RDT Right Now #773

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 00:53:46 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #773
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;

    Do not hit reply to unsubscribe.  To unsub, send a message to
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #773

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  this calls for a celebration          [ riley <darcy@bluemarble.net> ]
  erm, sorry.                           [ riley <darcy@bluemarble.net> ]
  Last Chance For RSwirl Shirts!        [ RSwirlShrt@aol.com ]
  Giggling girls                        [ "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.co ]
  uh oh someone said "MP3" ;o)          [ "Wake UpNeo" <wkeupneo@hotmail.com> ]
  the cosmos wis gonna git you          [ howlingzoe@uswest.net ]
  a great website                       [ "Wake UpNeo" <wkeupneo@hotmail.com> ]
  flame throwing bazookas               [ Venezia Michalsen <veneziahm@yahoo. ]
  Flying high for over 50 years         [ "Lora of the Hill People" <shmopkin ]
  rub til it bleeds                     [ "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefoos ]
  just a lot of blabbering...           [ "Mireya Ingham" <reyabear@hotmail.c ]
  Grandparents                          [ Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  Jim...                                [ Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  An epiphany re communication          [ Richard Handal <handal@min.net> ]
  there's nothing i'd like better than  [ "Jacqueline Starr" <sullen_girl@hot ]
  she breaks my siren                   [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  first time posting                    [ Angelique Callais <redangel14@yahoo ]
  Tori on VH1 Top 100 Women of Rock     [ "Wake UpNeo" <wkeupneo@hotmail.com> ]
  JFKjr                                 [ "Tirza de Fockert" <tde_fockert@hot ]
  no, i'm not dead                      [ Jorge Fernandez <jorge518@bellsouth ]
  Liane...*hugs*                        [ "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmai ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 10:56:25 -0500 (EST)
From: riley <darcy@bluemarble.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: this calls for a celebration

hurray! it's simons birthday!

i hope you have a most wonderful day, dear.


__________                                           __________
.... where are the velvets when you're coming down? - t.a. ....
            ^^  http://www.bluemarble.net/~darcy/riley2.html ^^
      .. you make me want to eat chocolate ..
                  ani: http://www.bluemarble.net/~cory/ani.html
                          you took my joy, i want it back. l.w.
_________         i believe in peace, bitch         __________



Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 10:57:57 -0500 (EST)
From: riley <darcy@bluemarble.net>
To: rdtrn <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: erm, sorry.

well--that was a stupid thing to do. sorry everyone.

while i'm writing i should at least say hello.

i'm quite a lurker and i'm 25 digests behind but i still love you guys.

sorry for the extra messages. :]


__________                                           __________
.... where are the velvets when you're coming down? - t.a. ....
            ^^  http://www.bluemarble.net/~darcy/riley2.html ^^
      .. you make me want to eat chocolate ..
                  ani: http://www.bluemarble.net/~cory/ani.html
                          you took my joy, i want it back. l.w.
_________         i believe in peace, bitch         __________



Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 12:38:12 EDT
From: RSwirlShrt@aol.com
To: aftertherain@onelist.com, bells-for-her@onelist.com,
        blood-roses@onelist.com, bloodroses@onelist.com, choirgirl@onelist.com,
        dewdropinn@onelist.com, earswithfeet@onelist.com,
        EastCoastTori@onelist.com, faerydust@onelist.com,
        faeryprincesses@onelist.com, hereinmyhead@onelist.com,
        kick-ass-girls@onelist.com, littletoriquakes@onelist.com,
        ms_giggles2@onelist.com, MusicLove@onelist.com, my-syren@onelist.com,
        shocksane@onelist.com, ToriAmos@onelist.com, torimusique@onelist.com,
        toripicsandstuff@onelist.com, Toristuff@onelist.com,
        Tori-Amos@onelist.com, pandorasaquarium@egroups.com, Starlete@aol.com,
        toriandmore@egroups.com, torinews@smoe.org, precious-things@smoe.org,
Subject: Last Chance For RSwirl Shirts!

All right- I know some of you moderaters may be tired of this mail- but here
goes again... ok I'm selling Raspberry Swirl shirts- they are really neat and
have raspberry swirl written over a raspberry colored swirly tie-dye
design... 2 dollars from each shirt benifits RAINN, and if any of you were
debating or delaying an order- DELAY NO MORE- I will not be selling any more
shirts after August 15 because I am leaving for school on August 21... PLEASE

Adam (Warrior Saturn)  ^_^



Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 12:36:21 CDT
From: "Little Wonder" <g1immer@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Giggling girls


Last night I went to see 'Run Lola Run' with my friends and the boy last


I'm urging you...go see this movie if you can.  It was one of the most
super-raddest movies I've seen in a long time.  (It looks like this'll be a
good week since I get to see the Blair Witch Project comes out Friday!!)
For those who don't know a thing about it, it's a German film (subtitles!)
about a girl, Lola, who has to save her boyfriend by getting 100,000 marcs
to him (across town) in 20 minutes...or he's going to rob a grocery store to
get the money he needs.  It's divided into three segments showing three
different alternatives that could happen and it's just mind-blowing.

The movie left me dizzy, thinking hard, and full of energy.  I left the
theater just...amazed.  So go see this movie...

Weird.  I wrote my last post a loonnng time ago..about a week, and it first
showed up today or yesterday...everyone elses' posts were from the 25th or
so...I was about to give up hope on that thing.

Hey--now that tickets are actually going on sale in real life...
Is *anyone* going to the Milwaukee show?  Cuz so far I'm the only one who's
said anything definite on the list...LET ME KNOW!

Hehe...and I'm finally paying my parents back today.

You know, the Miami Real World was the worst.  They were so boring...and
angry at each other.  Grrr...

Is anyone else going to the University of Wisconsin--Madison next year??


"There's nothing like looking at your own
history in the faces of your friends."--a.d.

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Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 19:24:52 GMT
From: "Wake UpNeo" <wkeupneo@hotmail.com>
To: dalsh327@hotmail.com, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: uh oh someone said "MP3"  ;o)

Someone from the mailbox of Dalsh327 wrote:

"  I still wish that the B sides were released... she should do a box set,
though, and make Tori Stories and other boots obsolete. Maybe the MP3 thing
will let her release all her shows live, which I think would be great. Can
you imagine having access to every show she's done, and picking the songs if
you want?? I think that the record companies need to look at this
positively, this can get reduce the bootlegging going on. I still think that
Arthur Spivak and Tori should agree to let people tape the shows. "

Heehee.  Well, just found this interesting.  It's certainly a nice dream...
and all progress begins with a vision, no ?

Again, i dunno *how* this would happen; and i don't think *I* ever said it
would through MP3s.  It was more like legal taping and then selling at shows
and thru the 'net (and the artist profits, not bootleggers).  But, reading
this i just had another little 'vision' (not in a mystical sense; just in
the 'bing' a light bulb went on and i 'saw' something sense).

What if in the future there were lil vending machines (where ? who knows ?)
where you could make up your own cd from songs of your choice ?  I know
there are machines in movie theater lobbies where people can buy the
soundtrack they just heard in the movie they just saw-- and those are
selling out sooo fast of their stock alla time.  (product, not like Wall
Street stock).  ANYWAY, just an idea.  I betcha some day it will happen.  A
person will punch in, like with a jukebox, what songs they want, put in a
credit or debit card, and the machine'll spit out a freshly minted cd.  I
dunno.  I'm just dreaming here folks !  I'd love it if the techie types out
there might say ways it *could* be done, instead of ways it couldn't... heck
we might even get rich together.  ;o)

The Morningstar Frozen Soy Corn Dogs are Hella Good;  :oD


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Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 13:02:03 -0700
From: howlingzoe@uswest.net
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: the cosmos wis gonna git you

so somehow, this world's cosmos has corrected itself.  As I said before,
my parents house burned to the ground on Sunday.  So the past two days
have been full of gettinng stuff done...today we go over to pull out the
final remainders..... but here is what occured to me jsut this morning.

When I was packing up the ex's stuff, we put it all into the back of my
father's car since I didn't want or have room for it here.   My father's
car was in the garage.   Attached to the house.  Follow this to its
natural conclusion.  His stuff, is GONE.  He took it pretty well
actually.  And while I would never have done it on purpose and could
ahve done nothing to prevent it.... I figure its the gods telling him
something.  If only I had packed up his guitar and amp with everything

Alright,  I think I'm done now. (smiling at the clouds, "thank you")



Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 21:15:25 GMT
From: "Wake UpNeo" <wkeupneo@hotmail.com>
To: precious-things@smoe.org, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: a great website


I know I have mentioned this URL before.  But, it was in the middle of a
longish (and miscellaneous topics) post and may have gotten
skimmed/missed/deleted.  This is summer after all, and many people unsub on
vacation etc.etc.

Someone posted to one of the lists, about all the support she has gotten
from the people in the digests.  Well, I thought, there are probably more
people out there who might not post it, but feel that way too.  So, for
them, and for anyone who is looking online for support/resources/info, here
is my pick:

It's a website pertaining to Andrew Vachss.  Author, but first and foremost,
youth attorney and advocate.  And (my) all time hero.  I have this picture
in my mind of him, (can't help it), wielding a fiery sword.  Suit of armor.
It isn't shiny; he's seen too many battles for that.  And the sword isn't
heavy; not for him.  And he's there for the duration.

The site has a wealth of articles that are inspiring/strengthening.  (He
often signs his books with: "Keep your Strength").  Vachss has lots of
wisdom.  Not to mention practical experience.  He's very savvy, and tells it
'like it is'.  He's no guru; he's at 'ground zero' of helping abused youth
(and those who once were).  Be advised, though, some of the things talked
about in some of the articles may 'trigger' emotions related to your own
experiences.  But I think you will be the best judge of that.  Take it at
your own pace, but, it's a *great* survivor site.  (And again, he prefers
the word 'transcender'.  Neat, huh ?)

Check out the message board there.  It's got so many topics, and you can
post and be supported there on just about anything you need.

Don't take my word for all this.  Look for yourself !  :o)

The URL is:


If anyone would like to email me personally about this, any questions or
comments, feel free.

And I've been to some of his book signings and a lecture of his, (really a Q
and A session) and he is every bit as sincere and real as one would hope.
(Not that there was any question !)



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Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 18:37:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Venezia Michalsen <veneziahm@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: flame throwing bazookas

hi all...

Bethey said:
> *Venezia* surfaced *hello venezia!  new here?  cool name. :)*

welll....  not really.  i post every once in a while, but my RDT claim to
fame is that i get to have lengthy behind the scenes conversations with
some of the coolest people on the list...  (with one particular favorite -
*kiss* - i am officially the luckiest RDT'r)(the rest of them are
puking... hee)

>> have you ever known anyone who has been the victim of statutory rape?

> Wow.  Pretty cool bazooka ya got there.  I didn't know they shot flames.
> hmm.;)

gracias... honestly, it's the simplest and strongest argument that exists.
 i haven't done any research in the area, so i don't know enough to teach
on the subject, but i know there's research out there.  anyone want to
take up the homework assignment?

Ok, i have to finish this damned webpage before this meeting tomorrow.
wish i were will smith right now.  hmph.


Venezia Michalsen
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Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 23:14:23 CDT
From: "Lora of the Hill People" <shmopkins@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Flying high for over 50 years

Hey all.

I don't know if you noticed but I spelled whoop wrong in my last post. I put
it as "whop". Now you all know my big secret. I'm an idiot.

>Elisha  <~~~~ buying myself a bike to race.

Is that like that Queen song "Bicycle Race"?

Speaking of 70's songs, I just saw Dazed and Confused. That is one funny
movie. Ah, the 70's. The days of disco, kick ass rock, drugs for all, and
KISS! I was obviously born in the wrong decade :)

Jorge, you are the envy of every lily ass white person I know. Particuarly
me. Now I'm peeling. Eeeeeeeeewwwwww.

And Lavs, I didn't get a chance to ask my sunscreen why it didn't like me. I
threw it out the minute I found out it was worthless. Lavs, your due date is
right by my sister-in-law's due date. Hers is September 12. Speaking of, I
gotta get her a baby shower gift. Ideas anyone?

>And Finally....I learned Evaporated by Ben Folds Five on the piano
>yesterday...it is SO SO pretty! I just adore that song

That is one of my favs on Whatever and Ever Amen. That's the only Ben Folds
Five album I own. I was thinking about getting the new one but I haven't
heard too many good things about it. Haven't heard too much of anything
about it.

This was intended a while ago but I didn't send it because I thought it was
stupid. Then I talked myself into sending when I read everyone's replies but
I talked myself out of it. Now I'm gonna send it and that's it.

About the statutory rape thing. I'm gonna have to side with Venezia on this
one. Statutory rape can really fuck a person up. Rape is hard enough to deal
with but when your only like 12 years old it's hell. Your still trying to
find out who you are and coming to terms with your sexuality. You feel very
manipulated. It's a MAJOR detour on the road to healthy living.

The law was intended to protect children (at a loss for a better word here)
from making adult decisions. Basically from getting in way over their heads.
When you're that young and still figuring things out, any sick bastard can
come along and really work that to his/her advantage.
It's a very confusing time. On one hand you knew it was wrong. (Maybe not
all the time. There are exceptions to the rule.) On the other hand you
agreed to it. And afterwards you pretty much lose all trust in yourself and
in your ability to make competent decisions.

I said it. I still think it sounds dumb but I thought it should be said. No
I'm gonna shut up. (As everyone screams, "Thank god!")

otherwise known as the supreme space cadet,

"I want to ride my bicycle!"

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Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 00:59:00 CDT
From: "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefooska@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: rub til it bleeds

valerie asked:
>hmm you live in mexico? juan have you heard of Plastilina Mosh?  (just had
>to ask :)

Yeah I live in Mexico and I have heard and seen Plastilina Mosh many times
but (I hope this does not upset you) they really suck live (at least they
did 3 times that I saw them) I mean, their cd is pretty cool, but live...
there are far far better things here in Mexico I do not even know why they
got so big (but seeing that Ricky Martin is so big there I have lost all
faith in the world ever knowing what real latin music is). however, I really
hope they have gotten better now and you will like them when you see them
live. (PS. Radiohead is so cool!!! I wish I had the sheet-music for Karma
Police...I love that piano)

Abigail Monaghan said:
>So I'm having major problems with coming up with an origonal song of my
>I have enough lyrics for two full length albums, but the music part of it
>so hard. It's so frustrating...>

yeah I know what you mean, though I have written a lot of music in the piano
and I have written "lyrics" for 15 full length albums... I just cannot get
the two together... it is SO hard... I think what I really need is to
improve my voice and then use it to connect my words to my piano but I have
never taken singing lessons... you bet it is frustrating.

I am heavily into PJ Harvey "Rid of Me" by now... I have heard it with BIG
headphones for hours...days... it gave me just the mood I was in, just what
I needed to get balance... to feel...

there are so many things to say... if I could I would probably reply to
every message but DONT WORRY I will not... besides, it is late and I must
get my sleep or I will get into that crazy lazy tired spell...

neo cheefooska juan

PS. I ate a roll at the Sushi place yesterday called Matrix Maki :)

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Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 23:37:47 PDT
From: "Mireya Ingham" <reyabear@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: just a lot of blabbering...

yeah so i didn't know JFK Jr., but i admired him, and his beautiful, classy
wife. that's all i have to say about that. :P

so...i'm making a tori tape for my boyfriend...don't know if he'll like it
or not, considering he's the ex-raver, let's listen to techno or bob marley
type of guy. not that i have anything against ANY of that...but he just
doesn't *get* tori. although he doesn't seem to mind when i put on iieee and
do a lil' pre sex dance...oops. does that comment make me a pervert??? ;)
please say it's so!!

so i've been busy lately...38-50 hours a week waitressing will do that to
you.  but i have to say i *love* my job...because of the people that are
patient and understand what it's like to serve people, and give you that
"yes i understand even though my food is taking forever, but hey, it's not
your fault" smile. like, this guy came in on sunday, and i put in his order
on the computer, but as luck would have it, the ticket didn't go through,
and it was almost a half hour before i realized it.  so i went back there,
told the cooks to make it, came out, told him what happened, and he just
smiled and said, that's alright...but could i maybe have my toast ahead of
time? i have to take some meds." i brought him his real meal about 5 minutes
later, and he was quite gracious about it. just made my day. :)

so the best kind of sex?? i don't know who said it, but YAY for whoever
voted for make up sex...that passion that is unearthed by fighting and
everything...just uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. goodness...that and sex while i'm
stoned...lasts forever and i dont' know...i'm not drug crazed, but it kinda
adds something. but i don't do it stoned often...just sometimes.
ohhhhhhhh...it makes me cream just thinkin' bout it. oops...another
perverted thought. my bad.

oh so about that fanatic?? well, guess who's school she goes to?? oh yeah,
that's right. mine. i don't know her...but yes, she's a fellow banana
slug...and i thought she was cool.

anyway, gotta get to reading or something.......i rented my fave movie
tonight too..pulp fiction. gotta love it. i think i'm done here....love to
becky, simon, lavs, jason....glitter to all.

love and support,

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Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 04:06:55 -0400
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Grandparents


I am so terribly sorry.  I understand how you feel about your grandparents.
 I was just at my grandparents house today and I love them so deerly, but
everytime I see them, I am so sad that it MAY be the last time i ever see
them.  My grandfather had a heart transplant about 10 years ago and
although he is healthy, the longest anyone has ever lived after a
transplant is about 13 years.  But as I said, I am sorry.

I guess the only thing that can comfort anyone about that is that I'm sure
your grandfather lived a full and happy life.  Thats how I look at things
with my garndparents.  When (and I hope to goodness it isnt soon) they both
die, I will be happy knowing they have lived a full happy life.  Not to say
I wouldn't miss them, but they are happy.  And that is all anyone can
really ask out of life.

Goodness, now I'm sitting here crying like a baby.  Liana, if you need
anything, let us know hon.




Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 04:11:39 -0400
From: Becky Wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Jim...

Good Grief!

I am happy you are ok dear Jim.




Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 04:45:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Richard Handal <handal@min.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org (RDT Right Now)
Subject: An epiphany re communication

This comment from Keith was enlightening to me:

> Erika, the girl who's been tearing Richard HG Handal a new one for
> the past few digests...

I think I *must* be living in some other dimension. I never felt that
anything Erika said in response to me was anything like the way Keith
characterized it. Maybe I'm behind the times and I need to "get with
the program" and become horribly offended when people disagree with
things I've said or ask me for further explanation, but the idea of
that is entirely foreign to me.

Here I am thinking from time to time that I've been engaging someone in
conversation (to me, the most obvious reason anyone would be on one of
these mailing lists), and now I get the idea that there really *is* a
pervasive attitude among a lot of folks which equates strong discourse
and the questioning of another person's meanings with personal

I think that stinks. How are we to learn one another's ideas and
opinions if we can't believe that others might understand we aren't
flaming them when we try to engage them in conversation? Surely,
conversation itself must be doomed. If recent events here are any
indication, conversation has been, for the most part, left by the
wayside, having been replaced by, as Deborah Tannen has called it in
her book with the same name, The Argument Culture. What an enormous
loss this is. (One place to find background on the concept of professor
Tannen's book is here: http://www.jaws.org/fallcamp98/tannen.html.)

I'd like to think Keith's view is not shared by many others, but I get
the distinct sense that it is.

How sad. I'd like to know where *I* was while this type of culture was
taking hold. In that other dimension, apparently. I guess that's how I
also missed the onset of the widespread acceptance of the notion that
it's perfectly reasonable to judge another's life, ambitions or
actions, simply from having read what amounts to the tiniest bit of
information about them which they may have posted. I find all of this
to be sheer idiotic, small-minded, self-absorbed lunacy.

Be seeing you,

Richard Handal, H.G.



Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 00:03:09 PDT
From: "Jacqueline Starr" <sullen_girl@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: there's nothing i'd like better than to fall

hiya everyone...

just a couple of quick comments here.

to liane:

very sorry to hear about your grandfather.  my condolences to you and yours!

to becky wall and those who took the Keirsey test:

in my original post, i was talking about the Kiersey Temperment Sorter.  it
looks like some people took the OTHER test there (uhm...ther kiersey
character test or something....i forget) based upon how some of you are
talking about your results.

i just wanted to clear that up.  the test that gives you ONE main result is
the Kiersey Temperment Sorter @

did that actually clear anything up?



i'm quite glad i didn't post last night as i intended because then i would
have felt damned stupid.

i went on an interview yesterday afternoon at a fairly well-known computer
computer company.  it was a very entry level position with not much room for
climbing the corporate ladder but @ $12.10/hr i was happy.  the interview
went VERY well and the woman told me i started training next week and she
showed me which cubicle would be mine.  she gave me EVERY indication that i
had the job.

well, this morning @ 9:30 she called me and said they changed their minds.
she wouldn't give me a reason.

and that is the end of the story.


this from a girl who's had $29 in her checking account for literally 2
months because she knows she can't get money anywhere else and she wants to
savor those last $29.

i could understand if they had me train and THEN decided not to hire me if i
sucked but damn...from what i saw there were people a LOT younger (and
older), a lot better dressed (and worse dressed), a lot thinner (and
heavier), a lot erm--different nationalitied (and the same), so on and so

i am TOTALLY qualified for this job^^ (based upon the fact that i saw about
30 people who looked around 16-18 i'm guessing a HS education isn't even
mandatory for it) and i'm so annoyed/aggravated/insulted/
pissed/sad/hurt....that i didn't get this thing after they said i had it.

*shakes her head*

sorry guys.  i didn't mean to go off there.

i just--

i guess i thought things were finally gonna change and now, even though
they've not gotten any worse, it's hard not to feel like they have.

blah.  okay.

hey lavs:

my bday is on Sept 17th.  hold that kid in there until then, eh?  ;)

but of course...don't hold on too long because then you'll end up with a

*wrinkles her nose*


a while ago someone mentioned how they were about to meet their online
relationship irl for the first time.

i had always TOTALLY been against this sort of thing.  i've been chatting
online for a while but i would never "let" myself get to that point because
well--i never saw the point.  but of course, now it's happened to me.  i've
been talking to Jeff since Nov.  he lives about 15 mins north of Atlanta and
i'm 15 mins north of Boston.  our plans to meet one another started out
almost as a joke back when we had nearly just met.  the plan was to meet in
Oct so i'd be old enough to get into a bar and play trivia.  (long
story...but i met him on IRC in #trivia)  now it's really happening and i'm
going to be going down there on either the 21st or 28th.

how in GOD'S name do i explain this to my mother?

okay--i will be 21 years old but i have never even gone on a road trip 3
hours away...nevermind a flight 1000 miles away.  hell--i never thought i'd
drive 15 mins to meet someone i met online.

my friend barbara suggests i just tell her i'm going to her house for a few
nights (which i DO do quite often) but i feel a bit odd about doing that and
then getting on a plane.  i've lied to her about my whereabouts before but
those are like the ones in college: "oh yeah...i'm going to the library to
study-not to the party @ 108 highland."  heh


okay...i'll shut up now.

nighty-night.                              -jackie

^^for the record:  i DO know how to
  type with capitals and punctuation!!

"The darker it is around me, the easier it is to see inside." -ad

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Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 08:57:02 -0700
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: she breaks my siren

Jim Mathers wrote:
> The fire truck suddenly came across the intersection in front of me and
> within the two seconds I could not react fast enough and hit the fire truck
> at 40 miles per hour.  The impact cracked my engine block, destroyed the
> front of the car.  The next thing I know is that I am stopped against a
> guardrail, the engine is on fire, and the firemen are telling be to get out
> of the car.

Jim, I read your account of your accident in horror. I hate being in car
accidents (I've been in 3, 2 of which I was driving, none of which were my
fault). I know it must have been really scary!

But on the other hand, I'm wondering: why didn't you pull over when the
policeman signalled, and why didn't you hear the fire truck's siren if it
was that close? I'm not trying to attack you while you're down, but
seriously, I have to wonder.


"And he gave her flowers in a lightning storm. They disappeared at night in
green fields of silver corn. And sometime in July she just forgot that he
was leaving. So when the fields were dying, she held onto his sleeves. She
held onto his sleeves."
(Dar Williams)



Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 10:05:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Angelique Callais <redangel14@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: first time posting

Hello all,
this is my first time posting anything here. After
reading my first RDTRN I was so amazed at how
wonderfully open everyone is. I guess I'll tell you
somethings about myself. I'm 21 and recently was
married in April. My husband is in the airforce and
right now is deployed to the desert, I was feeling
rather lonely when I signed up to this, now I see I
have many people to share my thoughts with. When I was
married I had only known my husbabd for three
months(sounds crazy but he has my heart).
As for Tori I adore her and all her music, she has
carried me through so many hard times. Her music
touches me in ways that can't truly be described. I've
seen her only two times in concert but try to aquire
all her cd's I can. BTW I'm searching for a import
from the UK wich contains a cover of "case of you" if
anyone has it or knows how I can gt my hands on it
please let me know. Hope evryone is doing well. talk
to all of you soon

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Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 17:55:59 GMT
From: "Wake UpNeo" <wkeupneo@hotmail.com>
To: precious-things@smoe.org, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Tori on VH1 Top 100 Women of Rock

This isn't much of a report, but for those who didn't see it at all:

(cos i only saw it by accident !)

Tori was on VH1's Top 100 Women of Rock last night.  At about 10:30 PM, her
segment was on.  It went by so fast that it took me a minute or so to
realize it was something i hadn't seen before.  But, i do remember a clip of
Talula, and Janis Ian saying that Tori did very unusual things with the
piano or something like that, and then a clip of Tori playing Raspberry
Swirl from Storytellers.  I know there was more, but like i said, this is
all i can remember... hopefully they will play it again.  They announce what
number they are up to before the show starts i think, and isn't Tori # 71 ?
So when they are showing, say, numbers 75 to 50 or whatever it is, it's a
good time to tune in.

I really liked that they had other women rockers commenting on, and
complimenting, the featured women.  How supportive !  Yeh !!

On another note... had to mention, E!'s True Hollywood Story is on right
now, and it's about PeeWee Herman/Paul Reubens.  I dunno, i find it funny.
So he was wanking in a XXX movie theater ?  (So what ?)  I am the first to
be against sex offenders and so on.  But, it's not like he was at a showing
of Steel Magnolias or Bambi.  Maybe i'm ignorant (never been in one) but,
isn't that kinda what XXX theaters are *for* ?

Oh well, I'm just glad his show is back on TV now.  I remember when his toys
were pulled from store shelves, and his show taken off the air.  Weird.  And
his 'comeback' appearance at the MTV awards, where his first comment was:
"Heard any good jokes lately ?"  :o)  Ya gotta love 'im.

Scream at the secret word;  :o)


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Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 23:14:31 CEST
From: "Tirza de Fockert" <tde_fockert@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: JFKjr

Just a question (without the purpose of offending anyone) from somybody from
Europe. I can't figure out how an entire country can mourn over the death of
a man whose greatest achievement was being his fathers son. Don't get me
wrong, I thinks it's very tragic three human beings died a horrible death,
but his it healthy that so many people waste their energy on mourning over a
symbol, when most people can't even properly mourn their own personal
losses? I couldn't figure it out during the whole Lady Di- thing and I can't
figure it out now.
I'm not saying I'm any better, hell, I weep over the characters I create and
kill in my own head, but that's just my way of living. Creating another
world (a world in which Toir plays Piazolla, by the way, wouldn't that be
Anyway, that's what I was wondering.

Oh, and John, speaking from experience: The hurting stops, eventually. I
don't know what's better, though, the hurting or the emptiness that follows.


"I have no criteria for sex or race, I just wanna hear your voice, I just
wanna see your face" - Ani Difranco

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Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 21:14:54 -0400
From: Jorge Fernandez <jorge518@bellsouth.net>
To: RDTRN <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: no, i'm not dead

...but i might as well be.

for anyone who's wondering, i am fighting the flu
from hell right now and have been for almost a
week. i barely have energy to work, much less try
to be witty and intelligent in front of you
people. so no posts til i feel better.

i have a shiny new DVD player, though...
and i'm going to NYC in September...if i'm well
enough by then.

ah..to be well and exploring the wonders deep
inside Venice..

"No regrets. They don't work."
	- Robbie Williams

Jorge Fernandez	   jorge518@bellsouth.net



Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 18:02:03 PDT
From: "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Liane...*hugs*

I'm SO sorry to hear about your grandfather *hugs* As you know, I
experienced the same thing with my uncle. But his death has helped me
immensely, in some ways I haven't yet realized. It helped me realize that I
do need to tell people I love them every chance I get-that's very true.
Another thing is, it helped erase all the self-doubt I had inside me. There
was so much longing for love that I needed and emotional support that I
never got. Even though I have a wonderful horse, a good family, and a nice
house, that doesn't replace emotional support and attention. Now I've found
it-(my lovely boyfriend) and I know that the absence of love and emotional
support was the key to my happiness. Now I'm happier than ever with
everything, and I make sure to make a point of saying how great the people
are around me to make sure they know it. Just had to share that with you. I
hope you feel better. I know you will. I'm tired after a long day at the
horse show, but a good one. I had two good classes, and got to hang out with
some really great people. Take care everyone *hugs and tori blessings*


  Abigail Monaghan

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           *** Marching To A Different Kettle Of Fish digest ***

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