RDT Right Now #754

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 22:47:56 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #754
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;

    Do not hit reply to unsubscribe.  To unsub, send a message to
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #754

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Re: mySpeech... - "I'm OK When Every  [ Richard Handal <handal@min.net> ]
  Tori held my head as I brought up my  [ cslape@dove.net.au ]
  just like my daddy could beat up you  [ Fragments1@aol.com ]
  MESSAGE FROM TORI- Please read        [ Greenorb21@aol.com ]
  Civility and Hostility                [ Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com> ]
  Unidentified subject!                 [ Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  I am a hot latin woman!!! WOOHOO!!!   [ Rynn Fox <rynnfox@yahoo.com> ]
  etienne                               [ sbrookha@sprynet.com ]
  David Duchovny, I love you, Why don'  [ Venezia Michalsen <veneziahm@yahoo. ]
  Can't stop what's coming, can't stop  [ "Lavenda" <earth@aljan.com.au> ]
  significant other...a must have!      [ "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmai ]
  Deliciously so.                       [ "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.co ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 05:46:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: Richard Handal <handal@min.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org (RDT Right Now)
Subject: Re: mySpeech... - "I'm OK When Everything is not OK"

Eric (with a 'c') said:

> Some of you know that I used to live in Germany and that I was fortunate
> enough to be able to join the last two Tori tours for some shows (you can
> still read some of my experiences on the Dent -
> http://members.aye.net/~mikewhy/north13.html#americanex).

It was great being able to spend some time together last year around
some of the shows. I know Tori felt bad that she was so sick when you
guys were over here from Germany and Belgium, though.

I'm glad I was able to convince you to write up some of your
experiences of being over here for shows, and also of comparing them to
shows in Europe. I know sometimes it could be pretty hellish at shows
over here, but by and large, you put the lie to the notion that it was
all that different all the time, as some would expect.

I hope to be able to see you on the upcoming tour, but doubt I'll be
able to get out west. I do have decent hopes of getting to see your
Belgian companion from last year Erik (with a 'k') at the Jones Beach
show. Both of you are really great guys, and excellent company. I hope
you can at least *meet* some of the west coast RDT(RN)ers on this
upcoming tour. I'll be happy to vouch for you to anyone as being a
warm, decent person. I hope some of you here might be able to meet Eric
out west at the shows!

Best wishes with the MySpeech project!

Take care,

Richard Handal, H.G.



Date: Tue, 13 Jul 99 20:40:03 +1030
From: cslape@dove.net.au
To: "The Crazy Arses" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Tori held my head as I brought up my lunch

Hey listies

I have had a shocking two days and I don't feel like bitching about it in
such a public forum.  What's a poor boy to do?

I guess he could always write replies.

Becky Wall has seen a good film:
>Today I watched a wonderful movie called American History X.  Everyone
>should be REQUIRED to watch this movie in order to graduate high school.  I
>hold this movie in that high of an esteem.

I saw this about two months ago and I wrote a post about it and then
didn't send it because it sounded stupid.  The gist of it was that I
could understand how people who aren't necessarily great on the critical
analysis could easily be persuaded towards anything (such as Nazism) when
there are such literate, forceful and charismatic people (like Edward
Norton's character) out there to do the persuading.  Obviously there are
a million reasons to oppose racism, but I can easily imagine myself
losing an argument about it because I don't argue well, and a lot of
idiots do.

That didn't make any more sense than the original.  Becky's right.  It's
a great film.

Could have done without Edward Furlong, though.

That old list ether spewed this up:
>*** The Culmination Of Years Of Random Genetic Mishaps digest ***

I used to have a lecturer who was hugely overweight and out of shape, and
once, for a laugh, he wore a tight-fitting t-shirt that said "I am the
culmination of millions of years of evolution".  He was a brilliant
lecturer.  Pity he's a botanist.

The littlest wonder:
>Less than two months before I'm legal...haha!  July 4th was my 17 and 10
>months birthday.  And in Alice In Wonderland they say you have 364
>Unbirthdays.  My ass--everyday's some sort of birthday.  I'm still excited
>about voting privileges.

I feel required to defend myself and the book that I love against anyone
who uses Alice in Wonderland and "my ass" in the same sentence.
Paragraph.  Whatever.  Adopt battle pose, Ms Wonder...

You know, when I was a wee little lad and they were teaching me how to
spell in school, they would spell the lewd word for one's posterior
a-r-s-e.  And now everyone's using a-s-s.  Until proven otherwise (or
disagreed with strongly enough)I will assume (as I have always done) that
this is an Americanism that is pervading all cultures around the world.

>Um.  Yeah...I was checking out the archives today.  It's just strange seeing
>the stuff I posted about 2 years ago when I de-lurked.  And it's even
>weirder to see who's still around.  Surprisingly there's quite a few

Yeah.  I actually don't want to reply to this.  But she's right.

I have two stories regarding the archives:

1) my supervisor had me in his office one day soon after I started my
course, and he got a mischievous gleam in his eye and said "Let's see
what Mr Slape (oops, real name alert) has been up to on the internet!"
and he broke off what we were discussing to search for me under
metacrawler.  And what came up?  All these RDT and RDTRN digests.  He
didn't read them then and there, but he may have later.  He's a strange
man.  (Hi, Dr D!)  The worst bit is only the web address came up up and
all he saw was the domain name daemon ...  If you use your real name,
anyone can find you.  Look out!

2) I was bored at work yesterday (Hi Dr D!) and conducted my own
metacrawler search for "crazy ass monkey shines", which is catchcry of
mine (and yes, I did spell it "ass").  Guess what came up!  RDTRN #689.
Boy.  I had a quick look at it.  I'm pretty sure it doesn't appear as a
phrase, but I found "monkey" (you can probably all guess the context of
that one (hi Jorge)) and numerous repetitions of ass, but did not see
either crazy or shines.  Anyone that can can, um, join (and be president
of) the CrazyAssMonkeyShines Club.

The ever-alert n.m. labbe has found me out (and publicly outed me):
>thank you, now i have that song in my head.
>are you sure your copy of Clue is completely legal? you have a tendency
>toward the bootlegs...

Geez.  Tell the world.

>btw, i finally got off my ass and bought cold spring harbor. it's so...cute.
>:-) what a baby face.

A baby face?  With all that hair? :)
It is cute (and I don't mean your arse) but I like it (or do I?).

That sentence can be interpreted in about four different ways.  I am a

I was sure I had something original to contribute.  But ... bugger.




Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:07:15 EDT
From: Fragments1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: just like my daddy could beat up your daddy

about the NIN/professional widow thing......according to rolling stone, one
of the songs on the two discs
['scuse me while i orgasm. TWO DISCS! HELLLLLLLLLL YESCH!] is called
"starfucker". i was reading this article in borders [i NEVER buy magazines.
:-)], and i remember turning to my friend john who was with me, and being
like, "oh great. first professional widow. then caught a lite sneeze. then
celebrity skin. now this. these people are like 5 year olds on a playground."

because, while we can speculate about whether or not "widow" has any courtney
& kurt connection [tori's denied it, but...if you listen to it LOOKING for a
connection, you can find one. it's kinda like those people who watch disney
movies intent on spotting a penis], it is damn obvious what CALS is
about....'specially after the plugged tour, which was captured for posterity
on Sessions....lesse here.. "i hurt myself today/oh gawd/you never could/you
never did/you're full of shit"

but..i dunno.....i've also heard "Celebrity Skin" [the song, not the entire
album] is diriected at tori.

in reality? who knows. i'm just anxious for all three of 'em to tie sarah
mclachlan to a cross and torch 'er. ahhhhh....that would be one hell of a
lilith fair.
"into the fire", indeed. :-)


""one day i'll get to you
and teach you how to get to
purest hell"
-thom yorke



Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:41:12 EDT
From: Greenorb21@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: MESSAGE FROM TORI- Please read

The message below is what Tori sent to her fans regarding Steve Caton's new
band, Binge . It is absolutely from her ; whoever gets to speak to her at the
shows can ask her about it .Until then, please just trust me. I thought you
all might  like this one:

**********As I listen to the theme from "Starsky & Hutch", I am reminded of
the first
                  margarita I ever had.  Soon after that, I wore a black wig
a lot and the
                  person that gave me my first margarita also gave me my
first background
                  singing gig for his band, in my black wig.  It wasn't
called "in my black
                 wig", it was called "Climate of Crisis".  Some people, as I
recall, said
                 some very hurtful things about the way I moved on stage as a
back-up singer.
                 Caton came to my defense and told me to stick with it.  No
matter what, he
                 wasn't going to fire me.  Funny thing, people come up to me
now and say they
                 like the strings on my records, and I always tell them "you
sucker, that's
                 not strings, that's Caton."   Whether we are creating
together, or he is
                 creating his own music, as with Binge, he continues to
inspire me as a
                 Tori Amos

Binge's new EP will be available in a few days . My e-mail address is
GreenOrb21@aol.com , for those who do not yet know it . Please let me know
what you think about this adorable story

- Laurie



Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 11:33:12 -0400
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Civility and Hostility

What a hotbed of emotions that surround me here in Toriville.  Wicked,
explosive Minuteman Posts go screaming by me at Mach 1, to be met with
flamethrowers going at Mach 2, and I'm waiting for the sonic booms to
destroy my poor little compy.

Richard is right.  Tess is right.  For Gods Sake, sometimes even Mr. Cooper
is right.  But the fine line between this right and where it goes wrong is
where it starts to get personal.  I don't want to be on a
"happyslappybumblebunnyhoney" list. For crying out loud, I'm obsessed with
Tori Amos music, and that ain't "hsbbh" music.  It's hard and harsh and
angry and emotional and that's what this list should be.

Talk about pain and I'll chime in with a huge shout.  Pick a side in a
debate, and I'll run with the other side if I feel passionate about it.
But when it comes to making personal attacks on a person, that's where
civility should enter.

Example:  Jorge (quite rightly) felt "personally" attacked with my
"outdated thinking" comment of ages ago.  Not that I was personally
attacking him, but I could see how he read it that way.  So I apologized
(quite rightly) because I have no more right to personally hurt someone
else than they have to hurt me.  But when he came back with a personal
attack upon my charecter, that made me mad.  And made others mad on both
sides.  (aside to Kobie: I apologise for my note to you.  I would have
known you were being humorous if I hadn't been feeling so defensive.
please forgive me sir.)  It turned into a bloody free for all that made
everyone upset.  (ok, not everyone, but enough to quantify the generality)

If we could concentrate on the issues at hand, as opposed to whose email
address it came from, that would make debating fun and and non-toxic.  But
as human beings, we are all sensitive to what seems to be attacks and will
attack in return.  As in the Richard/Beth W. conversation regarding Axl
Rose.  That was debating the issue, not richard dunning Beth for liking
him, but wondering what it was that attracted her (and therefore possibly
others).  But others that weren't initially involved took umbrage and
started the flames a flying.  It went from being about the issue to being
about personalities and that's when things get fucked up.

Before anymore flames are written on anyside involving my recent
misunderstandings, I need to redeclare something.

I have an incredibly *dry* sense of humor.  Dry as desert dust.  People
spend a lot of time laughing when I get started in real life, cause I'm a
funny girl.  Yeah, I know.  Looks ain't everything.  But seriously, I do
write with a dry humor/black humor edge and some people don't understand
that it is "humor".  But it is.  When I was released from the psych
hospital the first time, I clutched my release form and declared "I'm a
Certified Space Cadet and I have the papers to prove it!"  I was rewarded
with groans and chuckles from the various patients, nurses and doctors.
When I left the hospital after giving birth, I wore a t-shirt that said
"support your local cow".  I had more jokes about suicide than you could
count, and relished sharing them with other suicides, cause they knew it
was funny.  Should my ex pass away while I'm still a community member in
Toriville, I will probably deal with it in the form of black
humor/tasteless jokes.  Some may get offended, but those that know me know
I mean no harm, it's just my way of coping.  So please, if you think I am
personally attacking someone, you can probably be sure that it is being
done as a joke, a tease.  If you are offended, don't spend an hour
screaming at the list about it.  A few sentances to me personally will get
you results, in the form of apology or indentured servatism (depending how
badly I've offended). ;)<<this is a winking smiley.  this indicates that I
am joking.  But even without said "Winky" (what a *perverted* term!!!), you
can be pretty sure that I'm trying to be funny and just missing my mark.

OK, I'm gonna copycat Simon(e) and make a list.  Take it or leave it.

If you have a gripe, be specific about the nature of the offence personally
to the offender.  If you don't get satisfation out of it, then flame the list.

Try to keep personalities and other "personals" out of debates.  Deal
strickly with the issues (ie: dun the cigar, not Monica) <insert mr. winky
here>  (why do I see all the guys unzipping their pants then looking
confused?) ;)
Always, Always Assume that I am joking if I sound as if I'm being personal.
 If it's a bad joke, let me know.  wait.  most all my jokes are bad.  hmm.
Well, just don't take offence until you've asked me about it (and taken my
mark on the servant contract).  If I ever, ever get personal, I'll let you
all know that I'm really fucking serious about it.

End of list.

I'd like to end with a shout out:  Ventrue!!!  yummy, yummy Ventrue!!!
Guys, this dude is an invaluble member of Toriville.  He not only was one
of the "infamous" EwF in the Philly article, but he also was filmed and
shown on Tori.com after one of the plugged shows, giving praise to our
"goddess" *nod to simon(e)*.  He's my favorite and I'm so happy that he's
back.  He's my sweet gentleboy, sitting by the pond where the Merman lives
(see Toriville Express essay).  Russ luv, I'm so glad you are here and am
awaiting anxiously for some of your poetry and wise insights.  :)

And for anyone who's been reading that article, Dougie, my cyberson, is the
other person mentioned, but not given a name.

Peace People.  Let's call an arms truce and start to destroy our individual
stockpiles.  Let the rest of the world blow itself up while we sit safe
here, debating the finer aspects of Red wine and Venus.
Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
 it's the Fairies Revenge they say
 and I have always been a Fairy
*~**Fairy Blessings**~*
~really deep thoughts and stories~
updated at least monthly



Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:19:27 -0400
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Unidentified subject!

john wrote:
Steve Poltz opened and we loved him.

Funny story.  I got the jewel import cd and on there is a song sung by her
and Steve Poltz cause they are good friends.  Well one day I had a tape of
it in my car and I was listeneding to it on the way to school.  When I got
into the newspaper office, a Steve Poltz cd was sitting on my desk.  Turns
out, we get cds from record campanies to review them for our paper, and
that was the one we got that month!  It was creepy ;)

he also  wrote:
She said something about how she'd never get drunk in public or around boys
because they'd just want to take advantage of her.  And she'd learned that
lesson already.

Now thats really cool that this girl is really liberal and cool with you
guys being gay, but why the hell has she been drunk at the age of 13?  I
fhse just turned 14, then she was drinking when she was 13!!!  Good gravy!
Thats a little young.
jason wrote:
ok, so you
use the last of the ice cubes in the tray.  what do you do?  refill it with
water and put it back in the freezer right?  not my rat bastard brother!

I ALWAYS refill the ice tray. ALWAYS.  Honest.  honestly, don't you believe
me?  Please believe me?  Ok, so I'm just as lazy and as big of a
"ratbastard" (great word btw) as your brother.  I just--I hate refilling
the ice tray!  I don't know why!  I do more now than when I was younger ( I
refill it more) but for some reason...I don't know ;)




Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 12:59:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rynn Fox <rynnfox@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Cc: rynnfox@yahoo.com
Subject: I am a hot latin woman!!! WOOHOO!!!

Jorge babbled illustriously:
speaking of hot latin women, here's a major shout-out to RYYYYYNNN
GRRRRRRRRRRRL, who would have been the biggest Episode One hype machine
on this list if she was around a bit more.

Are you IMPLYING that I do mot converse with the list enough to suit
you palatable tastes dear ole boy! Well all I've to say in

well... as for nes on the Star WArs band wagon:

Luke Skywalker finally got him some hot sex in the form of his new wife
Mara Jade. (this happens in the movies AFTER Return of the Jedi so if
you ran to get ROTJ: the special edition thinking that "EEK!! I missed
the fucking scene, "you ain't gonna find it there!)

uh... in Episode 2, Queen Amidala goes from being the VIRGIN Queen
Amidala to plain ole Queen Amidala...

and Rynn still wants to boink Obi Wan Kenobi....

ummm... I've a picture of Obi Wan in a dress with makeup and..huh...
I've found a site with Qui gon jinn and Obi Wan gay fiction on it...
it's quite luverly actually...

oh and btw to all the newbies who don't know me...
I'm Rynn... sounds like win but with an R- Rin...
I'm 18... female... straight...Wiccan *but don't tell my family that!!
egaDS!* full time college student... does freelance journalism...

Doug Smeath~ hello! YOu got to see ANi!!! eek!! I'm muy muy Jealous!!!!

arty turner mentioned that I had ticketbastard woes..

hunny that ain't the half of it!
>so without letting you know... they cancelled your >tickets and sold
>them to
>someone else because someone told them the card was >stolen?
damn>that's>complete bullshit! did they even try to get you any >decent

yeah but they couldn't cause the "tix were on hold!"  WHATEVER!! EAT
ME!!!!  I want to get rich enough to buy ticketmaster, dismantle it,
and eat it forbreakfast with toast and jam...believe me I can do it...
since I'm goddamned pissed EnouGH!

I heard that VENTRUE was back! Is that true?  or are you an imposter
dear sir for if you are I will run you through with my lightsaber and
think less of it that usual! *insert evil grin and cackle here* ooo!
but I'm just teasin' a wee bit lads n lassies so don't get your panties
into a tiff too tight alright?

Me gotsta go!! buh bye!!!


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Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 16:07:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: sbrookha@sprynet.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: etienne


	So there is a very long story that goes with the fact that I was
in a music book for bagpipes. A very long, boring, story so I won't go into
it..I'll just get to the Tori part. So, I'm looking in this bagpipe book
and one
of the songs is called the Skye Boat Song. And I think to myself, "Boy that
sounds familiar." Then it hits me..it's the title of the third "part" of
etienne! So, I whip out my Y Kant Tori Read tape and fast forward to
Etienne and
play the very end with the bagpipes and it followed right along with the
So, if any of you were wondering about the title...it's actually a Scottish
bagpipe song!
	Ok, so that didn't sound as exciting when I wrote it down, but I think
it's kinda neat when I'm reminded of Tori by something that shouldn't have
anything to do with her.

I'm outtie



Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 13:48:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Venezia Michalsen <veneziahm@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: David Duchovny, I love you, Why don't you love me too?

Hey all... I've been meaning to post for a while, but I have no idea what

Someone said:
>>Which is my way of politely saying that any therapists are simply full
>>of shit.  I've found this to be especially true of therapists for
>>adolescents, and good god what a bad time in life for that precedent to
>>be set.  If I have children who need therapy, we will cross that bridge
>>together, and will be very careful about who gets the call.

and Jorge responded:
>hey man....and if you feel you're a good and strong enough dad to be able
>to handle it on your own, then the more power to you.  unfortunately,
>you're going to be in a sizeable minority.

I'm with Jorge on this one 100%  Shit man, I all but owe my life to my
therapist.  And I'll tell you, if I had had the option of a therapist when
I was 16 years old... well, I don't know.  I needed it.  I'm not about to
speculate on those things which would have been different if this and if
that.  However, I grew up in a home where I am the only one without a
psychiatric diagnosis, so reality testing was impossible.  With that, I
ended up thinking a lot of things I did were normal or, more accurately,
that a lot of things people did *to me* were normal, and the rest of my
family was too narcissistic (for the most part, rightfully) to recognize
that something was going wrong in my life that wasn't just adolescent
angst.  And a lot of the problems that kids have stem from parents who are
unable or unwilling to spend time with them, listening to them.  A
therapist (and I'm talking about someone who will *listen* and *talk* to
the client, not someone who will diagnose and hand out medication) is
there specifically to spend time with the kid.  I just don't see how it
could harm.  Hell, if anything it will simply be time when the kid isn't
rotting in front of Power Rangers or Doom (no offense to fans).

>shout out as well to Venezia, who seems like a truly cool girl.

*blush* - gracias.

the MQ said:
>has anyone heard some strange song by some band and the chorus goes "new
>kids on the block had a lotta hits, chinese food makes me sick... i like
>girls who wear abercrombie and fitch...." can somebody tell me what the
>flying f*ck that song is? it is the most random piece of crap song i've
>ever heard! its blleeeeccchhhhh! its so stupid!

and I couldn't have said it better myself.  I just heard that song on the
radio yesterday (waiting, in fact, for the David Duchovny song) and those
were my sentiments exactly.  Speaking of DD, has anyone heard anything
about the song?  My sister said that some chick taped herself singing a
song a capella that went something like, "David Duchovny, I love you; Why
won't you love me too; Sunday night's our time alone..." something or
another, sent it to Chris Carter, who in turn sent it to some record
company who put background to it and released it.  I'd listen to Z100 for
it more, but it may kill me.  And besides, I've been in the weirdest
'Hotel' mood lately.  Actually, now that I think about it, the lyrics to
Nookie are pretty stupid too...

Doug asked:
>And this is the most important question yet.  Where is a good place to
get >Ani bootlegs.  Like the Tori concert in Salt Lake, I MUST get this

If you're in NYC, the best place I've found for bootlegs is Bleeker St.
records (it's a very cool neighborhood anyway) - it's a must for *any*
music fan, besides the fact that they have a phenomenal Tori section.

The Tangerine Girl said:
>the term "mundane" came from the Xanth series of books, as far as I know.

AAAHHHH!!!  A fellow Piers Anthony fan!!  Lovin' it, baybee.  I read
anything he wrote voraciously for years.  I avoid them now because I know
it would happen again if I were to pick one up, and i don't have time for

Cooper said:
>I shall send you down in flames with your own words. That goes for anyone
>else that wants to try me.

Does that go for those who agree with you?  :)  I'm with you, man.  Nicely

GirlyDays was talking about NIN and Starfucker, Inc. (once it has been
edited - the DJ said *37* edits!) is going to be on K-Rock in NYC in 9
minutes... don't think you'll get it in time, but.... (the DJ said it
stands somewhere between Downward Spiral (not as chaotic) and Pretty Hate
Machine (not as poppy))

to Steve the Sweet Fat Man:
my AC blew a fuse a few days ago, and I hadn't saved the info you gave me
about a better hole/clove list than violet-hole, so long story short,
thank you, and would you send me the info again?  Thanks so much.

OK, I'm off to read about the collapse of the wave function and undead
cats...  more later.


Venezia Michalsen
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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 07:33:09 +1000
From: "Lavenda" <earth@aljan.com.au>
To: "From The Arty Turner Hotel" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Can't stop what's coming, can't stop what is already on it's way

Wow Coops, I didn't see your post to Bethey coming... (now see that goes
right against staying out of little messes that I think have jsut been a bit
misunderstood and taken over the top). I thought it was going to be about
Floyd... this doesn't mean I think people should just shut put if they've
got a gripe... just surprised the way this one came out. hmmm...

Ok, to get on the nursing (breast-feeding) topic, even though I've got no
experience with that yet, even if you will be unable to nurse your kid due
to work commitments etc, you could still pump and get your milk to bubs
through bottles.

Coops later typed:
>Who's stupid? I was referring to the movie with a genetic purity theme
>called Gattaca, with Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman. I do know the difference
>between that and Battlestar Galactica, thank you.

And silly, I was being sarcastic 'coz I knew you'd got it wrong (admittedly
I thought you'd done it on purpose, and thought Gattaca was a strange
choice). Hmmm... still haven't seen that, and it's got Etahn Hawke in it...

>What's this with Raguletto anyway?

Well we mentioned jsut about every other pasta sauce, didn't want it to fell
left out.

32 and a bit weeks down... I'm really starting to want to get things done
around the house. But, my nesting really is jsut for the nursery, the rest
of the house can get stuffed :) Fingers crossed we'll get a 6 foot
bookshelf-toybox combo thingy today then we can start painting them (Mr
Jones nearly blew me over when he suggested LAVENDER! :) then I can finally
put away all the stuff we have and make up the cot and sort out what we
still need. And pack my bag :) Thinking I may need to get some new clothes
too... starting to grow out of stuff I was hoping would fit through entire

Oh, I went to a craft show on the weekend, and there was a stall that made
footy gear (adn Aussie rules stuff to boot, and I'm in rugby league country)
and I got a little tracksuit for bubs next winter (the Essendon Bombers
yay!) Damn it's cute. Anyway, it's tiem for breakfast...


~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

Who could ever say you're not simply wonderful
 - 'Merman', Tori Amos

~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~
<A HREF ="http://homepages.go.com/~lavenda1.html">Lavenda1's Homepage</A>
.html">A Winter Girl's Tori Amos page</A>



Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 15:16:12 PDT
From: "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: significant other...a must have!

Hey all...I picked up the new LB cd and it is soooo good!!! It's twice as
good as the first one. And Fred's message to his fans in the cd booklet is
awesome too; Just thought I'd let you all know how good the new cd is, and
that it is a must have for anyone who remotely liked the first cd or isn't
tired of faith or nookie yet :) This new cd is a lot more deep lyrically,
and the music is better too; "Re-arranged", "Don't go off wandering" and
"trust?" are my favorite tracks. Check it out. Take care everyone *hugs,
kisses and tori wishes*

  Abigail Monaghan

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown." Limp Bizkit, Re-arranged

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Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 23:25:58 CDT
From: "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Deliciously so.

Brian wrote:

>Something tells me in digest 744 that the little wonder Sarah knows >her
>Liz Phair, in particular Exile in Guyville. thanks for sharing a >line of
>"Flower" with us.

Hey--sometimes, you just feel a little saucy and you have to act it out.  Or
is it just me?



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it comes every year."  -- S-K

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