RDT Right Now #583

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 11:14:12 -0500
Subject: RDT Right Now #583
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;

    Do not hit reply to unsubscribe.  To unsub, send a message to
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #583

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  whole lotta nothing                   [ ArtyTurner@aol.com ]
  netiquette is as netiquette does      [ "Carmen Ashworth" <carmeena@bellsou ]
  I am a mushroom, just keep me in the  [ "Lavenda 1" <lavenda@hotmail.com> ]
  "Fact: Running is fast" -Tom Green    [ Eisenberg <wa3hvr@enter.net> ]
  "you find fun things in the trash fu  [ Eisenberg <wa3hvr@enter.net> ]
  "Have you met the men who guard the   [ Eisenberg <wa3hvr@enter.net> ]
  Re:Rude postings?                     [ "Dalsh 327" <dalsh327@hotmail.com> ]
  Great words Beth!                     [ "Trent J. Summers------------------ ]
  Storytellers                          [ Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  who would've thought a good little g  [ "nicole m. labbe" <nicole@torithoug ]
  vh1                                   [ Seabreez59@aol.com ]
  us crazy musicians                    [ BlosomStar@aol.com ]
  boots and pflag                       [ "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotma ]
  she once asked me i had lost my virg  [ "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspri ]
  Number my Days with Music             [ tesserae <tess@lunchpail.com> ]
  <i never know what to put here>       [ suckersponge <spongester@yahoo.com> ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori


                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 16:54:30 EST
From: ArtyTurner@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: whole lotta nothing

anyone hear of that protest goin on over here?  a shopkeeper put up the
vietnameese flag and a picture of ho chi minh. (i think that's how it's
spelled, i can't spell worth sheeeit)  now last night the protesters got
really rowdy but no rioting broke out...yet.  this has been goin on for
some time now, and has been all over the news.  sad.

my dog had puppies this morning!  10!  unfortunately 3 didn't survive.
dunno what kind they are though... a couple of strays got in the backyard
so we don't know which one exactly got to her.  we'll find out sooner
or later.

congrats megan on the story gettin in the journal thingie.  that's
helluva cool!  only time i've ever gotten my name in print was when i
came in second in a bowling tournament (i shoulda won, all i needed was
a strike, after getting 5 in a row, you'd think i'd get another strike
right?  all i needed was a strike to win... but nooooooo!  i get the
8-10 split) and they took a pic of my mug with a 2nd place check for
$300.  blah!

so the sessions at west 54th was on last night.  so i had my vcr set and
everything.  i even set the vcr to record 10 minutes before and 10 minutes
after the hour so i'd be sure to get it all taped.  anyways here's the
kicker... i'm watching it while it's being taped, when 10 minutes into the
show, the tape stops recording and the vcr turns off!  i'm like
"SHIIIIIIITTTTTTTT"  and run and turn the vcr back on and start recording
again.  turns out that when i set the timer, i had it start at 9:50 and end
end at 10:10.  DOH!  so i'm missing a little part of the beginning of
iieee so it's not too bad.  i'm still pissed i fucked up like that tho.

i just got the toys soundtrack the other day.  i like 'the happy worker'.
it's got a catchy little tune i can't get out of my head now.  i also
picked up rasputina's 'thanks for the ether'.  i liked this cd more than
'how we quit the forest' i dunno why, but i did!

am i just seeing things, or did jorge post in mime format?

2 days til js remix and my bday, WOOHOO!

icq: a bunch of numbers
aolim: artyturner, duh



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 17:33:50 -0600
From: "Carmen Ashworth" <carmeena@bellsouth.net>
To: "rdtrn" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: netiquette is as netiquette does

Well, well...  You know I don't think I have seen a flame like that in a
long time.  Anyone know which post I am speaking of?  All this hatefulness
really has to stop.  We are all here by one common bond, so surely we can
find some way to show a little more love.  All of this bashing is
unnecessary.  I don't know exactly what this list was like before, but I
wish I did.  WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?  I could not believe that one
of us would speak to another like one did in 581, and it honestly hurt my
feelings.  Anyhow, the reason I sent this post to the list instead of just
that one person, was because I really hope that all of us can start being
just a little bit more friendly, and tactful.  I wanted to let you all know,
that as for myself, I will not allow myself to hit send until I have had a
chance to truly think through what I want to say, and most importantly, how
to say it without being hurtful.  I am doing this in the hopes that everyone
else will too.  I have come to see this list as sort of a group of friends.
I would really like to continue seeing it that way.
RB(Rdtrn's Buddy)



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 15:44:20 PST
From: "Lavenda 1" <lavenda@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: I am a mushroom, just keep me in the dark and feed me bullshit

I think I was suffering from overload yesterday. For once I thought I
would give it time to try and sink in before trying to deal with it
here. So now I am actually going to reply to stuff (btw, I did make it
out into the garden, damn it was good! Yay cherry tomatoes!).

Rusen The Bethers typed:
>Okay, i need everyone's opinion on this.
>My friend John-the-boy-i-love and I have been having really intense
>arguments about faith, spiritiality and religion. I mean, the last
>i really hate. To reduce something as complicated and wonderful as
>human emotions to that is jsut wrong, in my opinion.
>But i wish i could reach him...i know he's hurting alot, and that
>he's keeping it all inside, but i can't reach him at all. I tell him
>extreme atheism is his way of shutting off his emotions. In no way am
>i knocking atheism, beause i beleive it's legitimate. But i told him
>that atheism is such an easy way to go....no belief in anything is a
>very easy thing to do. Belief in things you can't see is the hard

Firstly, (shit, that sounds like I'm putting a know-it-all hat on! I
ain't, honest!) people are entitled to their opinion, and a key part of
wicca/paganism is acceptance of other religions (even though it is often
forgeotten a a lot are velmently anti-christian), even if you don't
agree with them (when you break everything down, though, what is there
not to agree about? Well, that's me anyway...). Like anything, it is my
view that nothing is wrong on it's own, and taking things to extremes
(over-indulging, excess, out of moderation) is usually when people start
to trip. It sounds like there is more going on here than the question of
faith, as you say you know he's hurting a lot. Perhaps leave the faith
issue alone for a while. And it sounds like a bit of a contridiction to
say that you think atheism is legitimate, but it's a cop out (not your
words I know).

Re legal rape in Italy. I only saw one news story on this, so I
certainly am not well informed on the issue, but from what they said in
the bit I saw, technically they didn't rule that rape was legal, one
judge simply said that if a woman was wearing jeans, she could not be
raped as they are a tight garment and she would have to assist in the
removal of them. It sets a precedent, to my knowledge it doesn't set it
in concrete. I mean I completely disagree with him, not only because not
all jeans are the skin tight variety, but even if they were I disagree
with his reasoning (let alone that you may take your own jeans off, but
not want to go 'all the way'). I understand that some Italian female
politicians are starting some sort of campaign, and are wearing jeans
and t-shirts with slogans and trying to show what a rediculous ruling it
was. I hope the decision is being appealed and that it is over-turned.
And yes, get upset and make your voice heard over it... heh, that's how
we countered some similarly ignorant male judges here in Aus.

I don't want to turn what has been typed between jorge and simon into a
'thing' because I think it's bigger and smaller than that, but I do have
a few things to say about it (bet you're not surprised).

Jorge typed:
[snip paragraphs on the vicious cycle of 'secondary gains']
>when i got on your case in #576, i did it for two reasons. i did it
>because 1) you took an honest attempt on my part at helping you
>through and turned it into one of the rants i just described above,
>and 2) every time you reply to me, it seems that you develop more and
>more anger towards me. jeez man.....i've written you personally a few
>times before. do you really think i'm that bad a guy? you can write
>me and tell me that something i say concerns you, am i'm not going to
>bite your head off. every time you take it straight to the list,
>though, you're just chickening out. i send you cc's of everything i
>write about you, and i'd much rather just send it to you than to the

People seem to forget that it is very easy for what they type to be
taken in a way they didn't intend. You may think it's perfectly plain
and obvious, but to others it may not be (like proof-reading something.
You don't see some of the typos because you know how it's supposed to
be, but another persons perspective can show up these things). To me,
this is what has happened here, both simon and jorge have misunderstood
each other at times. This isn't to say they didn't have valid points, or
that there wasn't valid points in what the other person 'read'. And of
course, misunderstandings of misunderstandings seem to make it worse.

I don't consider myself to fit the 'secondary gains' thing (you guys may
see it differently, but anyway...), may not have said much, but I have
posted a few times on troubles I've had. So am I an exception to the
'rule'? Can there be mroe than one exception to the rule? what I am
getting at is, it came across as a generalisation (yeah I know, it was
probably implicit that it didn't mean everyone who types their shit is
after the secondary gains, but that isn't how it came across to me), and
I'm yet to come across something like that that applies 100% to

Some time back there was a minor discussion about people posting about
their personal woes. While the 'secondary gains' idea is new to me and
I'll have to think about it for a while, I don't subscribe to that view.
What I said then was something like 'quite often people jsut need to say
their bit, get it out of their system. And as they send it to the
digest, it is there for us to read and think about if we want to. then
we can respond if we want to... send our compassion or get into a deep
and meaningfuls about 'I feel the same'.' Some may not see it valid to
send it to a bunch of people that you 'hardly know', but I don't. I
think it's a step up from writing it in a diary/journal, since you may
get some great advice or support out of it, and then you're not feeling
so alone. And even if nobody responds and gives that support, you may
help someone else. but shouldn't they tell a friend or a family member?
Well yeah, they could, but if they don't feel they can, I'd rather hear
about it here than make someone feel bad that they feel they have no-one
else they can talk to.

Guess all I'm really say is that there are multitudes of ways everything
can be seen, and realising that can help avoid some messes.


~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

Who could ever say, You're not simply wonderful
    ~Merman~   ~Tori Amos~

~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 19:22:02 -0500
From: Eisenberg <wa3hvr@enter.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: "Fact:  Running is fast" -Tom Green

Mike harris said:

>  Saw two of the best movies in my entire life, "Pleasantville" and "What
>   Dreams May Come."  Entire image of the afterlife affected by the latter.

WELL WELL WELL....good to see someone else appreciates THE BEST FRIGGIN
MOVIE THAT EVER WAS!!!!!!! what dreams may come literally changed my
life.  if you haven't seen it, then SUCK IT! (sorry jorge i had to!)  it
comes out to rent on march 9th i think....i'm going to buy it, i already
decided.  it just changes your views of life and death and whats
important.....oh man.  sooooooo goood!!!!!!!!!  no more to say, besides:
                      "This is the tom green show
                       its not the green tom show
                       this is the tom green show
                         it is my favorite show
                         because it is my show"
This is the best show ever...tom green is a comical genius.  he goes
around and breaks the law in all kinds of funny ways, and then he runs
away...oh gosh its hysterical.  new episode tomorrow at 10:30.  WATCH
IT!  oh and tonight is storytellers...i am soooo excited....i am
actually going to NOT FORGET to watch one of tori's tv appearances since
i missed every single one so far besides letterman, snl in 1996, and

Love you all lots and lots



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 19:25:20 -0500
From: Eisenberg <wa3hvr@enter.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: "you find fun things in the trash fun things"-Tom Green

One more..sorry

> Tori on a piece of wheat toast makes feel like i need some raspberry jelly
> and Peter Pan peanut butter.

JORGE!!! you crackhead!




Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 20:16:11 -0500
From: Eisenberg <wa3hvr@enter.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: "Have you met the men who guard the ass fort?"-TOm Green


you guys know how i feel about this:
I KNOW its too late, but BETHANY!!!!!!! DO NOT GET HIGH!!! PLEASE!!!!!
i have never heard stories about people doing drugs that ended well.
never.  do not do it.

also:  i do not think taking sides is ever right, but i have to say i
agree with both of you guys involved in this little personal battle.  i
think that simon is allowed to talk about whatever he wants cuz i will
listen and care forever and ever...cuz i never have anything important
to say so i can never criticize anyone.  but i think jorge is right in
that he's just trying to make you laugh.  i like kenny myself...i have a
jewish mother so relate...but i just think you guys are both so funny,
lets not take everything so personally.  cuz nobody is attractive when
they're mad.




Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 19:41:35 PST
From: "Dalsh 327" <dalsh327@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re:Rude postings?

   Hey Violet, what rude postings are you talking about? I think that
people will ruin it for others, sooner or later. That's the hazards of
having a discussion list.
   It'll be about who's a bigger Toriphile, or who listened to her
first, or something.... it all blows over eventually.. yes, there are
some fair weathered fans here, who will move on to something else
   I give some people credit who have followed her up and down the east
and west coasts, who I've seen at the shows, but not all of us can
afford to do that. If I get to see her once per tour, I'm happy. And the
shows that I have seen were great, and always had a good view of the
   But when the postings get to the point where they are irritating,
that flat out sucks. I enjoy a good debate, but sometimes people get
carried away. It's a big reason why Tori doesn't go online, outside of
those creampuff interviews that she's done.
   I think that a lot of the people into her are creative and
intelligent, based on what a lot of you have posted. You all can go on
to do what she's done, or something to do with art, music, writing,
charity, etc... I think that would be a great compliment to have done
something, and get recognized for it somehow. I think she has used her
talents in good ways, like with RAINN, and doing benefit shows,
auctioning off tickets, meet and greets, etc. She has remained more
accessible than a lot of artists would, or could.
    I think it's silly to attack someone because of a posting. I think
there are far worse problems in the world than what someone said about
Tori. I don't think she loses sleep over what we think.



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 22:56:44 -0500
From: "Trent J.
--- (Daniel J. Summers)" <S1175261@cedarnet.cedarville.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Great words Beth!

This is in response to Beth Coulter's post.  I think that what she had
to say was very worthwhile!  I unfortunately was not a part of RDTRN
back at the beginning (I've only been a part of it since Sept. of last
year).  I have found some very wonderful people who have helped me
out, and I've become more aware of my need to help others as well.
Because of these people who have been so generous, giving of their
time to respond to my posts, I have changed a little (Which is always
good, huh?).
  I can understand a little of where Beth is coming from, though,
even though I haven't been with this list for long.  I've been a fan
of Tori since UTP in 1994, but I didn't get a chance to see her in
concert until just this past year on the plugged tour.  I truly missed
out on her best I fear!  Out of the three concerts I attended, I
didn't get to meet Tori face to face (Which was a dissapointment) even
once.  This isn't such a big deal, I guess, because there are 50-60
people at meet and greets, and I can't expect to somehow be the most
important person.
  I did see the rudeness, though, that Beth referred to.  Finally
after the first two shows I went to, and failed to meet Tori, I
figured I'd make sure I got to meet her by getting there at 8:00 or
9:00 in the morning.  Well, I got there at about 9:15, signed up on
the list at #42 (While there were about 15 spots all taken up by one
person who signed up for all her manifold friends).  Well, I endured
the day, walking around the city with a friend, and got back about 2
hours before the M & G.  We all lined up, got #'s written on out hand,
and the whole time there were people trying to move there way up the
lines!  Some people had written there own # on their hands, etc.
(which has already been discussed on this list, so I won't bore you
with my point of view!)
  Well, finally the time came to walk single file to the
barricades-all seemed to be smooth!  But, alas, we turn the corner of
the building, and there's a mad dash to the barricades.  All of us who
didn't want to butt in line just got left in the dust, while #'s 46
and 48 go sprinting to be in the front of the line.  Needless to say I
was stuck about 15 feet back by the side barricade (Where Tori never
goes).  I caught a glimpse of her by standing on the barricade and got
a few pictures, but that was all!  A little dissapointing after 8-9
hours!  People were just so rude, too!  One young boy (maybe 15/16)
who swore beforehand that he wasn't going to the meet and greet, and
had no number on his hand somehow managed to get closer than I did.
  But, maybe I'm thinking I deserve something from Tori, which I
certainly don't!   I hope I'm not suffering from what Beth described!
I really don't think the world owes me anything.
  Well, that's my babble!  Hope it made sense!
  All this to say, PEOPLE, "Do unto others as you'd have done to
you".  The golden rule is so true!  Love won't solve all problems,
unfortunately, but it will solve a majority of them!  Give to others!
Love others!  Who cares if you know them?  They're humans too, whom
God created.  None of us are more important than any others.  Remember
  feel free to write to me if you want, but let's take Beth's advice
and turn RDTRN back around!  Don't tolerate rudeness in yourself!
Before you expect others to change, change yourself (And I am speaking
to myself, as well!)  We all need to be better people!
  Sorry if none of this makes sense!  I'm not a great writer.

Trent J. Summers



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 23:09:22 -0500
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: Purplepeople@iname.com
Cc: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Storytellers

Some thoughts:

I think I saw you during RS Bethey!  Maybe...

I noticed that John Evans (spelling) was singing during i i e e e--so cute.

Stupid VH1 missed both the crotch grab and the sacrifice.

I loved the little girl line in RS.

I wished that she had played Baker Baker--but I always want to hear that.
hey Jupiter made me so happy though!!!

Did anyone else keep hearing a clicking noise or was it just my roomies
shitty tv?  Just curious.

the little raisongal



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 23:25:09 -0500
From: "nicole m. labbe" <nicole@torithoughts.org>
To: "RDTRN" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: who would've thought a good little girl like you could destroy my
beautiful wickedness

Just a short note before I forget:

Jess wants to find the "Elizabeth" soundtrack/score. Well, in the event that
you don't find it (or they don't release one)....go out and buy yourself
Mozart's "Requiem" (a complete copy). You won't be disappointed.
Hell, even if you do find the soundtrack, buy it anyway. :-)  I'm not sure
how much of it they'd include on a soundtrack, but I'm fairly certain it
wouldn't be the whole thing.

     ICQ# 9479828                  AOL IM:  gickie7



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 23:50:49 EST
From: Seabreez59@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: vh1

Hello everyone

I havent posted in awhile, and VH1 got me all excited....my roommates thinking
im nuts cause im jumpin and jivin all over the living room to cornflake

That was an excellent show...was it me or did that sound awesome! Her voice
was crystal all throughout that show, i couldnt get over how wonderful she and
the band sounded.  Almost orgasmic!!! Especially father lucifer, it was
enchanting!  Im really getting to like the sound of the band...gives it a good
beat, i danced round my living room happily most of that show!!
Wow, tori in a love triangle?! New info for me there!  I found new meanings in
that song when i heard that...ive been in a few of those myslef!!   Now that
im with a steady bf, and have been for a few years, i kind of find myslef
missing my love triangles of the youthful days...they seemed to put excitment
in my life then, even if they were completely devestaing and confusing at the
time.  Not to say id drop by boyfriend for a love triagle....theyre not that
exciting, but as a teenager and carefree, i enjoyed the experience.  I think
im ready to settle now though. I know everyone (almost) goes through these
stages, im happy i dd too.  Theres a time for fun though and theres a time for
rationale, and im into the important decisions now...even though i just want
to be carefree!!!!! i know its not the best thing.  ANyways, i just had to get
that off my chest, sorry. Ive been reminising alot lately
And whats with silent all these years being written for someone else???? The
lyrics are so in tune with her life, i never would have guessed!!  I could
have sworn that i heard her talk about that song somewhere else and she said
something about it being about her trying to find her identity. Any thoughts
on this? Any one know i definite on how this song came about>??  That really
shocked me ...glad someone caught that it really is her life in that
song...cause its one of my faves!!! :)

Oh, and that little ditty before cornflake girl.....couold someone send me the
words to that, i really enjoyed it and you dont see that very often.  ANyone
also know how those prelyrics came about, and what theyre about>?? im really
interested in the words to that...thanks!!

  Well, hope you all enjoyed that showing as much as i did!!




Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 00:36:08 EST
From: BlosomStar@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: us crazy musicians

I just set my cdplayer on random and its played the past four songs in a row .
. . odd coincidence, huh :p

well, i have my seat audition for my music class tomorrow. i'm so nervous. i
hate site reading for a test because i like to interpret it my own way.  some
people love it, some people (like my current teacher--who's a freak!) hate it.
:( oh well, there i go to the end of the line.
orchestras, symphonies, bands, whatever. i don't know why, i just can't stand
them. funny  thing, i've been in them all my life. hmm. i despise how we all
have to be one, how the music must be played how it's written.
not to dis those oh so wonderful composers (who all happen to be men that are
DEAD and stinky) but i hate it. ththththththpppthtppp there's my tongue
sticking out. ththtpppthtpth

no individuality. just one flute in a billion when you can't even hear us. i
take the music home and play it my way and i love it.  it's got the same
backbone, just the skin is differenent and the heart is beating.

sorry. i'm in a bad mood again. i'm so nervous. i don't know why it's that big
of a deal, i just think that maybe this one time everyone is going to beat me
(which i would congratulate them) but that i would lose their respect. i know
this doesn't make any sense. i'm a solo player, but i hate playing alone if
anyone can hear.
i've said this before, i never play if anyone is home or if the neighbors are
having a party. :( i feel so selfish. but when i played the piano at my party
on friday i was so scared. so scared.

*hiding quietly in a corner, playing my own songs that everyone else thinks
are insane*



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 21:40:26 PST
From: "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: boots and pflag

First I would like to ask if some kind soul has a bootleg of the Oct. 3
Houston show.  Even if it's not the greatest quality, it would mean a
lot to me to have a copy of it.  I'd be willing to pay for it, send
blank tapes, or do a trade, so please email me privately if you have it.

Storytellers was so awesome.  Especially Father Lucifer.  I'll have to
hunt down a bootleg of that too.  I really love that show.  I just wish
it was more than an hour long, but still.  It was by far one of my
favorite Tori performances.  That whole John Lennon/Yoko Ono Hey Jupiter
thing was hysterical.  But they spelled Caton wrong on the credits!

As some of you know, I came out to my parents not too long ago.  For the
most part they have taken it well.  Not at all the reaction I was
expecting from them.  I was ready to pack my bags for when I was kicked
out.  It seems though, that instead of things getting better, they are
getting worse.

My having a boyfriend has sent things into a downward spiral, that i
don't see us climbing back up anytime soon.  I keep reminding myself
that this is hard for them.  I feel like our roles have been reveresed
and now I have to be the parent and try to help them through this but
i'm not sure how.

It's like, she could kind of accept that I was gay while I'm not dating
anyone.  Because then there is still hope that I'll find that right
girl.  So the fact that I've been seeing someone for over 3 months has
put us into major set-back.  I've been ignoring the rolled eyes, and
under the breath comments every time Kasey's name comes up.  It's hard,
but I've been able to do it.  That is until today.  I mentioned that he
was coming over, and my mom rolled my eyes.  Then they left and he came
over.  He left before they got home.  And she asked me "Did your little
friend come over?"

I was really by that because I couldn't believe she would call someone
so important to me, my little friend.  I got really angry, but asked her
not to call him that, and left it at that.  I keep telling myself that
this is hard for her and my dad (who never vocalized anything one way or
the other), and I keep reminding myself that I should not get angry with
them because they are going through something that I've already dealt
with.  Also, I remind myself that it was easier for me because I had
friends and support to get through it.  They don't.  They don't seem
comfortable talking to me.  And I gave my mom a book that another mother
wrote when her son came out.

Now the only thing I can think to do is to print up some info about
Pflag and leave it out for them.  I've never been to a meeting or
anything, but does anyone on the list know anything about the group?
Any info would be really appreciated.

*hugs to all*


"Every place you land in life has a reason and a lesson."

~Tori Amos

Way Beyond The Pale - http://members.tripod.com/~Space_Dog




Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 01:24:39 -0500
From: "Jorge Fernandez" <chosen1@mindspring.com>
To: "Really Deep Thoughts Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: she once asked me i had lost my virginity yet in front of my
entire family, that wench

there is so much i want to write about and so little time to do it. there
are things on the list that i want to comment on, i want to talk about
Storytellers, but first, i want to comment on what Violet and Beth Coulter
have written recently about the State of the Tori-fan Union.

even though i love Violet to death and respect Beth a lot, i have to
disagree with a lot of their pessimism over how Tori fans have changed. as
far as this goes, i see a lot of positives and a lot of negatives. i don't
necessarily think it relates as much to Tori fans as it does to the nature
of internet. the internet has changed, and it's a point we've touched upon
before. when i first joined this list a bit more than four years ago, i can
tell you that more than half the addresses subscribed ended in .edu or were
from major online services of the time. the internet was a much more private
community. it's not anymore. we've been through the netetiquette rant
before, but when we have Abigail Dice telling me to "go jack off somewhere,"
i wonder how many times we need to repeat it.

i'm trying hard to keep a train of thought here, so bear with me.

it's ok that the list is younger. it's ok for me to look at some of the
experiences that the younger readers have that i might not be able to relate
to so easily anymore. those experiences are what's important to them and
it's cool for them to be able to talk about them. i really respect a lot of
the younger subscribers (Meghan, April, Bethany, Andrea) and am really proud
of them for having a maturity that's way beyong their chronological age.
i think that a lot of the younger readers are figuring out that there is
such a thing as a Tori community. i've said it a million times.....there
have always been people who will do amazing things out there for you just
because you're a Tori fan. that didn't really sink in with me until i spend
a whole morning, afternoon, and evening with a lot of fans before the sneak
preview show at Ft. Lauderdale. our help has also translated into helping
those online that are going through hard times. the more i read, though, the
more i see people seeking out and wanting to help others for some sort of
personal gratification. in that way, it's not the same. i think that,
lately, there's been a big emphasis on airing out personal problems on the
list. is it appropriate? to an extent, yes. to an extent, no. it's a growing
pain the list is going through. we're never going to stop going through
those. there's going to be a backlash to it and, somehow, i end up being a
part of that backlash a lot. it will get resolved. it always does.

as for the list being ruder, i agree and disagree. it's hard for me to say
that this list has never been rude when i have memories of having my head
handed to me when i was relatively new for making a positive comment about
Trent Reznor as a musician on the list. the list has gone through worse
times....ask any oldtimer about Hobbes. as it pertains to myself, i agree. i
don't bite my tongue as often as i used to. i used to bite my tongue a lot
when i first joined this list, mainly because i didn't want to stir things
up. i didn't like, though, the preconceived notions people had about Tori
fans on the list. since Borg analogies are so popular lately on here, people
really thought we were the Borg....and we weren't. there was a certain
politic to it all that i never subscribed to. ever since i figured out that
i didn't have to bite my tongue, i worry less about things like this and
enjoy being on here more.

it all comes back to one thing....the internet has grown and Tori's fanbase
has grown. yes, we can do something it by being examples to others, but we
also have to fight when we see something we don't like on this list. i'm an
oldtimer. i'm still here because i come across new people every day and they
are people worth knowing. if i would have left a year ago, i would have
missed out on meeting some people who i now consider friends. this may not
have been what Grandpa Kosky envisioned as what a Tori list should be, but
i'm not too concerned about that. i care about this list and the integrity
of it. we will go through our bumps and bruises, but it those of us who have
been here a while stay here and protect what we've helped maintain, we'll be

as for Storytellers.....let me be brief....VH1 is the television equivalent
of crack. i had never seen a Storytellers special before, so this was a real
treat. it was my first chance to hear iieee and Raspbery Swirl since the
sneak preview tour and since i actually had posession of the album. i loved
how they handled the arrangement on iieee....it was obvious a bit harder to
do on Raspberry Swirl.

the whole trip about watching Storytellers is that you flash back to when
you first saw the SATY video on MTV way back when and look at that same
redheaded girl and say, "wow. she did it." you have to have made an impact,
i believe, to be chosen for this show. she did it.

i really liked the percussion, by the way. was that Matt Chamberlain back
there? as usual, Jon Evans looked like he was about to yell out "Wolfpack In
The House!" at any moment. the resemblance is uncanny.

if i was less that coherent at any point in this message, i'm sorry. it's
REAL late.
i'll be trying to post about a couple of things early this week, but i'm
going to be taking a week off afterwards. i wanted to get up some
information on antidepressants, which should be of interest.

and if you think i'm bad, you should meet my aunt Mirta.



Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 22:37:07 -0800
From: tesserae <tess@lunchpail.com>
To: purple people eaters <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Number my Days with Music

soundtrack of my life:
(gotta love this thread)

1. Play Me Backwards - Joan Baez
2. Mother Mother - Tracy Bonham
3. Washing of the Water - Peter Gabriel
4. Theme from Schindler's List
5. Little Earthquakes - Tori Amos
6. the Gospel According to Darkness - Jane Siberry
7. Senses Working Overtime - XTC
8. Shameless - Ani DiFranco
9. Running up that Hill - Kate Bush
10. Mysterious Ways - U2
11. Feel the Fire - Happy Rhodes
12. Walking on Broken Glass - Annie Lennox
13. In a Lifetime - Clannad
14. Persephone - Dead Can Dance
15. (It won't) Rain all the Time - Jane Siberry
16. Afternoons & Coffeespoons - Crash Test Dummies


"You don't know what it's like, I said,
I feel like somebody cut off my feet ...."
http://www.lunchpail.com/journal * perplexity & redemption



Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 01:46:20 -0800 (PST)
From: suckersponge <spongester@yahoo.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: <i never know what to put here>


just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all your advice on
handling this "el freako" that came to my town.  here's a little
update on that:
i haven't talked to him since that one day he called and told me he
was in town.  i mean, i turn the ringers off in my house, i take all
the extra shifts at work even though my arm is killing me (i decorate
cakes) and i try to spend as little time at home as possible.  from
what i've heard, my older sister is entertaining the guy.  she's
showing him all the sites of san francisco and surrounding areas.  my
sister swears he's not a freak, but i tend to disagree seeing as how
he travelled half a country to visit someone who didn't even invite
him.  who knows, he may not be a stalker afterall, but just the way he
introduced himself on the phone "...wanna come to my hotel?"  scared
me off, and i don't dig the idea of getting raped.  he's leaving in a
couple of days (so he says) and he'll be out of my hair.  but till
then, me and my older sister aren't on speaking terms.


did you watch storytellers?  did you see the red headed rocker in all
her glory?  ain't she puuuuuurty?  still, doesn't compare to seeing
her live.  i saw her last august, it was the coolest!

ay yay yay, my eyeballs are doing weird circles, maybe it's time to
get my beauty sleep, god knows, i need it :)

suckersponge the succubus
"i don't want to start blasphmous rumours but i think that
 god's got a sick sense of humor and when i die, i expect
 to find him laughing."
-depeche mode-

     o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

                          $$$ BURMA-SHAVE digest $$$

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