RDT Right Now #486

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 17:58:01 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #486
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 98 : Issue #486

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Goldfish are baked, not fried...      [ PunkChik3@aol.com ]
  Why do the good bands, like Soundgar  [ Faerie Girl <ravenL@purdue.edu> ]
  I'm posting like mad!! :)             [ PunkChik3@aol.com ]
  meep awrf meow?                       [ "Andromeda Strain" <andromeda_15@ho ]
  jane came by with a lock of your hai  [ Eindeadelf@aol.com ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #481                [ Nik007321@aol.com ]
  So what up                            [ Rusen <rusen@nbn.net> ]
  imacs OFFEND me                       [ ella cinders <red13@jps.net> ]
  podunk sighting                       [ ella cinders <red13@jps.net> ]
  ascii porn and lionel richie          [ ella cinders <red13@jps.net> ]
  same as it EVER was                   [ Fragments1@aol.com ]
  help stop the animal slaughter        [ MagicMS1@aol.com ]
  another day                           [ nightcat@netpass.com (Elizabeth Bra ]
  Unidentified subject!                 [ Rhiannon Parrish <big_lil_angel@yah ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #479                [ MWUT77C@prodigy.com (MISS APRIL M P ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 13:00:35 EST
From: PunkChik3@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Goldfish are baked, not fried...

Hello Child Screamers and Poet Dreamers...

	I'm feeling so good today!!  Last night after I wrote my post about
childhood, I felt sooooo much better...I guess that's what the digest is all
about though.  :)  The whole wanting-to-be-5 again issue makes me happy and
sad to think about, it's strange.  But anyway, it was nice to get out.  :P

Lauren said:

>i'm also failling to see how the song relates to the video at all.  i don't
>like her new album much either.  "Hands" is the most upbeat song on
>there which isn't saying much.
>It bothers me.

Arghh...when I first heard that "Hands" song I almost laughed, I hate it!!
The chorus is so silly, "My hands are small I know but they're not yours they
are my own..." What?  I don't get it.  Yeah, Jewel, they're your hands.  I
read an interview with her the other day and she was saying how she completely
hates the video, which I thought was interesting.  She said that wasn't her
nose and also that her first album was a joke and musically an
embarassment...lol...   :P

Kay wrote:

> "and how the Russians die on the ice"
> from Talula was referring to Sergei Grinkov.

I don't know about the relation there, but I just *love* that part of
"Talula!"  I go crazy, especially in the shower...it's all on!!  "I got Big
Bird on the fishing line..." oh, I love it!

John wrote, after a completely saddening experience:

>I guess I see saying nothing as being part of the problem, so i feel
>very compelled to say something.

Though I think it was kind of bad to say that in front of the lady's kids,
you've got to think about the fact that she said "faggot" in front of them as
well.  That's what disgusts me about the way some parents are in the nineties.
Children are going to encounter homosexuals for the rest of their lives, and
so many parents set horrible, close-minded, judgemental examples, and it is
soooo sad.  If that had happened to me, John, I don't think I could have not
said anything either.  Saying nothing *is* part of the problem, and it was
good that you said something for no other reason then to shut her homophobic
mouth up in front of her children.  And it is *so* true what you said, that
males and females hold hands all the time, so for two males to do it, it is
*no* big deal.  Ugh, though, the children factor...the way that mother set
that kind of example is disgusting.  It's very similar to the way so many
children are racists at the ages of 5 and 6.  My goodness, I mean, what
horrible role models.  I think open-mindedness could save the world.  John, I
don't think you were out of line, I would do the same thing.  That lady
deserved a bitch slap.  Argh.

A newbie, Summer  :) , wrote:

>feel free to message me.

I was skimming through the digest and I thought it said "feel free to massage
me..." LOL, I died, it was hilarious....  :)

Becky said:

>I was almost a Meghan.  If my brother was a she (teehee) he would have been
>Meghan.  But someone suggested Rebecca and it stuck =)

My mother wanted to name me Ashley, but my dad chose Rachel and it stuck.  I
like Rachel better, but I guess if they'd chosen Ashley I'd say I liked it
better...lol...:)  If I was a guy, my name was going to be William Weeks.
WOAH that sounds funny!  See, my middle name is actually my mother's maiden
name, Ramsay (ram-zee)...so I'm Rachel Ramsay Weeks.  William Ramsay Weeks.
Try saying that 10 times fast...hmmm....

shiseidored@o-tay.com said:


oh yikes, here we go again....  :)

And Lauren said.. :

>April wrote:
>Lauren said:
>April wrote:
>Hey, has any1 heard "Faith"...you know the George Michael song...

LOL, I just got a kick out of this chain of quoting...April wrote, but Lauren
said, but April wrote...is anyone else seeing the short cut that could have
been taken?  *giggle*

	I'm off to do some horrific Christmas shopping.  Ack, the mall is
scary at
Christmas time.

Hugs and Kisses,
January Swirl
(:   Rachel   :)



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 14:02:41 -0500
From: Faerie Girl <ravenL@purdue.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Why do the good bands, like Soundgarden, have to split up?

Okay, so there are four days until Christmas, two hours until I go to work
and I
have fifteen digests sitting in my inbox waiting to be read through.
I hate to say it but I think I'm going to have to delete them and start from
scratch.  If anyone said anything important to me, let me know.  I really
doubt it,
but I can wish, can't I?
I think I'm going to go try to clean up this mess called a computer.



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 14:04:14 EST
From: PunkChik3@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: I'm posting like mad!!  :)

Child Screamers and Poet Dreamers...

Erin said:

>"And Raven comes from Poe...My

Oh, Poe is WONDERFUL!!  The first story I ever read of his was "The Tell-Tale
Heart"...I knew immediately that he was a literary genious.  What a life he
lived, though.

Reya said:

>why is this? please, don't pick on and stereotype cheerleaders and football
>players. we're not that bad. the only reason i picked on april is that this
>is the root of one of the lectures in my ed class.  seriously. my professor
>said that "cheerleaders = sex symbols and football players = violent
>idiots." this and generalizing people in any shape or form is really just
>hurtful. it makes me want to cry when i hear this.

This is a really complicated subject for me.  I completely agree that we
shouldn't sterotype or generalize people in any way, my best friend since the
3rd grade is a cheerleader and the most wonderful and intelligent person I've
ever met.  I posted, in response to April's post, about this guy and girl who
fit those stereotypes and how sad that makes me.  I wanted to let Reya know
that I could not say that I stereotype cheerleaders/football players, but that
my post was regarding a couple who give those people their bad name.  It's
wonderful that you defy those stereotypes, I totally love that.  I don't think
April meant to offend you, either.  *hugs*

Meghan C. said:

>i always want to say things but i never feel comfortable saying them or i
>someone else will say them or something ya know... so i don't.  maybe i
>should just stop that.  if your reading this right now wow... you should
>e-mail me..:)  you'll go to tori heaven for talking to that poor girl who
>never gets heard...  i feel so miniscule..

Oh my gosh, Meghan!  No way, don't feel like that!  For the longest time I was
uncomfortable with posting and when I finally started it was really nice to
feel so accepted.  And do *not* worry about not having witty things to say...I
have none, I sound like a lunatic here, but no one is going to criticize.  I
want you to post-away, girl.  Sit back, relax, and type.  We love you.  :)

Bethannyyyyy said:

>It's very uncomfortable for
>me...but, well, John - he's oblivous.

Oh, totally.  This friend I have has a girlfriend, it's like the exact
situation...she is *such* a prune, despises any girl who befriends him.  He
acts like I'm speaking German when I tell him about it.  Go figure.

Agent Orange said:

>Ooo! There's a cathartic quality about spending $500 in a weekend. Not when
>the malls are crowded, and you're tripping over 3-year olds. That tends to
>ruin the therapeutic nature of shopping.

LOL...that captures the nature of holiday shopping perfectly.  I love shopping
usually, buying up Old Navy and Contempo whenever I get my hands on some
dough.  This holiday rush-shopping is sooo horrible, especially since I have
absolutely *no* patience.  I just want to slap all those little kids that run
between your legs screaming in the stores.  I know, call me Scrooge, but come
on,  slap them in a stroller, mom!  lol...my Christmas spirit is just so

Tangerine Dream wrote:

>I have a LuNcHaBlE for lunch today. lean turkey and cheddar cheese. yum!

Ack!  You made my mouth water!  Those things are delicious...I *love* ham and
cheddar cheese on crackers.  Oh my gosh, I've got to go to Harris Teeter

Before I go, update on my middle school love interests...giggle...April, get
this.  I did a poetry reading last Wednesday night at Barnes and Noble.  I was
going to do one two weeks earlier, but *he* was going to be out of town, so we
rescheduled it because he wanted to come.  So our youth group meets up to go
to the reading, and he doesn't show.  He didn't fucking show.  I go and
support him by seeing his band play two weeks earlier, telling him constantly
how awesome they played, and my reading is not worthy of his presence.  He did
not call to tell me he couldn't go, did not email me to apologize for not
showing.  Nothing.  So we also had a lock-in at our church last weekend, and
there was this girl that came with another church who developed a crush on him
in all of 5 minutes.  After I fell asleep, my friend told me that they slept
next to each other and that he was playing with her hair all night.  I
couldn't believe it.  I didn't think such an intelligent guy could be such a
player.  I guess they can, and they make the worst kind.  :(
Folks, I am losing all faith in the opposite sex very quickly.

...I want a Lunchable and a Kiss...
January Swirl
(:   Rachel   :)



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 11:06:00 PST
From: "Andromeda Strain" <andromeda_15@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: meep awrf meow?

hihi everybody

Gosh I had fun this weekend.  Hay Jessie Paff I was in Orlando...heehee
I went shopping, went to Unity, then the Altamonte Mall...are those
anywhere near you?  I'm so glad they put a Hot Topic in Florida finally,
I was afraid I'd have to wait until I go to CA again this summer to
visitate one again.  Too bad the Hot Topic in Florida is all the way in
Altamonte...but hay what are friends for? :)
Went to Rocky again too...and you know what?  Drunk French men are DAMN
hilarious!  Especially when they try to bark sexier than Silky Smooth's
chimpanzee son. :)
By the way, for those of you out near there, is there really a Rocky
Cast on Disney property or is that just a bullshit rumour?  I'm kinda

Rhiannon I like your name.  That song is fun to play on piano.  It's
funny, in band I'll play pieces of Nine Inch Nails on the piano and the
drummers say, "wow, thas' my SONG, man" which I think translates into
"that's pretty", but when I play "Rhiannon" they tell me, "hay, girl,
stop playin' dat scary shit" and it just reduces me to giggle fits
sometimes...yeah, Nine Inch Nails is calm and lovely and Fleetwood Mac
is scary...how fucked up is that? :)

someone wrote:
>remember the christ in christmas

um...Christmas, well, it's not always been called that but anywho, it's
been around a hell of a lot longer than Christ...if you really want to
get back to its roots, start celebrating the birth of Mithra or the
Winter Solstice, or at least go out and get yourself jolly drunk in
London. :)  About the only thing Christ seems to have given to Christmas
is the name.

argh grrrgrumblemutterswear I've got to save the rest of my replies for
later, I hafta go...I'm sowry.  :)  bubbles!


ICQ# 13766915

"animals like me though folks
turn away, I like the pigeons
I like what they say..." -Stumpside

meep awf meow?

                Andromeda's little SpyderRoom in the Web


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 15:48:44 EST
From: Eindeadelf@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject:  jane came by with a lock of your hair

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Subject: jane came by with a lock of your hair
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(intro music from the Twilight Zone...)

I was just changing the channel on the TV when I clicked thru a Christmas ad.
Something sounded familiar.  They were playing Cornflake Girl...  It was an ad
for a cheesy, dubbed in German Santa flick from the 70's and they were running
the piano intro to cornflake girl over the film.  That scares me, someone
thought that Tori would fit this film.   Ugh, I hope that this is the work of
a toriphile and not a serious association between that song and the film.
Next thing you know they'll be using tori on advertisements for the Clapper...
I guess that the legions of us out there aren't as cool as I previously

In other, less frightening news, I succumbed to the tori's subliminal messages
and died my hair red today.  They were meant to be streaks of red but now it's
more like orange hair with brunette streaks.  I think it looks pretty good

red (I don't want to think about why she can't walk properly) stamen noted:
>man, jewel sucks.

Seriously though, she does suck.  Has anyone out there listened to the lyrics
of one of her singles?  It goes a little something like this (excuse the
"god loves you, god loves me
I'm being paid off by televangelist TV
god loves us,
what if he was one of us?
I need an orthodontist"
OK, those may not be the exact lyrics, but she seems to be getting a bit too
religiously sappy.  It may do it for some of you but I think it suck pretty
hard (and not in a good way)  If any of the jewel fans out there are offended
by my 'less than pleasent' feelings for miss jewel... deal with it.  You don't
have to agree wih me, I just ask that you aknowledge the inescapable fact that
I'm always right.  (ha ha ha)

dadoo (the hippy boy with a purple table.)
first off, does the table have little sparkle things in it?  Little sparkle
things are cool...
> Any ideas out there for a name?
Well, if you want a Tori name, how about anything besides Talula?  Everyone
calls their stuff that; dogs, chickens, computers, piglets...  If the table's
cute then Door, if it's a bit imposing then Mr. Vandemar or you could go for
the granduer of Anastasia...  I'd go with Mr Vandermar myself because I think
it sounds the nicest (and appropriate considering the flesh bending that'll be
going on)

I'm in a bad mood today.  yuck.  It's been pretty difficult cheering myself
up.  (finding the font from 'dig your own hole' did help though)

lucy (you can ring my bell)
john---  I'm incredibly impressed by your ability to remain reletively calm in
the situation.  My first instinct would have been a violent one, I'm glad to
see that you have the good sense that I lack.  *happy christmas etc...*

Beauty Queen
"I'm grumpy today, so don't even try to talk to me."  Dogbert




Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 16:11:41 EST
From: Nik007321@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #481




Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 18:50:55 +0000
From: Rusen <rusen@nbn.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: So what up

Danny wrote:
> "Well, I can say my favorites are Anthrax, Metallica (old!),
> Guns'n'Roses, Tori Amos (duh!:) ), Gershwin, Public Enemy, Beastie
> Boys, Rage Against the Machine, Enya, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Hole,
> Kraftwerk and Bad Religion

heh....that's quite a variety! congratulations on haveing
good muscial taste...so many people i know like the same
things so it's nice to see someone with something different
going on...
Let's see, here's my favorites....Tori, Joni mitchell, Dar
Williams, Kate Bush, happy Rhoades, Billy Joel, Ella
Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra...i'm sure i have more, but i
can't remember.

Jai wrote:
>  I thought it'd be a
> cool idea to go through them and record the bits where she talks about
> various songs onto a tape and then have the song follow it. But i wondered
> if this would just break the atmosphere created by the songs? or if, after
> you'd heard it a coupla times the comments would get boring cos you'd wanna
> hear what else she had to say? anyone else done this and can tell me if it
> worked??

I've never done this, but i think it would a great idea...i
only have two interviews discs though....but i have Tea with
the Waitress!!! yes!!!!

> "Little Witches"?

is this the movie i am thinking of? these girls are in a
witch school and they have this contest to see who can make
the other team scream as much? Or am i thiking of something

> those terrible Outpost.com commericals.

Oh my god...if those are not the most sick things in the
world...and you know what's the worst thing in world? by
talking about the commercials, we are doing exactly what
they wanted us to do....give them free advertising.

le sigh.....



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 15:11:40 -0800
From: ella cinders <red13@jps.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: imacs OFFEND me

ok, now my roommate has already packed all my mugs.  now she's packed my
pyrex pie dish.  argh. and get this:  she packed my BIKE TOOLS!  she
doesn't even HAVE a bike!  AAAAAAAA.  she's convinced these things are
hers.  i don't feel like playing "mine" "no, MINE"  "NO MINE!"  "YOU BITCH,
ITS MINE MINE MINE" games with her, so i'm hoping she'll destress after she
moves and find all of my burgled belongings in her boxes and send them back
to me.

AND, heh, HEHEHEHEH, she's apparently forgotten to pack her breadknife,
which i just adore.  OH KARMA.

Keith Jose Fox Shapiro wrote:
>So you guys throw around all the Mac propaganda you like.  I still
>won't buy one.  :)  (But I wouldn't buy an IBM, Compaq, Dell or Gateway
>either.  I custom build, which is one reason why Macs will ALWAYS be
>out.  No options for a home-brewer other than peripherals.)

Exactamundo.  Not only are PC's very user friendly (win 95 and up you just
plug in your hardware and it sets everything up for you), but the parts are
CHEAP.  Seriously.  I think it's gotten to the point where if you really
want to make an investment in a good system then go watch a friend build a
computer.  it's fucking EASY.  And, you can spend 600 dollars on a pc just
as powerful as an imac if you buy the parts (if you shop carefully) and
that beats the STEAMING SHIT out of imacs.  my dad also just bought an ibm
(not that i like ibm, but for comparison here...) with a p2 300 mhz
processor, 5 GB hard drive, 56K modem, 64 MB RAM, 100 mhz bus, AND this
thing CAME with a little podunk monitor, keyboard, mouse and cheapy color
printer.  guess what he paid after rebate.  650 dollars.  you can't beat
that... hopefully he'll get a warranty though cuz even i am concerned
that's a bit too cheap for a packaged system.  but let's be optimistic for
dear old dad.

Another thing to consider is if you want to upgrade one particular piece of
hardware (anything, really, anything...and we know how fast technology
gives birth to advances), with a pc you just take the cover off and plug it
in.  want a new monitor?  buy one, plug it in.  want an ergonomic keyboard?
 buy one, plug it in.  new modem?  buy it, plug it in.  Now with the imac,
you gotta ship the lovely cutesie little machine all the way to apple to
get what you want done.  that's fucking nuts, at least to me anyway.

i think the imac is mostly image.  it appeals to the computer-illiterate
buyers because it looks so easy and even looks kinda artsy next to the
klimt prints hanging on the walls in the den.  i'm sorry, but that's NOT
what a computer is for.  i don't buy a car based on how pretty it is, and
i'd CERTAINLY never buy a car if i couldn't open the hood to do bits of my
own work on it.  Consumer Reports would say the same thing.

>Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 19:35:05 +0000
>From: jai <illitrate@orangenet.co.uk>
>To: ToriPeople <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
>Subject: my first real RDTRN post

>DOH! Famous Blue Raincoat is a song i've not got, or even heard. By either
>Any more Cohen fans on here? I've got The Future and I'm Your Man (I think
>those are the CD titles) any recommendations on which album to get next?

YES!  leonard cohen is a god.  oh, welcome jai, by the way! (rhymed! ha!)

anyway, i have the future and i'm your man...my favorite of all is "new
skin for the old ceremony" -- if you buy anything else by him, get that
one.  otherwise, check out "best of leonard cohen" -- it's some of his
older stuff collected, and they note which albums the songs come from so
you can kind of sniff out which album you're most likely to love.
seriously though.  the man can do no wrong.  WELL, wait, i take it back.
that recent live album REALLY sucked.  oh god, i'm getting hives just
thinking about it.

on a much more serious note, John K wrote:

>my .sig quote says.  "Every place you land in life has a reason and a
>lesson."  if that's true what's the reason behind this?
>A lesson?  What?  Don't kiss the person you love in public because you
>could get killed?  I just don't see what good could come from this.
>This has really shaken my faith in everything right now.

Fuck, this is so fucking tragic.  I feel so sorry for those two men.  I
know violence doesn't solve anything, but you know, the ONLY good i think
that can come from this kind of thing, is if people are aware of it's
happeneing.  Like, ok, i know i don't know martial arts or anything, but
DAMN, i want to be able to fight back if someone ever tries to do that to
me because they saw me kiss my lover goodbye.  Maybe it will be a
motivation for gay people all over to prepare themselves for assholes like
that.  Go take self defense lessons, be prepared to use that tire iron as a
weapon on those monsters, carry a hand held alarm....

I'm a pacifist normally.  But when someone threatens my safety (and they
have before) the fight or flight syndrome kicks in and i FIGHT.  It's much
different when you're outnumbered, but many times if the assaulters sense
you're a fighter instead of a runner they won't even mess with you.  unless
their drunk, eating gopher for dinner, or just plain nuts.  in any case,
this story breaks my heart john, as i know it's breaking yours.  i hope you
manage to enjoy meeting these two men when you visit, and please tell them
that there are strangers on the internet like me whose hearts go out to

me, the flea, dustabunny wrote:
>	I've been watching the Complete Videos thingy repeatedly and I
>noticed something.  Tori has her left ear double pierced.  In the Winter
>video there are 2 hoops on her left ear and in the Silent All These Years
>video there is only one earring upon her ears and it's on her left ear in
>the second hole.  She doesn't seem to sport earrings in the second hole
>anymore, or so I think.
>	She is barefoot in many of her videos.  I HATE FEET.  But anyway.

You obviously pay a lot of attention to the small things in life.  Heh.

don't touch that dial,
"I can resist everything except temptation."  - Oscar Wilde




Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 15:27:38 -0800
From: ella cinders <red13@jps.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: podunk sighting

Hac500 crawled out of her hole for the first time in months:

>(i'm still bitter about the whole Seven thing---HEY someone frickin ruined it
>fo ME so I get to ruin it for all you podunks who haven't seen it--it's my
>Satan given right to.)

remind me never, ever, to give movie endings away on this list that holly
aka podunk rarely reads.  girlfriend doesn't get mad, she just gets even ;)

>and the hilarious redstamen writes regarding jokes:

she thinks i'm hilarious!  AW YEAH.  or were you being sarcastic you podunk?

>here's another :
>what do you call a cow with no legs???
>  |
>  |
>  |
> V
>ground beef.
>hee (although--i don't really call cows with no legs--that is cruel .."here
>cow..come and get it")
>;) and NO I'm not a VEgan.

well, now, i'll stop replying to hac500's post, since i KNOW she probably
won't even read it.  Heh.  Actually, that's not true.  You have a bit of
time to kill the next couple weeks don't you holly ama.

>          *** Today Is The Last Day Of Some Of Your Life digest ***

violet, i love you.  i'll bet you'd call cows with no legs. ;)

lover lover lover,

"I can resist everything except temptation."  - Oscar Wilde




Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 15:34:53 -0800
From: ella cinders <red13@jps.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: ascii porn and lionel richie

penny lover will you walk on by.

What if tori covered some lionel richie?  does that sound like blasphemy?
oh god, the possibilities.

Lavenda builds herself a sturdy soapbox:
>But I am not going to shut up. I am going to express myself where I feel
>I have something to say. Some of you have told me to tone it down...
>others have said they enjoy reading my posts. I have just as much right
>as anyone to post here, to not feel intimidated. And I won't be. That
>time has passed. So scuse me for being a rabbid Aussie, having a heart,
>a brain, and being longwinded.

giggling nervously.  wow, you remind me of me sometimes.  but objectively,
i think all that anyone was saying is that public space is to be shared.
YES, write what you want and when.  But realize that there are 1000+
subscribers who may feel they want to express themselves in this public
forum also.  Class, share your toys with your friends!

i adore rabid longwinded brainiacs with big hearts. ;)  even
housechewrelian punks like you ;)

whore-hey comes clean:
>and finally, my little RedStamen-baby wrote about ASCII penises. i cannot
>tell a lie. IT WAS ME. i am nothing, if not HONEST.

Hey, i showed my vagina.  now you have to show your penis.  if i remember
right, you could even ANIMATE it, couldn't you?

violet, your ascii work is in much better taste than jorge's penis and my
vagina, but wow, even you will be impressed by the prodigious genius of his
animated ascii penis.

and then this:
>       *** Thank You For Not Jacking Off On The Furniture digest ***

are you having Bad Uncle Johnny over for the weekend?

where's koba when you need him?
jeez, and he's even DONE with his finals.

ok, last post from me this weekend, i promise.

i'm afraid of americans.

(hey, dickens does NOT blow chunks, simon.  he rocks.  and great
expectations is a very very very cool book.  dickens has maybe THE most
original, colorful, animated characters i've ever read.  i love him.  he's
like my fucking teddy bear.  don't dis him or i'll pull your hair.  jeesh.
can you tell that was a sore spot?)
"I can resist everything except temptation."  - Oscar Wilde




Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 19:13:29 EST
From: Fragments1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: same as it EVER was

so. here's a happy little piece of holiday babblings for ya.


you don't even fucking speak proper english
i will not pay 3,000 dollars for you
a furby
or college
such a dilemma

.......anyway. i finally heard all of liz phair's "exile in guyville". i'm not
much impressed.[sorry, germaine. not even "flower" scares me
anymore.:-)....but pj harvey still scares the shit outta me.] like i told
jorge, it's not knocking "the best of james" from my discman.

who DOESN'T drive down the road, windows down, stereo cranked full blast,
singing, at the top of your lungs:
"this bed is on FIRE with passion and love!
the neighbors COMPLAIN about the noises above!
but she only COMES when she's on top!"
[all together now]:
"ah, ya think you're so PRETTYeeeeeeeeeee"

i want a furby. ironically enough. [or not ironcially enough, as i've  grown
up in the alanis morissette "my first album kicked ass now i suck but i still
need to learn to use a dictionary" generation.]
isn't it sad when our society resorts to virtual companionship? what's next,
virtual hookers? virtual families? hell-virtual nature?
think about it......

"you, too, can have your very own giga-god! wanna do some random smiting of
the heretics? or just feel like speaking through a burning bush? whatever it
is, giga-god is sure to provide hours of fun! also be on the lookout for
virtual jesus! yes, virtual jesus. whether crucifying him over and over, or
turning water to wine, virtual jesus is certain to be YOUR saviour of choice.
and now, for our pagan friends, it's new giga-goddess!"


i guess that what i'm seeking guessthatwhati'mseeking isn't here.

i swear to goddess i thought eddie vedder said "glorified version of a

rose tint my world and keep me safe from my trouble and pain [20 points to
whoever can tell me where that's from]-
oh sit down next to me

"i'm the screen
the blinding light
i'm the screen
i work at night"
-m. stipe



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 19:58:27 EST
From: MagicMS1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org, MagicMS1@aol.com
Subject: help stop the animal slaughter

 	Today I heard on the news that Burlington Coat Factory was
slaughtering dogs
and cats for there fur. A fellow factory worker snuck in a camera and caught
them on tape slaughtering these poor animals. They were killing the dogs and
cats by putting them in boiling water why they were still alive. They have
stated that they donated money to the Humane Society but I do not feel this is
enough. I think that they need to know exactly what they did and how sick,
immoral and unforgivable it was. And get them to stop slaughtering animals
completely. It shouldn't just be wrong that they killed dogs and cats but it
should also be wrong that they killed any animal for its fur. Please contact
them and let them know that they will loose a lot of business over this and
should be put out of business completely.
  <A HREF="http://www.coat.com/contact/contact.html">Click here: Contact Us



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 08:34:30 -0500
From: nightcat@netpass.com (Elizabeth Braddock)
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: another day

Meghan the Misquoter chided me by saying....
>You call that cold weather?

I know I know, I am TERRIBLE!  But I am a second generation florida native,
so I figure I have the thinnest blood on the planet....50 is COLD to me. ;)

And on the subject of pregnancies and babies and such, I had ANOTHER
Pregnancy dream, and this is starting to weird me out.  IN this one I had
just found out I was pregnant and I was wondering the old "Should I keep
it, should I put it up for adoption?" kind of questions, and Patrick was
lIke NO WAY< we are keeping it, lets get married. eeeep!

Simon, my kitchen is lovely, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! ;)
Get construction paper and cut out christmasy shapes and scotch tape em to
your walls. :) Cheap decorating tip number 57.  I do have a tape player in
my saturn the shitmobile. :)

And stop worrying about me everyone, I will be fine, I swear it ;)

		Tangerine Dream

	"She's the sweetest cherry in an apple pie"



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 19:29:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Rhiannon Parrish <big_lil_angel@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Unidentified subject!

Ok so I've been here for awhile..posted once or twice...and decided it
was about damn time I intro'd myself. My parent's gave me the pleasure
of being named Rhiannon....I was a "marijuana" baby. So 19 year's ago
I was born in Cleveland, Ohio. My life has ran smoothly. No big
disasters, I was and still am a very loved child. I have no problems
really except for the fact that after 12 a.m. my mind deserts me
(keither's can atest to this) and that I still live at home. Im in
college (art major) and I work as little as I possibly can....my
mother's my boss. I've got a boyfriend, he's been here since I've been
14.    I dont think he's going anywhere for awhile. Finally I'm a
lurker...I've got plenty to say but hardley anytime to so I let other
people say it for me.

Keither's Im waaaaaaaay excited for you!!!! Thank you for making me
feel  welcome, and you to jorge..wonderful people I tell you!!!!!!!!

Thanks for making me feel at home
Rhiannon (Rhe)


Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night
wouldnt you love to love her

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com



Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 22:46:23, -0500
From: MWUT77C@prodigy.com (MISS APRIL M PIAZZA)
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #479

Helllo every1!

Well, my busy busy weekend is on its last leg. The dance on Saturday nite
was not bad. I got to dance with my friend Duda, my girlfriends, and a hot
Senior I've known since kindergarden! :) So pretty soon I have to go work
on a research project at Robin's house and then put up our family's
Christmas tree. Then it's on to dinner at Amber's house...and her brother
is the hot Senior. ;)

When you see this:

Subject: Shiny

You know it's a post from Jess!! ;) Cute!

Jess wrote:

"April sweetiebeanie.....I have Prodigy....Music for a Jilted Generation

Hehe, silly girl! We were talking about Prodigy for computers!! :D. But
that is ok....'cause I like the band anyway! They are so funny and Keith is
SOOOO amusing!! The videos are great to watch.

Sweet Jaime said:

"...and when he told her that he would give up a life of immortality
for one moment with her (in much more eloquent words)...i just wanted to
cry...because that's what i want...and i wonder endlessly whether i am
waiting in vain...i don't think that being able to say that to someone
should be so complex...but it is...i know that i can't say it
anymore...i wonder if i can even feel it any more...is this nothing more
than blind idealism or can love be like this???...sigh..."

Oh sweety, I can't answer your questions, but you are beautiful! I remember
when I wondered the same things....nastalgia (spelled wrong for your
enjoyment...probably). I am sure that you'll find your way. Hug to you!

Ack, I erased the one part, but Jaime I also wanted to tell you that I
agree.....'I've never seen a light move, like yours can do to me' is an
amazing line. Putting the DAmage On is one of my all-time favourite Tori
songs, and that line *is* certainly beautiful. I love it all...where it
starts from 'Now I'm quite sure, there's a light in your platoon'...I just
love it!! That's really all I can say.

        *** Thank You For Not Jacking Off On The Furniture digest ***

Violet, you're so nuts! :o)

Love and kisses to all!


I'm a big big girl in a big big world; It's not a big big thing if you
leave me; but I do do feel that I do do will miss you much...miss you much

     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

          *** A Dirty Elf Is A Terrible Thing To Waste digest ***

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Any self-respecting Toriphile is on The Registry. (That means you!)
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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1998