RDT Right Now #794

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 01:41:38 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #794
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;

    Do not hit reply to unsubscribe.  To unsub, send a message to
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #794

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Announce: Setlist Summary Page for '  [ Sped Erstad <sped@mailandnews.com> ]
  I gave up on the past                 [ "Kevin Hawkins" <heybrakywacky@hotm ]
  cd5???                                [ "ami" <amik@il.freei.net> ]
  poetry contest, winner will meet Tor  [ violet@torithoughts.org ]
  secrets                               [ "The Wicked Witch of the East" <del ]
  Birth Announcement                    [ Rusen <rusen@nbn.net> ]
  "so pure"                             [ "Natalie Aubele" <jrmint_69@hotmail ]
  The chick with braids.                [ SirenGrrrI@aol.com ]
  tuesday posting                       [ Simon Booth <simon@texas.net> ]
  Where is Tori's Realm of Mp3's web s  [ "Wilson Picket" <du69ke@hotmail.com ]
  bliss of another kind                 [ "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotma ]
  Welcome to Barnes and Noble, the LOO  [ "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail. ]
  SEATTLE TORI TICKET 10 OCT 1999       [ "MRS. MACPHISTO" <a_siren_song@hotm ]
  mps3                                  [ PokaDot420@aol.com ]
  voyeur no more                        [ "Emily Williams" <klar@iac.net> ]
  just...to...                          [ Fragments1@aol.com ]
  those darn gummiebears                [ BlosomStar@aol.com ]
  the midwest is creepier than you wil  [ "anna sunshine ison" <queenpie@mind ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 19:29:09 -0500
From: Sped Erstad <sped@mailandnews.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Cc: mikewhy@iglou.com
Subject: Announce:  Setlist Summary Page for '99 Tour


Sped here!  If anyone still remembers me, I'm a fan from Waaaaay back
(actually used to post to this list quite a bit in my youth) and I've been
keeping track of the Tori setlist stats for the last few tours...

Well, this time around I was a little more on the ball and the setlist
summary page for this tour is now up and running for the beginning of a
tour for once.  Please go to the site below and check it out.


What is it?  Well, we all know that one of the best things about seeing
Tori live is the fact that she never plays the same set twice, and the
number of different songs she plays is unbelievable.  Because of this I
grew curious about just how often she played certain songs, how many songs
she has performed throughout the tour, which songs she didn't play at all,
etc. etc.

If you go to the Summary page (address above!) you'll be able to view a
number of different stats about the songs she's performed on this tour.

Some things that may or may not be not surprising:

-- Through four shows she's playing exactly 13 songs per night.

-- Since she's playing bigger venues this time, it appears that she doesn't
have freedom to play as wide a variety this tour.  So far she has played 8
of those 13 songs the exact same each night (and roughly in the same order).

-- However, she's really mixing up the other 5 "freedom" songs each night
-- 24 different songs have already been played!

-- Her first cover played has been "Landslide" (as she gets more and more
of her own songs, hopefully she will not overlook the power of a cover

-- She's only played 2 songs from Choirgirl

It's really amazing what kinds of things she can do with her "babies" as
her batch grows....

Anyway -- you can draw your own cool stats from the list.  Hopefully you
will get a taste of what to expect in upcoming shows from this and it will
enhance your listening pleasure.

Once again, that number:





Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 01:16:52 GMT
From: "Kevin Hawkins" <heybrakywacky@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: I gave up on the past

Okay, so I decided that I would never make it through all of the digests I
was behind on, so I gave up.  I didn't see any responses to me in about 6 or
7 past my last post, so I figured I'm pretty safe.  Like anyone would talk
to me anyway. :)

First of all, John, I didn't see what awful thing happened to you, merely
the aftermath of posts.  Since I didn't get the details, I'll just say to
hell with those people, whoever they are.  That should be general enough. :)
  Besides, I mostly wanted to tell you that I was thinking about you because
I'm reading this book by David Sedaris called Barrel Fever, which is very
well-written, very funny.  It's just short stories and essays, and I've only
read a few so far, but most of them incorporate the narrator as a gay man,
in one way or another.  The thing I like about it is that it doesn't play up
the fact.  That the narrator is gay just something that comes out in
whatever he happens to be talking about in his stories.  As a matter of
fact, in the first story, it took me a while to figure out whether he was
supposed to be gay, or supposed to be a woman.  I find it to be a very
refreshing point of view.  It makes me wish that being gay could be just as
normal as being a cyclist, or being Russian, or baking bread.  Dare to
dream. :)  I'd recommend the book to anyone since it's so amazingly funny,
but I thought of you, so I thought I'd tell you first. :)

The birth of koba wrote:

>holy shit. happy birthday "kind of blue." on august 17, 1959, the
>world was changed for the better when miles davis released what is >
>probably the best-selling jazz record of all time. yeah. who woulda > thunk
>that an album

Ah, that's a bit of trivia I did not know.  What a splendid album!  You know
what makes me angry?  That stupid US3 album is the best-selling Blue Note
album of all time.  Piss on them, Miles is the beginning and the end of jazz
as I know it. :)  And that album is tops, in my book.  Between him, Bird,
Mingus, Monk, and Coltrane, I could live unsatiated on jazz forever.  That
reminds me again that a friend of mine managed to steal my Weird Nightmare:
Meditations on Mingus CD, and now he lives in San Diego.  That boy deserves
a thumpin'!  But he loved it sooo much...I don't feel too bad about it.

K., in response to Jorge's Midwest Ponderosa-izing, said:

>But how much time did you actually spend there ?  I'm curious as to
>what experiences you had while there, (or didn't have) that would
>make you dis a whole section of the country this way...

Another topic I missed.  But I'll jump in anyway, because, well, I can?  I
currently live in St. Louis, and really have lived in different parts of the
Midwest all of my life.  I have to say that I don't really like it.  I mean,
it's alright I guess...Chicago is probably my favorite spot in all of it.
But it's all very conservative here, compared to many areas I'd rather be in
(like the northwest).  I've met some cool people here, certainly, but by and
large most of the people I've encountered just aren't that interested in
things that move me.  I don't even think I can properly annunciate what I
feel about the area.  I guess it's like everything else.  You have to take
the good with the bad, and different places have different goods and bads.
I just know that there are certain intangible things about this place that
make me want to move.

Natalie, on reading:
>it hurts terribly when you can't savor something you have always
>loved.  but i think i am finally getting the old passion back.  and >
>maybe, if i make time to read every night, i will once again become > the
>little bookworm i used to be.  i miss the old me :(

Don't miss the old you!  Just keep making the new you someone you like
better!  And keep reading. :)  I'm 100% convinced that reading makes you a
better person.  I'm glad I got rid of cable, since without it, I literally
get no channels (I prolly would with an antenna, but...).  I've started
reading again, and I love the way it engages my mind, imagination,
vocabulary.  I'm hoping it will be a stepping stone to improving upon my
writing, which is just not worth a damn at this point.  But even if it
doesn't, reading is just so damn entertaining, intellectually.

Jeeze-o-peats!  Another book!  Okay, I'm going, but I have one final
thought, and wouldn't you know, it's Tori related!

I've been listening to BfP quite a bit lately, and I don't know if I ever
gave it the attention it deserves.  It's very disturbing to me, in its
bitter anger.  That must have been a very hard time for her.  I think I
could have used that album during my breakup, but Tori wasn't on my mind at
that time.  Women weren't on my mind at that point.  I listened to a lot of
Barenaked Ladies.  You can see those guys as silly, but some of the quiet,
off-handed lyrics they deliver are razor sharp!  "She thought I'd come back,
but I wouldn't want to seem like other guys."  SLAP!  "I love you more than
I did the week before I discovered alcohol."  SLAP!  And then of course the
whole song "Told You So."  You could just skip the whole song and merely say
Fuck You.

Anyway, I'm off to listen to Boys for Pele again.  I'm know it's angry, and
I'm not, but it's mesmerizing to me nonetheless. :)  And I wanna be
mesmerizing too.  Okay, I'm off to listen to Liz Phair as well. :)


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Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 21:33:52 -0500
From: "ami" <amik@il.freei.net>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: cd5???

am i the only idiot that does not know what the hell a cd5 is????



Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 19:51:56 -0700
From: violet@torithoughts.org
To: ustour@torithoughts.org
Cc: torinews@smoe.org, precious-things@smoe.org, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: poetry contest, winner will meet Tori

(Much thanks to TTer Carissa for letting us know about this poetry contest
at Alloy.Com.)


  Enter our poetry sweepstakes for your chance to win a trip for two
  to Los Angeles, on September 25th, to meet Tori and see her live in

   Tori Amos is judging this month's poetry contest at Alloy.com! One
   way-lucky winner -- the one who dazzles Tori the most -- will score
   a FREE trip for two to Los Angeles, California, to meet Tori backstage,
   and see her perform live (with Alanis Morissette!) on Saturday,
   September 25 -- just four days after her new CD drops!

   But that's not all: Three second-place winners will receive cool Tori
   gift packs. Major, huh?

   So what are you waiting for -- enter your poetic masterpiece in the
   running now! Since Tori's new CD, to venus and back, is totally on
   the cosmic love tip, she's looking for poems about starry nights,
   soul mates, destiny, and all that deep stuff.

   PS: All you Cornflake Girls (and guys!) better boogie -- this cool
   contest ends September 10! And while you're at it, find out where
   you catch Tori and Alanis live on their 5 1/2 Weeks Tour this fall!




Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 02:55:22 GMT
From: "The Wicked Witch of the East" <delirium1479@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: secrets

A little bit of poetry for you all.  Please tell me what you think.  I might
submit it to Alloy.com to see if I'll win and meet Tori Amos.  Who knows?
Maybe there is a god....


His face contains secrets
There the world is hidden
Beneath his eyes lie the answers to desperate prayers
Behind his lips lay the whispered conclusions
by authors long dead
Softly folded in his hair are the mysteries of the pyramids
Of birdsongs and Atlantis within his silken night
Shrill predictions once sung by prophets
create the roses on his cheekbones
And floating on his breath there drifts the meaning of life
And on that ocean, sweet love, there sails my heart
Drifting on the secret rivers, your sea of riddles and dreams
There my spirit has settled
Waiting for you to find me

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Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 23:03:24 -0400
From: Rusen <rusen@nbn.net>
To: arty-turners <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Birth Announcement

Happy tidings and greetings to all!
My webpage, The Sky Cathedral, has been born. You can find it at:

in it you can find my online journal of sorts, Circles Again.
There's also some kewl stuff on music, art, writing, and my little
business, Whiteraven Pottery and Artworks.
You are invited to drop, peruse the site, and of course, SIGN THE
If i missed anyone that you know would be interested in seeing my
website, by all means forward this message to them...i want to get
10,000 hits like that Paff girl. ;)




Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 20:56:55 PDT
From: "Natalie Aubele" <jrmint_69@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: "so pure"

Fragments1 said:

>you have got to love "so pure". i don't
>care how crappy of a songwriter alanis is now, or how much of a >raspberry
>rip-off it is, or how cheesy the video is, the song is so >wonderfully,
>pathetically great.

no way!  have you heard "supposed former infatuation junkie"?  the whole
thing is pretty lame, and "so pure" is one of its worst songs.  it's much
too *upbeat* for alanis.  what happened to the queen of rage?  "jagged
little pill" kicked ass!  i'm almost sorry she's gone through the whole
*spiritual awakening* thing, cuz it's totally killed her music!  this is one
instance where *inner pain* really was a good thing.  i know...i shouldn't
say that; alanis is a person and i should be happy that she's happy.
but...you know...just saying her music sucks now.

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Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 00:06:37 EDT
From: SirenGrrrI@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: The chick with braids.

Russell stated:
<<have I mentioned I may be jetting to NY for Lecy? Damn the things a girl can
make you do....specifically THAT girl, and specifically a raspberry

to which Elisha replies:
Lollipop, lollipop, oh la la la lollipop ::ba da dum dum::

Russell again stated:
<<as long as I'm mentioning Lecy......you have got to love "so pure". I don't
care how crappy of a songwriter alanis is now, or how much of a raspberry
rip-off it is, or how cheesy the video is, the song is so wonderfully,
pathetically great.
and she's supposedly using it as her encore.
Hell yes. I mean, you gotta love someone who enunciates "su-pos-ed form-er
infat-u-a-tion jun-kie".
anyway. Love you when you dance. when you freestyle in trance. So-o pure.
such an ex-pres-sion..>>
To which *I* say:
"Fuck you"... (that's not a threat)

Talked to Russell today. I love him. simple as that. He called my when Tori
played 'Bliss' at his show... he's so damn wonderfully great and stuff.. wow.

The *damn smashing* Anastasia wrote:
<<Just thought i'd say to Elisha (sirengrrrl) that you kick incredible ass.
The little 'I hate Tori' post was hilarious!  It was probably not meant to
be funny, but i still thought it was pretty damn amusing.>>

Oh it was shear HELL!!!!!  I never want to live through that again, but all
in all, it was a humourous experience.  Glad it gave you a laugh, my pain and
suffering brought a smile to someone's face.. it was all worth it... (just

Hey Jorge .  Yeah nothing important to say, really, just 'hey'  Oh yes,
Robbie Williams is sexy... and damn talented too.
Hey Robbie, let *me* entertain you... ::wink::

All right, I need to go to freakin' bed.

um.. okay, So Pure stuck in my head.. someone, I need a GUN!!!!




Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:00:00 -0500
From: Simon Booth <simon@texas.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: tuesday posting


from rikki (liquidice):


I wonder if some of that was more an MTV thing than her- are the people
meeting their favorite celebs told to throttle back their enthusiasm?  next
time the MTV producers need to be properly informed of the protocol that
should be observed when someone meets tori hehehee :)   (you mean kneeling
before her and saying 'I am awed by your presence, Exalted One' isn't
necessary? :) )

abigail wrote:

"Simon, I like your poetry a lot :)"

thanks :)

from juan:

'Simon, I had not seen your poetry and I am deeply impressed and moved by
 it... wow, it is too good for me to describe in a few words the beauty and
 depth that I found in it; congratulations, I am truly amazed in a very good
way to read this and more to finally find in your messages something other
than fighting about the hate and the good or bad of therapy, psychology,

thanks :)   after really taking a long look at everything, things really
are better nowadays depsite what one person tries to tell me.  I'm looking
for another psychiatrist- there needs to be a proper balance between a 'yes
person' and someone berating one harder after they make progress.   The
results might be unexpected but at the same time are acceptable knowing the
doctor was objective about it.  and keeping in mind your reminder that some
are good and some are bad.

'I believe that it mostly is up
to the patient and how honest you are to yourself, how you embrace a problem
and how much you really want to solve it... if you do not want to for any
given reason, not even the best therapist in the world will be able to
"cure" you)'

very true.




Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 08:14:00 PDT
From: "Wilson Picket" <du69ke@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Cc: precious-things@smoe.org, precious-things-digest@smoe.org
Subject: Where is Tori's Realm of Mp3's web site.

What happened to the Tori Amos-A Realm of Mp3's web site.  I need live

Last I know, it used to be at:


  [Note from Violet: Danica has had to deal with a lot of hassle from
   services not willing to host MP3s or deal with the traffic such
   sites create.  It's been quite difficult for her to find an affordable
   space large enough to hold all the MP3s -- they do take up a *ton* of
   space.  She considered the option of offering a handful of songs each
   week, rotating the line-up on a regular basis, but she decided she just
   wouldn't be happy with that kind of compromise.  She'd wants to be able
   to keep all of them up all the time.  She's still looking for a new home
   for the site.]



Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 08:41:35 PDT
From: "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: bliss of another kind

SO I got the bliss single this morning...

I'm warming up to the song more, but really what made the single worth it
was the two live tracks!  wow are they beautiful, and the quality is so

less than a month til the album, and a little more than a month til i see


(ps i just completely redid my webpage *hint hint*)

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Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 12:38:16 MDT
From: "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Welcome to Barnes and Noble, the LOOOOVE ZONE!

Here's a crazy story.

Sunday these two guys came in to work.  They were looking for some book, and
this kid was helping them.  I walked by just as the kid was about to mess up
a potential sell-- we didn't have the book, and he offered to order it, but
the guys needed it in three days and it would have taken five days to order.
  So the kid was about to send them on their way, and I said, "Wait, it says
we already have two of those books on order; it's modelled, which means that
we try to keep two copies of it on hand all the time.  When we sell one of
the copies, the computer automatically orders a new one.  Since both were
sold, we have two copies on the way.  Depending on when the others were
sold, we may get them here in time for you."  So I checked the sales detail
and found out it should get here by Tuesday at the latest.  Anyway, I told
them to check back, and they thanked me and left.

Yesterday I got to work and Krista, a girl who works there, said, "A guy
called for you about five minutes ago.  I said you would be in in just a
little while."  I wondered who it was and said it might be my dad.  But I
called my dad and he said it wasn't him.  So a few hours later, the phone
rings and I get it:

"Thank you for calling Barnes and Noble in Sandy, this is Doug, can I help

"Hi, Doug.  How are you doing?  Do you remember when me and another guy came
in yesterday looking for a book, The Four Steps to Something Financial
Something...?  You were so helpful...?"

"Yeah, I think I remember that."

"I was wondering if you could look that up and see when it would get there?"

"Okay.  Do you remember the exact title?"  (I had been looking it up while
we were talking, and I couldn't find it.)

"No, I don't remember...  Um, I can go look it up and then call you right

So he hangs up, and five minutes later, he calls back.

"Hi, Doug.  It's me again.  Do you remember why I am calling?"

"Yeah, I do.  Did you get the title?"

"Yeah.  That's not why I am calling.  I don't think you understand why I am
calling.  Do you understand why I am calling?"

"No, I guess not..."

"Okay, sorry for calling.  Have a good night.  Bye."  And he hangs up,
before I can figure out what he's talking about.

So, about an hour later, just before closing, I get a page: "Doug, you have
a call on line 3, Doug line 3 please."  I get sort of nervous, and I go get
the phone.

"Hi, Doug, it's me again.  Look, I just wanted to clear up what I was
calling about.  Yesterday we came into the store, and you were so nice and
so helpful, and, well, it seemed like there was some radar going on among
the three of us.  Do you know what I mean?"

"I think so."  (Assuming that he means gaydar but didn't want to say that
until he was pretty sure I knew what he was talking about.)

"You do?  So you're family then?"  ("Family" is how some semi-weird fags
refer to other gay people.  :-))

"Yeah, I am."

"Oh you are?  Cool.  So, yeah, I was wondering if you were, were ever
available, or anything."

And I said no.  For a couple of reasons.  One was that a girl I work with
was hovering there, by now very curious about the whole mystery, and I
didn't want to make some kind of crazy love connection right there in front
of her.  Another was that I am leaving for school soon, so I am really not
available to go out.  Another is that the whole situation was kind of weird.
  And another, of course, was Ray, the guy I like so much and WILL have,
dammit. :-)  So anyway, I mean, it would have been cool to have a date, to
meet a cute guy at work and go out with him, but oh well. :-)  So I told the
girl what had happened, and the rest of the night, that was the joke, about
how I have this stalker and how he was cute and how I turned him down. :-)


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Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 11:40:08 PDT
From: "MRS. MACPHISTO" <a_siren_song@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org


I have decided that I wont be able to go to the Seattle,WA Tori show. I am
going to Portland, Oregon the night before.  I am selling my ticket for
exactly what I paid for it.  I don't believe in scalping tickets.  It cost
me $29.00+$6.25 service charge. (I hate ticketmaster)=$32.25  I will include
the receipt.  I have traded on ebay before so I am reliable.  Check out my
feedback under "mrsmacphisto".(www.ebay.com)  I have to admit I am very
disapointed I am not able to go.  I was so excited about going to two Tori
shows.  Well basically whoever emails me first will ba able to have the
ticket.  I want to work it the same way ebay works.  Buyer sends check or
money order then I will send the ticket the next day.  Please help me out I
don't wan't this ticket to go to waste.

Peace and Love, Angi

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Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 17:47:34 EDT
From: PokaDot420@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: mps3

i was wondering if anyone could direct me towards an mp3 site with the new
songs bliss, suede, 1000 oceans i've seen her perform suede and bliss but i
could only make it to two shows, atlanta and nashville and she didn't perform
1000 oceans which i really want to hear at eather one of them.  but yeah i
really would like to be able to find their mp3s.  and i have a small request,
i wasnt able to pick up a tori program at the shows i was at because they
were sold out, so if anyone would mind picking one up for me i would be very
greatful. :)



Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 16:43:04 -0700
From: "Emily Williams" <klar@iac.net>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: voyeur no more

Okay, I have to quit lurking for a few reasons.

1) I'm way too impatient to keep quiet like a good little girl for a whole
month or however the hell long you're supposed to keep quiet until it is
considered "acceptable" to begin posting.

2) I got to go see Tori in Nashville this past weekend with (okay, she'll
probably be pissed but I'm gonna name drop...hee-hee) my bestest friend,
Ann-Meredith, who also posts here, and I just wanted to share my excitement
about seeing her on her birthday. The show was fabulous--did not stick
around for whats-her-face. She did Landslide and it tore me all to pieces.
Even though my evil, nasty ex-boyfriend was there the show was good. I won't
even get started on *him*. Only I will say that if you metaphorically (or
seriously) equate tori with religion then his presence is blasphemous.


3) a question posed in the last digest asked if there were any songs that
referred to Neil in From the...CGH. I may be on crack but I could swear that
in one of the songs (I can't remember which one, although if anybody thinks
this is right or is REALLY curious I'll go figure it out later) she says
something like "bring Neil his drink" or something to that effect. Obviously
not included in the lyrics provided. Possibly not included at all.

Okay, thats about all I had to say. Sorry if I've broken any rules of
"netiquette" or whatever. Sorry if I've written too much. Sorry Sorry Sorry,
but THANK GOD I don't have to lurk anymore!!! I hate not being involved.
And, aw shucks, y'all seem like such nice folks. (am I scoring any brownie
points here?)
Okay, I swear I'm finished now.

Love and hugs,
Emeline** (the newest newbie)



Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 19:02:18 EDT
From: Fragments1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: just...to...

followup to my post about the 8/21 torishow...

so i got a letter from maryann today...

she basically wished me into a car wreck [i hear Caton now:  "
Crashhhhhhhhhhh "..which reminds me..do NOT listen to the binge e.p. for the
first time whilst driving. you're liable to hit something]...and..i mean..it
really fuckin' bummed me out..to oversimplify things.

and lecy is trying to convince me that i'm not in the wrong. but i am.

...i think...

i mean, this girl [maryann, not lecy] is soo fucking immature...and i can see
it now...and i felt it in the tears i cried during  cloud on my
tongue.....and..it's like.......why do i allow myself to get so stepped on....

and lecy  slapped me around and was like, "she's been a bitch to you. she
wished for your serious injury and or death. she's fucking immature"....

but..i mean...anyway. whatever.

i now own both copies of the bliss single. anyone wanna buy the cheapy one
that just has "hey jupiter"...?

and..as far as the live disc goes...all i have to say is..NOTHING will beat
ani's "living in clip"...but...i'm disappointed in the track
list...especially if the good yet uneventful bliss beesides are any
indication.....but..i'll wait and see. "suede" in and of itself will be worth
the price.

maybe i'm a 4 horse engine.

-russ the ventrue



Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 21:24:47 EDT
From: BlosomStar@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: those darn gummiebears

always give me headaches *pout*
but they look soo good ...
red or clear, mushy but squishy when you lick them. ack and they have to be
filled with the sugar that i can't eat.
sooo tempting


*reaches for the asprin*

so now summer's over, tori's playing, koba's telling us how we can't possibly
get backstage :P  and i'm still, oh yes i'm still trying to avoid writing a
paper ... 8 days. yup i have 8 days. bueno. *exasperated sigh*
(as i throw my head back to the hallway "yes dad!!! i'm writing it right
now!!!" ohright)

to quote my favorite little guy, stick stickly (do they show him at *all*

>>Thats the way these things work....but every once in awhile, we talk about
Tori. so there. Heheheh

ohreally? we talk about *who*? hmm  oh yeah that girl touring with alanis,
didn't mp3 set poor alanis up to something like that?

i dunno guys. alanis starts at 10?!? i might ... i might *have* to leave
after tori.  i thought i'd be courteous and stay, but two of these shows are
hours away from my little home ... on nights were i still have to find some
way to do homework and get to school the next morning.  i feel so bad.

rachel  (of the raspberries or is my mind gone completely?)

well since i can't type it ;) i thought i'd cut and paste it.
yes, she is.
just a thought. while skimming through some reviews for the florida shows
(yes i am a bit curious, so shoot me) i noticed that many reviewers (?)
mentioned the different auras between tori's performance and alanis's.  not
only the way they performed, but about how the audience reacts-- which, imho
is an important part of the performance--if i'm playing to some dead
unreactive audience i'm obviously going to play a song a lot differently than
if i played it to an audience that can pull something out of my music,
whatever it is. be it one of those guys with long black hair hanging over his
face saying, "wow i dig it" or someone who can pull more--often more than is

what i love about tori's shows is how, seemingly no matter where she is, she
has a reactive audience. however, other artists (who *ahem* shall remain
nameless *coughsALwheezeANsniffleIS*) while they are perfectly decent, their
music is okay ... but the audience seems more like someone twisting his ear
to the radio to hear that billboard number one hit a little louder.

wow i haven't even seen a show and i'm already commenting :)  but ... i will
say that radiohead, an amazing band that rivals tori in so many ways (and
wins sometimes) could never blow me away in concert as much as tori can.
half the audience at the radiohead concerts are
radio-listeners-wow-karma-police-is-a-cool-song  and for every song *but*
karma police they sit and look bored out of their minds. i pull from their
concert as much as i can--but it just doesn't have the *atmosphere* that
explodes the minute tori starts and lingers hours after the show.

(see? i can talk about tori, really i can :)

YAY!!! Sarah has Charmkins!!!
I thought I was the only one who still knew what those were!!! Hehe - got any
she-ra princess of power things? *sigh* my mom insisted on selling my ENITRE
collection three years ago-I was seriously distressed by it. (lol now I
really feel like a 4 year old)

Miss sunshine
(maybe it was somebody else, but when i went back to find it my mind got
confused and mumbled :P)
>>i know there was something about the velvets, but i never Did find it.

Wow I *just* realized this yesterday!! it's in *hotel* and i'm sure just
about everybody on the list is going to say this before i do, but i thought
i'd be a little spiffy myself and say it too :P so ha.       i finally pulled
out my lyric book for ftcgh and found myself amazed by how wrong i was on so
many lyrics!  even though i now know it's "where are the velvets" I swear i
still can't hear it.

>>i like batting in the 2-spot, i think

hah you got stuck in first in that digest.
and almost last here
tooo bad

>>ya gotta like THAT!

>>I'm happy right now as is.

for some reason reading that line just made me smile -- someone saying
they're *happy* godforbid!    (i'm absolutely joking btw but it was cute)
:) i'm so glad things are going good for you sweets.

oh yes and concord. i guess i never got around to even looking at where my
seats are (really odd i know i still have no clue)  ok. sec 101 row T. mhm.
means a hell of a lot to me, but they're somewhere :)

wow had a lot of tori stuff in that post, eh?

eat some ice cream


*i guess i'm an underwater thing so i guess i can't take it personally*
*there's a sea secret in me and it's plain to see it is rising*



Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 00:00:39 -0400
From: "anna sunshine ison" <queenpie@mindspring.com>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: the midwest is creepier than you will ever know

well after all my i-am-the-new-girl-i-know-best, i am apparently continuing
to post weird things twice. forgive me all.  i do not mean to be a wicked
creature. i have just returned from seeing sideways x o rhinocerus i, or
sweetie dancy redhead, or tori in charlotte. it was lovely. i am no good at
describing concerts so i will let someone else do it. i Will say that i had
luck and my boyfriend and i arrived at the meet and greet spot just to hear
her say BYe! just as we were nearing and then we saw the back of her head.
but oh well. she was lovely and wore pink and they spelled neil gaiman's
wrong in the program. hee hee.

so then, is liquid diamonds the neil referance from choirgirl hotel? i
was SO  curious and someone kept saying "it's something about the velvets"
so if there's another song let me know. otherwise, good call smarty girl.
megan, have you read any jonathan carroll? anybody, have you read any
jonathan carroll? anybody, what Are you all reading these days? that was
the funnest part of ole rdt. for my part, i am snacking on _road fever_ by
tim cahill. tim cahill is high on my badass list and apparently has a
book of world.. record. but tomorrow i am going to the library and who knows
what i shall return with. probably something weird about biology.

apparently about ten years ago, jorge, with whom i can argue without
offense said:
>" the midwest is a lot like Ponderosa Steakhouse.

i want to know what kind of ponderosa steakhouses You've been to. and
maybe there was a lot of connotative stuff i've missed but boy, i gottta
argue with that. perhaps it is Because the midwest was originally so
boring, but, far as i can tell, there are some of the best roadside
in the World there. can we forget:

the corn palace
the house on the rock
the circus world museum
wall drug store
museums honoring houdini And weird medical appliances
al capone's former hide out

honey, give it up, the midwest could just beat you up. in fact, i think
there are
Two circus museums, there's one in peru.. indiana or illinois or something.
and the house on the rock itself is actually my favorite place in the Whole
world. better even than tiger balm gardens. has anyone heard of it? i will
tell you the story next letter, in lots of ways it's like a tori song and
don't doubt
my ability to unite disparate subjects. now listen jorge, if you have been
the corn palace and are Still pulling this crap, i will have to doubt your
but then maybe you've been to the World's Largest Ponderosa Steakhouse
where you eat your food on horses and girls in pink wedding dresses serve
you and the daily special is lightbulbs. midwest=surrealsville.

i want to go to thailand. i am not scared off by claire danes. thank god
are still seedy places in the world and all of asia isn't singaporey (not
i don't want to go to singapore) with malls after malls (but of course also
the ORiginal tiger balm gardens). i mean really, do you only want to go to
places Claire Danes wants to go to? (if i can beat the record for dangling
modifiers, i can be in the Same book as tim cahill.)

Umbriel says:
>+ yeah i really do like cindy lauper... hey now stop giggling thou
>froward toad-spotted clack-dish!!
hell yeah. i saw cyndi lauper on american bandstand when i was in..
second grade or so and i said "when i grow up, i want to do what i want."
i love her music still and i love that she is Absolutely cyndi lauper and
might be one of the few people that i would be abslutely terrified to meet
because i love her so much.

grr, too much posting for me. i bought mr cavin a teeshirt and he bought me
a program and necklace so i am very stunning now. i want to get fake
diamonds from the costume jewelery lady at the flea market and put my
venus envy necklace on that. anyway, by cuties, i am a talker.

tiger balm sunshine

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

                   *** Subliminal Day Off digest ***

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