RDT Right Now #748

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 14:19:33 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #748
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #748

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Mr. Zebra Interpretation!!!!!!!       [ Anastasia Renard <delirium1479@hotm ]
  hahaha                                [ Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  another longie... some days are quie  [ "Lavenda" <earth@aljan.com.au> ]
  there's this new device that blows u  [ Simon Booth <simon@texas.net> ]
  mySpeech... - "I'm OK When Everythin  [ "Eric (mySpeech Team)" <eric@mySpee ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #745                [ Jessi <jessi@tangerinegirl.com> ]
  better :)                             [ John Kwiatkowski <stickboy0@hotmail ]
  Re:How Many Licks...                  [ Victoria C Myers <muruch@juno.com> ]
  if you steal my sunshine...           [ Mireya Ingham <reyabear@hotmail.com ]
  a gallery of the girls                [ Loriann Near <nearlori@msu.edu> ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #733                [ "Lilli's Mom" <tarr1658@postoffice. ]
  dammit, it's torithoughts.org, not h  [ "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.co ]
  Bethey and Mikewhy are famous!!!      [ Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  the joys of motherhood                [ "Lilli's Mom" <tarr1658@postoffice. ]
  Re: Bethey and Mikewhy are famous!!!  [ Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com> ]
  Merman Lyrics                         [ Victoria C Myers <muruch@juno.com> ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 17:48:38 PDT
From: Anastasia Renard <delirium1479@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Mr. Zebra Interpretation!!!!!!!

hello Mr. Zebra
can I have your sweater
cause it's cold cold cold
in my hole hole hole
Ratatouille Strychnine
sometimes she's a friend of mine
with a gigantic whirlpool
that will blow your mind
hello Mr. Zebra
ran into some confusion with a Mrs. Crocodile
furry muscles marching on
she thinks she's Kaiser Wilhelm
or a civilized syllabub
to blow your mind
figure it out
she's a goodtime fella
she got a little fund to fight for Moneypenny's rights
figure it out
she's a goodtime fella
too bad the burial was premature she said
and smiled

	The singer and song-writer Tori Amos has been a favorite of mine for a
of years now.  Since I first heard her songs through the walls between mine
and my
sisteris rooms, I have purchased all of the CDis and most of the singles,
plus two
boot-legs.  She has been the unproclaimed goddess to thousands of listeners,
and her
lyrics are inquisitive, if not impossible to comprehend.  However, after a
while I began
to gradually develop a sort of vague understanding of the lyrics, especially
to the song
above, entitle Mr. Zebra.  I intend to prove that Tori Amosi song can be
interpreted in
many ways, and to show you my interpretation.

hello Mr. Zebra
can I have your sweater
cause it's cold cold cold
in my hole hole hole

	She is asking an rare, beautiful eanimali (animal can be
substituted for
anything-a man, a source, a lover, a friend, etc.) for itis pelt, which
would kill Mr.
Zebra, so she can eshove it up her assi.
	This section is saying that sheis purposely wasting a precious
resource for
particular reason.

Ratatouille Strychnine
sometimes she's a friend of mine
with a gigantic whirlpool
that will blow your mind
	Ratatouille is a southern food dish, and Strychnine is a type of
poison.  I
read somewhere that ingesting poison can make you high.  If so, this
poisoned casserole
leads to artificial bliss.  In other words, a beloved toxin causing her to
get high by
cutting off the flow of blood to the brain leads to a egigantic whirl pooli
or the
actually feeling of getting high itself.

hello Mr. Zebra
ran into some confusion with a Mrs. Crocodile

	If Mr. Zebra is the rare, precious victim, would Mrs. Crocodile be an
aspect of
Tori herself?  Crocodiles eat Zebras.  Perhaps Toriis suggesting the rare
good in her
eran into some confusioni with the bad in her.

furry muscles marching on
she thinks she's Kaiser Wilhelm
or a civilized syllabub
to blow your mind

	This is the most confusing part of the song.  The first line, efurry
marching oni could be also interpreted as emusselsi or a sort of clam.  That
adds a
feeling of Alice in Wonderland to the song, doesnit it, with the talking
animals with
titles in front of their names (ex. Mrs., Mr.)?  Ironic, since Tori modeled
the look of
Little Earthquakes using Alice as a basis.
	Kaiser Wilhelm was one of the people who made W.W.I into the mess
it was.
was the leader of Germany, and was a rather mean fellow.  Since Wilhelm was
with the war, makes one think that the emusclesi or emusselsi could have
been the
soldiers.  Certainly sounds like a drawing youid see in Alice, or a poem
told by another
talking animal.  A row of clams following a deranged lady Crocodile?
	Iim uncertain as to what a esyllabubi is.  I heard somewhere that
it was a
bar of
some sort, but Iim not sure.  Assuming that esyllabubi is indeed another
word for a
bar, a civilized place of drunkenness would be enough to make  your mind
wouldnit it?  Same as the nasty part of Tori (Mrs. Crocodile) leading a
bunch of
clammy soldiers into battle.  The battle would probably be as pointless as
W.W.I, with
no happy endings.

figure it out
she's a goodtime fella
she got a little fund to fight for Moneypenny's rights
figure it out
she's a goodtime fella
too bad the burial was premature she said
and smiled

	Suddenly, the happy sounding song plunges down to lower notes.
Tori almost
growls efigure it out!i, as if she was annoyed at someone who should have
gotten the
point a long time ago, but is still too stupid to figure it out.
	The second and third lines to this segment of the song are a
description of
Crocodile.  She is a happy person, who does her best to make money.  Another
efigure it outi.  A second description of Mrs. Crocodile of being a merry
figure, then
Tori lets us in on a private joke concerning Mr. Zebrais funeral,
particularly on how it
was premature and how Mrs. Crocodile finds that amusing.
	The section implies that because Mr. Zebra had something which Mrs.
Crocodile wanted (his sweater) he died before his time, murdered by Mrs.
The song, I feel, is sympathetic towards Mrs. Crocodile, describing her as a
character and how sheis only out to make a buck.
	Mr. Zebra (Toriis good side) ran into the bad Mrs. Crocodile, and
(AKA. murder) ensues.
	Tori is using this song as a follow up to Professional Widow, and
for a
good reason.  Mr. Zebra is the sister to Widow, just as Way Down is the
forefather of
Little Amsterdam.  The two go together, and tell one story in the pleasant
form of two
very good songs.
	So, to sum up on all I have written down, Mr. Zebra is about the
of taking and ruining something rare and precious.  Not only just that, but
the outcome of it as well.
	Mrs. Crocodile is one hard bitch, Iill give her that.


And all should cry, Beware! Beware!
His flashing eyes, his floating hair
Weave a circle round him thrice
And close your eyes with holy dread
For he on honey-dew hath fed
And drunk the milk of Paradise
                    -Samuel Taylor Coleridge 'Kubla Khan'

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com



Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 20:50:36 -0400
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: hahaha

oh, one more thing to add to that list of crazy things I have had:

Scarlotte Fever.

yes, thats right.  Like in the olden days.  I'm a freak, I know it ;)

the freak ;)



Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 08:44:43 +1000
From: "Lavenda" <earth@aljan.com.au>
To: "From The Arty Turner Hotel" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: another longie... some days are quiet, others are sonic booms

Bethany typed:
>Cause mine just fell apart. Now it look like a mound of egg, mushrooms
>and onions instead of a nice little omelette.

When that happens to me, I say they're scrabbled eggs (and were always meant
to be).

And hey you're a gospel sucker too! :) Though I'm not into 'the Saviour' and
all that for myself, damn that music jsut stirs something in me. Half of
what we sing in the choir I go is gospel (though, more African influence).

Bethey, loved reading your post about your trip, and the dolphins. :)

John, it's funny. I'm sure I've mentioned a few times I joined a message
board for women due Sept 99... there have been a few find out that their
mothers are expecting also. And these women already have kids... so thier
babies uncle/aunty is going to be months/years YOUNGER than them. Ah, don't
you love it when life plays by it's own rules. :)

Becky, if you've still got those itches, try Lavender oil. :)

Simon/e, it's still all sinking in what you've posted since your first 180
degree post, but I think I'll only have one thing to say (which has
basically already been said): Say it your your psychiatrist! Sure, bitch
about her here, but I mean, you saw the havoc it caused posting like that to

Reya, my screen name is lavendah

Coops typed:
>Lactating Lavs had this to say, but could anyone tell? After all, she
>posted as Mr. Jones.

Ah the joys of sharing an account...

>Heh, so Lavs is a mundane then? I can feel a sci-fi reference coming on
>here but I just can't pin it down. Was it Gattaca?

Well, perhaps only half mundane... afterall, some telepathic stuff does go
on with sis. And it's Battlestar Gallactica stupid :  heh

>thinking of that ad for Leggos tomato paste, which read "When he brings
>home his meat, she opens her Leggos". I'd rather a bit of Leggos to Dolmio

LOL! I don't remember that add!!! And what about Raguletto?

>punishment they so deserve, but it's hardly on the same scale as killing,

Excuse me? The ceasing of a life is not killing?

I can't recall where I heard/read it, but Blair witch is well researched
fiction. It is not a 'truth' that actually happened as related, but is
apparently drawing on true occurances.



Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 18:00:00 -0500
From: Simon Booth <simon@texas.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: there's this new device that blows up credit cards.....

the Debtanator.

more from Jorge

""but what happens when some teens are prescribed meds for questionable

how often does that happen, though? a lot of people i see who are
unnecessarily taking Prozac and things like that are taking them without
a prescription or because their general physician prescribed them."

that's what I'm talking about...like the news stories about all the kids on
ritalin- on one hand, it really does work for a lot of people but the way
it seems to be so widely prescribed, it would have to be regular doctors
making at least some of those prescriptions.  I get the distinct impression
that many real conditions and very effective treatments are 'tainted' by
some doctors jumping on a particular bandwagon because they see a
particular condition as 'fashionable' at the time.    Something like Prozac
(or any antidepressant for that matter) gets played up so much in the press
as the proverbial holy grail that I can see the the type of overuse and
misuse you're talking about- some people see the meds as 'popular' and miss
the whole point of them- for example, I don't see zoloft as the 'last word'
in handling the depression, but as a catalyst or 'push' to get a better
handle on everything else, if that makes sense.

" i
think that most GOOD psychiatrists know that you only prescribe an
antidepressant when a patient's condition is so bad that they need to
medication to give them the motivation to get out of bed in the morning."

which is exactly the situation I was in back in February.

"what totally fucks things up, i think, is the whole managed care system
 and psychiatrists who try to fit in as many clients as they can in one
 day and only see them for 15 mintues each. those are the
 medication-pumping machines and, unfortunately, that seems to be the
 wave of the future, even for me."

that explains the paradox of what seems like more people seeing
psychiatrists but those same people not getting good results.  And I've
seen other doctors who try to rush people through so much that they really
do act like a patient's presence at an appointment is somehow a waste of
their time.

""I would assume though that after the meds take effect they'd realize that
it really was meant to help them by putting them on them.""

"most bipolar and psychotic teens have extremely little insight into
their disorder. when they get pissed at something, they take it out on
the meds. i fight every couple of weeks for a 16 year-old of mine to
take the damn Zyprexa once a day. he gets mad at his mom and he goes
"ha! now i won't take the pills!" "

geez.  i can't imagine someone doing without the positive effects of the
meds just to get back at their parents.  (and incidentally, I'm totally
paranoid about *forgetting* to take the zoloft each morning).

"i sound like a freaking broken record
sometimes. he makes up for it, though, with his stories about all the
little girlies he meets on the "Party Line." i die laughing."

so a secondary benefit of being a therapist is to collect funny stories :)

""but the doctor needs to be certain that the teen has a real problem and not
 just parents trying to make normal teen issues into something bigger simply
 because they don't like dealing with the changes all teens go through.""

"yeah, but something like that would be, at most, an adjustment problem
of some sorts. you don't "turn" regular adolescent problems suddenly
into bipolar disorder or having a major depressive episode. "

true- I was thinking about the doctor I saw when I was 12 and the original
reason was that a school counselor referred myself and my parents to that
doctor because of 'problems' I was having but he was really cool and went
right into issues actually relavent to my parents and I instead of the
third degree about the 'incorrect' interests I had (subversive things like
reading sci fi books in my spare time).   the original idea I think was to
make 'normal' things 'bad'.

you're putting way too much weight on what the parent tells the
therapist. the therapist does interview the child. after all, they are
the client."

true again...I recall the doctor I saw back dividing sessions between
having my parents and I together and seeing me alone, and actually a lot of
issues got solved that way.  I often wonder if things now would have been
really been different if that had been continued into high school because
that's when things starting getting really bad.


"still, man, you made some really good points here."

thanks :)

"its murda."

or 'adrum' if you're possessed.

jessi wrote:

"can I have a back rub please?
I think i may cry"


email me if you need to talk.

megan- did your brother come back?

andromeda wrote:

"Welcome back, Simon."

thank you :)

"  I am worried about you.  I don't know what's really
going on, but my gut feelings tell me that your therapist is either
manipulating you or she's just not the right one for you.  Be careful."

I am, and I'm seriously looking at finding a new therapist.  The counselor
I see found the number of one who might be right for me to see.   The only
catch is that it's a male psychiatrist and I really have made a special
effort *not* to have to talk about my situation to a male therapist or
doctor because of some very bad past experiences (no one knew the real
story but too many times where they'd act really suspicious).   So, on one
hand, I have another doctor to see as an option, if I can get over the fact
that I'll be telling my whole situation to a male doctor.  I know it sounds
strange and I know I shouldn't feel set up or threatened but that's an
instinctive reaction on a very deep level.  Although this time it's the
counselor who gave me his name and she's been really great, so I know she
knows her 'contacts' pretty well.

"Examine very carefully, pay attention, think, go with gut feelings, and
 stand your ground.  Also consider each piece of advice and each accusation
 before putting it to the grave...don't assume that you're always wrong or
 always right."

I know now that I *have* to do that because I can't keep backing away every
time there's an awkward situation or I feel like someone is trying to

"Simon(e) wrote:
""personal stories are ok
 emoticons are cool (like smileys :) )
 poetry is encouraged :)
 and emotional content...something I myself relate to just fine""

"I was SO relieved when I read that."

thanks :)

""you're suprised at this?t Just check under 'G' for 'Goddess' :)""

"He's back!  Yay!"

definitely :)

"     *** The Culmination Of Years Of Random Genetic Mishaps digest ***"

an accurate description of how the male side of the human race evolved :)

(ducking! :) )

Simon(e)van of Zoloft



Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 19:06:25 -0700
From: "Eric (mySpeech Team)" <eric@mySpeech.com>
To: "Really Deep Thoughts (Right Now) (E-mail)" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: mySpeech... - "I'm OK When Everything is not OK"

Hi everybody.

Some of you know that I used to live in Germany and that I was fortunate
enough to be able to join the last two Tori tours for some shows (you can
still read some of my experiences on the Dent -

A couple of months ago, I moved to California to work on a special Internet
service project.
Now, I am able to unveil what it is all about and would actually like to
invite all of you to give it a try. I hope this does not qualify for using
the list for advertisements, as our service is completely free for the

The service, which is called mySpeech and which we have just launched on
Independence Day 1999, allows you to add speech access to your personal
homepage on the Web. You and your visitors can browse your pages by
speaking. On the mySpeech site, you can easily create your personal version
of our speech-input button and place it on your site.

Please try it for yourselves at http://www.mySpeech.com and let me know what
you think. And - if you like - please spread the word.

And by the way, my involvement in the design of the system actually resulted
in including a 'hidden' word in our vocabulary...
Please push any button on the pages and say "I'm OK when everything is not
OK" - and you will probably find out what I mean.

I plan to attend the final five shows of the upcoming tour here in the West
and only hope that I will be able to get a few days of vacation for that. If
anyone of you has similar plans, please let me know. Maybe we can coordinate
our travel plans. I will probably have a car available - although I still
need to organize that...

Everybody enjoy your lives,
				Eric (with a 'c')



Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 22:20:10 -0500
From: Jessi <jessi@tangerinegirl.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #745

Mondick (the prodigal) said...

>Like you're not ganna get a thousand volunteers for this ... you realize
>you may overload the airports near your house ...

looks like your the first sweet cheeks ;)

>Anyone out there ever hear of a comic called DR and Quinch??  It used to
>(still may be) in 2000AD, and was written by Miller (the guy who wrote Dark
>Night Returns, perhaps one of the finest peices of comic literature ever).
>Anyone know where i can find some of the books??  I have been looking for
>quite some time .....

Miller....ahhhhhh....Have you seen the Marv/Sin city figure, by McFarlan
Toys?  DEAR GOD, it's damn good.  It's diamond distrib only, though, so it
may be tough to come by, depending on how your nearby comic stores stock.
As for finding those hard to get yer hands on gems in the comic world, I
always recommed going to a Convention...there's usually one every few
months in nearly every major city across the US....a good way to find out
when one is coming near you is to flip to the back of Wizard Magazine (The
official comic book price guide that 99.99999% of resellers use)...you
don't even have to buy it...go to your local reseller and ask if you can
glance at their copy....they almost ALWAYS have on quick at hand, and I've
never met one yet who wouldn't allow you to glance through it...Once you
find out when the next Con in your area is...GO...and you can find all
SORTS of amazing crap.  I got the Uncle SAM series (By alex Ross) - the
graphic novel edition  for $6...for all books.  than I walked over two
tables and had Alex himself sign 'em.  rock on.

I am "The Benevolent Ruler" . I am an idealistic social dreamer. My
overriding goal is to solve the people problems of my world. I am a social
reformer who wants everyone to be happy in a world that I can visualize.

and blah blah blah a bunch of other nice sounding stuff. heh'


		A Tangerine Girl
	"she's the sweetest cherry in an apple pie"



Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 20:10:24 PDT
From: John Kwiatkowski <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: better :)

So I had a good talk with Kasey.  I told him that I missed him, and I hated
the fact that I felt so awkward even walking past his store.  I got the
closure I need and now we can be friends.  I think that's what we both

And now I get to see Dean next week and my friend Mandy is on her way over

love you all :)

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com



Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 23:46:28 -0400
From: Victoria C Myers <muruch@juno.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re:How Many Licks...

>I'm not shouting! Alright, I am! I'm shouting! I'm shouting! I'm

You mean to tell me there are other RDTurners out there who also enjoy
Clue? I thought I was the only one! :)
"I didn't do it!!! Somebody help me, please...somebody help me,  PLEASE!"

~~Victoria~~(I need help, too)
"Waiting for nothing confuses the mind." -Sinead Lohan

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Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 23:13:03 PDT
From: Mireya Ingham <reyabear@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: if you steal my sunshine...

hurrah hurrah!! i am done peeling from my obnoxious sunburn. yay!! :P

well, now that my lil' outburst of excitement has passed...i had a most
interesting day today...it was more of an apathetic, boring day, but fun
just the same. my biggest highlight? i spilled a tray with a few plates of
spaghetti and salad on it at work. that was fun. since it was slow...it was
more of something for us to do rather than a nuisance.

watching daria...and it's pretty damn funny.  daria gets a job at this nut
place, and quin gets a job at a pet store. fun stuff. speaking of
which...i'm looking for a day job.  i'm hoping to get something, seeing as
how i don't have any friends out here and that i desperately NEED something
to do...maybe another waitressing stint. or maybe, if i play my cards right
I can be someone's blow job queen. just kidding...but i gotta get on to
replies now.

bethey...first, i read some of your stories last night...they were so beyond
amazing. i mean, wow...when i grow up and get my english teaching degree, i
want to teach your stories to my kids. also, congratulations on being
strong. you are such a bright star. i love it!! :P

RYNN FOX.....holy schnikies!! how ya doing??? i'm so sorry to hear that
ticketmaster fucked you and your sister over. that's no good...:( i wish i
had a billion tickets to give to you and your sister. but for now, faerie
hugs will have to do...

~sarah~....hey girl!! wait, so what are you doing next year?? you ARE coming
to santa cruz aren't you?? just kidding...but you should come visit and play
with us. we're a fun crowd...around 4:20, of course. just kidding...

lavs...and how are you doing?? the baby is coming along okay??? you just
write and let me know what's new...:P

anyone else i might have unintentionally neglected...:P hello!!!:P

nighty sleepy winks...
love and support,

all that glitters is always gold, only shooting stars break the mold...

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com



Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 17:49:37 -0400
From: Loriann Near <nearlori@msu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org, precious-things@smoe.org
Subject: a gallery of the girls

hi everyone!
i have been working on updating my web page
and in the process, i have decided to make a little gallery of the
in this gallery, i hope to show case tori's songs - in the form of
pictures.  in other words, i am looking for toriphiles and ears with
feet alike to submit their artwork - their interpretations of the songs
in girl form (think pauline stuckey's artwork, especially in the
beesides book).  you dont have to make pictures of tori, just pictures
of.. .the girls!

any questions, comments and what not, please email me.




Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 18:52:51 -0400
From: "Lilli's Mom" <tarr1658@postoffice.uri.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #733

>From: Raven Gray <raven@the-loft.demon.co.uk>
>Subject: Love and other stuff

>immigration people willing *crosses her fingers real real hard*
>and we met online to start with and it was over a year before we met
>each other face to face so to speak .. and .. we first met each other as
>little lurker types on this list :):). If it wasn't for RDTRN we'd never
>ever have found each other :). So YAY for the list *smile*

Hey!  congratulations!!  And good luck with the immigration people!  you've
got my fingers crossed, too:)

>From: Trepix22@aol.com
>Subject: did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?

Congratulations on your new job!  in your chosen field, too!  wow!  Some
higher powers must have been shining down on you!!  :)

From: abigail dice <talulagirl82@hotmail.com>
Subject: the road trip from...somewhere
>Oh, BTW, my two names for kids now if I have them are:
>Jameson O'Meara
>Fiona Monaghan

I love these names!  Especially Fiona...  :)

>hey you monkeys.
:(  I'm insulted.  I'm not a monkey.  I'm a squirrel.

~^~^~^~Tania Arruda ^0^ Mommy to Lillien Elyse, born Dec. 23, 1998 ^0^
tarr1658@postoffice.uri.edu   |
ChibiFaerie@yahoo.com	      |"Nay nay nay adaat..."
------------------------------|          --Lilli, "Do you want to go to
Daddy?"    |
ICQ: 5620073		      |
AOL-IM: ChibiFaeri            |
Web Page:  http//www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/4255



Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 18:56:39 CDT
From: "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: dammit, it's torithoughts.org, not hotmail.com.


So I've been talking to my future roommate through email, right.  Well,
turns out she used to watch John Cusack movies all the time...and now she's
started making Better Off Dead references.  I think we'll be okay.  :o)

"To Venus and Back," huh?  This isn't gonna be another "Confessionings..."
thing, is it?  Heh.  Just wondering...cuz that's what I do.  But if that is
the real title...it's pretty damn cool, if I do say so.

Did I ever mention that I'm going to see Roger Waters this month?
Ooh...that's gonna be so awesome.  But, I'm going with my parents so that
could be...interesting.

There was something else I was going to say...ummmmm....

I dunno.  But Hotmail's rearranged itself and I'm trying to get used to the
new layout...but right now it's just a bitch.  (I'm still waiting for the
day to get a *real* email address.)

Dammit.  I just got a phone call and now a whole plan that I had worked out
for tonight is spoiled.  Dammit.  Now I must go sulk and call the boy to
tell him the bad news.

A very pissed off ~Sarah~

"This may be stifling.
This may be uproductive.
But right now I just can't
commit myself to any love"--David Garza

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com



Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 20:02:39 -0400
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Cc: purplepeople@iname.com
Subject: Bethey and Mikewhy are famous!!!

Well today I went out and got a big old scrap book to put my Tori articles
and pictures etc in.  I was flipping some through old newspaper clippings
and came upon one from the Philadelphia Inquirer from right before the
electric factory show last May.  They had an article about Tori, and one
about her EWF entitled, "'Tori-philes' enjoy an ultra-candid camaraderie."
I started reading the 2nd again, and there are quotes from both Bethey and
Mikewhy!  I didn't even KNOW them when I first got the article.  I was
jumping up and down and running around my room all excited a second ago!

Bethey was discussing her writings and how she discovered Tori and Mikewhy
was talking about the DENT.  It was great.

I'll have to get you 2 to sign my book when I see you on tour.  You're
celebrities ;)




Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 20:37:29 -0400
From: "Lilli's Mom" <tarr1658@postoffice.uri.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: the joys of motherhood

From: MagicFaerie@webtv.net (Cassidy Emmerson)
Subject: the electric companeeeee-e-e-e

>did anyone else watch the electric company as a child?  it was one of my
>faves.  a friend of mine recently said she thought it was regional, only
>on in our area.  can anyone enlighten me?

Oooh... I remember that sho!  I LOVED it!  :)  I don't know if it was
regional...  I lived in Massachusetts at the time, so...

>how funny that there was a mention of peeps.  i hate those fucking
>things, always have.

(I always just traded mine for something else...  No matter how much I said
I hated them, people always believed I would want them...
  they were so aweful!  blech. :p

"special note to lillis mommy-isn't nursing wonderful?  i nursed my
daughter for 10 months, despite people trying to tell me i was letting
it go on to long.  she never took a bottle in her life-went straight
from the breast to a cup. it was definitely one of the best parts of
that first turbulent year, despite the sore nipples, wearing those
stupid cotton pads in my bra, and sleeping on a towel so i wouldn't soak
the sheets."

AHH!  YESS!!  I LOVE it!  It drives my Mother-in-law Absolutely INSANE (all
the more reason to continue) because she wants to be able to feed Lilli,
and babysit her, but she can't, because I nurse, and "don't have time" to
express!!  But I LOVE it!  :)  Just the way you get to bond with the
baby...  She only wants Mommy now, which can be a bad thing, but it's so
cute!  :)
  Lilli had to take a bottle of breast milk when she was 6 days old,
because I was OVERLY engorged, and she couldn't latch on.  She went over 6
hours without eating and I began to panic--and that's when I expressed some
milk, and gave her the bottle.  so, the next day, we went to the hospital,
and they hooked me up to these two machines to pump the milk out.  The
nurse was surprised that I was producing so much--she said I could have fed
all the babies in the hospital!  but since then, no bottle for my baby!
(she actually asked me if I wanted to donate it to the milk bank--yes, they
actually exist!)   :)
  Hey--did your baby ever start suckling, then slowly pull away from the
nipple (while still sucking)?  Ugh--Lilli does that all the time, and it
drives me NUTS!  Or did she ever bite while she was teething?  She doesn't
do that much, but once in a while...  :)
  Luckily, I'm beyond the point of needing the towel to sleep on...  I just
keep one handy, just in case, but it's not a necessity anymore.
Heck--since Lilli sleeps in the same bed with us, she's almost constantly
nursing anyway!  :)
  To all those who may be thinking about nursing:  Do it:)  It's worth it!
:)  not only is it healthier for the baby, AND for yourself (plus you lose
weight faster), but the emotional bond is so strong when you nurse...  I
used to think that I wouldn't want to have this little person attatched to
me like that, but once I tried it, I knew that I wouldnt want to have it
any other way, and I'm actually going to miss it.  (I've been putting-off
giving her solids because I feel like that will be the end of it.)

From: "Erika and Alan Lewis" <guildy@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Le Marriage

Well, can I ask you this?  --Is it bad when you feel like you really *do*
want to marry this man, but at the same time, you *don't*?  (in other
words, yes, I love him, but since Lilli was born, so many things have
happened, and I actually feel more distant towards him, and wonder if this
wedding is actually going to happen.)

Much love and respect to all,
~^~^~^~Tania Arruda ^0^ Mommy to Lillien Elyse, born Dec. 23, 1998 ^0^
tarr1658@postoffice.uri.edu   |
ChibiFaerie@yahoo.com	      |"Nay nay nay adaat..."
------------------------------|          --Lilli, "Do you want to go to
Daddy?"    |
ICQ: 5620073		      |
AOL-IM: ChibiFaeri            |
Web Page:  http//www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/4255



Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 20:34:10 -0400
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
To: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Cc: purplepeople@iname.com
Subject: Re: Bethey and Mikewhy are famous!!!

At 08:02 PM 7/8/99 -0400, Becky Wall wrote:
>and came upon one from the Philadelphia Inquirer from right before the
>electric factory show last May.  They had an article about Tori, and one
>about her EWF entitled, "'Tori-philes' enjoy an ultra-candid camaraderie."
>Bethey was discussing her writings and how she discovered Tori and Mikewhy
>was talking about the DENT.  It was great.
A tiny little factoid about the writing of that article.  The reporter was
(is?) a lurker on RDT back in the fall and winter of 97.  In late March of
98 he contacted me by email and asked if I would call him.  I did and told
his voice mail I would allow him to interview me.  He called the next day
(while my promo copy of choirgirl was playing in the background) and we
started talking.  He'd gotten all my stats off the registry on the Dent and
was asking about the whys and wherefores of being a Toriphile.  I told him
some personal stuff (my multiplicity, etc.) and he said, "well, I'll keep
that off the record."  I replied, "Nothing I say to you is 'off the
record'.  I have no secrets."  He made a sound like a gulp, then laughed a
little.  He told me it was weird I had said that because he had just spoken
to a guy who had said the same thing, "I have no secrets".  The reporter
then asked if I was familier with a guy in Louisville Kentucky, Mike
Whitehead.  I laughed and told him we'd been friends for well over a year.
It was a hoot to hear the astonishment in his voice that we were friends,
being two random people picked for the interview.

>I'll have to get you 2 to sign my book when I see you on tour.  You're
>celebrities ;)
Hey Beck Becks!  You don't need my autograph.  Stace has got picture proof
that we are friends. :)
Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy
*~**Fairy Blessings**~*
~really deep thoughts and stories~
updated at least monthly



Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 20:58:12 -0400
From: Victoria C Myers <muruch@juno.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Merman Lyrics

Sorry to bug everyone with this question, BUT does anyone have the lyrics
to "Merman" ? I just got the No Boundaries cd and fell in love with this
song. Thanks! :)


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