RDT Right Now #319

From: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 14:15:16 -0400
Subject: RDT Right Now #319
To: the booty generation <rdtrn@nopost.org>


Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 98 : Issue #319

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  jackie's strength video
  chaotic thoughts
  south african
  Hip and Hop
  85 shows!!!!
  Free Falling
  Big up to Jorge
  gimme an L gimme a U gimme a C gimme
  Open Mike Niteeee
  I'm here, baby doll! :-)
  Some awesome songs
  in & around & thru me again
  stuff from robyn the newbie
  poem scroll by if easily offended
  help me write music reviews!!!!!!!!!
  rap and Tori at the MTV Music Awards
  Tori Jingles
  Farewell, Goodbye, Au revoir, Ciao
  Hey yo yo yo
  h i l l i e ' s s t r e n g t h

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 07:47:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jennifer Navratil <jennnav@yahoo.com>
Subject: jackie's strength video
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

Hey everyone!
     Here I am again: delurking for another question.
So, when do they ever play the Jackie's Strength video??????  I've
been dying to see the video and no TV station EVER plays it!!  Are
there any specific times when MTV plays it?
Can't wait til that Prevue show comes on in October.  Tori will be one
of the first guests!!!!
           Jenn :)



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 11:08:07 -0400
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
From: Jeff Mondick <jjmon@pipeline.com>
Subject: chaotic thoughts

Autumn sez  ..
>P.S.does anyone know if the Northwestern airlines strike is still on on
>or not? I have the chance to see *Tori* Sep. 23 (my birthday!) in L.A.
>with a friend of mine, and I live in Michigan...let me know if you find
>any cheap seats! I'll love you forever!
Last i heard it was over but they were backed up and subbing some flights
out to Delta ... could be wrong tho ....

And Ness had sum stuff to say about one of *my* favorite instruments ...

>The cello is may favorite instrument.
>I am a sucker for any strings actually.  But I have always had a special
>bond with the cello.  I am convinced that I can play it, but I have never
>actually tried.  It just seems kind of instinctive to me.

I love the cello - been playing it for over 8 years (actually went to
college for it ... not i work in computers - go figure).  It has a great
voice, and can be very haunting, very beautiful, yet sometimes very shrill
and shattering. Kind of like a certain singer we all know ...  I would
recommend that you pick one up!!  A lot of the music store have rental
programs (especially the ones that cater to HS band narket) and you can
rent them for between $20 to $50 a month, depending on what kind you get.

You go Agent Orange (you know, one of the bars in State College Pa has a
very potent drink called Agent Orange.... coincidence??  I think not  :)

>REdstamen noticed.."it's strange...when you think women are somehow
>different than men...that
>they'd never fuck you over or pull the wool over your eyes, or even just
>advantage of you.  sorry to all you guys out there.

>Haven't you heard? Womens are vessels of sin! A little bit of trivia for
>you. The tradition where the man carries his bride over the alter? No,
>it's not for the romanticism. It's so the woman doesn't tarnish his
>household with her sin.
>Sorry to hear about your story Red.; Have faith. Not all women are that

Should we stereotype women and/or men as being scum??  I dunno, i think
it's just some PEOPLE ... i've know scum of both sexes.

Bethany, also from Pa, quoteth

>hey y'll
>okay, that five for PA....me, Jodi, Becky, Bethey and April...(who
Hey, *i'm* from Pa!!  Do i count????

>Other news....I have made my tori find of the month....I was in
>Keystone Music Exchange, which is the only place in my good ol
>hometown of Lebanon thathas imports and boots..and i found YKTR with 6
>bonus tracks!!!!! I recant my statement to Jodi that it could only be
>found outside the US.....Sorry dear. :)

I found a copy of YKTR (didn't have the 6 bonus tracks tho) at a place
called Disc Go Round, east shore Harrisburg .. they also have a medium
sized selection of improts (Tori and not Tori) and can special order for
you.  There's also a Disc Go Round at the west shore and in State College
.....  just FYI.

last but not least, Pete was talkin' 'bout

>also, i've always thought Precious Things linked to Caught A Lite Sneeze in
>several ways - didn't the 'Nine Inch Nails' do an album called 'My Own Pretty
>Hate Machine'? And with PT being about a cruel high-school kind of love-hurt
>and CALS being about the adult equivalent (every dirtier, with (maybe
>metaphorical) wives and families involved instead of the younger Party Dress

The NIN CD is "Pretty Hate Machine" .. i always thought PHM was about
Trent's affair with a married women, someone he could never have.

And i agree with jorge on the hip-hop rap thing - there is some great music
out there, we have to open our minds and listen!!


Jeff Mondick
Bass, Chapman Stick, EURB, Warr Guitar and other music stuff ...
System Administrator, and other stuff in my spare time



From: "Ng, Patricia" <patricia.ng@wilcom.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Empty-Vee
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:01:30 -0500

To this day, I've seen neither the Spark video nor the J.S video. I
watch MTV, but that's only to catch the 1 millionth run of BackStreet
Boy's cheese song. Yea, you know what I'm talking about. So when do the
video's air? At some obscure time in the night when I'm deep in REM
sleep? Well in that case, never mind. I guess I'll wait for the ftchg
videos to be released on tape.

Giovanni's descript. of his mom..Actually, this is short of what mom
would do if she ever knew about Tori's
lyrics & stuff.  She would of course, call her a satanist, then take the
away from me, then burn them, then slap me in the face and kick me with
heels while I'm lying on the floor, spray some holy wanter on me and
make me go to confession and maybe even have an exorcism done on me. "

Yikes! I hope you're only kidding. It amazes me how intolerant parents
can be. Is this something you grow into? I've asked my boyfriend, Tom,
before if we should be parents one day and act like old farts about "new
music." I know my 'rents listened to cool stuff back in the day, so what
happened?  Now Mom & Dad sits here listening to 94.5 The Oldies, and if
they're in my  car, they cringe at the radio station tuned in.

Now this irks me to no end...
Cynthia Glass wrote..
 Tori was simply "humoring" the task of handing out
>"Best Rap Video"? Hell, I know I would.

Jorge retorted..people diss hip-hop when they don't take a second to sit
down and listen to
it. i find that so goddamn ignorant

So how do you know that Cynthia hasn't sat down to listen to hiphop
before voicing her opinion? I find *that* so fucking ignorant to make
your judgement on her, b/f you've assessed the facts. But Jorge finds
hip-hop intelligent, so we shall follow suit. I've sat down and listened
to hip hop, rap, etc. I dislike it for the most part, but have found
*few* artists to be good. What's good for the goose isn't necessarily
good for the gander. Besides you should read Cynthia's comment again; No
where did she call it  an "untalented genre." I'm not going to sit here
and beat you over the head about your opinion, so don't bitch about
others "dissin' hip hop. Got it , G-dawg?

Agent Orange
(protectin' her girlz in da houuze)

"Breakfast at every hour...It could save the world" T.A

Patricia Ng



From: 14368@falcon.glenwood.dbn.school.za
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:03:56 GMT +2
Subject: south african











Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:37:15 -0500
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
From: Giovanni Mantilla <gmantill@speednet.com.co>
Subject: Hip and Hop

jorge wrote:

>people diss hip-hop when they don't take a second to sit down and listen to
>it. i find that so goddamn ignorant. listen to some Canibus, Tribe, or Nas.
>hell....go all the way and pick up some KRS-One or Eric B. and  Rakim. there
>is significant skill involved in both freestyling and writing intelligent
>rhymes. if you find that hard to believe, then pick up pen and paper and try
>coming up with some decent rhymes yourself. when you're done, try them on
>for size. after that, go listen to anything produced by DJ Premier,
>Timbaland, Dr. Dre, RZA, the list goes on and on. producing
>hip-hop....constructing whole new rhythms out of samples and electronics is
>pretty damn interesting. hip-hop producers are up there with the best of

I agree. I listen to some rap/hip-hop/soul/R&B and I really appreciate the
kind of work that goes out on to these songs. Say, Missy Elliot... I think
she has some great songs.  Her album is great.  Mary J. Blige, while her
last album wasn't exactly the best she's ever put out (with some obvious
exceptions, of course, "Everything", "Seven Days" and "Not Gon' Cry" were
remarkably good). Some people think it's almost sacrilegious if you *love*
Tori but once in a while feel like listening to Mariah Carey.  I, for one,
love Janet Jackson's music and would count "janet." as one of the best
albums ever made.  Wonderful, always puts me in a good mood. And her
latest, "The Velvet Rope" is equally great.

But anyway, trying to stick to the point, I read the transcript of a recent
interview with Tori on some radio station and she said that she CHOSE to
present the "Best Rap Video" category herself because she felt she did not
know much about that world and she thought she would have fun doing it.
'Nuff said.




From: ToriBoi@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 11:55:24 EDT
To: precious-things@smoe.org, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: 85 shows!!!!

Once again, in new format, here are the latest Plugged 98 stats...  looks like
she has slowed down on adding new songs to the setlist...  the only new song
in the last 8 shows has been "Not The Red Baron"...  here goes, this listing
is as of the Sacramento Show the other ngiht...

86     the waitress
86     precious things
75     iieee
73     cruel
72     spark
67     raspberry swirl
64     cornflake girl
58     horses
50     black dove (january)
48     liquid diamonds
47     she's your cocaine
40     god
39     jackie's strength
35     tear in your hand
30     crucify
25     northern lad
23     caught a lite sneeze
23     space dog
20     playboy mommy
20     sugar
19     honey
16     leather
16     little amsterdam
14     the doughnut song
14     silent all these years
13     putting the damage on
13     icicle
13     siren
13     pandora's aquarium
11     china
11     winter
11     landslide
11     baker baker
10     upside down
10     pretty good year
09     cloud on my tongue
09     cooling
09     hey jupiter
08     little earthquakes
07     here in my head
07     mother
07     bells for her
06     marianne
06     merman
06     purple people
06     talula
05     sister janet
04     take to the sky
04     mary
04     the happy phantom
03     song for eric
03     me and a gun
02     thank you
02     butterfly
02     angie
02     graveyard
01     somewhere over the rainbow
01     alamo
01     professional widow
01     frog on my toe
01     mr. zebra
01     flying dutchman
01     smells like teen spirit
01     sweet dreams
01     surry with the fringe on top
01     twinkle
01	not the red baron




Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:37:11 -0500
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
From: Giovanni Mantilla <gmantill@speednet.com.co>
Subject: Free Falling

Hello all,

Beth wrote:

>Axl and Tom did a really fantastic version of "Free Falling," which I had
>almost forgotten about till you mentioned it, jorge. Which brings me to ask,
>how many of you have heard Stevie Nick's version of "Free Falling?" I think
>it's on the Party of Five soundtrack, so those of you who bought it for
>"Blue Skies" might also have that song. It's also on disc 3 of her new box
>set. It's kind of dizzying actually how much all these people have in
>common (since I just linked Axl and Tom and Stevie all right back to Tori,
>in a way, oh well).

I have heard it on her Enchanted Box Set (wonderful by the way) and I think
it's pretty good... Stevie Nicks will always be someone who'll produce
quality material.  The box set is incredible in itself and it also
introduced me to her solo work... my favorite songs on it are Stand Back,
Outside The Rain, Edge Of Seventeen (LIVE! WONDERFUL!), Rooms On Fire, I
Can't Wait... all the songs are great.




From: "Ockle Zine" <ockle@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Me?
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:16:22 PDT

I'm so silly. Someone mentioned my name in a post (Lucy I think?) about
me going to the barenaked ladies show (YUCK, sorry but I simply do NOT
like them...) so who are you and how do you know me? :) :)

marlantigone (semi-lurking...I guess...)
Today's grammar lesson...
~*~*~*~*~You're=You Are~*~*~Your=the possessive~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~You're cute, and so is your cat.~*~*~*~
http://members.tripod.com/~marlantigone (random home page)
http://members.tripod.com/~marlantigone/toriboot.htm (trade list)
http://members.tripod.com/~marlantigone/ockle.htm (Ockle zine page)



From: "n i c o l e" <nicole@torithoughts.org>
To: "RDTRN" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: stuuuuuff
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:19:10 -0400

Steve (sgriffes@umich.edu) said regarding my linking Tori to Madonna:
>Wow! that was really impressive!

Thanks. :-)

>>Ok, im not a fan of paul reiser, but a few years ago i saw him interviewed
on vh-1...he held up little earthquakes and said something like "excellent
album...i hope it wasnt some cross-promotional

I saw that, too. He was making CD recommendations. It was around the same
time I read his book (that's how I found out that Arthur is his agent, too).
I'd hoped he said that because he really liked her.  :-)

On linking Tori to the Pope, Davy wrote:

>Pope ---> President Clinton
>Barbra Streisand sang at the White House.
>Barbra Streisand was on Rosie O'Donnell
>And I think Tori was on Rosie once upon a time.
>If not, then there HAS to have been some actor/actress on Rosie that >has a
link to Tori. However, I'm almost positive Tori was on Rosie.

The Pope>Mrs. Clinton>Rosie O'Donnell>Tori.
Hillary Clinton has met the Pope, and has been on Rosie's show. Tori was on
Rosie in Jan. '97.
BAM.  :-)

Oh, bother. I need to think of something else to contribute besides degrees
of Tori and "me too" comments. Maybe next time.

 ICQ# 9479828                  AOL IM:  JanuryGrl7

 New quote...coming soon to a .sig near you.



From: "HeyJupiter" <HeyJupiter@110.net>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Big up to Jorge
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 14:44:38 -0400

 Alright YO. I hate to say this YO, but I can totally agree with Jorge. I
think Tori is musically diverse in that she listens to lots of stuff (didn't
someone say she even has the Fiona Apple CD?), and I really respect that
cause I listen to everything (except country 'music') too.  I am mesmerized
my Wyclef Jean's talent as well as Lauryn Hill.  They both do it all-sing,
rap, write, produce (well I don't know bout Lauryn but Clef does). Puff
Daddy I'm sick of hearing about because I honestly don't think he's that
great. Missy Elliot is AMAZING.  She writes like, 75% of all the hip hop
songs on the charts-I swear.  Missy, Timbaland and Magoo are the greastest
team in hip-hop IMHO.  I think it's annoying how people blame everything on
rap or Marilyn Manson-I think Manson actually has some decent perspective on
some issues-no joke.  To me, that's just a waste of time.  I blame it all on
Kenny G myself. (I can just imagine the flames I'll get for that one-haha).

~Meghan the Misquoter

"Who do I look like...Patti Labelle?" -Missy Elliot



From: Eindeadelf@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:20:41 EDT
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: gimme an L gimme a U gimme a C gimme a Y   LUCY!!

pete said....
 >because of the link through there
>being a Lucy in both songs - though it confused me when i read tori saying
>this (somewhere <slap!>)... since presumably it can't be the same Lucy if one
>is from Tori's past, and the other Lucy seems to be Greg's friend - or maybe
>there's just a general Lucyness Thang going on....

like I could possibly keep my little mouth shut on this one... ;)  OK, I'm
really not supposed to say this but.... well, I'm sure you guys can keep a
secret.  It's me. Rather, Tori is me. You know the deal with the Spice Girls?
well, I wrote all Tori's songs and everynow and then I like to identify myself
secretly.  When she says she's Lucy, she's just giving me a bit of credit. (ha
ha ha ha ha :) :) ha ha ha )
No, but seriously, she knows how incredibly amazing I am and felt the need to
spread the love.

Jorge was writing a bit about the whole rap scene.  There is some rap that I
do like, I mean I don't know how anyone could say that a Tribe Called Quest
isn't amazing.  I also have massive respect for RZA and Armand Van Helden
(who's done beats for Wu Tang, Tribe even LL Cool J.) ***RING RING SIX DEGREES
ALARM***  Anyway, they all posses masses of talent.  It's people like Ma$e and
Mr Will (Gittin Jiggy with it) Smith that bring down the whole scene. And that
make the general public avoid all the good rap that's out there.  G Love and
Special Sauce anyone?  now there's a rocking band.

Then comes Scotch with
 $$$ I'm That Phat, And All That digest $$$
whoa! somebody steal that man a Grammy ;)

also, this is way overdue but...
***Turn And Face The Change Digest***
yay Violet!!  Bowie rocks!! Inform the masses.

>The cello is may favorite instrument.
Mine too, been playing it for nearly seven years now... I play the Upright
Bass too, but the cello sounds so much sweeter.  The tones just verge on the
deepness of the bass, but have some of the delicacys of the violin.

off to pack for my mystery school trip.  I need to find out where I'll be for
the next week I suppose...

"Stop the Violins"
lucy (was pretty your best friend agreed)



From: PunkChik3@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 16:50:06 EDT
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Open Mike Niteeee

Hello everyone!

	Open Mike night was so wonderful!  After Stuart Dischell read
the most amazing poet in NC....besides Fred Chapell) open mike night started
and when I went up there I thought I was going to piss all over the
place....nice thought....but I went up there and did okay, despite my
grandfather hands (they were shaking like mad).  I went up to Stuart
afterwards and told him that I was a huge fan and really loved his poetry and
he told me that I was marvelous and that he couldn't imagine what my poetry
would be like in college...oh my goodness, I wanted to hug him and dance
around the store with him!  Oh I started crying and skipping back to the
car...my English teacher was there and everything.  It was the best night of
my life.  Well, the first 13 years of it at least.  Ha ha.
Here are the poems I read, if not interested, keep-a-scrollin'......  :)


Dear Big Daddy
How could you
Not tell your tales and buy me Barbie cars
with annual 50 dollar bills?
Thank you for bouncing me on your knee
and letting me play with your gumdrop ear lobes.

I'm watching you now--
Your shaky hand counting money
The shiny gold money clip resting carefully on the bar.
Heaven's bar, if God forgave me.

I'm shooting soda from the stars like a gun with a child's smile.
You should have burdened me--
I long to know the root of your friendship with Jack Daniels.
I wish I knew you as well as he did.

I drank from sipper cups
I never thought to ask about the Brahma
when you watched me put brightly colored clips in long baby-fine hair.

I know you never had easy times,
but I never dreamt you'd drive your white pick-up truck home so soon.

Resentment lurks when I play Pac-Man games and
Anger threatens when I try to remember the musty smell of the bar--
filled with half-drunken men and cigarette smoke seeping into the walls.
I'm angry, for those walls know more than I ever will.

I would kill to see tears falling from your leather cheeks onto southern
to recall the shape of your giant foot.

If I had known you had a halo on lay-away, I doubt I would have asked
You wouldn't have sung about first loves, but of the bar and overweight

'Cause my doll babies couldn't sympathize with emotions and liver spots.
But I would give up my liver to see your smile.

You should have burdened me--
for I still don't know
What made Bloody Mary so understanding.
Never knew if you'd been to Manhattan or Central Park,
but there were glasses brimming with city life.

I should have jerked those Camels from your massive fingers
and scolded that great biographies are often cut too short.

But I never dreamt you'd drive home in a cloudy pick-up truck
after a dark midnight.

Understand, Big Daddy, that I remember sunshine.
The tears behind my eyes are watching your stunned face as chubby
	horses get angry
and laughing with my heart.
Can't recall your voice-
Only a dilapidated barn
A white balding dog,
and my 30 pound body in your grizzly arms.

It paralyzed me when Fed-Ex delivered your wings.
My stomach bruised,
My body, a cast--
forcing my soul to stay still instead of
Counting 20's on heaven's bar.

I see you, with your liver-spotted shaky hands and thin gray hair,
An adorable gut hiding a large silver buckle.

And me, with tiny reproductions of your bird legs
Millimeter white teeth
and Daddy's downwards smile

Sitting happily on your knee
at that bittersweet home in Alabama.

Here is a poem about my relationship with poetry.  It's about how poetry is my
doom, I can't run from it and try to escape it, sort of like a hurricane is if
you're on the coast.  You can't tell it not to come to your house, just like I
can't tell poetry to not come knocking on my soul every once and a while:

The Eye of the Storm

The sunset's most beautiful before the hurricane comes calling.
For homes to feed their overstuffed bellies
and souls to hold in their wrath.

Clouds get pinkest before failure come knocking.
You better start running,
cause you sure can't hide
when passion finds your address.

I follow the taxi-cab line to Texas.
I long to chase it with no fear of a pot of coal,
But my calves are pressed against mini-van buckets.

I sneer at those who drive to Tennessee when their sun's turn gray--
but their hurricane will find them.
'Cause homes won't be spared when fate wants your soul.

Pencils will stay on my tongue.
There's no changing gears when my Toyota won't stop
No more rainbow sunsets after you're past drinking age.

Skies always look clear before the masters start criticizing.
When pink turns to gray, real estate starts looking mighty good.
But it's doom from here.
So I'll crawl down in my basement with
Plenty of wide-ruled paper and blue ink pens
and wait for fate
to knock my company down
and tear the business suits off my rigid body.

Yet I'll keep driving 'til I'm out of gas,
and smile when winds of passion pick up my soul
and jerk out my last ounces of hope.

When I'm scared I'll be writing it down,
Don't you worry, my nasty disaster.

Cause the sunset's most beautiful
Before the hurricane threatens before
The hurricane comes calling.


Guess what??  I finally get to see TORRIIIII!!!!  Sunday, October 18th she's
playing in Raleigh...my sister and I figured she was playing again here
because she sells out so quickly when she plays in the area...I AM SO EXCITED!
Life is chocolate-covered cherries today!!

	Ooodles of Noodles,
	   January Swirl
          (: Rachel :)



From: "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: I'm here, baby doll! :-)
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 14:54:13 MDT

As I browse down a digest, I regretfully begin clicking the down arrow
more and more ferociously as I get closer to the end-- time isn't as
abundant as it once was-- and I stop when I see something that interests
me.  My name is one of those things.  So when I saw a message with my
name in it, I wondered what this is about?  Who's it from?  Well...

>it's the..

>      RYNN GRRRL...

>reaching out from the depths of lurkerdom..

Woo---ha!!!!  Wassup honey child? :-)

>any of the old crew out there?

<snipping the names of some fabulous peeps>
>Doug Smeath
<snipping more divine names>

Yes, ma'am, ich bin hier!!  As here as I ever was, and still loving it
as much as I always did!!  And thrilled to see you back in action!! :-)





From: "Arin Renaud" <arin@fands.net>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Some awesome songs
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 17:19:41 -0500

Hey all....I talked the other day about my awesome teacher (yearbook
teacher) who likes Tori.....well she brought me a tape someone made for her
of some Tori b-sides which are so awesome!!!!! i love the song Upside Down
and Black Swan...does anyone have the words to those songs? I think I have
most of them figured out...but the tape is awesome...has Take to the Sky,
Home on the Range, and a bunch of different songs! I love it! I have another
question. Does anyone have any mp3s of Tori b-sides? I am trying to collect
some...I got a couple from www.scour.net but it is hard to find a song whose
computer is online, so if anyone has any songs it would be great! I want to
burn a cd after i collect some more of her mp3s if i can find someone with
the equiptment. So I would appreciate any help! Thanks a ton! Outie for



From: "Brook Ashley" <crazycosmic@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: in & around & thru me again
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:24:52 PDT

 Ok, first of all, hello.

Um so does anyone else love this "never seen blue" on the single as much
as I do? Just thought I'd ask, because I dunno about you guys, but I
just can't get enough of it.  Oh, and I was also lucky enough to find a
copy of the raspberry swirl single sitting in my waves music store in my
tiny little mall in maryland.  Not only was I shocked, but I was quite
happy.  Personally, the scarlet spectrum remix is my favorite....but i
was thoroughly impressed with them all.
  Ok one more thing---anyone else going to see our dear Tori oct 15th in
blacksburg?  If so, let me know....it'd be awesome to meet up with some
other RDTers.  (and if anyone knows more about this baltimore show let
me know please?!) Ok thatz all.  time to go back to my massive bidding
on tori-stuff at ebay. (really, itz massive, my nn is halonoir.  check
and you'll see.)  alright, take care

 - brook



From: "Robyn Lewis" <spacedog22@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: stuff from robyn the newbie
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:06:19 PDT

bethey, i just read your peom and im like crying now. it was amazing. do
you have a wed address or anything posting the things you write? if so
i'd love to read more.
if any1 knows anything AT ALL about the dates for the madison and eau
claire shows e-mail me im desperate to see tori again and they'll be the
closest ones to me.i wonder if anyone can link tori to ani difranco?
"doubting if theres a woman in here somewhere..."



From: "Jese Nicodemus" <oneeye@jps.net>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: poem  scroll by if easily offended
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:22:37 -0700

But then, if you are easily offended, what the HELL are you doing listening to
Tori? She isn't exactly a PC kinda girl, ya know?

Hey this is the poem I wrote last night while pissed and frustrated and
sad, so
bear with me. The two Tori-quotes at the bottom sort of go along with it.
If you
read one of my last posts (about the guy I like), then you'll see who it's
Love you all,

Corruptive Influence (Ingenious title huh?) 9/16/98
who's truth?
yours? or mine?
so I'm an evil rotten person, eh?
yeah I probably am, in your eyes
presumptions made
undone by your words
so I'm imperfect
now what?
continue to slaughter
my self-respect
I'm just the girl you visit
when you need your cock sucked

"we gotta be big boy
we gotta be big yeah...
give me peace, love and a
hard cock." Professional Widow

"and if I'm wasting all your time this time
I guess you never learned to take
and if I'm hanging on to your shade
I guess I'm way beyond the pale
Something's just keeping you numb" Donut Song



From: jlechc@spectra.net
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:28:52 -0400
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: help  me  write  music  reviews!!!!!!!!!

        Yellow   = )

      I  need  some  advice  on  who  I  should  write  music  reviews  for.
I  write  for  my  school  paper  and  I'm  having  trouble  deciding  this
for  myself.  There  are  so  many  artists  out  there.  I  need  a  broad
view  from  many  different  types  of  people  about  who  I  should
review.   I  need  "alternative",  rap ( I  know,  yuck),
country ( yuck  again )  hard  rock,  soft  rock, dance,  r & b,  regae,
international  music....  ect....    Basically  all  kinds.
    I  have  been  hearing  a  lot  about  liz  Phair's
Whitechocolatespacegg.  To  start  off  the  school  year  I  would  like
to  give  my  review  on  this.  But  the  paper  is  an  all  year  thing.
Okay,  this  is  where  you  wonderfully  helpful  people  come  in  = )
I  would  loooooooove   it  if  you  would  give  me  some  suggestions  of
new  music  coming  out  or  of  some  of  your  favorite  c.ds,  I  would
really  appreciate  this !
      Please  help  me  by  responding  to  this  post.

                          candy  coated  sunshine  to  you  all,
                                        Cushman  " Tenni "



From: "Jese Nicodemus" <oneeye@jps.net>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: rap and Tori at the MTV Music Awards.
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:30:11 -0700

JTLYK, I have an interview with Tori in which she comments that she has a
affinity for rap artists. She feels that they do their best to represent the
truth as they know, which is exactly what she tries to do as well.
If Tori were humouring anyone, it would be MTV, not the rappers.



Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 20:59:50 -0400
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
Subject: Tori Jingles

OK, I *suck* at 6 degrees.  I wanna play a new game.  So me and the kid
were sitting around tonight and started coming up with tori songs for
commercials.  Now she is just writing down the name of the song and the
commercial it's tied to and her friends will have to guess what the certain
line is for it.  Me, well, I like advertising, even took a course in it, so
have a few video ideas to go with the songs.  So ready?  Go.

Pep Boys (with Manny, Moe and Jack) *an auto repair/parts shop*
A man trying to start his car on a frozen morning, the battery won't turn
over.  He looks at his watch, notes the time *a little before 7am* and Tori
sings, "6:58 Are you sure where my spark is?"  The pep boys come up one at
a time to: "here, here, here".

Huggies/Pampers Diapers
A baby out in a summer shower all happy and wet.  Mother picks her up,
checks to find the diaper is dry and Tori voice over, "When you're only wet
because of the rain."  *credit goes to the kid for this one*
</vid interps>
OK, just a few items and songs.

Dunkin' Doughnuts: The Donut Song
GE Self-Defrosting Fridge: Icicle
Chevy Trucks: God
This is the toughie and I want folks to give me the line why this works.

Coke Cola: Jackie's Strength

Let's see some other virtil minds come up with some.  The kid has a list of
almost 20 that she's giving to friends to figure out the lines.
Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy
*~**Fairy Blessings**~*
~ tori trades and really deep thoughts~
a proud member of the Tori Traders Ring
updated weekly



From: "Liz" <pr1ncess@snip.net>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Farewell, Goodbye, Au revoir, Ciao
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 19:30:00 -0400

I really hate to do this.. but I haven't been on at all in the past week, as
I'm usually not this time or year, so I've sent my little email to Violet
(for whenever she gets back) to unsubscribe me.. I'll be back someday!
Everyone's welcome to email me if you'd like. (Especially if you know of
some mailing list/page that lets ya know when Tori is gonna be on TV, etc!)
=)  It was great meeting you guys, you're an awesome bunch of people. =)

luv n smooches



Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 00:01:29 +0000
From: Rusen <rusen@nbn.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Hey yo yo yo

Hey y'all sugar pie honey bunches

Jenn Wrote
>  I'm thinking
> the State College one---if it ever gets confirmed.  (I hope they
> change the date to a weekend date)  Anyway, but I'm scared it may be
> bad...'cause you know it's a college and there will be MANY non-Tori
> people there, I figure, just going b/c it's a concert.

I am afraid of that too....of course i HAVEN"T EVER BEEN TO A TORI
CONCERT so i wouldn't know *self-indulgent little pout* what to
compare it to. But i hope they do change it to a weekend....even tho
my parents said i could miss school to go to the meet and greet (my
parents are sooo cool. :)

If ANYONE hears anything about that show, LEMME KNOW!!!
My life depends on it!!!

please? okay, thanks.

Jessica wrote:>
Because I didn't dress in the overtly preppy
> style, didn't listen to the top 40, painted, acted, sang and wrote poetry,
> rather trying to be on sport or acedemic teams...

This is me. This also reminded me of something i wanted to vent
about...my father is giving me crap because i refuse to go to football
games and haev school spirit. this is made worse because now my sister
is in high school and she's all into that i'm, well, not. so she gives
me crap too. and the worst part is, my father is an artist. Isn't that
Sorry people!!!! i find football games boring and a waste of time
(except those of the Philly Eagles - yes, you don't have to remind me
they are a horrible team this year).
That is my right! i hate getting crap for this.
okay i'm done now.

I'm watching Jay now....Tori's on it 35 minutes!!!




From: HPDW@aol.com
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 18:53:15 EDT
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: h i l l i e ' s   s t r e n g t h

h i l l i e ' s   s t r e n g t h

(starr spunk dunkin mix - net nanny edit)

and hiller-eee hey hillie-ooo oh hillie-air-heh-aye
mmm hillie-yeah hey hiller-oh

a rodham till inauguration day
sluts ran out
the police came
said bubba laid them on the front lawn
i prey for hillie's strength

feel'n'hold by 21
never thought interns would come back
this former aide is getting paid
i prey for hillie's strength

make me laugh
say you know what you want
you said it's not the real thing
but they show me some more
and i learn what hack magic can do
make me laugh
say you know no intern
it couldn't be the real thing
but they show me some more and i learn

sleep overs beene did not inhale
you're only popular if you cry and wail
so you turn your soul inside out
and hope they won't impeach
and preach

make me laugh
say you know that intern
but it was not the real thing
then they show us some more
and we learn what 80 million dollars can do
make me laugh say you sinned
you can turn this into the god thing
so they show us some more and we learn

if you love enough you lie a lot
guess they did in camelot
bubba's waiting for the senators
and i prey i prey
i said i prey for hillie's strength

and hiller-eee hey hiller-ooo 'n' hiller-eees stre-hength
mmm hillie-yeah hey hiller-oh

<and what you want>
< is on the dress >

=some people (who dont share my sense of humour) may find this offensive
=and i'm WAY to sweet to cope with a flaming
=so i'll hide behind HPDW

     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

       $$$ Sometimes The Road Is Less Traveled For A Reason digest $$$

To Write PRIVATE mail to me, my PERSONAL address is:

To post messages to this list:  <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
     [Does your post contain time sensitive information that needs to be
     up within five (5) days?  If so, include "TIME SENSITIVE" somewhere
     in your subject line and as long as it's legitmate, I'll make sure
     it gets up in time, even if I'm running behind.  "Time Sensitive" is
     strictly reserved for posts containing *timely* Tori or Torifan-related
     news or questions only.  Posts with personal content or comments do not
     qualify as time sensitive and will be queued with regular posts.]

To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE:  Send mail to <rdtrn-request@torithoughts.org>
      with either "subscribe thoughts" OR "unsubscribe thoughts" in
      the body of the message.

To join ToriTour:  send a request to <tour-request@torithoughts.org>
      with either "subscribe american tour" or "subscribe euro tour"
      or "subscribe other tour" in the message body.


Any self-respecting Toriphile is on The Registry. (That means you!)
                                                        _ .
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         `             thanks for visiting this pretty garden

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > September 1998