RDT Right Now #516

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 13:36:39 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #516
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #516

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Check it out!                         [ Jessica <tangerine@digitalv.net> ]
  Neil Gaiman                           [ "dan walsh" <dalsh327@hotmail.com> ]
  Grammy Wammy!!                        [ "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail. ]
  Another choirgirl video?              [ "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail. ]
  Dawson's Creek                        [ "Arin Renaud" <arin@fands.net> ]
  what's that in the mashed potatoes?   [ "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspri ]
  want happy good stain bad stain       [ "D.O.U.G. alicious" <heyjupiter1@ho ]
  If only I had something clever and w  [ "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.co ]
  getting it off my chest               [ Beth Winegarner <bethw@sonic.net> ]
  I know I said I had to do my homewor  [ "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.co ]
  Better a free (wo)man than a slave,   [ "Lavenda 1" <lavenda@hotmail.com> ]
  Dreams                                [ Jessica <tangerine@digitalv.net> ]
  no day but today.                     [ Silverain0@aol.com ]
  the warped musical tastes of south a  [ "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspri ]
  Such a perfect day.                   [ "Ng, Patricia" <patricia.ng@wilcom. ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 06:42:24 -0500
From: Jessica <tangerine@digitalv.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Check it out!

Really you guys...check out www.apple.com....I am floored.  A TANGERINE
Colored iMac....i HAVE To have one.....(although I love the "grape" one
too!!)  Damnit, it never fails....I buy my computer and ADORE it, and a
month later, something cooler comes out. heh.  Murphy's law, right??

*Megan* Ack!  A NEW Faerie toy??  I gotta go shopping now.....

Oh, and Loreal has something new I am in love with...Guys can skip ahead.
Girls, Le Grand Lash Masscara.....get some, really.  heh :)

Jorge said...

>people who buy a brand name blindly just because it is that brand name can
>be put in the same category as people who believe a movie is good because
>it's playing in more theaters

I had to reply to how true this is in most cases....One of the best Best
BEST movies I ever saw was Basquit, which played at the Enzian for like
week, and that was it.  Rent it....really.David Bowie makes a KICK ASS Andy

Insomnia (Tiffany).....I know the tick...I watch the Tick...I have The Tick
Comic books :)

Abercrombie....I am ignornat thereof....I know nothing of and have seen
nothing of this abercrombie everyone keeps talking about, but if its
anywhere near as annoying as tommy hilferwhatever, I am glad I haven't been
touched by its evil yet. heh. Trendy...Go Figure.

Keithers, If i am present and able bodied, I will be there for you, prying
the dashboard off your legs....*Aren't WE a morbid bunch??*  Stunt rocks my
world babbieeee

A hydro field cuts through my neighborhood and somehow that  just made me
feel good, I can put a spare bulb in my hand and light up my yard.

		Tangerine Dream

	"She's the sweetest cherry in an apple pie"



Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 17:45:23 PST
From: "dan walsh" <dalsh327@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Neil Gaiman

  Just wanted to let you all know.....Neil Gaiman has a new book out,
and is doing a book signing tour. They released it yesterday, Borders
was doing an official release.
  As far as I know, Neil will be in San Diego this weekend, on the 10th,
at Mysterious Galaxy (www.mystgalaxy.com), but will be doing signings in
LA, and San Fran, just to let you know....

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Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 19:14:29 MST
From: "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Grammy Wammy!!

Two Grammy nominations!!!  Way to go Tori!!!!  And I think she has an
excellent chance this time of taking at least one!!!  YAY!!!  I was
quite impressed, also, to see Ani was nominated, in the same category as
Tori, no less!! :-)  Which means we have a 2/5 chance of being pleased
in the Best Female Rock Vocal Performance category.  (And hey, I really
like Alanis' "Uninvited," though I can't say I would be pleased if it
beat out Raspberry Swirl!! :-))

YAY Tori!!


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Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 19:18:33 MST
From: "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Another choirgirl video?

Don't hold me to it, but I am betting on at least one more video to come
out of the choirgirl hotel before all is said and done.  And I think
it's safe to say it may be a video for "Cruel."  Till now, each CD had
four videos made (LE-- "Crucify," "Silent," "Winter," and "China;" UtP--
"Pretty Good Year," "God," "Past the Mission," and "Cornflake" (actually
2 videos); BfP-- "Professional Widow," "Caught A Lite Sneeze," "Hey
Jupiter," and "Talula.")  So far, from the choirgirl hotel has only
birthed three videos-- "Spark," "Jackie's Strength," and "Raspberry
Swirl."  So don't you think there will be at least one more!?!?  I sure
hope so! :-)  Has anyone heard anything about another video being


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Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 19:40:56 -0600
From: "Arin Renaud" <arin@fands.net>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Dawson's Creek

Wow, I was just flipping through the channels and I turn to WGN and Dawson's
creek is on and not like two seconds later, Tori comes on singing Northern
Lad!! Isn't that awesome?! Anyone else see that? I thought it was pretty
kewl and I love the song Northern Lad. So I thought that I would share that
one with all of  you. I also wanted to say thanks to the *two whole* ppl
that responded to my Bells for Her post. It really helped. I have a new love
and appreciation for that song. Also, I am going to see RENT. I really love
the music to this and I want to see it, but the ticket is kinda expensive.
If anyone has seen it, let me know if it is worth the money. I love to go to
musicals, so I am sure I would like it if I went, but I want some others
opinions. Thanks for your help!




Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 22:00:27 -0500
From: "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspring.com>
To: "Really Deep Thoughts Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: what's that in the mashed potatoes?

i finally came up with a definitive answer on why an artist should NOT be
allowed in space.....suppose you send some painter on the space shuttle.
he'll bring his easel, his paintbrushes, all these cans of paint and stuff,
his stupid beret, whatever. once you get into space, weightlessness kicks
in. there's going to be paint flying all over the place, splashing all over
the astronauts, they're going to be poked in eye with
paintbrushes.......it's really more trouble than it's worth.

seriously, i really don't get into the whole first "this type of person" in
space thing. i think we can learn about the artistic merit of outer space
later......MUCH later. right now, i'd honestly just want to learn a little
more about outer space.

let's dabble in film a second....i just found out that "The Faculty" was
directed by Robert Rodriguez. how the mighty have fallen. this guy went from
"El Mariachi" and the best part of "Four Rooms" to a weak-looking teen
slasher movie.

Lisa (if her middle name was Monica, i'd be in heaven) wrote:

>i used to talk everything out.  now, i don't know has become my number
>one phrase.  although sad, it's just the easiest way.

this reminds me a lot of when my relationship with my girlfriend hit the
wall earlier this year. all attempts at communication ended in anger or
frustration. the spontenaity was gone. honest attempts at a special moment
together ended in fights. we really did feel like there was no reason to be
together. we called it off. three months later, we were back together. the
time apart did wonders.

my advice is this: take time apart. take the risk to call it off. if there's
a special bond between the two of you, then it will mend things. it won't
mend things, though, if you keep trying to force conversations that aren't
working. it will mend things by reminding you of the good conversations and
why they happened. to do that, you can't have the other person around
bringing you negatives.

now someone explain to me what exactly it was i did to piss Lavenda off.
yo Lavs. the floor is all yours.
no one's standing in the way of you saying a thing.

Jessica wrote:

>and it was like a race to see who could wear the most guess, OP, edwins and
such (Popular brand
>names of the time)....and I didn't understand it then, and I don't
understand it now.

i had to chuckle at this, because it shows my former flame-buddy as being a
true product of South Florida. anyone who describes 80's fashion as
including Edwin Jeans most DEFINITELY grew up in South Florida.

all i can say is this: thank god she DIDN'T bring up Z Cavaricci or Capezio

Megg the Shocker wrote:

>Gimme some mo' Gimme some mo'

damn good album. i dare say Busta's new stuff is closer to Tricky than it is
to mainstream hip-hop. very odd rhythms that are quite un-danceable. pretty
dark as well....

Sweet Simon the Milwaukee Brave (hey, it's Turn Back The Clock Night) wrote:

>There was this televangelist from North Carolina.  He was a real

*drum* *snare*
Scotch would be proud. that ratbastard.

so many motherfuckers on my balls i thought i lost my dick...



Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 20:05:55 MST
From: "D.O.U.G. alicious" <heyjupiter1@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org, watchword@virginia.edu
Subject: want happy good stain bad stain

So I guess I could post about what's been going on, about my mom
discovering I have a boyfriend, discovering my own shameful secret that
I smoke, talking to my friends about said boyfriend (one of said friends
saying that said boyfriend raped some guy, as if!), said mom calling
said boyfriend an asshole and assuming all the worst, etc., but instead
I just want to post a poem a wrote about 6 months ago for a silly school
assignment, but a poem which now has a lot of meaning to me.  So here it

"Want Happy Good Stain Bad Stain" (A Poem Intended, Because of the
Assignment, to be in Ginsbergian Style)

Alone- night- alone
Day alone, all always alone.
O love! What's that?! Who are thou,
Love? Toilet bowl water love,
Floating, flushed, gone.
Better, actually, now gone, but worse now empty.

Heart- romance- beating heart
Beaten heart.
Heart blood under bed mattress pillow soul stained
Green carpet intestine, mushy stomach red-black-blood stained,
       Heart-break stained.

I cried to her, Mother,
She say love you, honey, love you. Be good. (Make me proud, she say.)
She say I want you happy.
She say I want you happy.  O Mother!
No, Mother!
Lo Mother-- Lo and Behold!
Tear stain salt dirty- You really don't know!-
Want me happy?
TV News says blah blah blah he did she said they can't
       We won't, and she say,
Never mind, not important...
Dirty tear, dirty heart blood stain on my soul's clothes
And I spill water on new mopped floors and toothpaste on new scrubbed
The worst of the dirties.

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Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 21:24:33 CST
From: "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: If only I had something clever and witty to say.

I've just got a few replies...and then I must do my homework...*sigh*...

~*Megan*~ wrote:
>Argh! I just read that Liz Phair - who I've been *waiting* to see in
>concert - is opening for Alanis Morrisette!! For some reason, this
>makes me so mad! Normally, I wouldn't go to see Alanis...she's OK,

*sigh again*  I can't stand Alanis.  And I love Liz Phair--who won't
come to Milwaukee though it's only an hour away from Chicago and could
easily do a show here.  Grrr...

I went to an Alanis concert once--to see the opening band--Loud Lucy.
Well, they decided not to show up, and I got stuck watching
the..whole..damn..show.  I hated it.  (Sorry, but hey--this is just my

Tiffany or was it Insomnia or Raspberry Siren Spectrum...heh...wrote:

>Which reminds me of something that i shlould've done a long time
>ago... this goes especially to Fish and everybody who's reading of
>GIRLS!! I've decided to come out of the Spice closet and that does it

Hahahaha.  *shakes my head*  I've got a confession, too--the Spice Girls
are sooo much fun.  Heehee.  How can you resist "Spice Up Your Life?"
It's sooo incredibly catchy.  But, I also have another confession to
make--I got the Backstreet Boys CD for Christmas...from my friend.  And
it's fun.  Pure fun.  And when they sing "All I Have to Give" a
capella--*Swoon*  Not that they're cute or anything.  Ick...just fun.

jorge wrote:

>by the way, let's hear it for the mighty thrift store shoppers of
>RDTRN. y'all have patience to thumb through all that stuff looking >for

Yea yea yea!  I'm proudly member of this group....with patience *and*
tolerance.  Do you know how many people have touched those clothes and
where their hands have been and shit?  Oh god.  It's kinda disgusting
(just wash your hands really well after you're done shopping), but you
can really find some cool stuff.  I've got the best collection of
T-shirts and my winter coat (black, long, fake-fur) cost $11.00.  And
it's nice and warm and cozy.  Everytime I go to the mall, someone
compliments me on it.  Funny--it's usually people shopping at the
Express or something.  Heh.

I even found that Wuzzle (doused 'em in Lysol, too) there that one

However, anything over $5 is usually too expensive for me.  I'm
cheap--except for my coat.  :o)  They have Super-Saturdays at the
Salvation Army--everything's 50% off!  It kicks ass!  For a total of
$4.21, I bought a pair of brown cords, a t-shirt, and my Homecoming
dress.  *grin*  Remember--it's not just shopping--it's art.

And that was just way too much discussion from me on the art of

Time for homework...aack.


"I wanna be cool, tall, vulnerable, and luscious,
 I would have it all if I only had this much."
                              --Liz Phair

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Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 19:40:11 -0800
From: Beth Winegarner <bethw@sonic.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: getting it off my chest

(or wherever it is it's located).

I'm so excited that Tori is nominated for multiple grammies! I'm also really
thrilled about Metallica, Joe Satriani, Jeff Buckley, and about a dozen
others I can't remember at the moment. I just have one question though: how
on earth did "Uninvited" get nominated in the *rock* category?? Another cool
item is that 4 of the 5 folks nominated in the Dance category (Cyndi Lauper,
Madonna, Gloria Estefan and Boy George) are 80s people. :) :) How cool is

I made a top 10 list for Addicted to Noise, since I am one of their (semi-)
regular critics and writers. It got lost in the mail, so to speak, and
missed the deadline, so they didn't print it. (BTW, I was completely floored
that NO ONE mentioned Jeff Buckley's album in their top 10 -- no one at ATN,
or in SPIN, or in the SF Chronicle -- maybe somewhere else, but nothing I

Anyway, I wanted to share it with you folks... even if they didn't want it.
:) Make of the HTML what you will -- most of it is for purposes of

1. Tori Amos -- From the Choirgirl Hotel -- Atlantic
	I admit, I am a big Tori Amos fan, but I really think this was the
best album released this year. Tori combines big-hearted rock with savvy
techno and still manages to bare her soul; changing her sound took guts, but
it works <i>so</i> well.

2. Lisa Gerrard and Pieter Bourke -- Duality -- 4AD
	Lisa Gerrard has one of the most beautiful voices in contemporary
music, and her collaboration with percussionist/musician Pieter Bourke makes
her sound more vibrant than ever. <i>This</i> is soul music.

3. Mediaeval Baebes -- Salva Nos -- Virgin
	Leave it to Katharine Blake and the Miranda Sex Garden team to make
even medieval secular music sound modern. This is deliciously beautiful
'church music' for people who wouldn't set foot in a church.

4. Rasputina -- How We Quit the Forest -- Columbia
	Rock cello rules. Granted, Apocalyptica also put out an album this
year -- but I'd like to see those Finnish guys play while wearing
tight-laced corsets and come off sounding as tough as Rasputina do.

5. Metallica -- Garage Inc. -- Elektra
	Metallica's status among longtime fans has been a bit dubious since
the release of <i>Load</i> in 1996. This collection of covers shows how true
the band has remained to its roots -- and its followers.

6. Patty Griffin -- Flaming Red -- A&M
	Patty Griffin is one of the best musicians out there you're not
listening to yet. Her folk-rock flavors and knifeblade vocals can turn a
listener inside out -- and that's to say nothing of her incredible
songwriting skills.

7. Jeff Buckley -- Sketches, For My Sweetheart the Drunk -- Columbia
	I felt more than a little voyeuristic listening to these songs,
which Buckley never intended to release in this unfinished state. But to
have another disc -- <i>two</i> discs of his unparallelled voice and talent
is at least a small consolation for the loss of such a great artist.

8. Jonny Lang -- Wander this World -- A&M
	Lang's raw talent and love of the blues is singlehandedly bringing
new fans -- like myself -- to the old masters like Luther Allison (whose
"Cherry Red Wine" he torches on the album) and B.B. King. Who cares how old
he is, or just how he learned to sing like that. Just be glad he

9. Various Artists -- The Black Bible -- Cleopatra
	Cleopatra Records has done wonders to keep genres like 80s synth-pop
and classic goth and techno from going under for good. This four-disc
collection of gothic and industrial music, both timeless and modern, is an
educated and balanced encyclopedia of seminal sounds.

10. Stevie Nicks -- Enchanted -- Atlantic
	Over the past couple of years, many women rockers have credited
Stevie Nicks with being a major influence on their lives and careers. This
set is Nicks at her best, from her white-hot beginnings in Buckingham/Nicks
to her collaborations with Bruce Hornsby and Don Henley. There won't be
another like her, and <i>Enchanted</i> is a testament to that.


"Blinding signs flap -- flicker, flicker, flicker blam. Pow."
(Pink Floyd)



Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 22:07:19 CST
From: "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: I know I said I had to do my homework...

So, I'm still reading digests, though I swore I was actually gonna do
homework--see what you guys do to me?  SEE?

Scotch replied to my interest in UVA:

>Glad to see you're interested in a preppie, snobby, fratty,
>conservative brick-and-khaki university like UVA -- I go there >myself.
I can't

*snip*  Ouch.  They never tell you that kinda stuff in the lil viewbooks
they send ya.  Dammit...

But in reality, it doesn't sound all that much different from my high
school--so I'd be used to it, you know?  Man...what do you have to put
up with for a quality education...Thanks for that interesting view,

lucy (is pretty) wrote:

>sarah (you little wonder you)

All thanks to Ms. Louise Post, I am.

>I know... that film should have been wonderful, a great book and >Kevin
Spacey and John Cusack.  Unfortunately it fell short of a full >pack.
JOHN CUSACK!  Someday I'll win the lotto and buy everyone on >this list
a copy of Better Off Dead...  or maybe not....

Yeah...it's not horrible...but it's not fantastic.  You know?  But, I'd
sit through it anyday for Mr. Cusack.  Heehee...

Win you win the lotto...you don't have to buy me one...I've had my own
copy for a while.  (And I watch it religiously.)  ;o)

Meggie reminded me of something when she wrote:

>Manson is dating Rose McGowen (played Syd's best friend in Scream, >the
really *chilly* girl who got smashed by the garage door?) as far

*Chilly*?  Baby-Sitters Club books!!  Woohoooo...that was their word.
When they thought something was cool, they'd say, "That is so chilly."
Hehe.  They had their own lingo going on...

Damn I loved those books.


"Shut up, shut up and eat!"
                          --Cibo Matto

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Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 22:56:27 PST
From: "Lavenda 1" <lavenda@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Better a free (wo)man than a slave, Better a real (wo)man any day

Simon typed:
>I get this bad feeling (if you all are into Karma) that there is
>damage and it's the payback for my overzealous and excessive postings
>this list.
>Now I am worried. :(  Can't I just work harder not to take up as much
>bandwidth and that can be counted towards not having to lose my ability

The way I view Karma is that the mind has a lot to do with it. If you
re-think something you did that was bad karma/karmic debt, then you're
half way there. And you don't necessarily have to make corrective
actions towards the people/thing you acted against (probably not the
best way to put it, but I'm sick.)... it's an over-all balance. Don't
get too hung up on correcting things in particular, it all works out in
the end.

Keith typed:
>Well, the problem is not so much that the vocal minority is vocal.
>more along the lines that people tend to assume that these people are
>fact a majority simply because the *sane* people think they're silly
>assume everyone else will too.  "I don't know my opinions until I read
>them in the morning paper."  Ya know?

There is a Ziggy Marley quote that is particularly appropriate to this:
'And those who they call minority, are most of the people that you see'
('Small People'). We could get into Marxism and Chomsky here, but it's
been a few years since I've had much to do with it and will probably end
up with both feet in my mouth (they fit, I've done it before).
I didn't think I was going to get into the feminist discussion, but heh,
something sparked me. My view of feminism (and the way I approach it) is
that it is about balancing things out a bit... not world domination.
Using the term 'matriarchy' gives the impression that it will be like
'patriarchy' just with the roles reversed. Some freak out that they will
be worse of just because of that. Well that's not how it is for me.
Bugger one-up and one-down systems.

>Okay.. what exactly are butterfly kisses?  And are they fun and
>with you strawberry-blonde types?

Butterfly kisses are fluttering your eye-lashes against skin... very
soft, can be ticklish if delivered in the right places. By the looks of
this list, it's the red-heads that have more fun!


~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

Girls youive got to know, when itis time to turn the page, when youire
only wet, Because of the rain
 ~Northern Lad~

Donit take me back to the Range, Iim just coming out of the cell in my
 ~Little Amsterdam~

~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

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Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 17:53:49 -0500
From: Jessica <tangerine@digitalv.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Dreams

I haven't had a deam in three or four days now....I wonder what that means.
Probbably that I should start going to bed before 4am, and I should rise
before the crack of 3pm.....something to think about anyway. heh

ON the whole "time of the month" thing.....Barenaked Ladies said it
best....Its the safest time of the month for love *She's on time,
Hallelujiah, she's on time.....

So far 1999 feels just like 1998....hmmmm

The real world....oh dear....heh

I saw Mighty joe Young.....did anyone else find those gorilla effects
amazing?  I mean, a 2000 pound gorilla ain't exactly realistically, but
damn, they faked it good. heh.

		Tangerine Dream

	"She's the sweetest cherry in an apple pie"



Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 05:55:53 EST
From: Silverain0@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: no day but today.

hi. i'm new. my name's crystal, i'm 16, and i'm a toriphile. :)
don't really have time for a more in-depth introduction to myself. lots of
work right now (which, incidentally, is also why i'm replying to something
from days ago) so i'm not even sure i'm staying here...mailing lists are quite
a commitment.

>As for Dali, my personal favorite is The Christ of Saint-John of the Cross,
>painted in 1951.  Now matter how many times I see it, it will always stun
>me for a moment.....to conceive that angle.....I really really wish the
>museum would realese it as a print, but alas, so far it is just in art
>books and in the museum....

i think i know what you're talking about. that's the one where you see Christ
ascending to heaven from above, right? (so because of the perspective, you get
a big head and a narrowing body and you see the ground far below). actually, i
saw that at my choir teacher's church (and i'm really disappointed that i
didn't have time to read the page-long blurb about it) so i think that would
mean that it's out as a print? unless that was just a very good color copy
made from an art book or something...

>Jewel, Spirit.  Ducking for cover.  I know that Jewel may be the
>least popular person among the users of this list, in close contention
>with Alanis and Alana.  But I like her.  There is just a simplicity and
>a beauty in both her lyrics and her music.  She doesn't gush with
>talent.  She isn't overwhelmingly moving.  But everytime I listen to
>Spirit, I end up turning it off with a renewed kind of motivation to
>just live.

i feel exactly the same way. it's true. i don't think she's astoundingly
talented, and i'm not especially drawn to her music (i've never been much of a
folksy person), but it's just so *refreshing* to listen to her lyrics. you
don't really see much of that sincerity and hopefulness nowadays. and while a
lot of the music i listen to might have gradually and subtley (is that word?)
affected me, and sometimes help me feel better in times of pain, i can
honestly say that jewel is the only artist that has actually made me dump my
depression and turn my whole day around.

will hopefully be back.



Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 07:26:21 -0500
From: "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspring.com>
To: "Really Deep Thoughts Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: the warped musical tastes of south americans

i've temporarilly slipped back into "reply mode."

he's back....Steve the Pleasant Pudgy Person....

>4) From the Choirgirl Hotel - duh: No, she's not #1. She never has been in
>terms of year-end lists for me, because I still don't think she's made her
>knockout album yet.

thank you, Steve.
i don't think I've ever thought of a Tori album as my favorite of a certain
year. of course, my saying that is usually greeted with with chants of "you
swine! how could you not believe a Tori album is the greatest piece of music
ever recorded! you should have your ears circumsized!" (and that's just
Simon :) ). I think one of the things which makes Tori special is not that
she'll knock me farther on my ass than anyone else when I hear one of her
works for the first time, but that she'll knock me on my ass almost every
time. someone may grab my attention more one second, but she's one of the
few artists of which I can say that she will grab my undivided attention
almost every time.

i almost forgot about Steve's obsession with some band named the Geraldine
Fibbers. referring to them kinda gave me a bit of *sniff* list nostalgia.
all we need is Harold Williams to come back and rant on the greatness of
Todd Snider.

mi favorita Venezolana wrote:

>I know cos I like the Spice Girls and I
>like Alanis and I like Tori and Ace of Base and Garbage...

Ace of Base....THAT'S the other fricking band all the tourists would get all
wet about when they walked in my old job. i would get requests for Ace of
Base for months before they actually released their first album in the
states. then i heard them for the first time and thought "wow...ABBA."

interesting little tidbit. according to Spin, Ace of Base's first album sold
8 million in the states. the second album was considered a monster flop,
selling only a bit over one million. they released their third album this
year. it sold about 100,000 copies. ouch. cruel summer, indeed.

$50 says Tiffany owns a Roxette AND an ABBA album. :)
love ya, Tiffany.

>there's one more thing that it ocurred to me the other day after
>reading a very very old digest (I'm sure you all remember someone calling
>Alanis a frog or something) well, that got me thinking and what came to
>was that a lot of ppl here, and i say A LOT not all of them seem to be
>listening ONLY to Tori or think that tori is the ONLY best there is in the
>whole world...

i do agree with you. i think that, recently, there's been a rash of "gasp, i
didn't listen to Tori today. that ends a streak of 223 days of listening to
Tori non-stop" posts on the list. i think part of it is due to the fact that
there a lot of newer fans who are just now really, really getting into her,
buying up stuff, joining mailing lists, etc. that's alright. i know those
folks will eventually cool down before i go and hurt them. there are
fanatics and that's a pretty unhealthy thing. then again, there are fanatics
for just about everything out there. the Alanis thing was different. people
bash Alanis because there's always been this pedestal she's been placed on
as a "voice" of a generation, which she may or may not be. i just love to
bash her because i like to get a rise out of Alanis fans. the music
is.....alright. of course, she does resemble a frog as well.

April mentioned "What Dreams May Come." great movie.....i liked the whole
fantasy aspect of it and how it visualized a lot of the mental images we
have on what heaven and hell are. it was a bit on the tearjerker side, but
it also had a lot of adventure to it. i liked it a hell of a lot better than
i liked "Patch Adams." all i can say about "Patch Adams" is this: loved the
cast. hated the way they tried to push Patch's views down my throat. way too
much Hollywood formula as well. the movie tried to reach for every time of
emotion at the most predictable times.

the actress in "What Dreams May Come" was, i believe, Annabella Scioria.
she's always been a pretty cool supporting actress (remember her in "The
Hand That Rocks The Cradle?") she looks like Alanis in the same way that
every thin woman with long, brown hair looks like Alanis. :)

gotta go. the lockout's over and i need to go back to work. you can all
catch me on TV when i use my alternate name, Latrell Sprewell.

when i'm alone in room, sometimes i stare at the wall, and in the back of
mind, i hear my conscience call...




Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 08:51:38 -0600
From: "Ng, Patricia" <patricia.ng@wilcom.com>
To: RDT <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Such a perfect day.

I'm pleased as punch today that our overworked and underpaid NBA players
have finally come into a resolution on this strike. Damnit we will have a
b-ball season after all! Yay!! So what if my shitty cable provider takes
away food network? I'll have basketball this season. =) *orgasmic bliss*

Keith our X-file fiend said>>I am absoutely certain that using a mouse is
NOT faster than using a keyboard.

My techey friend razzes me all the time for using the mouse. He uses
function keys and codes for EVERYTHING and he swears that the process is
faster. I know I use them when I can, but sometimes I get brainfarts and
can't remember the function keys.

Tiffani Salcetti apparently a Spice Girls lover said>>(I'm sure you all
remember someone calling Alanis a frog or something) well, that got me
thinking and what came to mind was that a lot of ppl here, and i say A LOT
not all of them seem to be listening ONLY to Tori or think that tori is the
ONLY best there is in the whole world... I'm not saying that it's bad...

I disagree with your statement. A LOT of us DO NOT only listen to Tori. Read
thru the digests again. We have such a range of tastes from hip-hop (ode to
Jorge and Meghan) to industrial (yay!) to ambiance to prog rock and whatever
else I'm missing. Tori is pretty high up there for me, but Tori is not the
*only* artist I listen to and I know a lot of my chums here feel the same
way. Not liking Alanis has nothing to do with what she looks like. Perhaps
you can call it discriminating taste? ;)

And to our mysterious little Koba...please don't fart in California. Those
poor bodies have suffered through massive floods and snow already. You might
trigger the big landslide.

Cake and Everlast are coming to Houston....swwwweeeeeeeeeeet!

As nasty as I wanna be...
Agent Orange

     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

              *** Ask Us About Our Vow Of Silence digest ***

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ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1999