RDT Right Now #751

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 06:54:20 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #751
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #751

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  leave it up to koba                   [ Carescloud@aol.com ]
  and no one knows the wheres or why    [ Brian Cooper <bcooper@enternet.com. ]
  Baka people.                          [ "Lilli's Mom" <tarr1658@postoffice. ]
  Episode I: The Oddessy (part 1)       [ ">tIFF@Ny<" <tiffanysa@crosswinds.n ]
  Episode I: The Oddessy (part 2)       [ ">tIFF@Ny<" <tiffanysa@crosswinds.n ]
  "when life gives you lemons.....      [ "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotma ]
  bombastica                            [ Jessi <jessi@tangerinegirl.com> ]
  GodDAMN                               [ Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  Re: Am I rambling.... yes I do belie  [ Richard Handal <handal@min.net> ]
  methinks someone's on a subliminal v  [ ArtyTurner@aol.com ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 01:30:09 EDT
From: Carescloud@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: leave it up to koba

koba writes:

so i'm two days from visiting beautiful miami, florida. i've never been past
the airport there (en route to colombia, when flying by avianca). i'm looking
forward to sun, chicks with nice tits, dan marino, chicks with nice tits, don
johnson, chicks with nice tits, trendy people, chicks with nice tits, cuban
love monkeys (especially those with nice tits), and just chilling out for 3
days. this should be entertaining. i look forward to filing a report upon my

want a jujubee?
wild koba


Leave it up to koba man! He is such a male! I never met anyone (other than my
friend Karla) with so many hormones running though his body. Everytime read a
post of his he is either talking about progressive rock or sex... that is all
he thinks about! Yep sex and the rush afterward (and maybe during if it is
good sex).

on another note... thank you to everyone who sent me a card or birthday
wish... you guys are so sweet and what a smile you got out of me. I
unfortunatly had to work both of my jobs on my bday and I didnt get home
until 10pm and I started work at 8am ... but hey I am 20 I guess it comes
with the age... darn... that really sucks no more partys and no more blowing
out candles (I didnt have a cake or anything). So my birthday was like
anyother day... oh well... the only thing that made it diffrent was the
emails from all of you... thank youn for all of your thoughts and kind words.




Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 17:32:14 +1000
From: Brian Cooper <bcooper@enternet.com.au>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: and no one knows the wheres or why

Something tells me in digest 744 that the little wonder Sarah knows her Liz
Phair, in particular Exile in Guyville. thanks for sharing a line of
"Flower" with us.

The question of 'mundanes' is answered by Starry Arija in the subsonic #747.
>i thought it was babylon 5, meaning a non-telepath

Ah yes, of course. It's a bit hard to keep track of it here in Australia,
as the last series was started here at the end of last year. it got halfway
when they pulled it, returned six months later for a few weeks then
disappeared for a couple of months. It just came back and just checking the
TV guide, won't be on this week. It's hard to keep track when it's so
disjointed. i wonder if we'll see the rest of the series before the year.

To Lavs in #748 on the same subject...
>Well, perhaps only half mundane... afterall, some telepathic stuff does go
>on with sis. And it's Battlestar Gallactica stupid :  heh

Who's stupid? I was referring to the movie with a genetic purity theme
called Gattaca, with Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman. I do know the difference
between that and Battlestar Galactica, thank you.

What's this with Raguletto anyway?

Back in #747, Becky was hiding behind walls with a skin rash. reminds me of
my first time going to a skin cancer specialist. i walked out with so many
spots burnt into my face that i looked like Freddy Kreuger. I should have
saved that look for nearer to Halloween. which reminds me, it's time for my
annual visit.

Was that Ventrue I spied making a return (again)? Welcome back. You newbies
are in for a ride.

For those sick of the Pink Floyd theme, start a scrollin now.
>From Ms Winegarner in digest #746...
Hmm... actually, on analysis, we seem to be agreeing on the same points,
but quibble over the terminology so I'll do a big snip and start here...

>One of the things I find really gratifying about Floyd is that they created
>a kind of music that takes you on a trip without your having to ingest drugs

i'm right behind you 100% on this. i'd rather say journey than trip, but
it's easy to lie back and just flow with it. it'll take you places you'd
never think of. If you must take something, alcohol is the best as it eases
you into the feel of it. Thanks for the humdinger of a quote...
>"we took the drugs, so you don't have to."

>But what about their more instrumental numbers --
>"Careful with that Axe Eugene," "Saucerful of Secrets," "Cirrus Minor,"
>"Interstellar Overdrive," etc? I think those songs perfectly illustrate what
>I was getting to before -- that these songs take you on a trip, mentally

For Saucerful, I much prefer the live version on Ummagumma as it seems to
live. I find SoS rather discordant in the studio version, so it doesn't
take me anywhere. Same goes for IO. Eugene is a masterpiece, in it's
simplicty and it's effect. "Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun"
takes me away, but I'm not entirely sure where to, though it's not really
all that instrumental.

"Grantchester Meadows" and "Several Species Of Small Furry Animals....."
take you places, of that there is no doubt. Of course there are examples in
later Floyd as well, such as "Alan's Psychadelic Breakfast", "Echoes",
"Welcome To The Machine" and even "Dogs" from Animals. On the other hand,
the rest of Wish You Were Here and all of Darkside are more of an emotional

>I have still not been able to fully establish how much of Meddle to
>attribute to Gilmour and how much to attribute to Waters, since my copy of
>the album has no credit information in terms of songwriting.

I'm at a slight advantage in that I have the sheet music which gives more
detailed credits. Meddle is the album which seemed to have the most
collaboration of all the albums. It was at this time when Gilmour was at
his most visible, but you can hear it through his guitar work on the album,
so credits aren't that important.

>I consider Meddle to
>be, for the most part, a transition from the old PF to the 'new' -- and in
>that sense, if indeed this is Gilmour's brainchild, in a way that makes

I still think we're agreeing on the same thing here. i suggest it starts
with Atom Heart Mother, but since you haven't got it, i'll agree with you
on Meddle.

>"A cloud of eiderdown" -- and listening to "Piper" and
>"Saucerful" (the albums) will tell you that eiderdown is a Barrett
>catchword, and I don't believe it's been used in Floyd's lyrics...

I never really noticed. Interesting.....

>I don't get that spooky feeling at all. It just feels like going underwater.
>The sonar carries you through the song, and you go down, down down until
>you're swimming with the whales, and then you return to the surface. That's
>how I always see it -- that's where the song takes me.

The spooky bit I refer to is when you're down at the deepest point of the
journey. i feel dark underwater caverns, hiding large sea monsters. You see
whales, I see monsters, but otherwise it's the same trip.

>complex tunes like "Caught a Lite Sneeze" or "Hotel" or -especially- "Yes,
>Anastasia" shows Tori's potential for writing some really mind-bending,
>longer-length pieces.

The longer Tori pieces are great examples and as you say, especially "Yes,
Anastasia". While it's not exactly mind bending, it does tell a story which
does pull you in.

I think we've pretty much exhausted this concept for now, but I'm still
open to new angles.

>From the Kobiest one of all...
>mind you (the middle section of "echoes" makes me want to MOSH)

Mosh??? I take it you must be referring to the part just before you go
underwater, otherwise I'm lost.

Anyway, what I was getting at by collaboration between Tori and David
Gilmour is that Tori does all the hard work... the lyrics and a majority of
the instrumentation. David would only be there to perform his magic on
guitar. If not Gilmour, how about Eric Clapton? Someone that has a unique
style on guitar. Someone that can make their guitar talk to add a new

That's all folks.



Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 19:59:06 -0400
From: "Lilli's Mom" <tarr1658@postoffice.uri.edu>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Baka people.

April writes:
"I couldn't believe it! I don't think I did anything, but something
still tells me that I *must* have....why would someone treat me so badly if
that weren't true?"

I know what you're going through...  In fact, I'm going through the same
thing, and have before (last year, oddly enough, this time of year).  I'm
a completely honest, straight-forward person.  I also do my best to make
happy.  But, sometimes, something happens--I don't even know what, and all
of a sudden, all these people decide to jump on me, and pick on me all the
Like, now for instance, I'm having problems at work, and with friends of
ours (mine
and my fiance's) because of this huge stupid argument (another "friend" who
to be a supervisor at my jobsite actually went behind my back and told our
boss all
sorts of crazy lies about me at work, just because I disagreed with
something she
said--like I said, I speak my mind and I kiss no one's ass).  Anyway, this
friend who works with us took her side, and we got into an argument.  He
spreads this
to all our other mutual friends, and now none of them want to talk to me,
OR my fiance'
(they're also friends of his).  Heck--what really surprised me is that one
of them is
the Godfather of my little girl!!  I Never expected him to act like that...

John Wrote:
>seen.  "God hates fags" yeah, it's one thing to see a picture of a guy
>holding one in the newspaper, but i had to walk past it.

Isn't it great how followers of such a loving God can be so hateful/hurtful?

Lavs Said:
>Wow, some peope think 10 months is long? I know someone who jsut weened
>their 3 yr old!!!

I've heard of people (friends of friends type thing) who didn't wean their
children until they were 5 years old!!  I don't know about you, but I don't
think I could deal with having a 5-year-old on my breast.  I'd say about
one year
or so would have to be the cut-off point (you know, when they may start
being able
to remember? (I remember things from when I was a year old, and I know that
be something I'd want my child to remember....might be kind of, ummm...
bad?  maybe?)

>>stupid cotton pads in my bra, and sleeping on a towel so i wouldn't soak
>>the sheets.
"Hahaha. Sorry, gotta laugh. So this is what I've got to look forward to?
I've already got the leaky boobs, nice to know I'll have to have a towel on

Oh, geez--the leaky boobs of pregnancy is NOTHING compared to how they're
gonna leak once little precious is born!  Even WITH those pads on, I've gotten
the entire front of my shirt SOAKED (when Iwrung it, it actually dripped!)!
So, be prepared, and always carry extras.

(by the way--I LOVE your baby names!  I'd actually consider using them for my
next baby, only Tahlia is too similar to my name, and that would drive me
crazy!  :)

From: "katilla teardrop" <shimmer02@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: same old song
>is coming up soon, how many of you are going to the Tweeter Center show in
>Massachusetts? I am, maybe we could meet up before hand or something. But in

I Am!!  Woo hoo!  And so is my fiance', and our little baby is going to make
a Cameo appearance, but she'll have to leave before the actual concert starts
(don't want interruptions during the show, don't want her to get hurt,
don't want her to go deaf...)

"What would be better--a laptop or a full size PC?"

Well, it depends on the college and how many computer labs they have on
campus.  If
the labs they have are good, and plenty, and there aren't many people on
them, just get
the desktop P.C. (if you need to leave, just grab a disk and go to the
lab).  If there
aren't any "community computers" on campus, and you don't think you'll be
able to get
much work done in your dorm, then either find another dorm room to live in,
or get the
laptop.  :)  I just got a reg. pc, because I WORK in the computer labs, and
I wouldn't
want to be carrying a very expencive and relatively fragile piece of
equipment with me
every where I go, especially if I'll be carrying around books and notebooks
and all that
(typing the notes in class would NOT ba a good idea, since most professors
don't like
the clicking sounds that come with typing, AND they want to make sure
you're LISTENING to
them instead of playing games and such.

love ang harmony to all...
~^~^~^~Tania Arruda ^0^ Mommy to Lillien Elyse, born Dec. 23, 1998
tarr1658@postoffice.uri.edu   |

ChibiFaerie@yahoo.com	      | "I try not to be controlling, but everyone
------------------------------| knows I'm Atilla the Honey."
ICQ: 5620073		      |

AOL-IM: ChibiFaeri            |	              -Tori Amos
Web Page:  http//www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/4255




Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 22:33:29 -0400
From: ">tIFF@Ny<" <tiffanysa@crosswinds.net>
To: "Really Deep Thoughts" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Episode I: The Oddessy (part 1)

Hello peeps!

I know that this is a little bit late, considering that EPISODE I has been
playing in the US for years! Well, the first screening here in Caracas was a
week ago (last june 30th) and during the whole week I've been reading past
digest posts about the movie to see if I could send some impressions from
the third world (not a third world mind cos I DO think that the "3rd world"
thing is a matter that goes in the  MIND. I don't know if you're tired about
Episode I already, or if you've seen it like a hundred of times and son't
wanna read anything else about it... well it's not my fault that I live here
and wanna write about it! :op

So, those who wrote 'reviews' or posts to RDT about Episode I (and still
remember them :o)) I suggest take a look at this or at least at what I have
to say about what you wrote. The others that don't wanna know anything about
the movie it's ok to skip away. I won't flame you for doing that.  :oP

Anyways, I suppose it was an oddessy for some real-star-wars-fans to
actually get to see the very first screening of the movie. Some stood in
line for weeks (which I totally support cos I would've doneit if I had had
the chance). I did my quote of real-star-wars-fan. The movie opened on June
30th and they started selling the tickets on pre-sale a week earlier (June
23rd). That day, I thought that the star-wars-mania wasn't gonna hit so hard
on the venezuelan ppl so I decided to go to the theater at 7 am to be first
one to buy them (at least at the theater near me). WRONG!! There were like
15 ppl there already since 4 o'clock in the morning! I was really amazed and
excited at the same time cos I wasn't especting that... I have to say that
it was really cool cos everybody started talking and suddenly it turned into
some kind of a reunion where everybody knew each other... I had lots of fun!
:o)  The ticket thing opened at 12 noon, they had 5 screenings a day and I
bought my 3 tickets for the day of the opening.

I waited anxiously for a week and finally, the day arrived. I had tickets to
the 1pm screening (which was the first one) so the day before I decided not
to go to class so I could be in the theater very early and get a good
(excellent!) seat. I went walking to the theater that morning (cos it's very
close to where I live) and got there at 7am... 10 ppl there already... and
they had tickets to the 3:30pm screening... so, I met a lot of really cool
ppl. Later in the morning a lot of ppl in Star Wars costumes started to
appear: Obi Wan, Princess Leia; every single person standing in that lone
had at least 1 SW item (t-shirts, coolers, laser swords...). It was really
cool! :o)

Around 10am, we were all waiting, talking, having fun, but... we were all
unaware that the worst was about to happen...


_Find out what it was on the next post_

How's it going so far? Good enough for an episode of the Twilight Zone? ;oP




Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 22:34:55 -0400
From: ">tIFF@Ny<" <tiffanysa@crosswinds.net>
To: "Really Deep Thoughts" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Episode I: The Oddessy (part 2)

Ok, ok, let's cut to the chase... here's the second part so you know what
finally happened.

Around 10am the movie arrived and... after like 20 min or so... the owner of
the theater came out and said the last thing EVERYONE outside the theater

The WHOLE line went nuts about this -including MEESA- because the whole ppl
there that day wanted to see it in ENGLISH! A lot of sound gets lost during
the dubbing and that was something that we deffinitely didn't wanna do!

Well, the copy that they had in that theater specifically was in spanish, at
least for that day. So, they did sth: those who didn't want to see it in
spanich could change their tickets to another screening later that week cos
supposedly they had asked for the copy in english and they expected it to
arrive then. So, most of us did. I changed them. Ya, I missed the first
screening ever (which is always the best in all cases) but I got to go again
3 more times to see it.

The next day (one of my tickets was for the 1pm screening), I got there at
9am but this time there was nobody there. I was the first one. Well, other
peeps started coming to the line and the hours went by. As we got closer and
closer to 10am, the original copy hadn't arrived yet. So.... GUESS WHAT?
were only 20 ppl in line this time... we went nuts of course... but it
wasn't as loud and horrible as the day before. What did the ppl at the
theater do?  Smthg very nice to me: they INVITED us to see The Matrix (that
was gonna be my 7th time) and when it was over we could go into the other
room to see Episode I. We applauded the owner for such a good idea and
accepted gladly. We all thought it was pretty fair.

So, I saw 3 movies that day: Matrix and Episode I (twice). I was very
excited at the end of the day and still got back the next day to see it
That's what happened. Quite an Oddessy, huh? I bet some of you had a similar
episode. Or maybe not. :o)

Oh.... sh*t.... now, I forgot the replies I wanted to make... gee... no -
wait!  I only seem to remember one of them... anyways I'll write the others
when I remember.

THIS PERSON WROTE: -> I agree with you on the annoyanceof Jar Jar. It was a
little the first time but the second and the ones after that one it was ok.
I have to say that it seemed to me like those Disney's characters that "must
be in the story to add some humor or whatever to it or even pick it up if it
I *LOVE* Disney movies, I even collect them for crying out loud!  But this
is Star Wars, IMO it shouldn't have any character like that cos the story
doesn't need it. But I guess it's ok, because it's not so annoying after all
and it really makes you laugh. Btw, I love the way he speaks, even though
english isn't my first language (it's my second, actually..heh) I understood
pretty much everything he ws saying.

Ok, that's it for now. I'll talk to ya laterz!

May the Force be with you all,


        ~~Choose Life, Choose Tori~~
"It's lonely to be strange" ~Nina Persson



Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 20:09:25 PDT
From: "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: "when life gives you lemons.....

make a mud pit...."

That was our motto for this weekend.  Our word for the weekend was 'naked'.

Friday was odd during the day.  I was with my mom for a while (she's not
pregnant) but she drove me insane so I left to go home to get ready for my
first trip to a gay club....

We got there and at first i really didn't like it.  It seemed so fake.
There were all these little queens running around talking shit about one
another and then being nice when they were face to face.  Then we started
running into people we knew.  I saw Chad's boyfriend, who gave me a huge hug
and I talked to him for a while.  I stuck with my friend Mandy, and finally
I started warming up to the club.  It freaked me out to see so many guys
touching, hugging, kissing.  I wasn't used to it.

We started dancing and I started meeting some of the regulars.  Made a
couple of friends.  Got groped a lot by people walking around.  And I got
followed from one end of the club to the other by this really big scary man.
  We're going again next weekend, but this time i'm inviting Joe.  I got to
hang out with guys for a change, and gay guys at that.

When the club closed we hung around outside and ended up going back to a
friend's apartment to go swimming.  At first we were gonna go skinny
dipping, but the pool was too bright.  So my friend was trying to get
someone to go in first, so I striped down to my underwear and just dove in.
Then everyone else followed suit.  we made it back home around 5 am and went
to Whataburger to eat.

We woke up Saturday morning and I checked my mail.  I got a letter from
Jason (the guy i went to the Tori concert with).  He's in the navy now and
he wrote me from basic training.  Around 3 we headed to Houston to get pick
up a friend for the Jewel concert.

Right before the concert started it poured down rain all over us on the
hill.  So, we got up and danced and yelled and had a blast.  There was this
girl named Tracy wo was so cute sitting in front of us with her mom.  She
was really outgoing and when it started raining her mom covered up and Tracy
got up and danced with us.  It was her first concert and her 14th birthday.
She really wanted to see Jewel and she disappointed when it first started to
get dark and looked like it was going to rain.

Steve Poltz opened and we loved him.  While he played we danced in the rain
which made a big mud puddle.  i've never been as dirty as i was tonight.  A
guy Mandy new from the club ended up at the concert too.  I liked him
tonight because he dropped the queen act.  So the seven of us had a blast.
Jewel came out on stage and was so amazing.  The rain made that concert so
magical.  I've never had so much fun at a concert.  And Tracy really
impressed all of us.  She wasn't dumb either.  It didn't take her long to
pick up on the fact that like 4 of us were all gay.  Didn't bother her at
all.  This 14 year old girl will remember us, that concert and her birthday
for the rest of her life.  And we'll remember her.  Forever.

She said something about how she'd never get drunk in public or around boys
because they'd just want to take advantage of her.  And she'd learned that
lesson already.  (she didn't sleep with a guy, she was just placed in that
situation).  Then she said something about how we learn from our mistakes,
and the lessons we learn from the harder ones stick with us longer and we'll
never make that mistake again.  This from a 14 y/o.  When the concert was
over we sang happy birthday to her, gave her really big hugs and made our
way back to my apartment.  I rode the whole way home in Niki's car in
nothing but my underwear because i was so dirty.

We got back to my apartment, i put my clothes on and we all jumped in the
pool fully clothed to wash the mud off.  after i was rinsed off I took off
my shorts and swam in my undies again.  Then we came in and hung out for a
while and had to take a friend back to Houston so I to keep Mandy awake on
the hour drive home.

I've had the best 2 days.  i wish i could explain it better, just how happy
i feel right now.  there's no way i could convey it in an email.

tracy made me so happy because here was this 14 y/o who didn't care who we
were.  She was fun, smart.  It makes me happy to know she's going to grow up
and have a postive impact on the world, and it sounds conceited, but we
helped make her birthday special.  At first she was upset because it looked
like it would rain, but we turned that into a memory for her.  I bet she
thinks she's the shit because she got to hang out with 19 and 20 year olds
and had a blast.

The funny thing is I actually had seats under the covered area but never
even saw where they were because we'd rather roll in the mud with our
friends.  I was gonna give Tracy my ticket so she wouldn't get wet, but i'm
glad i didn't.

it feels so good to make someone else's day more memorable, and she
deffinatly made mine :)

take care all,

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Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 00:16:29 -0500
From: Jessi <jessi@tangerinegirl.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: bombastica

Bethany...no, I haven't ever heard that song...but now I Want to ! :)
(making mental note)

And my ice cream melted after the first bowl.  damn broken freezer.

Yes...florida gets in the 90's at night at times.  and humid as hell.


		A Tangerine Girl
	"she's the sweetest cherry in an apple pie"



Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 03:03:58 -0400
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: GodDAMN

that last digest 749 was wonderous.  No arguing.  no fighting.  I feel like
I've died and gone to tori-heaven.  Ok....
Well I got to speak to BOTH Jorge and Koba last night.  What an experience.
 They are having fun and send their love to all.  jorge was telling me
about how much he was turned on by Koba's tight black slut pants.  he
wanted to tear them right off of him and have his way with the good old
wild kobie *YIKES*  Good grief.  But they are having a good time.  And I
don't REALLY think they sniffed THAT many panties.  Come on now.....
SO..I just watched Boys on the Side.  WHAT A TEAR JERKER.  I just wanna let
you all know that I'm a sucker for sappy movies.  Sappy girlie flicks
perferably.  They just make me feel so very very good.  I love em to
pieces.  Speaking of movies, someone mention "American Pie." Funny movie.
Some parts...as venture mentioned, were CRAP.  Like when they were siging
on stage.  HAHAHA.  You can't even TRY to have touching emotional pieces in
a movie like this.  They just turn out CRAPPY.  But this is my new line:

"And one time, when I was at band camp....I stuck a flute up my pussy."

Rusen mentioned Summer of Sam, and its strange because I NEVER even
realized the reference to the sam serial killer in the Tori song until just
the other night.  In Way Down she sings, "Guess I am the angry/anchor(???)
man, dining here with Son of Sam."  That is what the serial killer called
himself.  And Sam was his dog.  Creepy.  I never even noticed.
Jorge said something about tipping your Red Lobster waitresses well, and I
SECOND the motion ;)  Thanks for the advice tacobelldoggie.  TIP YOUR
WAITRESSES WELL (the Red Lobster waitress says as she steps down from the

Arija, I don't know why we always look back on memories as happier after we
have left someone.  I know that feeling.  I think it has something to do
with the finality that leaving someone (or having them leave you) has.  You
think, "I CAN'T do these thngs anymore."  And it feels so final.  And that
is scary.  The thought that we may never feel this way again with this
person is scary.  SO we relive the moments as more happy and convince
ourselves that we want to live them again.  We think, maybe i made a
mistake.  Maybe I WAS happy.  Remember when we did this...and that...and
that.  Remember how much FUN we had.  And you begin to think that you won't
be able to have that much fun with any one else again.  SO you want it
back.  But eventually you realize that the memories and the moments weren't
always as happy as you thought they were.  And you realize that you did
make the right choice...because whatever choice you made...you were
following your heart at the time.  And your heart at the time is the only
thing you can really trust.  You can't trust your heart of 4 weeks ago.
You have to trust yourself now, and know that you did what you did for a
reason.  because no matter HOW happy the memories were, they are just that:
memories.  And things always change.  They are CONSTANTLY changing.  And
there have been SO many times that I have lived in the past.  that I have
wanted something because in the PAST it made me happy.  but....I can't do
that.  I can't live for then.  I have to live for now.  I hope some of this
makes sense ;)

Welcome Eve.  You certainly HAVE opened several cans of worms.  Run free
little wormies!  Well I guess they don't run...having no legs.  Slither
free little wormies.  Slither! Slither!  But anyway, welcome.  I do agree
with you that we aren't very happy with grey things here in the good ole'
US of A.  Watch Easy Rider and you will see that even more.  Good movie.
Just watched it yesterday.

Erika, that post was so cute...about the furniture.  That is how my room
cleaning usually goes.  I start by just dusting.  Next thing I know, I have
all my pictures/negatives/old memory things/clothes/shoes/socks/etc on the
floor and it is a mess!  lol

the little raisongal




Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 05:25:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: Richard Handal <handal@min.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org (RDT Right Now)
Subject: Re: Am I rambling.... yes I do believe so......

Erika said:

> While I haven't been writing very long, I have been lurking for quite
> sometime, and I feel there were way more appropriate times for
> Richards to post his sentiments other than now.

When would those have been, Erika? Why weren't you posting your feelings
at *those* times if *you* were offended then? Do I misunderstand?

I want to note here that I lost my internet access for six weeks early
this year, and there are about 50 digests from around then that I still
haven't read.

> My take, from what I've seen is that two people where having a
> disagreement, and I feel that's how it stayed until Richard threw in
> his two sense about bullies and what not. What I want to know is why
> he has never made these statements until now.

Well, one reason is that I was doing some other things which kept me
busy for a while. I feel as a rule that I preach more than my share
anyway, and others usually end up saying things which are close to my
feelings on many issues if I wait instead of rushing to post myself. I
kept expecting other people to end up posting to say how outraged
*they* were to see the nastiness and personal invective portraying
itself as "debate," and no one ever did.

*I* was deeply shocked, and I definitely had the sense that others who
might have felt similarly to the way I felt may have understandably
been too scared of also ending up on the receiving end of such venom,
so I decided to encourage others not to be afraid to let everyone know
when they are likewise repulsed by the tenor of such intentionally
hurtful words. I think it's important to let ourselves be heard from.

I felt as if we were in new territory with the level of incivility--it
deeply shocked and offended me, and I didn't want it to come to be the
norm. You know when a faucet is dripping into a cup in the sink and all
of a sudden one drop hits and suddenly the cup is running over? That
was me. I couldn't take even a tiny bit more without saying anything
and it started to pour out.

And I don't see this as being about one argument. This one argument
sent me over the edge, but I've been plenty fed up for quite a while. I
kept thinking it would be different the next time, but I came to see it
as being like an abusive relationship. If you call the cops and they
come take the abuser to jail but you don't press charges then the
abuser feels emboldened by it, and beats you even worse the next time.

I feel this list is an important place where people deserve to feel
free to speak up without fear of verbal abuse--ESPECIALLY those who
have been open here about having been physically abused and even raped
in the past, as has Beth Coulter. I've been on this list for nearly six
years, and NEVER saw it sink to the level it has in this regard, let
alone with such self-righteousness. I think it's disgusting.

*You* seem to be saying you were aware of times in the past when you
had witnessed a lack of civility, so that certainly reinforces my
assessment that others had been upset by such things before but were
afraid to speak up themselves. If fear wasn't the reason you didn't
speak up then Erika, what was it?

When is it ever appropriate to remain *silent* when people are being
personally attacked for expressing their opinions, Erika? Hmm?

Be seeing you,

Richard Handal, H.G.



Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 05:54:38 EDT
From: ArtyTurner@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: methinks someone's on a subliminal vacation

was supposed to see american pie today but plans "fell through" once again.
i should quit giving this girl "one more chance" and move on to bigger and
better things.  ugh.

goddam... my brother is the laziest sack of shit i've ever seen!  ok, so you
use the last of the ice cubes in the tray.  what do you do?  refill it with
water and put it back in the freezer right?  not my rat bastard brother!
nooooo!  of course if you're him you just put it back in the freezer and the
ice "magically" appears in the tray the next time so he can use them all up
again.  you see i'm really pissed cuz it's freakin hot today (like yesterday,
like the day before, like tomorrow) and now i'm stuck with a warm can of
pepsi.  blah

entertainment weekly was doing a litle summer concert tour guide thingie.
anyways it comes to the alanis and tori tour...

   "if your idea of getting in touch with your inner child involves
   riding the subway naked or breastfeeding a piglet, this MP3-sponsored
   tour is for you"

um, yeah.

>hey Jessi...have you ever heard the song "Jessie" by Joshua Kadison? I
>think it was a top ten hit a few years back or something. Anyhow, i was

i thought that was that one guy who sang it... yunno the guy from the young
and the restless and he was in a band.  or was that the guy from that stupid
show full house with those olsen twins from hell.  joseph and the tecnicolor
dreamcoats or something.  well whoever was getting married to sarah jessica
parker or something like that.  i dunno... nevermind.

>Isn't it strange that most the interesting moments of my life have
>happened in Wal-Marts?

ahhh... that explains it.  (psssst... don't shop wal-mart... they're
non-union, or something)

so hey yo beb!  i was gonna get liz's "exile in guyville" (i think that's the
name)  but then i discovered tori and well... yunno.

i was watching demolition man the other day.  yeah that one with rocky and
the babe from speed.  heh anyways the name of wesley snipes' character in
that movie was "simon phoenix".  now which RDTRNer did that remind me of?  :)

speaking of which...
>Subject: there's this new device that blows up credit cards....
>the Debtanator.

i need to get me one of those!  :)  credit cards = good til you get the bill

still trying to figure out why the hell my mom bought that brittney spears
album.  she says it's for my little cousin, but i don't believe her.  oops, i
accidentally stepped on it and cracked the case.  muhahahahahaha!

hey eric (with a 'c)...
that's a cool website you got there!  liked the "i'm ok when everything is
not ok" link :)  i clicked the button and said "tori amos" and it came up
with a bunch of links to real estate. hehe  i'm going to 4 of the last 5
tori/alanis shows.  ROAD TRIP!!! i'm opting for 4 nights in vegas instead of
the phoenix show though.  (shutup bethany) but i'm meeting a couple other
people along the way and wouldn't mind meeting one more!  :)

btw, anyone have 2 extra concord tickets lower level or closer that they're
willing to sell?


"tell me you're crazy maybe then i'll understand"

bethany rusen balance: $0.00 (woah how did that happen?)

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

                   *** Subliminal Day Off digest ***

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