle. i mean, i'm no longer afraid to admit this. she's become the only
thing in life i really care about...i mean, in the immortal words of
metallica,"nothing else matters".

in january she's moving to kennesaw, to go to kennesaw u...that's,like, an
hour from marietta [my place of residence]. considering job, school,
etc........there's going to be very little time for *us*....we discussed this
last night......and we acknowledged the fact that there's gonna be a period of
about 2 years before things are stable enough in every sense for one of us to
move in with the other.......and..it's like..the distance..the pain of
acknowledging that distance that will eventually hit...is incredible. it's
overwhelming....and..and considering naydene's situation......i..i just want
you to know, n., that....that you have someone whose heart is in the same
place yours is. everything works out somehow...just remember-life isn't in
god's hands. it's in yours.
"you dropped a bomb on me
you turned your back on me"



From: "Jo Beaven" <spock@globalnet.co.uk>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Non-album tracks
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 16:35:08 +0100

Naushin Lotia asked about non-album tracks.

Ring My Bell is available on a compilation album called Ruby Trax which was
issued in 1992 for the fortieth anniversary of New Musical Express. It
features various artists doing cover versions of British number one's, and
it's very difficult to get hold of now.

Amazing Grace is definitely available on the British release of the Talula
CD single, and can be picked up in most record shops such as HMV and Virgin

Most of the British limited edition singles (disk 2 normally) will have been
deleted by now. If you want to get hold of British Tori rarities then ask
your Dad to pick up a copy of a magazine called 'Record Collector' which is
available at most newsagents. It's a very useful magazine and they will do
subscriptions to most places in the world.


Mr B



To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 12:12:51 -0400
Subject: i've missed you guys
From: delight13@juno.com (rice - grrl)

hello ears with feet --

i know it has been a long time since i have posted, and most of you don't
know who i am.  so i am reintroducing myself.......... hi i am patrice,
and i love tori....... anyway, i just wanted to wish everyone luck in
getting good seats for this tour.  i went this morninig and got mine, and
i did well.  so i hope that everyone else has the same luck.

here are my hello's -- heather, jorge (i'm sorry about not calling you
this morning),
                                        violet, bill (i know you're
there), kimmie, abby (do  you still want
       that tape), and anyone else who i am forgetting (i'm sorry)

hugs and butterfly kisses to all,

patrice -- the butterfly queen

    ***don't judge me so harsh little girl.***
littlebluegirl@torithoughts.org                         ***so.  you got a
playboy mommy.***
-- my groovy tori address --                                  -- tori
amos, playboy mommy --
                                ~love from the butterflies~



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 01:28:05 +0500
From: tost@cyber.net.pk (Naushin Lotia)
Organization: home of the wretched
To: precious things <precious-things@smoe.org>,
	rdtrn <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: people references in tori songs

i just wanted to know some stuff. i'm a recently converted tori fan so
go easy on me if this is common knowledge.
who are the people mentioned in tori's songs. esp neil. is this neil
gaiman? if so, what is the nature of their relationship and where did it
all stem from?
also beenie? who's that?
there are tons others. i could make out a list and send it if necc. or
could you guys just explain the ones you remember.

what the hell am i doing here
i don't belong here



From: "Jo Beaven" <spock@globalnet.co.uk>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>, <precious-things@smoe.org>
Subject: Can anyone help with set lists?
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 22:37:56 +0100


I know that this is going back a bit but can anyone help with setlists to
the following Under The Pink concerts:

25th February 1994 - Butterworth Hall, Warwick Arts Centre, UK
1st March 1994 - Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK
7th March 1994 - Bristol Colston Hall, UK
26th April 1994 - Cardiff St Davids Hall, UK
30th April 1994 - London Palladium, UK

Tori also played Bristol Colston Hall during the Dew Drop Inn tour in '96.
If anyone can remind me of the date and let me know the set list I would be
grateful. I used to have all these set lists but managed to loose them along
with a Tori autographed Hong Kong Phooey greetings card, and two pictures of
Tori and me. Jeez that was a bad day. I'm just hoping I can get a chance to
replace one of them at the Royal Albert Hall concert next week.

Thanks a lot

Joe Beaven



From: "Jo Beaven" <spock@globalnet.co.uk>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>, <precious-things@smoe.org>, <torinews@smoe.org>
Subject: Autographs
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 22:38:46 +0100


Can anyone tell me if Tori is signing autographs on this tour, and when is
it best to try and get one. Before or after the concert?


Joe Beaven



From: <DBuch53368@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 20:46:56 EDT
Subject: WEB SITE

I found an article from April 1, here's part of it-

             "Fans wanting to show the love, ask questions, or simply request
songs should power up their computers and send Amos e-mail.  Starting april
10, fans can send Amos messages to www.tori.com amd the singer/ songwriter
will personally reply to selected submissions.  Responses will be posted

           Did anyone else know this?  Are they still taking submissions?  If
any one knows e-mail me at Rosamund@aol.com.



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 13:46:59 +1200
From: banksie@paradise.net.nz (Philip R. Banks)
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: fairies, words, and disappointments

the Mermaid <velvet@khazad-dum.ccsi.com> wrote:

> 	I am kinda disappointed in a few things, though.  To me, this
> album has a sense of just being thrown together ... the songs don't seem
> to have as many quotable lines as her past songs ...

   Ah, I am glad it isn't just me. Her album only came out in New Zealand five
days ago and I have spent the last two listening to the new album. Unlike her
previous albums very few tracks have grabbed me immediately. On the new album
I'd have to say 'Cruel' stands out.

   But on the whole I find the album lacks. I suspect the strongest reason
for this is that whole album has a very 'American' feel to it. By that I mean
it tends to have clever lyrics, strong instrumental work subsumed and mixed so
badly that neither can easily be distinguished. Nirvana would be a good case
in point, there was a group that had depths I never realised because I could
never understand what they were singing about. It wasn't until Tori did a
cover of 'Smells Like a Teen Spirit' that I was able to credit the group with

   In Tori's case too many of the tracks overwhelm her vocal and piano work to
the detriment of the album's feel. My love of Tori's work has been in the
lyrics, their frankness and the emotional way in which she presented them. On
the early albums the amount of emotion expressed through both the piano and
her singing was stunning. The new album doesn't have that feel, and comes
across as cold by comparison.

   I can't help but feel that perhaps Tori should take a few notes from
'Crowded House' whose style is close to the new album at points. Not that I'd
be biased when it comes to 'Crowded House' at all. :)


Philip R. Banks     http://www.geocities.com/~banksp/                   @@@@@/|
Moving swiftly throught the waters, Cannons blazing as she came,        @@@@/#|
Brought a mighty metal War Lord, Crashing down in sheets of flame,      @@@/##|
Thinking fortune must have smiled, People started cheering,             @@/---|
"Come on Thunder Child!" ---"Thunder Child"                             @/    |



From: "Giovanni" <giofabman@hotmail.com>
To: "RDT" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Sunflowers and your face fascinate me...
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 23:53:36 -0500

Hey you nice people,

I am Giovanni (a.k.a 'that guy from some other country') and I just wanted
to respond to a few messages:

<<On Thu, 14 May 1998 14:59:39 -0400 (EDT) Amy D Hayes <hayesa@umich.edu>

Hi, i just wanted to respond to Giovanni (by the way, that's one of my
favorite poets' last names)... i'm very sorry that you are feeling so
horrible.  i don't know where to find "Here. In My Head," although i wish
i did and i think that we are probably affected by the same part (Do you
know.. what this is doing to me?) and the way she sings it on the LE
video... mmmm...  anyway, i was wondering what exactly your problem is
with the guy who won't admit that he likes you... is this because he's
afraid of "coming out" or is this just one of those interpersonal things,
where he's just afraid to expose his emotions and deal with commitment,
etc.   Anyway, i hope he gets his head out of his ass soon and hooks up
with you :)  Good luck.>>

Well, Amy, thanks for caring.  Actually, it is far more complex than that.
We are kind of very different and we both are into different stuff.  He's
popular and I'm not.  I think if he indeed wants to "hook up" with me, he
has to leave a lot of stuff behind, as I do too.  There are a lot of
stupidities that won't let 2 people say what they feel about each other.
Besides, this country is exceptionally homophobic, and almost everyone is
too, and that does NOT help, at all.

<<"colette alexander" <gothicmindfood@hotmail.com> wrote:

So what religion are you if you don't mind me asking, and I know I
should probably know this, but what country are you from too? (feeling
embarrassed because this has probably already been addressed...oh well,
forgetfullness happens)>>

I am catholic.  and I am from Colombia.  And don't worry, it hadn't been
addressed before. ;-)

<<it's not uncommon unfortunately, I know a girl who's mother saw Lucifer
on the BfP back cover, and took it away from her. :(>>

This is not exactly what my mom would do... she would break it, step on it,
burn the booklet and send me to confession. Oh she would also make me break
or sell my other Tori CDs.  That's what she would do... and no, I'm not

<<okay, first of all, I'm incredibly sorry that anyone told you you
couldn't like tori, but I have to make some corrections here, simply
because I am Wiccan and I don't feel like that at all....
Wiccans aren't satanists...Wiccans (and pagans in general) don't believe
in the Christian God, and therefore can't possibly believe in Satan (who
depends on God to exist really).>>

Don't be sorry.  I now know better.  It was not a matter of what religion
this person belonged to, it was just a matter of being bitter and mean to
other people.  I have a wiccan friend and he is a great guy.  So I totally
understand what you're saying. ;-)

<<I was asked 5 minutes before an assembly to take the word 'witch' out of
my speech on Wicca that I was invited to give, or be completely censored
from the event (an assembly promoting our so-called-diversity week)...
just because 2 parents called in the weekend before and told our
principal (bless his political, groveling ass-i'm bitter, can't you
tell?) that they didn't want "a satanist" talking to their children,
even though the assembly was not required and notification sent home the
week before had stated that they could excuse their children from it.
Needless to say, I was censored after I told my principal I wasn't going
to let someone who knew nothing about my religion tell me what to say
about it.>>

I'm sorry that this happened to you.  Haven't you heard about that kid from
Alabama who was told she couldn't sing Fleetwood Mac's song "Landslide"
(penned by the wonderful-amazing-goddess Stevie Nicks) because the priest
was convinced Stevie is a witch and a devil worshipper? I found that to be
so ridiculous, and it hurt me deep inside...  Stevie is NOT a witch.  First
of all, no disrespect you wiccans.  But the common misconception of a
'witch' is just so wrong.  Just because Stevie writes "dark" or "spacey" (I
hate this word, they've used it with Tori too) lyrics and because she loves
to wear black, it doesn't mean she's a witch.  She has said it repeatedly...
to those people who have accused her of being a witch... in her own words...
they should all "get a life!".  The world is crazy, and all the crazy people
want to take down those who help to light our silly lives a little bit with
their beautiful music.

And finally, Doug, I'm so sorry that you father is trying to blame his
marital problems on you... it is WRONG and it is not fair.  If my father
ever did that to me I would make him eat his own words.

Sorry I took so long to answer... actually I just read the digests today.  I
was very caught up with mail.

I have only love,


"And is it true that devils end up like you?
 Something safe for the picture frame..."
-Tori Amos

"I'm not nice music for your apartment"
-Tori Amos

"Do not turn away my friend, like a willow, I can bend"
-Stevie Nicks

-"Has anyone ever written anything for you?
  In all your darkest hours, have you ever heard me sing?"
-Stevie Nicks



From: "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Catholicism.... and Modern Rock Live.....
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 00:00:17 PDT

Hi all,

First, I just got done listening to a clip of Tori playing Doughnut Song
with the band.  There aren't words for how awesome that sounds!!!

Okay, so in the Alternative Press article it says 'It [the failure of
YKTR] also sent her back to face her past and the sexual guilt from her
Catholic upbringing.'

Is that accurate?  I'm not sure why, but it just seems wrong to me, I
just don't remember Tori growing up Catholic, and given the fact that
her father is a minister, if he was a Catholic minister he wouldn't have
been able to be married and have children.  It's really driving me
crazy.  Can anyone shed any light on that?

Also, did anyone tape her appearance on Modern Rock Live?  The loser
radio station here in Houston didn't broadcast it, and I missed it.  If
you did, and you'd be willing to make me a copy, (i'll send you a tape
and pay for shipping) email me at Stickboy0@hotmail.com.

Take care all,


'and love walked up to like and said 'i know she don't like me much,
let's go for a ride....'  ~tori "cooling"

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



From: <PoetGrrlAC@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 07:02:11 EDT
To: tost@cyber.net.pk, precious-things@smoe.org, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: people references in tori songs

>who are the people mentioned in tori's songs. esp neil. is this neil
>gaiman? if so, what is the nature of their relationship and where did it
>all stem from?

The Neil is Neil Gaiman, and he is a friend of hers. She was a fan of Sandman
comics, and he listened to LE, and loved it. She has mentioned him in every CD
since LE. They became friends cause he loved her album, and she wanted to meet

>also beenie? who's that?
Tori's nickname for her best female friend, Nancy Shanks. She has sang backup
and been her masseuse on tour.

>there are tons others. i could make out a list and send it if necc. or
>could you guys just explain the ones you remember.

Go to this homepage:  <A HREF="http://stain.simplenet.com/tori/">tori amos: a
girl and her watercolour stain</A> (http://stain.simplenet.com/tori/)
Then go to continue. Then, choose no frames or frames. Then, click
encyclopedia. Then who's who. Then "in her songs". There is a complete,
accurate, comphrehensive chart by the author there, it is awesome.

I visited this yesterday, cause the author of it posted the address. It's a
really spiffy site, so I suggest bookmarking it.

Manda C



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 11:42:18 +0000
From: Susan Rusen <rusen@nbn.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: CGH review in People

Did anyone see that stupid Quasi-review of CGH in people May 11? It
was really stupid. Not only did it have no point, but it completely
panned CGH. Some people just don't get it. The review did have a
really cool photo of tori, if anyone knows where to get it let me



From: zt28@webtv.net
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 07:25:08 -0700
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Fwd: Tori story that gave me chills (good ones)

See  below.

There were no Tori photos but i think you may agree, this is one heck of
a Tori story.

The article appeared in the June 2, 1998 issue of Woman's World

Woman's World is a newsprint-printed weekly women's magazine, sold at
grocery checkouts and at newsstands.  It costs $1.25, features Holly
Robinson Peete on the cover this issue, and may still be on sale.

Page down, and enjoy :o)



"So shines a good deed, in a weary world."

--Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka; "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"
Message-ID: <35716520.25F048B3@pacbell.net>
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 07:12:09 -0700
From: "Kim H." <khasting@pacbell.net>
Reply-To: khasting@pacbell.net
Organization: ttp://www.cnn.com
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.01 (Macintosh; U; PPC)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Michael Whitehead <mikewhy@iglou.com>, zt28@hotmail.com, raven@qnet.com,
	tankgirl@qnet.com, Venus65@aol.com, StarletXOX@aol.com,
	Memoreno@yahoo.com, zt28@webtv.net
Subject: Tori story that gave me chills (good ones)
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I just read this story and i couldn't believe the song it was quoting and the
important part it played in these people's lives.

Well-- yes i can.  :o)


>From the June 2, 1998 issue of Woman's World magazine:

Happy Ending:

All her life Michelle Talley had longed to belong.  But after years of
searching, it seemed the brother she had never met would never be found...

'E-mail from the heart'

Dust floated on afternoon light as Michelle Talley cleaned, humming along with
her favorite CD.  Suddenly, Tori Amos' haunting voice swelled: "Years go by
and will I still be waiting for somebody to understand ?"

These lyrics always struck a chord deep within the Littleton, Colorado,
college student.  That's exactly how I feel, she sighed.

Michelle was five when her parents divorced.  She took turns living with both
her mom, who remarried and divorced and remarried again, and her dad, a
military man who was frequently transferred from city to city.

"I'm Michelle," she'd introduce herself to each new class, smiling bravely.
But she always felt like an outsider.

Occasionally she'd feel a spark of connection with another little girl, but
just as they grew close, Michelle would have to say goodbye.  After a while,
she gave up trying to make friends.  Why bother ? she'd think.
But if I had a brother or sister they'd always be there for me.

Then, when Michelle was nine, her mom Sherry told her a secret.  "You're old
enough to know this, honey.  Before I met your daddy," she choked.  "I had a
son, Geoffrey.  G-E-O-F-F-R-E-Y, I spelled it.  I wanted to let you know, in
case he ever finds us..."

Slowly, it sunk in: I have a brother ! "Let's go find him !" Michelle cried.

"We can't," her mom said.  "He has his own family now."

That night, Michelle was too excited to sleep.  A brother ! she marveled.  I'm
gonna find you someday, she vowed.  And then I won't be so lonely.

As Michelle grew--moving 22 times by age 18--she searched the faces of young
men in the streets.  Sometimes she'd blurt out, "Were you adopted ?" to boys
she met.  When they said no, her cheeks flushed.

After graduating from high school, Michelle contacted adoption organizations
and checked her mailbox every day for responses.  When none came, Michelle's
heart sank.

As calendar pages flipped by, Michelle fell in love and enrolled in college.
My life is finally getting on track, she smiled.  But now, as
she listened to the Tori Amos song "Crucify" for the thousandth time,
tears stung her eyes.

Part of me is still missing, she realized.  I have to find Geoffrey !

Michelle's dad knew she was searching, and one day, he told her, "I found an
adoption website."

Full of hope, Michelle posted a message: 'Searching for male, born 8-31-68 in
Syracuse'.  But months passed with no response.

Meanwhile, 2,000 miles away, Syracuse security guard Eric Spencer, surfing the
Internet for the first time, stumbled upon the America Online Reunion
Registry.  Eric had grown up with a loving family, but when they explained he
was adopted, he wasn't surprised: he'd always felt different.

"If you want to search for your biological family, you have our support," they
told him.

So when a form popped up on the screen, Eric eagerly filled it in--and a note
flashed that there was a match somewhere in New York !  Albany, Buffalo, Eric
alphabetically scanned...getting all the way to Staten Island.  Syracuse was
next.  Then, suddenly, the computer crashed.

Eric groaned in frustration and was unable to log back on.  First thing the
next morning, he got online and typed Syracuse--and found Michelle's message.
Could that be me ? he breathed.

Just then, an instant message popped up. 'I'm from the registry', it read. 'I
think I have your sister on the line !'

I have a sister ?  Eric gulped as a phone number appeared.  With trembling
hands, he dialed.

Back in Colorado, Michelle's heart was pounding hard.  Don't get your hopes
up, she told herself.  But, breathless with excitement, she cried, "Are you
really my brother ?"

"I don't know," Eric replied.

"Well, I'm colorblind," Michelle began.  "Are you ?"

"Yes !"  Eric answered.

"And my mom has type A blood."

"The records show that my mom did too !"  Eric shouted.

But there was a bigger question.  Then Michelle asked, "Was your name always
Eric ?"

"No," he said.  "My foster parents used to call me Geoffrey with a 'G'."

Goose bumps tickled Michelle's skin.  "You *are* my brother !" she cried.

After talking for hours, Michelle called her mother.  "I'm getting my son back
!" Sherry cried in disbelief.  Soon she was hugging him for the first time in
29 years.  And a few weeks later, Michelle was boarding a plane to Syracuse.

As soon as Michelle stepped into the terminal, a tall young man with her smile
rushed over.

"I've been waiting for this for so long !" she sobbed.

"Welcome, little sis," Eric breathed.  When he wrapped his arms around her,
Michelle thought: my prayers have been answered !

That evening, Michelle stayed at Eric's apartment--and they talked until dawn.

"Before we call it a night, I want you to hear this song," Eric said,
putting on a CD.  "Because it always made me think of you, even before I knew
you existed."

Suddenly, the room filled with sweeping pianos and violins--and a lone, gentle
voice sang: "Years go by and will I still be waiting for somebody to

"Oh my goodness," Michelle gasped.  "I've listened to the same song for years
!"  And in her amazement, it struck her: in our hearts, we've always been

These days, Michelle and Eric talk for hours on the phone and send endless
e-mails to each other.

"Finding Michelle was like being given a gift," Eric says, "a sister and best
friend in one."

And for his sister, the reunion's even more meaningful.  "Now that Eric is a
part of my life, my heart is complete," she beams.

-- written by Eva Unga

(There is a box below the story with this info:  'Finding a loved one online':
 "More and more people are reconnecting with loved ones through computers,"
says Susan Friel-Williams, founder of the America Online Reunion Registry.  At
AOL, searchers fill out forms, and the information is kept in a database.  A
query is then posted; if another browser recognizes the information, she sends
an e-mail to the registry.  If a match is made, the registry e-mails the
searcher.  The AOL site can be found at www.reunionregistry.com.)


I just had to share this story.  I couldn't get through the ending without

Peace and Tori;

Kim H



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 10:35:23 -0400
To: tost@cyber.net.pk (Naushin Lotia),
 precious things <precious-things@smoe.org>,
 rdtrn <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: Re: people references in tori songs

At 01:28 AM 5/31/98 +0500, Naushin Lotia wrote:
>i just wanted to know some stuff. i'm a recently converted tori fan so
>go easy on me if this is common knowledge.
>who are the people mentioned in tori's songs. esp neil. is this neil
>gaiman? if so, what is the nature of their relationship and where did it
>all stem from?
Neil and Tori are friends.  They have been since LE.  There are two stories
to how they met (at least!), but it seems that Tori had someone give neil a
tape of LE with a note that he was mentioned.  Before that she was simply a
sandman lover.

>also beenie? who's that?
Beenie is Nancy C (help me out here guys), one of Tori's oldest friends
since her early LA days (if not before).  Up until the Plugged tour, Beenie
was Tori's tour companion, massuse, physical therapist and good buddy.
Beenie has stuff to do this tour so she's not along this time.
I'm sure I'll be corrected, but this is what I've read and heard about
these two folks.

>there are tons others. i could make out a list and send it if necc. or
>could you guys just explain the ones you remember.
Send a list.  That way we can all take shots at "Who's Who". :)

Fairy Blessings,
*We are all in the gutter,
*But some of us are looking at the stars"
*-Oscar Wilde-
*I gave my life to become the person I am.
*Was it worth it? -Richard Bach-
*"Don't Dream It~
*Be It"- RHPS



From: "Quinn" <aq@aquinn.source.co.uk>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Spice Girls Bust Up
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 14:40:42 -0000


Geri Halliwell ( aka Ginger Spice ) has left the Spice Girls!!!! The future
of the band now looks uncertain....

The official six month mourning period begins today. Drape yourself in
black robes and veil your faces.

This news brought to you by your British correspondent, Miss Joanna Quinn.



From: <Flygirl377@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 10:48:00 EDT
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Philly Tickets

Hi everyone!  I guess I should introduce myself since I have been lurking here
for a few months now.  My name is Laura and I am 21 yrs old.  I have been a
Tori fan for years.  Anyway...my reason for posting is that I am looking for 1
ticket for the Philly show at the Spectrum.  I got tickets for myself and a
friend.  Now another friend really would like to go.  She does not care where
the seat is...she just wants to be able to be there to see Tori.  She also
does not have a whole lot of money to spend, so that rules out ticketing
agencies.  The tickets from there seem to start at around $60.  If anyone
happens to have an extra we would really appriciate it.  In exchange if
someone is willing to sell it at face value, I have an interview with Tori on
tape that I would be willing to copy for you.  It is from a Press Conference I
attended at the Tower Theater on May 2, 1996, and is quite good.  Well...that
is really all I have to say for now.  Bye!



"I've never played the guitar except throwing it against the wall cause I was
pissed off I couldn't play it."   -Tori Amos



From: <BABADEER1@aol.com>
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 11:35:08 EDT
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Graduation Present whooooooooooo!

Hi all I am elated its Sunday the 31st and today I graduate college. My
mother-in-law went out and got me tickets for Tori @ Springfield Symphony
Hall,as before I'll be the one in a jesters cap.So the word is Daisies right.
  CgH is better than the rest of her albums(now hang on let me finish),because
it is a different type of Tori. A more sexual Tori!!   Tori is celebrating
life and letting go of the past IE "Northern Lad" andf laying past issues to
rest(I don't want to say the M word its way too ugly and sad) with Playboy
Mommy or mayhaps they are just music or mayhaps I have a sad and pathetic life
to sit around and search Tori's music for analytical content..... But I doubt
  I am so glad that Tori found someone for herself finally, perhaps they shall
share some music with us. It should be an interesting thing to see how Mr.
Hawley influences his wife's music.
 Just think Techno-Tori perhaps with a classical bent,an electric harpsichord.
How much do you think the current technical situation will change the music.
Does it matter?
      In closing My grandfather starts chemo,for the tumors in his brain,and
he seems very positive.
     I want to thank all for their support it helps to know that somene has
been there and cares enough to offer their support.



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 11:40:29 -0400
To: precious-things@smoe.org, tori-boot@europe.std.com, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
From: Nadyne Mielke <nadyne@rmta.org>
Subject: Re: -T- auction has ended (fwd)

Elusis (elusis@rmta.org) asked me to forward this onto the lists she posted
her auction information to.  If you have any questions, forward them to
her. :)


>>>Final reminder:  The auction for the pair of front row (section 1 Row A)
>>>tickets to Tori's Madison Square Garden performance on July 28 is ending
>>>tonight at midnight, Eastern time.  Bidding is currently at $300 for the
>>Bidding has closed for these tickets.  The winner was bidder #6, who has
>>chosen to remain anonymous, for $800.  A total of $710 will be donated to
>>RAINN after the $87 ticket charge and $3 for shipping and insurance.
>>Thanks to everyone who bid - this has been a wonderful outpouring of
>>support for a worthwhile cause.  :>
>>(also for bramble, nymsa, and Darrien)



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 12:38:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Novak M Matt P <6mmpn@qlink.queensu.ca>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Amazing Grace...Neil

Hi all,

This is my first time posting and I just wanted to answer a couple of
questions that I saw:

Amazing Grace/'Til the Chicken is on a Talula single between the Tornado
Mix and BT's Synethasia mix...only three tracks.

On FTCH, 'where are the Velvets' is a Neil reference.

Hope this helps.



From: "Marla Antigone" <ockle@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Amazing Grace
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 10:16:57 PDT

Just a correction...

<<>- amazing grace
Never officially released, only available on bootlegs>> says Nad.

Nope - its on one of the Talula singles - Amazing Grace/Til the Chicken
- It's amazing grace and then this silly little improv Tori does with
George Porter Jr. (I've read its about the chicken that wouldn't cook in
the Manson house when Tori was with Trent...)


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 11:29:11 -0700
From: Doug Smeath <bsmeth@uswest.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: nothing but faith in nothing

SO bethey said

but Dougie and some others still go and

when she was talking about mormons and stuff, and i just had to say
this, real quick, so be honest.  Cuz I think that letting this go would
trivialize those who actually do believe.

Just cuz I go doesn't mean i believe.

It means my mommy and daddy believe and i therefore bite my tongue and
hop in the car sunday mornings when i can't think of an excuse to stay
in bed, and when i am not lucky enough to work. :)

It is sunday now.  I just got back from sacrament meeting, but luckily,
i had to come home early, to go to work.




Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 15:19:33 -0500 (CDT)
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
From: Simon Booth <simon@texas.net>
Subject: Understand

Ra 4761 wrote:<Ra4761@aol.com>
>I wish I could describe
>How I feel inside
>All around me as I come
>into the glory or gods'
>own living room
>Come on Judas - over here
>she says
>Let me give you one (kiss)
>see how you like it
>Yeah, that's what I thought
>you bitch, how could you?
>Incredible, as she plays, daze
>Amaze . . . me
>When do we meet again
>monsoon in between us
>This storm I love
>They say seven is perfect
>And I guess that's true
>Those pages are all there
>You wouldn't get it unless you've been

Wow!  I've been trying to say this and never could get it out :)  This is
beyond phenomenal!

(a short posting this time!)

     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

  *** thiS is anothEr eXtra-specIal SubliminAl MESsage digeSt digest ***

To Write PRIVATE mail to me, my PERSONAL address is:

To post messages to this list:  <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
     [Does your post contain time sensitive information that needs to be
     up within five (5) days?  If so, include "TIME SENSITIVE" somewhere
     in your subject line and as long as it's legitmate, I'll make sure
     it gets up in time, even if I'm running behind.  "Time Sensitive" is
     strictly reserved for posts containing *timely* Tori or Torifan-related
     news or questions only.  Posts with personal content or comments do not
     qualify as time sensitive and will be queued with regular posts.]

To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send mail to <rdtrn-request@torithoughts.org>
      with either "subscribe thoughts" OR "unsubscribe thoughts" in
      the body of the message.

To join ToriTour:  send a request to <tour-request@torithoughts.org>
      with either "subscribe american tour" or "subscribe euro tour"
      or "subscribe other tour" in the message body.


Any self-respecting Toriphile is on The Registry. (That means you!)

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         `             thanks for visiting this pretty garden

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > June 1998