RDT Right Now #560

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 01:57:21 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #560
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #560

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  damn them all to hell                 [ "*starry arija*" <arija@ibm.net> ]
  plug plug plug...                     [ Beth Winegarner <bethw@sonic.net> ]
  Mr Sprinkler, Mr Sprinkler, Wet me f  [ "Lavenda 1" <lavenda@hotmail.com> ]
  hangin' with the dream king           [ Loria <nearlori@pilot.msu.edu> ]
  "sessions at the west 54th"           [ "abigail dice" <skatastic71@hotmail ]
  eminem                                [ "HeyJupiter" <HeyJupiter@110.net> ]
  i dyed my hair red today...but it do  [ "HeyJupiter" <HeyJupiter@110.net> ]
  a short spew                          [ Kerri Klein <Kerri.Klein@valpo.edu> ]
  short post                            [ sbrookha@sprynet.com ]
  Who wants to be my Valentine?         [ "HeyJupiter" <HeyJupiter@110.net> ]
  Name of Steve's Band                  [ EricThelen@t-online.de (Eric Thelen ]
  YIKES (Happy Keith?!?!?) and Muhamme  [ Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  what're you lookin' at?               [ "Carmen Ashworth" <carmeena@bellsou ]
  Revenge of the boy bands....          [ "Dalsh 327" <dalsh327@hotmail.com> ]
  I wanna lie shipwrecked and comatose  [ "Lavenda 1" <lavenda@hotmail.com> ]
  Tom waits                             [ Bethamphetamine <bethw@sonic.net> ]
  Saturday February 6, 1999             [ Misty Violet Jackson <unicorn_night ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 00:37:13 -0500
From: "*starry arija*" <arija@ibm.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: damn them all to hell

> I also become physically
> ill when hearing Natalie Imbruglia.

*this i understand.  my little sister, age 9, knows all the words to every song
on the damn CD....she's 9!!!!  she puts up her NI pictures on the
wall, and she got her hair cut short because she wants "to be
Natalie, because she's sooooooo cool."  VOMIT....my sister is
turning into exactly the type of person that I distance myself
from...(excuse me, from whom I distance myself.)  and she has so
much potential.....(my mother complains how expensive those
abercrombie sweaters are becoming.)

haha.  my dad is so cute.  he and my mother recently got back
from ireland, and while there he bought me a Sinead Lohan CD...
his reasoning? "well, she kinda sounds like tori amos."  actually,
she doesn't.  to my father, every female singer is exactly like tori
amos.  and my mother likes tori....she says that she has a pretty
voice.  my mother plays the piano like tori, so i think that she is
glad that i listen to "acceptable" music... or something.  i went thru
this awful phase a couple years ago.....it was like that whole
ska/punk/grunge thing....i was quite third wave.  ah well.*


*Faith is a fine invention
When Gentlemen can see-
But Microscopes are prudent
In an Emergency.*
 ~emily dickinson



Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 22:58:09 -0800
From: Beth Winegarner <bethw@sonic.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: plug plug plug...

I've been going through some of my old journals and I found a few more poems
I wanted to share. Instead of putting them here (although I did get some
great responses from the one I posted the other day, I simply added them to
my ever-growing page of poetry on my web page.

You can find that here:


This is only a fraction of the stuff I have here, but ... it's sparing you
all a lot of really bad, sappy, annoying poems and sharing only the
relatively good ones. :)



"Oh, my Marys. Never wonder. Night is shelter for nudity's shiver. All now
with wings."
(Jane's Addiction)



Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 00:18:16 PST
From: "Lavenda 1" <lavenda@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Mr Sprinkler, Mr Sprinkler, Wet me for one Mr Sprinkler

Hello all.

Just like to thanx those that sent be b'day wishes... and I'm going to
start publicly outing those that didn't... JOKES!

Winamp decided not to work today. Thought the speakers were stuffed till
I popped in Soul II Soul Vol IV. Thanx smeg for Sonique. I always did
like it much better...

Dawn of Greensleaves typed:
>but before i start my show-and-tell, i wanna send a big hug out to
>lavs.  i checked out your happy homepage (while burning lavender
>scented candles, of course) and was all giddy and happy about the
>cute pictures of Australian animals.  yup, i'm a recovering discovery
>channel addict.  (do you get that? does australia have a discovery
>channel?  shit!)  but anyway, they were cute, and i'm glad you were
>jealous of my fabu dream.  i am occasionally jealous of myself...

heh... an unpaid for plug, how could I not repost it. And does this mean
I've gotta go scanning the net for pics of horrifying ugly Aussie
critters? (Are there any? Oh yes... Paulus Keatingus and Johnius
Howardius for a start. *G*). I wish I had my splendiferous book of
Aussie animals with me, i'd've (it can be a word it if I want it to!)
scanned some others. Like the Long Tailed Dunnart. And a Feather Tailed
Glider in memory of the one I tried to save with a diet of semi-melted

We can get discovery down here, we aren't that far behind. In fact we
are in front... but enough of these discussions of the time differences.

I also partake in acts of random smiling at times (that ough to let you
know at least one person didn't scroll on by). Not that often, sadly,
and I haven't been getting out enough these days. The walls are sick to
death of my smilings, and hyena laughing etc... Hey pehaps you could try
that... random acts of hyena laughing... no wait, we don't want yu
locked up.

Jessi Tangerine typed:
>That's my concept.  For the gallery show.  Representations of The
>goddess. One will have red hair, of course, Simon. heh

Sounds good! Can't wait to see them...

>Lavs...thanks for your ideas of the goddess....very timely indeed. :)
>I am getting her essence everywhere.  the muse is screaming

Hmm, not sure what I said, but I'm not going to knock back a thank-you!
I wondered where she was. She hasn't screamed at me to get artistic in a
long time. I just have Procrastination mumbling 'sometime'.

A.B. Cooper typed:
>Subject: Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is good (on a slice of wholemeal with a little salt and
pepper for seasoning)

>Did I read Lavs say she was preggers? Up the duff? With bun in oven?

I know there are others and smeg me if I can't think of them.

>While I can barely forgive you for that reference to pasta sauce and
>other bodily functions, which I'll deal with some other time...

Oh please, on my hands and knees... FORGIVE ME! I never have and don't
intend on letting a guy get a Dolmio grin off me. Heh, it's obviously
NOT how it happened!

>Well as long as your free of your monthly discomfort, just think,
you'll be
>able to feel ill every morning now. ;-)

Heehee, actually, I don't get morning sickness, in the true sense. I
just get sick if I leave it too late to eat... if I think I can spend an
extra 5 minutes finishing an email, I'm kiding myself. Haxlenut yoghurt
second time round was not pleasant. Neither was the lasagne on my b'day
(why does it have to take so long to cook?).

>Should it be twin boys, I'm expecting you to name them Jim and Bexley.

Heehee of course. But what is the likelyhood of a twin having twins???

Oh, and I actually am on schedule for 9/9/99!!! Well, so the doctor
thinks, but what would she know. I couldn't even tell you which *time*
it was, so how could she yet???

Beth W. Deep poem. It'll take me a while yet to really sink into it.

Another Beth typed:
>dreams take place) but allowed it to sleep otherwise normally.  first
>tried to sleep more often, but then, 20 days into the experiment, it

Argh!!!Soemone contact the RSPCA??? :) Gee, they could've tried it with
dogs (how much am I gonna cop over that line?)... but then I guess if
they are working with the idea that cats are more, um, *spritual* for
want of a better word, well that might explain it.

>another little section said that dreams might be the brain's way of
>getting rid of extra information that could otherwise clog it up and
>prevent it from functioning properly, and that echnidnas can't dream
>but have extremely Large brains for the size of the animal.

So I'm dumb becuase my brain made me that way. 'You don't need this'
turf!. And echidna's don't dream??? Can't say I've had the oportunity to
watch them sleeping and wait to watch their funny twitching...

>something to dream about.

I pray I never dream about a dead or dying cat. Despite waht 'the books'

Same Beth again (I think) (so i did another bad cut and paste) typed:
>thinking what an awesome next-RDT shirt that would be. (Or a choice
>of two, one that said "Got Tori?" and one that said "Got Faeries?" in
>the right font (which I think is Hattenschweiler, although I'm not
>sure) printed in white ink on black shirts. How fun! Of course, we'd
>hafta get permission from Noelle first. :)

Cool, but what about having "Got Tori?" on one side, and "Got Faeries?"
on the other. Or on the sleaves with a big cool pic on the front?

Bethey typed:
>And to make everyone super duper jealous--Dani Ring round Rosey sent
>me a special tape with some good music and her very own dulcet voice
>at the end. I got mail from Australia, nah nah na na na nah!

Damn I get mail from Aus all the time and never realised how special it
was. Mind you it doesn't have the dulcet tones...

>And I'm being hounded by a couple of stamp collecters who want to
>tear the delicate stamps off their envelopes, much like pulling the
>wings off of butterflies.  *sigh*

You rip the corner of the envelope off then soak that in hot water. Gee
don't they know how to do it, and they call themselves stamp collectors!
LOL. Anyway... if I had my albums here... and your postal I'd send some
spares to appease them. But alas I don't. I'd trade of course. But none
of that US, too common. Let's see... I don't think I've got any from...
Burundi. :)


~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

Girls you've got to know, when it's time to turn the page, when you're
only wet, Because of the rain ~Northern Lad~   ~Tori Amos~

~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 11:52:19 -0500
From: Loria <nearlori@pilot.msu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: hangin' with the dream king

Okay so i don't post much but i had a great experience that needs to be

Last night, my boyfriend, my best friend and a slew of others made a
small road trip (if 1/2 hour down the road is a road trip...) to Borders
bookstore in Ann Arbor michigan where Neil Gaiman was scheduled to sign
books and do a reading!!!

Well, so I go, and we get there at 5:45.  He's scheduled to be there at
7 and be there until 9.  Apparently he wanted his booksigning as orderly
as possible, so he had us assigned numbers.  I got number 31.  I was
quite excited about seeing one of my idols.

So he gets up to the podium, and begins to speak.  He's  very eloquent
and not shy not in the least.  He read a bit from his book "Stardust"
(it certainly gives some of the passages a diferent meaning when you
hear the author read it... for instance every time Left was mentioned in
the book, he read Right and vice versa!) and then answered some
questions.  Apparently Neverwhere IS still in talks for a movie with Jim
Henson Productions, which makes me very happy.  Sandman was scrapped for
a movie, which by the sound of Neil's description of it, was a very good

I stood patiently in line to get my copy of Black Orchid signed.  Now,
Black Orchid isn't exactly a famous bit of his work, but if you like
Neil, PLEASE get a copy.  It's beautifully drawn by Dave McKean and is
just the most inventive story with a female centered cast.  It's
gorgeous and worth it!

I was nervous, but not painfully so, as I handed my copy to him. "Hi
Neil", I said. He looked at my note and smiled up at me.  "So, You're a
Loria now are you." I smiled and nodded.  I pointed at my bf who was
ahead of me and said "it's all his fault I'm a fan of yours" he laughed
and pointed at my Tori shirt. "I would have thought it was the Tori
reference!" I laughed and shook my head. "No, I discovered your
connection to her and vice versa afterwards!"  I then gushed a little on
how Black Orchid was my favourite.  He smiled and said "thanks, I really
do appreciate it".

He wrote in my book -  Loria -  Hearts and Flowers, Neil Gaiman.

I was in a daze the rest of the night!  He was so sweet.  And he hardly
ever smiles! Not even for pictures!  It was so fantastic to be able to
meet my idol.  The best thing about it is, my friend had number 182, and
Neil was STILL signing at 10:30, when Matt finally got up to the table.
He got to shake his hand, and when he came around to me, Matt said that
he was still as friendly as ever.  That's a true artist.  We went out to
dinner and when we got back around midnight, he was just packing up!

No wonder Tori and Neil are such good friends.  They are so alike in how
they treat their fans.  It was a great experience I just HAD to share!



Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 09:51:42 PST
From: "abigail dice" <skatastic71@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: "sessions at the west 54th"

'Ello everyone. Can someone please elaborate on what exactly this Tori
show is tonight? All I know is she's on it, but other than that I know
nothing else. I can't wait to see it :) unfortunetely, I think my mom
purposely taped over the Mtv Ultrasound of Tori, but it wasn't that
great anyways. Anywho, I think that's it for now. I won't be posting
much in the next few days...I got the cold that's been going around :(
Enough of my complaining, take care everyone. *hugs and faerie

  Abigail M. Dice  a.k.a. Miss Shorty Toriphile ;)

"Guess I thought I could never feel the things I feel." Tori Amos

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 13:24:33 -0500
From: "HeyJupiter" <HeyJupiter@110.net>
To: "Attack of the Tori People" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: eminem

"my name is....my name is....

Slim Shady! That is such a funny song! But that guy is a jerk in real life.
He's so cute though. But he makes fun of gays, thinks males should dominate
women, etc, etc.

Lavs is pregnant? Congratulations...what will you name he/she?

"PS to Meghan the Mistress of Misquoters:
thanks for culturing my sorry ass with rap quotes every post :)"

No problemo!

And now that you said that I'm totally drawing a blank
~Meghan The Misquoter ;)



Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 14:08:04 -0500
From: "HeyJupiter" <HeyJupiter@110.net>
To: "Attack of the Tori People" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: i dyed my hair red today...but it doesn't show that much

"i feel really afraid. i feel
really afraid for the Meghans and Aprils of this world......that they may
one day grow up and be like YOU."

I agree Jorge. Ya know, we watched 'paramecium porno' the other day in
biology. I've never seen so many itty bitty things having sex at the same
time. It was like an orgy in a 2cm high cup. hahah.

Oh no. Andromeda has been poisoned like the rest of us. You are absolutely
welcome to join the "i wanna hit britney spears one more time" club. Like
yaknow, like ok?

Strange, ever since this whole racism thread in the list, its been the topic
of conversation everywhere I go.

"don't hate someone just because they're a "teen idol." hate them because
they suck."

Which reminds me of my personal quote:

"Don't hate me cause I'm gorgeous-hate me because your boyfriend thinks so"


"i think Eminem is the coolest name for a new artist i've head in a looooong

yeah. I agree. it came from his initials-I think his name is like "Marshall
Matthews" or something like that. But wow, what an asshole. Well, maybe not
that, but he's homophobic somewhat I hear and other stuff that I don't agree
with. But damnit, that video and that song is so funny.

Lucy-when are you coming back over here? Are you gonna be runnin' around
Shrewsbury? Hehehe. Have fun! Just don't bump into Wally or


"i love adam sandler.  "

ditto. I'd marry that guy in a second.

"I could have been a dancing sewage manager."

oh if only you were Tori. We'd all love you that much more. Actually, that
would REALLY suck. I would probably be a teenybopper if it wasn't for Tori.
And WBCN because that's when I first heard her.

I just found out my mom does more $#!^ than I do
~Meghan The Misqouter



Date: Mon, 06 Feb 1995 14:49:15 -0600
From: Kerri Klein <Kerri.Klein@valpo.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: a short spew

so i met neil.
we exchanged rocks.
it was a very cool thing.
what a beautiful man.
just getting to say thank you was worth the three-and-a-half hour wait.

i missed rasputina at schuba's on thursday. shit.
shit shit.

i got to read a bedtime story to a boy named timmy last night.
it should be mandatory for all adults.

dani, i'm injured that i don't have a little lit-up-clicker on your
page. well, not really, seeing that i'm purty quiet. but i have been
here a while, i promise. fifteen months er so. damn.

so i'm road tripping for spring break. anyone who wants a visitor in
atlanta or new orleans speak up...i'm planning on visiting friends in
these places.
(riley, i'm coming through bloomington so we should have coffee)

it's always good to meet people you don't know from the internet.
really. dave? can you hear me dave?

bye now
all you crazy people keep me ssssssaannnnnnnee.


daughter of the ulurian people, friend to ishi



Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 12:56:49 -0800 (PST)
From: sbrookha@sprynet.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: short post

Hi ya'll!

	To Sairah Renay about her man problem:
I would just tell him the truth. That the guy is JUST your friend. If he
believe you or trust you, then you should probably rethink some things.
Like, do
you really want to marry and have kids with a guy that doesn't trust you?
And about the guys that want to date you...hmm. I don't know, really. Just
them once and for all that your taken and that they need to leave you alone.

-razberry rachel



Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 15:53:01 -0500
From: "HeyJupiter" <HeyJupiter@110.net>
To: "Attack of the Tori People" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Who wants to be my Valentine?

This is a long frickin' post

April is back (well, for a few seconds anyways)

I was confused about the 'K-dawg' reference to Koba. The random things that
stick out in my mind from these digests lately.

heard that Ani song on My Best Friend's Wedding album?)."

Yep. Pretty damn cool. My friend Caitlin wrote a letter to Spin and told
them to shove their bad review of Ani up their ass (well, not in that
way-she was very er-intellectual about it) so if you see a complaint in a
future Spin issue-thats my bud Cait the Hippy. No she doesn't have hippy sex
Jeff-don't even go there. :)

Beth-man, I am sorry to hear about your daughter. Very confusing now with
the pregnancy and everything. I hope the baby is healthy-and that your
daughter wakes up and realizes what she's doing.

Dalsh(?) said:

"I don't know why you're all flaming over Britney Spears... I don't
think she sucks yet. It's pop music, for the high school crowd..."

I'm insulted. It's NOT for the high school crowd. The only people that like
that song at my high school are the cheerleaders. And the idiot horny
perverted freshman boys. We're a wee bit more mature and intelligent than to
sink so low as to like Britney Spears.

*Megan*, here's the listings for the Talula singles that I have.

1. Talula (Tornado Mix)
2. Samurai
3. Frog On My Toe
4. London Girls
5. Talula (the f*cked up version)

1. Talula (Tornado Mix)
2. Talula (BT's-the f*cked up version again)
3. Amazing Grace/'Til The Chicken

1. Talula (Tornado Mix)
2. Frog On My Toe
3. Sister Named Desire
4. Alamo

I totally reccommend the German import-I love all of the songs especially

John "I'm anti-drugs for me."

That's like-exactly the phrase I've been searching for. Damnit-you're
awesome. Now when people go "why don't you smoke up?" I'll just be like I'm
anti-drugs for me. Perfect. I think thats the way a lot of people feel but
they don't know how to say it without offending the pot head who sits next
to them in health or whatever.

Faerie Starf*cker-Marianne is about Tori's friend Marianne (duh) who was
"one of the most magical people" Tori ever knew but she died of like a drug
overdose when she was in high school. I'm pretty sure bout that. I love that
song too.

Re: Porno.
Oh April. You don't know what your missing. *rolls eyes* NOT. I saw porno on
New Year's Eve. It was like "Emmanual In Space" and it was the most random,
disgusting thing I've ever seen but Chad and TJ had apparantly seen it
before because they KNEW THE PLOT. I asked Chad what he was doing on
Valentine's Day (hello, could I have dropped a BIGGER hint? Guess not) and
his response was "jerk off". Heh. 16 year old boys.

Agent Mango-er-Orange said:
"I have black, asian, and mexican friends. we look like a
fucking benetton ad."

hahaha. that made me giggle a lil bit.

OH yeah. I saw like, half of "Monty Python and the Meaning of Life" or
whatever last nite-very very funny. But the whole sex ed thing was-um, I
dunno after a while I was like-this has gone TOO far. But the delivery part
in the begginning was great. I love John Clease. But Ryan Stiles is my idol.
haha. Between him and Tori. and Molly Shannon. And Will Ferrell. And JANEANE
GARAFALO. Wow. I never noticed how many people I admired that are famous.

E-mail my heart and I'll mail-bomb yours
~Meghan The Misquoter



Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 13:22:58 +0100
From: EricThelen@t-online.de (Eric Thelen)
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Name of Steve's Band

Hi everybody (hi Richard)!

> > he is currently in studio recording with a band (i don't know the name)
> > that includes matt sorum, of YKTR and Guns n' Roses fame.

> Good point about them not having a name. Steve seems to consider it a solo
> project or a duo project between him and Matt Sorum, and I don't think
> they *have* a name.

During the tour in Germany last year, Steve thought that the name might
become 'Binge'. But that was only preliminary and they probably have
changed their minds...
Steve also said that the music would be somewhere in between Nine Inch
Nails and Chemical Brothers - whatever that means :).

Everybody enjoy your lives,
				Eric (with a 'c')



Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 16:25:25 -0500
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: YIKES (Happy Keith?!?!?) and Muhammed

Keith wrote:

>And yes, I'll take the redheads below the Mason-Dixon (God that sounds
>Dirty!).  With one exception.  That lil' raisongal, Becky, is
>MINEMINEMINE!  Panties will be forthcoming.  (Or is that the fourth
>(I can hear Becky now... "YIKES!")

YIKES.  That is all I have to say.  No, actually I think I'll say it again
for emphasis: YIKES.

Faerie Starfucker wrote:
>So, i was listening to the 'girls' of Boys...and once again i was
>dumbfounded when i heard Marianne.  OK, someone...enlighten me...what is
>that song all about??  It's way below me to actually go to one of those
>'What the song REALLY means' sites...and i'm having some serious anxiety
>attacks because i'm admitting that i have not a clue, or a connection to
>a Tori song...i almost feel not worthy.

Well first off =P  I have a site that has song interpretations!  Whats
wrong with looking at one of these sites.
Muhammed is my most favorite song to interpret because I LOVE what it talks
about. See, the Catholic Church lead women to believe that they should be
like Mary the virgin mother.  That Mary is the archtype for women and she
is a virgin.  By doing this, they remove the passion from the woman.  On
the other hand, they make Mary Magdalin seem like a slut.  They make women
believer that they are not SUPPOSED to have sex.  Women are SUPPOSED to be
virgins, and if they aren't they are a slut.  Because of this, it does not
give women anywhere to be passionate creatures.  Muhammed is about
reminding people that we both know it was a "girl" back in Bethlehem.  It
isn't Mary the virgin that we should be honoring, it is Mary magdalin, who
understood that women have passion within them.  We should realize that it
was a girl, a girl that is and should be given the chance to be passionate.
 Tori talks about how she was sitting in church on Christmas Eve, listening
to Little Town of Bethlehem (I think that was the song---apparently the
first few chords of Muhammed are supposed to be O little Town slowed
down--or another song I don't remember) and she was thinking about this
paradox between the two Mary's....and she just wanted to talk to Muhammed
about it.  She wanted to remind people that we shouldn't force women to
believe that they NEED to be like the virgin mother--that womenhood is
about more than that and we shouldn't let them take it away.

Teunis wrote:
> On the flip side why should we burden others with it?
Personally, I know that I have posted a lot of personal hard hitting things
on here.  I don't see this as burdening others.  I LIKE helping others who
have had difficult experiences.  When I read a personal emotional post, I
am happy to know that we can trust each other enough to do that, and I am
also happy to be there for another human being.  I know that a lot of
people were there for me when I was in the dumps.  As Tori said on Fanatic
(excuse me if I misquote):
"It isn't hard to reach out and connect with another human being."

April wrote:
>hair done, gotta get a date (any1 wanna fly in to PA and take me up on
>this?! :) )

Well I'm in PA hon!  Lol.  We would really throw them off wouldn't we!!!

>along with the Tori Stories Book. (Bethey)
Bethey, where did you find this????

Renay, I say that your guy needs to trust you!  If you tell him that you
don't like these other guys, he needs to accept that.  He doens't love you
if he can't trust you.  It needs to be there, and you need to let him know
that.  You need to tell him that if he can't deal with the fact that you
have male friends, then that is his fault.  He shouldn't tell you who you
can and can't hang out with.  If he truley loves you, he should trust you.

>*** The Best Audience Is Intelligent, Well-Educated And Mildly Drunk
>digest ***

Boy, if that doesn't sum up Penn State, I don't know what does (she says as
she plans on going out and drinking tonight)

Well I need to get dressed.  Jesus.  It is 4:24 on Saturday afternoon and
I'm still in my nightgown.  Ahh well.  I love Saturdays!

the little raisongal



Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 15:43:25 -0600
From: "Carmen Ashworth" <carmeena@bellsouth.net>
To: "rdtrn" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: what're you lookin' at?

HI how's everyone?

 To the person who asked what is the song Marianne about:  WHY is it beneath
you to look at a site that will tell you exactly what the song means?
Whorehay has a FAQ on his site, which I am sure he will love me for
plugging.  That very FAQ will tell you exactly what you want to know, plus
you will be enlightened by Jorge's site.  (You're welcome, Jorge).


Heather wrote:
RANDOM QUESTION - is anyone else super accident prone??

Shit yes.  I am such a clutz.  I cannot cook without burning myself.
Seriously.  I am recovering today from last night's burn.


love, love, love
RB (Random Bullshit)

aha hush that fuss
everybody move to the back of the bus



Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 14:01:24 PST
From: "Dalsh 327" <dalsh327@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Revenge of the boy bands....

  Did anyone watch that show on MTV? The former New Kids sounded like
the old guard or something. And on top of that, a greatest hits, in
'99??? I thought the nightmare was over.... Britney Spears is safe
compared to this nightmare....

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 14:30:21 PST
From: "Lavenda 1" <lavenda@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: I wanna lie shipwrecked and comatose

I think I was feeling particularly sarcastic yesterday...

OK, FTCH IS a different album when listened to in order of the lyrics in
the booklet... To me the songs just flow straight into each other (the
only time I caught myself expecting a diff song was after 'Hotel'). It's
almost like it is the way it was uspposed to be, the way Tori really
would've wanted it. She says her favourite songs never get on, but this
is like a way of getting her own back.

Violet typed from oblivion:
>to do with "Red Dwarf".  (I tried and tried to like that series, but
>never did get it to agree with me.)  If you haven't seen Red Green,

Argh Shock Horror!!! Should Violet be sacked for her blasphemy? Should
she be tied into a chair and forced to watch all seven series one after
the other non-stop? Join us, same RDTRN time, same RDTRN channel to find

Beth C., like your 'Words' poem.

Foxxy Shapiro typed:
>The Goddess
>(The muse has returned.)

Damn right she has. Told me she'd be with me shortly, she's jsut busy
screaming at Tangerine.

Teunis typed:
>whatever).  On the flip side why should we burden others with it?  I

There's always the scroll bar. Typing something out and submitting it
doesn't condemn everyone to read it. You get it off your chest and its
there if someone wants to burden themselves with it.

Bethey typed:
>The good news is I haven't lost my mind during all of this.
>The bad news is I haven't lost my mind during all of this.

LOL! And they say you can't have it both ways...

andrea typed:
>somebody said...
>>I'm the first to agree that humour is good... and there is often
That'd be me.

she went on:
>the movie is a comedy, but in a very classic sense. it's not a funny
>ha-ha kind of thing. as benigni himself said in an interview, there
>is a great deal of truth in being able to laugh and cry at the same
>time. (er, he said Something like that. the interview's at
>www.filmunlimited.co.uk.) but people protest over laughing during a
>movie about the holocaust. i have a friend (who has visited the camps
>in europe, which changes things) who doesn't want to see the film on
>the basis that people shouldn't walk out of a movie about the
>holocaust saying "oh, that was a good movie."

Firstly, how can your friend form an opinion on something they haven't
seen? Well, form an informed opinion. And it could be a 'good movie' in
a number of ways. There's not jsut entertainment value to think about
here, how well it was put together (the film craft) comes into it...
that it makes you think could be another point. Anyway...

>in my opinion the movie isn't about the holocaust. it's about the
>strength of the survivors, not just of the holocaust but of any
>horror. strength can be found in humor. there used to be a book of
>comedy to go with the book of tragedy but it got lost. the role of
>comedy in modern society has been misplaced in many ways.

I'm going to throw in some more referenced quotes here:
"Yer man's"...wit is generally the good-humoured kind saying "serious
things in a way that seem funny when you see how serious they are." -
Sean McCann, Irish Writer

Humor is the ability to make light of something that is deadly serious,
thereby taking the "deadly" out of it and putting the life back into it.
A society that is humorless is a lifeless society. When things become s
serious - and so sacred - that we can't laugh about them anymore, it
means we have elevated the profane to the realm of the sacred and
misplaced the sacred in the process.
There's nothing funnier than an addict who thinks he isn't.
(January 12, Anne Wilson-Schaef, 'Native Wisdom For White Minds')

I could go on, but I think that page says enough of it. Anne found the
words for me (like Tori often does). I used to put my pain on a
pedestal, and it was only when I moved away from it that I could use
humour about it. And I'd use humour as a defense mechanism... I'd make a
joke about something that was really close to the bone so that people
wouldn't think it was close to the bone because I know that people don't
bother reading that much into humour. A lot of humour has been
slap-sticked... it's depth has been taken away and we just take it at
face value, surface, visual. It's probably becuse we don't want to see
what is under it, we'd like to think that everything is coming up
lavender (*G* you expected me to say roses???). It's less confronting
that way.

Becky and Starfucker, thanx for the congrats.
Star Fucker went on:
>only him, but myself. It's somewhat sad though, i think he's the only
>boy who's toys consist of CDs, a computer, and books by Nietzche,
>LaVay, Manson and Tori.  Poor thing...he'll probably turn out to be a
>faerie freak like yours truly.  Seriously though..theres nothing more
>moving than waking up to that toothless, ear to ear grin.  It's like,
>for the rest of the day, NO ONE can get on my cloud...Do you think a
>child with the name Mayhem Hazard Orion is going to grow up with some
>issues??  I sure hope so..i don't think i could handle a 'normal'
>son...i'd be at a loss.

Hey, I'd say he's got a head-start! *G* A name like Mayhem Hazard Orion
sounds like a character in a fantasy novel!!! The more faery typed in
the world the better I say.

Renay typed about her boy troubles. He certainly sounds like the jealous
type. Not telling about going to the party with that guy probably made
him think there was something up when he found out... And if you stress
that you're jsut friends with these guys and that there is no way you'd
go for any of them, and he still can't deal with it then it is his
problem. He's got some trust issues that you'll need to get to the
bottom of (as in both of you working together). I don't know that
there's much else I can suggest, some people just can't let go of their
strangle hold and you just have to move on.

Agent Patricia typed:
>good girl Lavs.

Why do I feel like I just got a pat on the head?! :)

>                We need more preservation of cultures! America's a
>melting pot, but if we allow ourselves to assimilate to a traditional
>American culture, we'd all be missing out on a lot! I'm Chinese and
>if you think it's unamerican for me to speak Chinese to my family,
>screw you. Ya'll, I'm so lucky! I get to experience twice as many
>holidays, I get to see life in two different perspectives.  By the
>way, Chinese New Years is coming up. I honestly wouldn't trade it for
>anything else.

I couldn't agree more! The world would be a boring place if there was
just the 'melting pot' cultures... It's why I do have a few quibbles
over the saying 'difrnt colours, one people'. We are one people to a
point, but saying that can blur over all the fantastic and interesting
differences. Anyway, if you got a problem about people speaking other
languages in America (or any other English speaking country), are you
going to speak English when you go to a non-English speaking country?
I've had glimpses of other perspectives and really value them.

Enough for today.


~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

Girls you've got to know, when it's time to turn the page, when you're
only wet, Because of the rain ~Northern Lad~   ~Tori Amos~

~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 15:42:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Bethamphetamine <bethw@sonic.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org (RDT Right Now)
Subject: Tom waits

Someone asked:
>  Just a quick question to those folks in the Cotati/Sebastopol area...
> doesn't Tom Waits live there? Someone should ask him what he thinks
> about Tori, and whether he'd do a duet with her. I think that would be
> pretty awesome if it was ever to happen...

Yes, he does live up in this area, but doesn't usually like to be approached
by strangers on the street. (I know people who've tried). He'll say hello,
but that's about it.




Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 19:42:22 -0600
From: Misty Violet Jackson <unicorn_night@geocities.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Saturday February 6, 1999

What about red heads? Im a red head.  And what exactly is "hippy sex"?
What is the title of the Ani song on the My Best Friend's Wedding
soundtrack? Tori signed my Little Earthquakes cd at her 98 tour in
Dallas, Texas :o) I consider any issue of Cosmo to be a complete lesson
on masturbation. ;o) Andrea, did u read The Diary of Anne Frank? Im
watching PBS and its Sat night, but i dont see Tori. Blood oranges,
blood oranges is cute.

PS sorry if ive sent this thing 5 times, still trying to get used to
this damn email thing :o)

Fellow Faerie,

Take life in, and breathe deep.

     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o o-o-o

            *** It's All Done With Lights And Mirrors digest ***

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