RDT Right Now #366

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 23:30:07 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #366
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 98 : Issue #366

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  100 bottles of beer on the wall...
  she had flowers in her hair, and a d
  pumpkin pie
  What a weekend!
  Tori lyric still up for grabs
  Providence "Review"
  soooo tired
  Dancing Nancies! and something impor
  Unidentified subject!
  Norfolk Set List
  linking people
  Box Set CD's??
  Wooo! Man!
  For Mark

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 23:53:29 -0500
From: Jeff Mondick <jjmon@pipeline.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: 100 bottles of beer on the wall...

Good god, is it great to be home.  I had to spend three days in Kansas City
on an emergency (the sys admin out there quit, and on his last day decided
to change all the passwords and deny access to the system - guess who had
to go straighten things out).  I got home on Friday and i played a marathon
4 gigs this weekend ... now i finally get to relax at home and catch up on
some RTD's .... anyhoo, some comments, some replys and retorts, and the
Springer thought of the day  .....

First off, i got 2 Tori tix for State College!!  I'm at stage left in the
fourth row!!  I just can't beleive it ... i think the general admission
seats are closer, but this will be a concert to sit down at.  This has been
a great year for concerts - not quantity, but quality ... Flecktones,
Projekt 2, now Tori .... Life is GOOD!!!!   Now i have to figure out who to
take.. the girl i am currently "seeing" is not into Tori and does not want
to go ... the girl i was last seeing is kind of into her, but really just
wants to go out with me ... i really have no freinds who are as "into" her
as i am.  Decisions, decisions .....  The last redhead (Pam) and i had a
very short freindship, but she just isn't my type.  I started seeing a new
girl (Lisa), unfortunateley, she's blonde :)   I still have it pretty bad
for my "summer" girlfreind (this one is Sara)- she's a red, and she's still
got it bad for me, but she apparently has it worse for her present
boyfreind.   Ah, what tangled webs we weave...  i just can't understand
women, or myself, for that matter.. for the first time in my life i am
having a really hard time getting over someone.  I think it would be easier
if she didn't come and see me all the time and ask me out.  Sara would love
to see Tori with me, and i would love to take her, but i am sure my present
girl would have a problem, and i really can't see myself hurting her, or
anyone else for that matter.  'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows,
i guess.

Now for some replys, probably broken down into 2 posts cuz i've missed so

first off, tales of the lovely and Tangerine Dream and Natalie Imbruglia ..

>PLease don't tell me you are a fan.....Torn?  UGH!  Let me put it to you
>this way - She auditioned for the Spice Girls, and Didn't make it.

Hhhhmmm ... think about it - Torn is her only hit so far, and she didn't
write it.  She got it from a band called Ednaswap - the original version is
much more raw and more emotional.  Having said that, i think Nat's
allright, just in small doses.  The Spice Bitches, however .....

and Bethey ...
>I wrote about my Baltimore experience to a survivors group I belong to and
>have recieved requests about which would be a good album for them to start
>out with.  I recommended LE and sat back and thought.  Then I wrote this
>for them and for my web page.  I thought I'd now share it with you.

The rest of the story was really powerful.  THIS is one of my favorite
reasons for reading the digest.  I for one am glad you are with us today
Bethey, you seem very sweet and very honest.  Your posts are a refreshing
part of my mailbox all the time.

and kris, the nice guy that he is ...
>if you think that you should have something.Anyway...I hope that things
>will turn out to be fine no matter what you do.Thanks a lot for being kind.

I am always under the opinion that things will work out for the best.  I
hope you find happiness!!

and jorge, (or is it *Mr* jorge)
>(who learned this weekend that it really is true: the entire midwest
>does buy their clothes at Wal-Mart)

*Alot* of people in Kansas City that i met have REALLY bad attitudes.  It's
like i stepped into the 50's or something.  A lot of the older men were
real sexists, which pissed me off to no end.  And it *is* true - they do
but their clothes at Wal-Mart ...

and some from Bethany regarding one of my faves ...
>Joni has a body of work, past and present, that puts all the light
>weights in the music industry to shame. Plus, in a way they dissed Tori

Not only is Joni Mitchell incredible and incredibly talented, but she has
had some incredible musicians playing with her in the past. She has been
one of the most influential artists this century - i remember an MTV
interview series with a lot of the top female singers regarding influences,
and almost every one of them mentioned Joni as an influence. AP needs to
get thier heads examined.  Maybe if Joni had such deep lyrics like "If you
wanna be my lover" and "zigazigzigzggazggazgig-ah" (or something) she'd get
a little more respect  :)

And from the land of Agent Orange

>>>Jessi mentioned "is hippy sex different from normal sex?"
>What the hell is hippy sex?! i wanna try!! =)

Good questions.  I think it must be experienced to realize *true* hippy
sex.  Only settle for real hippy sex, none of that fake hippy sex crap ....
the best thing is to find a master of hippy sex and check his/her
credentials ...

and more from Ms Tangerine
>like person said. "YEAH! KISS A RED HEAD DAY!!"  EEEP!!  I think I'll hide
>for the rest of the day.....

Oh, i dunno, i think EVERY day should be kiss a redhead day!!!

Damn this post is *way* to long, and i've got more crap to answer ... next

self-proclaimed master of hippy sex

Can you spot all the subliminal messages in this post???

Jeff Mondick jjmon@pipeline.com
Bass, EURB, Chapman Stick, Warr Guitar and other music stuff
System admin, etc in my spare time



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:27:49 -0500
From: Jeff Mondick <jjmon@pipeline.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: she had flowers in her hair, and a dress ...

Just a few quickies, cuz i got's to work sometime ...

the *real* redstamen ..
>know, grieving. ;)  All today I felt like a wild koba does when it's smoked
>too much pot.  Or when a Tenni eats too many cough drops.  Brain popsicle.

What exactly *does* a wild koba feel like when it's smoked too much pot??
For some reason, this frightens me  :)

And Jen the glittergirl ...
>And Jeff, I have seen Lauren Glick's other website.  I think it's really
>great that you checked it out.

She seems really great - i am planning a trip down to OCMD in Novemember
and i'm going to try and see her when i go down.  Thnkas for sharing her
with us!!  And on the whole drug thing, the phrase "there are no bad drugs,
just bad users" may be a bit of simplification, but it DOES make a lot of
sense, at least to me ... on the book thang - you are so right - it is like
music, it's what you DON'T read.  I try not to limit myself in anything
that i do, at least as far as the arts are concerned ...

and last but not least, from jorge again ...
>Anyways....there was absolutely no depth to this post, other than it got be
>thinking that every time i read one of Jeff Mondick's posts, i get this
>image of this guy sitting by a computer surrounded by about 50 naked women,
>all with wedding rings on.

Not naked, at least *some* of them are wearing teddys ...  it must be the
whole hippy sex thing ...... and i have sworn off invloved women.  Truly.
Honestly.  You do beleive me don't you??

Disclaimer:  I certainly don't pretend to be "all that."  It *must* be the
hippy sex thing   :)

like, far out man ...

Jeff Mondick jjmon@pipeline.com
Bass, EURB, Chapman Stick, Warr Guitar and other music stuff
System admin, etc in my spare time



Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 20:35:03 -0800
From: ella cinders <red13@jps.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: pumpkin pie

ooo lookie the new account!  ;)

i missed rdt so much this last week!  i kept haunting the archives, HOPING
so so hard that whatever was wrong with the server it would at least get to
mit.  sigh sigh sigh.

about boundaries:
> chosen1@mindspring.com wrote:
># right now. Patricia...i agree with your "When Harry Met Sally" post. men
># women can, of course, be very good friends, ......and yes, all of us, at
># point or another, regardless of sex, have looked at every one our friends
># and decided "i would" or "i wouldn't." what's important is keeping our
># boundaries up.

and then Michael Jones wrote:
>Love is about the person doing the loving, NOT the person whom
>one loves.  Love is a disposition of character.  Love proceeds
>from an understanding of one's self, and attaches to those one
>understands.  So what's the problem if someone "Falls in love"
>with you?  Why would we want to create a situation in which that
>person should feel ashamed and embarrased and obligated to keep
>it secret?  And that's exactly what we've done.  Love is
>considered an evil entity in many relationships.  "Whatever you
>do, don't love me, that would ruin everything!"  Well I say,

i agree with you completely Michael.  however i think jorge was saying that
boundaries are good in GENERAL... not necessarilly the almighty Love.  Have
you ever blurred those boundaries with a friend for a cheap thrill?
curiosity's sake?  the taboo of it?  if you're in love with someone, by
god, go for it.  but otherwise you may lose a good friend for a simple one
night stand.  or even indulging tension in taboo situations.  i've had
people cross my boundaries before and it hurts...and disappoints, and
sometimes even feels like betrayal.  and i've crossed other's boundaries
and suffered the consequences.  I'm a ripe old 23 (soon to be 24 heh) but
i've mostly outgrown my impulse to push and pull every wall someone has...
it used to almost feel like victory, but now i just feel like an ass.  men
and women can be friends (and hell same sex applies here too) as long as
their is a mutual desire to keep it that way.  otherwise you're lovers or

and then:
>Feel the wind...be the wind...LOVE the fucking wind!!

or if youre holly, you "run like the wind"
hee hee sorry...

>                        $$$ Tori Don't Surf digest $$$
No, she just walks on water ;)

(whose little sister lost her tori virginity at the nashville show!  yay
angie! yay!)



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 98 00:09:23 EST
From: hh2650@hotmail.com
To: Friend@public.com
Subject: w13004-toner

  Evil mind-numbing SPAM removed.



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:19:23 -0500
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: What a weekend!

Well I just got back from a weekend at home....it was SO nice to be home
for a bit!  I actually got to drive my car--something I take for granted!
Because I'm only a freshman at PSU they do not allow me to have my car here
(so awful)....but I got to drive and it was SO GOOD!  The I went to the
Salvation Army and got some REAL good stuff....I love that place.  I
visited some friends that were home and hung out with my family...ok...that
was my weekend!
Anyway...in two weeks I will be seeing Tori at IUP. I will also be seeing a
friend of mine who I haven't seen in two years...so its great!  then PSU
and nJ.  If anyone is interested in the M/G at PSU, I guess I'm the contact
(seeing that I seem to be the only PSU postee on this list!).  I'm
expecting on getting over to the Bryce Jordan Center early....but if anyone
needs to use a bathroom or freshen up or anything after a long drive, my
dorm is about a block from the BJC...so it will be a good place to be!  I
really want to meet Tori though, because I have yet to....and well...I
guess you guys know how important it is.  SO if anyone would like to meet
for PSU...let me know.  Currently I know that 2 friends of mine from home
are coming, Richard Handal (except he'll be there later) Kim and Dan....so
if anyone else is interested...it will be so good !  I'm getting excited!
Ok...I need some sleep!
Happy Fall Back everyone!
Luv and Hugs,




Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 02:37:29 EST
From: GrecianUrn@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Tori lyric still up for grabs

You're making me make this far too easy for you...

No one has yet guessed the Tori lyric, the one Tori personally signed for me
so I could give it away to the person who guessed the lyric. (I hope this
sounds familiar to everyone; I'm trying to avoid a lengthy recapitulation.)
Thanks to an email from a girl I met the same day I met Tori, a girl who saw
the lyric, I now know what song the lyric is from.

Here are your hints: The lyric is between five and ten words long, it's a
background vocal not listed in the CD booklet, and it's somewhere on ...

If no one gets this now, I'm going to have to give you the song title, and by
then it's no fun because no one really worked for it. Please, let someone
guess the lyric! Anyone who's guessed so far, even if you've guessed twice,
can guess again.





Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 05:52:54 PST
From: "Ockle Zine" <ockle@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org, mikewhy@iglou.com, precious-things@smoe.org
Subject: Providence "Review"

Last night I was too tired, so here's my little review of the Providence

I skipped the meet and greet and instead spent the day with my boyfriend
exploring Providence. I love that city. If you only saw downtown, you
don't know the half of it! :) We went to the park, rode the carousel,
saw the "music temple", went to the zoo and saw the baby polar bear,
then bummed around the Brown campus. I really thought Tori would have
loved the park, but I found out later that they drove straight from NYC.

I won't go song by song, but Caught a Lite Sneeze segued into Hurt (NIN)
and my mouth dropped wide open. This was part of the song, band and all,
and very different from the acapella intro from the DDI tour. If you
blinked you missed it. (Can ears blink?)

Second mouth on the floor moment - Graveyard. It was absolutely stunning
- acapella. And she sang one line that went something like "I feel you
here with me Poppa." Ahhh.

Raspberry Swirl seemed to last forever. Very cool.

Her stories were cute - she said everyone was "hangaded over" and that
she was in a spacey mood (and that the PPAC was spacey - yeah, the
security people were EVIL!) and she also said some nasty stuff about VH1
StoryTellers (although after reading Bethey's synopsis, I understand

I was able to meet Jon Evans backstage, and he is just the nicest guy
ever (next to my boyfriend of course!). For those of you who met/saw me
before but not after the show, no, I didn't meet Tori.

Last comment - I was extremely excited to hear Hotel, but I realized
that it lacks...something that the album version has. Probably the
programmed drums, etc. (ha!) It doesn't quite work live, IMHO. But
Purple People does, and Talula with the band is ALMOST as good as Talula
with the harpischord. What would they do with Blood Roses? I wish I

Hoping for Father Lucifer in Lowell
"We were all sitting around...and the pathetic ghost of
Jon Benet Ramsey appeared and told us that she had proof
that Fox's alien autopsy was fact."
- paraphrase from Melora, Rasputina (real quote TK)
http://members.tripod.com/~marlantigone (random home page)
http://members.tripod.com/~marlantigone/toriboot.htm (trade list)
http://members.tripod.com/~marlantigone/ockle.htm (Ockle zine page)



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:34:00 -0500
From: Jessica Paff <jpaff@macwizards.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: soooo tired

Ohhhh what a weekend....  I didn't get to sleep in at all.  not one day.
POUT POUT POUT.  Saturday I had to get up at 7am for Physical
therapy....the sick and twisted punishment they put me through gets worse
and worse.  90 crunches.  NINETY.  so my tummy hurt all day after that one.
Than we went downtown, to the farmers market at church street, the jazz
festival, got the rest of my halloween costume - INCLUDING, I talked to a
make up artist at Madge's and he told me how to make permanent tears!
TUPLAST!  yay for the make up man.  So thats a load off my mind, and this
costume is really coming together.  Than my favorite boy Patrick told me he
had plans for us for the evening, but he wouldn't tell me what we were
doing.  (Suspense, suspense, suspense)  Well, we went out with friends, and
at about 11:15 he says, "Well, its time to go!"  And I am thinking, WHERE
The heck is this boy taking me?  At 11:15 at night?? I mean, other than
clubs, there isn't much open.....WELL, a movie theater was holding a Pre
halloween movie festival, and at midnight were showing the movie The Crow.
And Oh wow, this is like both of our favorite movie, and it is the reason
we first ever spoke to each other....And we had NEVER see4n it togetehr,
even though we both own it on video tape.  So to see it inb a movie
theater, on the big screeen was really really cool :)

Than sunday I got up at ....7:30 AM, to go to DISNEY WORLD, with Patrick
and his parents - which was kinda nerve wracking, because when I get to
Disney, I am a nine year old all over again.  I mean REALLY a nine year
old.   Running, skipping, laughing, giggling, cotton candy, ice cream,
NINE.  SO, trying to tone that down in front of this boys parents....and ya
know, they are getting on in years I suppose, so they are not really up for
alot of the rollar coaster type rides, so after awhile we split up and oh
wow, I had such a wonderful time with my boy!  Space Mountain, Tower of
Terror, Splash mountain, and we went on SOOOO many other rides, it was
FANTASTIC.  And we met back up with his paretns for dinner, and this was
realy weird, because we get to the restaurant and they have a big piece of
paper over the table, like a table cloth, and a little tiny bucket of
crayons.....Patrick and I are artist....lets work out the math here!  So
there are his parents...watching their 26 year old son, and his 22 year old
girlfriend, color with crayons on the table cloth.  And I just know they
are thinking "How do these two people take care of themselves!!"  But it
was all fun, I swear :)

~Meghan the Ex-Misquoter said.....

>Unbelievable. I never thought I would see the day when someone other than
>myself would misquote the SAME DAMN SONG I DID. Jessica, congratulations.  I
>will miss my title, but it's all yours.  Have fun misquoting.


Toriboi said.....

>This bothers me greatly people.  What if she hates the idea?  I just don't
>know what to think. Why would you think that she hates it so much? hmmm.. This
>calls for some SERIOUS discussion...

I dunno, maybe its because I have never been to a M&G, even though I have
been to 8 concerts....thats another story altogether :)  I just can't
imagine meeting her, and no one wants to see a 6 foot red head burst into
tears, heh....ANYWAY, i don't think its that big a deal...numbers or
not......as for what Tori herself thinks of the number deal is
irrelevant....its more if the fans are actually adhearing to the policy. If
they are NOT, then  i say to hell with it all, because no one is paying
attention anyway.  Maybe Tori sounded sarcastic because she is just tired
of hearing some fans push up to the front and complain to her about the
numbers, because afterall, she has nothing to do with it.

>"we all to watch, so show me once, and do it again..."

Actually, it's "We all like to watch, so shimmie once and do it
again"......Does this mean I get to loose the Misquoter handle???? :)
Personally, I think the song is more about a relationship, where one person
is kinda subserviant to the other....because they have an addiction to the
person they are with.  Because of that addiction they are willing to do
whatever that person says, no matter what..."She's got you shaving your

the ever intelligent, though often irrelevant (not that that is a bad
thing) jorge said....

>the learning disabled children i know rarely get made fun of. you'd really
>be amazed....

Not really,  Stephanie (My younger sister) was treated no differently than
anyone else, even though she had to go to special classes everyday.  She
has tons of friends, and is very involved in the sports program at her high
school, and has even worked hard enough to get her GPA up to a
3.8....something her counselor said was NEVER going to happen in her
freshman yuear.  Now she is a senior, and talking to  scouts at various
colleges. ;)  Can you tell I am proud of her??

>there really is a strong
>resemblance between the background in "Hands" and, say, "Liquid Diamonds?"

I don't think I have heard that song (mercifully enough), but I will take
your word for it.  As for Alanis....I agree, "Thank You" and the song she
did for the soundtrack of City of Angels (I think) was also fairly
interesting, more so than anything she released with Pill.....which was
aptly titled I think ;)

> i defended Jewel from the evil clutches of
>above-mentioned Ms. Tangerine Dream.

Evil clutches?  Gosh, you haven't even met me....*Snicker*...maybe my
clutches are quite nice ;P

Kahliul Pfaff talked about the name similarity.....

YEah, thats why my family dropped the first F, because they didn't pronouce
it P-Faff, just Paff, however, to my knowledge we don't have relative in
wisconsin....My dad was from Pennsylvania....

$$$ "32 Flavors" Is By Ani DiFranco Not Alana Davis digest $$$


Tangerine Dream -  Madem of Misquoating Mahem

	"She's the sweetest cherry in an apple pie"



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 11:04:27 -0500 (EST)
From: glittergirl17@iname.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Dancing Nancies! and something important

OBKB guys.. here's what's new.  I haven't gotten a chance to write since
the night before the Balt. concert.  Ok.. from the begining... Firstly, I'm
kinda upset that i've seen so many posts from people who were there, it
would have been nice to meet some of you if i had known BEFORE the concert
:-)  Then, i'm also kinda sad that various said audience members thought
that the energy was lacking.... i don't know about you.. but just being
there was sooo energizing. (BTW.. It was my first!)  The people on the
floor were jumpin' and head boppin' to their hearts content.  I was in a
seat however, (I actually had really good seats) but that didn't stop me
from rockin'.  There were two girls behind me who were torivirgins, and we
couldn't sit still!  (I think the one girl's name was Beth, from a virginia
music college)  The only people that i think weren't moving were the drips
sitting directly in front of me... even during Raspberry Swirl.. they
didn't move a muscle. At any rate THE!
 CONCERT ROCKED!  I've never seen a woman so beautiful before... so in her
OK, notes...
Note #1:  Props to the guy in the orange hat!!!!!!  Definate ENERY
source... if you wanted energy.. all you had to do was look at that guy for
a second.  (BTW, if said guy reads this, I'm that girl who came up to you
after the show and thanked you, so e-mail me :-)
Note #2:  If either of those girls who sat behind me read this, e-mail me
and let me know if you're going to  make it to the Delaware show.
Note #3:  The cute girl in the pink wings.. props to her for gracing the
pre-Tori audience with such a delighted smile when the crew accepted her
flowers to Tori.
Note #4:  To the guy in the blue polyester shirt with floor seats to the
right about a quarter back.... thanks for dancing in the aisles during
intermission and keeping us occupied while the suspense builded for an HOUR!
Let's not make the mistake again!!!!   I'm planning on going to the
University of Delaware show November 24th (Carpenter Center I think).  If
you are planning on going LET ME KNOW!!!  puh-lease!!  Ok, I'm going
because I couldn't make the meet and greet for the Balt. show...  the only
problem is, I live in Bum-fuck, Nowheresville without a credit card, so I
couldn't get tickets early.  I finally got a hold of a friend that lives up
there this past weekend, and I'm going to send him money to get tics for
me... but they will probably be crappy seats because it is soooo late... so
I'm prostrating myself at your wonderful footsies... and asking you from
the bottom of my heart that if you have extra OK (or really damn great)
tickets, E-MAIL me ASAP.. and I'll BUY them from you!!!!!  (Hopefully
you'll have two tics, cause I promised my lil' sis that i'd take her to
this one!!!)
BUT I have to know SOON.... cause I'll need to send the money to my friend
(and crappy seats only get crappier).... Luv you guys!!!

I sent this out to a time senstive post, so if it made it, this is just

An official Raspberry Swirl Gerl!



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:44:49 -0600
From: "Ng, Patricia" <patricia.ng@wilcom.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

Sorry for the hiatus, but guess I'm back in full-swing!

Jorge said.."...i agree with your "When Harry Met Sally" post. men and women
can, of course, be very good friends, ......and yes, all of us, at one point
or another, regardless of sex, have looked at every one our friends and
decided "i would" or "i wouldn't." what's important is keeping our
boundaries up.

and Michael responds,"I would recommend keeping our boundaries DOWN, making
sure we don't insulate ourselves from the feelings and desires of others.

I can't agree with your statement here, especially b/c I am in the middle of
such a potential disaster! How does it better the situation to open yourself
to someone's desires or love?  What I think Jorge is saying here (& please
correct me if I'm wrong!) is setting personal boundaries on what actions
you'll take, and also letting the initiator know what will be acceptable to
you. Boundaries does not equal guard. (Keeping guard up)
The last I'd ever want to do to a friend who fell in love with me is 1.
mislead him  2. allow the friendship to die as a result of it.
The easy part is validating the "love" as a positive thing; the hard part is
to put it in the back of your mind, act normal, and try not to analyze all
the actions of the "initiator." I bet we can all attest to that.

In my melodrama, in a course of strange coincidences, it came out that my
best guy friend liked me, and had liked me since we met. Now, we both have
sig. others! To make matters worse, I also had feelings for him, sorta like
a crush. Well, it could have gotten really wierd, but we had several long
talks with each other, letting one another know our boundaries on what will
and what won't happen. This had the potential for a serious disaster, b/c we
hang out together almost every weekend!! At first, I guess I was really
self-conscious, so I distanced myself from him while all four of us were
together. That just made it worse, and he was quick to point it out to me.
Now? Things are great! We're closer than ever, but the friendship is better
b/c we have an affection for each other and it shows. Not in a lusty way of
course! heh.
That's not to say that one of us couldn't slip up if given the chance. I
would never put myself in a situation with him that would make it easy for
us to cheat. (ie: Being away from my man, and going out and getting drunk
with him!) But hopefully we're both level-headed enough to where if one of
us suggested crazy-monkey sex (heh), the other would be the good guy and say
Boundaries don't disintegrate friendships. It's the lack of communication
that fucks things up.

Jorge and his peach-tulips-lovin' girlfriend said, ' it takes about five
seconds of the background track for my girlfriend to offer up the
following...."jesus....she REALLy wants to be Tori, doesn't she?" upon
further inspection, there really is a strong
resemblance between the background in "Hands" and, say, "Liquid Diamonds?"

Because we all dig Tori, we'd be the first to attack the work of an artists
who "sounds" too much like our beloved songstress. I don't know that any
"true" musician would want to sound like another for fear of being accused
of such. Our ears are just so fine-tuned to Tori-stuff that anything that
may sound remotely like her songs would cue us for attack! That goes the
other way around too.
The Monday after my Tori concert, one of my engineers overheard I went to
see her. Immediately he roars, "You know what I can't stand about Tori?" (
Now this is a 40-some odd year old , Ex-Marine, big Greek brute of a fella)
So little old me says, "What? Let me guess... she's a man-hater, a freaky
red-head lesbian?"  George responds, "No! She sounds too damn much like Kate
So I reply,"Well that's one of her influences." Then George rants that she
never admitted to Kate being an influence in her interviews,and if she just
admitted it, he'd enjoy her music. To which I wonder about how many
interviews he's read.
Okay, so point being, even Tori sounds like a knock-off sometimes (to a
Kate-fan or even a Joni-fan.) Who's to say right? We may be able to
objectively listen and say Tori in no way sounds like kate bush; but what if
we grew up in the day of Kate, and Tori came afterward?
Guess I'm speaking from a 22-year old point of view. So what about you Grey
Ears out there? Any ideas?

Agent Orange



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 11:54:01 EST
From: ToriBoi@aol.com
To: precious-things@smoe.org, purplepeople@iname.com, rdtrn@torithoughts.org,
Subject: Norfolk Set List

I was holding out to post this, a lot of people are asking for it and i  don't
understand why it hasnt' floated up yet... a lot of us were there, so oh well
here it tis:

Precious Things
Liquid Diamonds
Father Lucifer
Graveyard/Past The Mission
Improv/Cornflake Girl
Here In My Head
Bells For Her
The Waitress
Black Dove
Raspberry Swirl
Tear In Your Hand



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 14:20:12 -0400 (GMT-0400)
From: Kahlil Pfaff <kpfaff@averett.averett.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: linking people

hey, here is a link for your "linking" enjoyment.


"love never fails/it's as piercing as nails
but more gentle than a summer rose
it covers your scars/and beckons your heart
open wide to the lover of your soul"
-Jeni Varnadeau, Love Follows Through
kpfaff@averett.edu    ascian@mindspring.com



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:59:26 -0800
From: Maggie McQueen <Maggie_McQueen@SBD.ORG>
To: "'rdtrn@torithoughts.org'" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Box Set CD's??

One of my fellow Tori fan friends had told me that Tori was suppose to
release a Box set of some songs.  I was wondering if anyone knew
anything about this...




Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 14:36:03 -0500
From: Jessica Paff <jpaff@macwizards.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Wooo! Man!

An English professor wrote the words, "Woman without her man is nothing" on
the blackboard and directed the students to punctuate it correctly.

The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."
The women wrote:"Woman!  Without her, man is nothing."

Send this to other phenomenal women today in celebration of Women's History

Tangerine Dream -  Madem of Misquoating Mahem

	"She's the sweetest cherry in an apple pie"



Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 12:36:34 -0800 (PST)
From: sbrookha@sprynet.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: For Mark

So where did this 'For Mark' song that I keep hearing about come from. Is it
something she sang at a concert or a b-side or something. I completely missed
this one.

Razzzzzzbaerie Dove (rachel)

     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

     *** If At First You Don't Succeed ... Redefine Success digest ***

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Any self-respecting Toriphile is on The Registry. (That means you!)
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         `             thanks for visiting this pretty garden

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > October 1998