RDT Right Now #797

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 16:53:59 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #797
To: Recipient.List.Suppressed:;

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 99 : Issue #797

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  a fashion notification                [ "anna sunshine ison" <queenpie@mind ]
  whee                                  [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  karsts and elephant heads             [ yharlap@channelsinternet.com (Yael  ]
  Just a *hint* of Tori content...      [ "Ms." McNeill <mere11@pad-uky.campu ]
  ha!                                   [ "*starry arija*" <arija@ibm.net> ]
  a person who paints amplifiers....    [ Simon Booth <simon@texas.net> ]
  Inductions & Phoenix                  [ "Alitza Abner" <kali222@hotmail.com ]
  go to bed.                            [ Kerri Klein <Kerri.Klein@valpo.edu> ]
  1,000 oceans                          [ "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmai ]
  setlists?                             [ "Melissa Beck" <merissah22@hotmail. ]
  salisbury steak? no no silbury hill   [ "heyJupiter" <heyJupiter@110.net> ]
  You paid HOW MUCH and you don't even  [ "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail. ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #795                [ MeSmoRose5@aol.com ]
  Blibbity blabbity                     [ "Ryan McGinnis" <chaka@nebi.com> ]
  the worlds smallest violin            [ Amanda Blum <howlingzoe@uswest.net> ]
  a rant.....                           [ "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotma ]
  Shut your fucking face, unclefucker   [ cslape@dove.net.au ]
  sail you home                         [ Fragments1@aol.com ]
  wow chocolate coffee is GOOD          [ "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmai ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 11:38:42 -0400
From: "anna sunshine ison" <queenpie@mindspring.com>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: a fashion notification

some body in one of the last digest mentioned tori's cutie
cat's eye glasses. i am a very giant fan of such glasses and it
saddened me to read in um.. wednesday's new york times
that the lady who invented the harliquen/cat's eye glasses died
the other day. Her name was altina miranda and she was born on
my birthday but in 1907. and she was just a shopgirl but she
thought it sucked that all they had to wear were round glasses,
no really neat ones. so she messed around and invented the
harliquens and then started marketing them. yay altina miranda
you are a fashion badass. a moment of silence now please.

miss sunshine
who can build a topic out of anything



Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 10:25:06 -0700
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: whee

Sped Erstad wrote:
> Sped here!

Hi Sped! Nice to see you again! Will you be joining us on a more permanent
basis, or is this just a short visit?


"My son says, 'Dear father, what did you do when the world turned over?'
Keep spinning, keep spinning, send us off to sleep. You liar. All your words
are just dust and moonshine. You liar. Love to be deceived."



Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 13:38:41 -0500
From: yharlap@channelsinternet.com (Yael Harlap)
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: karsts and elephant heads

Hi everyone-
I usually lurk but I am pulling myself out of the little knot in that maple
tree over there to talk about Thailand.  I like Claire Danes ok but she
must be kookoo, I don't know what she did or didn't do in Thailand but I
was just there myself for 3 weeks in May.  It was a major pleasurefest - I
have never eaten so much yummy food in my entire life except that one meal
near the cochroach-swarming tree but don't worry about that - it was just
one dinner out of 21.  I went trekking up north, and an elephant's head is
a rather comfy place to be sitting and I played clapping games with some
hill tribe kids and watched monsoon rains jump upon the mountain like a
white blanket.  Then I went south to beaches and while I'm not a "beach
person" I could live there forever, where these lumpy limestone karsts (big
cliff-rocks) jut out of the ocean, all red and rust and stone grey with
little fringey bushed high up on top, and under water I saw sea urchins and
fugu (pufferfish) and rainbowy fishies of all types.  And the last thing
I'll say about Thailand is that we climbed and climbed until we got to a
lagoon and no one else was there (excpet me and him) - it was so perfect
and I sang and the music reverberated like a concert hall and 100s of teeny
tiny fishies (so tiny and transparent I could see where their eyes
connected to their silvery spines) came up and kissed my arms.

So Anna Sunshine (I remember you from RDT! but I always was a lurker...
I'm glad you're back!), you're totally with it - I don't think I'd call
Thailand seedy except for Bangkok which does have malls and malls, but
definitely go there if you can and make sure to eat a lot.

And don't ask me to talk about how much I love Indonesia, or I'll never
shut up :-)

And of course I love Tori very very much too.  :-)  (ps: if anyone from the
Detroit area is driving to the Columbus show please e-mail me!)





Date: Fri, 27 Aug 99 11:52:25 PDT
From: "Ms." McNeill <mere11@pad-uky.campuscwix.net>
To: Those crazy kids "at..." <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Just a *hint* of Tori content...

...otherwise, it's just some random babbling...deal with it.

Miss Sunshine (that is such a cute name, btw) asked about books and
really weird Midwest places:  I have heard of the Corn Palace, not any
circus museums, though.  We, the city of Paducah, are the Quilt Capital
of the world, and boast a Quilt Museum!  How friggin' exciting!!!Don't
ever come to W.KY in April-evil old hags who can't drive and you
practically give them a heart attack if you look like you have *any*
kind of individuality.  I know, I know, quilting is an art form and all the
stories and blahblahblah, but getting stuck behind an 80-year old going
10 mph in a 45 kind of makes you forget the beauty of their work.


Oh, if you only knew, ye urbanites with yer big cities and yer fancy-
shmancy tech-nol-o-gee.  We in KY have yet to get the cool new
driver's licensees that are all *digital* with *pictures* and *barcodes*
and such.  And the town's version of Mardi Gras was a hoot-"We want
a family atmosphere for our Mardi Gras," yeah, tit flashing and binge
drinking and hedonism are such *great* family values!  Good clean fun!
Where else can you find the Ten Commandments stuck on everyone's
front yard and a totally corrupted city government (well, *that* you
can find practically anywhere, but there's some really fucked up shit

Emeline said "y'all" in her post, so now I don't feel nearly as much like
a hick...smootches to you, sweetie!  Yay for coming out of the RDT

Back to Anna Sunshine (that's so fun to write!), I am currently reading
a Anais Nin bio, which is really condoning my expatriate fantasies.  Just
finished "Dancing Queen" which I talked about at great length in a
previous digest.  Read this great poem in my American Lit class (don't
know if it really classifies as a poem, but whatever...)

	*A Dream Song by Annie Long Tom of the Clayoquot Tribe*
	   Do not listen to the other singing.
	   Do not be afraid to sing your own song.

Simon says (sorry, I couldn't resist...:)
>>I'm looking
>>for another psychiatrist- there needs to be a proper balance between a 'yes
>>person' and someone berating one harder after they make progress.

I'm so glad to hear this.  I can't really make judgments on people I don't
know, but your old therapist really seemed like a bitch.  Happy hunting,
for good therapists are few and far between-or at least where I live
which probably isn't saying much.

Okay, I'm trying to keep this under a page, so I'd better stop now...

Got to come up with idears for papers for Rock-n-Roll class.  I wonder
*who* I could
possibly write about?  Hmmmm.......
Hugs, love, and fairy kisses,



Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 14:13:00 -0400
From: "*starry arija*" <arija@ibm.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: ha!

in the fall 99 issue of Alloy (catalog for clothes for girls.... actually,
there's some guys stuff in there too i guess), there is a poetry
contest.  you send in your poetry and TORI AMOS gets to judge it.
 hmmmm.  here's what they wrote, though.  its funny:

"Tori's Turn
Yep-Tori Amos is judging this month's poetry contest at Alloy.com!
 One super-psyched winner will score a FREE TRIP for two to Los
Angeles, CA, to see Tori live (with Alanis!) and meet her backstage
on September 25th!  To enter, all you gotta to know is this: Tori's
new, soon-to-be-released record is called To Venus and Back, so
she wants you guys to keep your poems on the cosmic love tip.
You know, starry nights, soul mates, destiny, and all that deep
stuff.  Head to alloy.com for more details."

so yeah i guess i'll obviously be writing about all that DEEP
STUFF.  ha.  i laugh.

OK so here's my bitch for the month.  yesterday steven and i
decided to go new york.  however, we couldn't take the train in
because of all the flooding.  sooooo we drove in and parked in a
garage on W 42nd and took a cab into the village.  so we shopped
around for a few hours... i got some Tori singles and Apocalypta (4
cellos playing Metallica) and then went back to the garage by 5:15
or so.  which was when i realized that i had locked my keys in the
car.  and he realized that the ticket that told how much we owed
was also in the car.  sitting on the passenger seat, in plain view.
so close, yet so far.  so we talked to the manager of the garage,
and he basically said, "i dont know how to help you" and gave us a
Slim Jim (one of those things you slide between your window and
door) and a coat hanger and said "good luck."  two security
guards, me, steven, and some random guy all tried to get the door
open to no avail.  so by this time, it's like 6:30, and i'm tired and
hungry and antsy, so steve calls a locksmith.  He says he'll be
there in 15-20 minutes, and the charge will be $54.   15 minutes
later, this guy shows up in an urban assault vehicle, does the slim
jim thing and opens the door in 3 minutes.  how much does he
charge? $80.  $55 service charge and $25 night charge.  apparently
6:30 is night time in new york.  whatever.  we were anxious to get
out of there, so we fork over the 80 bucks, forty of which is my
grocery money from my parents.  end of story, right?  no.  i get
home, get out of the car and go to lock it from the outside.... and
the driver side lock doesn't work.  i can operate the lock from the
inside, but turning the key from the outside does nothing.  the
passenger side is fine, just the driver's side is fucked up.  so this
morning i call a lock smith here in good old fairfield, and some guy
can come look at my car at 8 or 9 tonight..... and repair charges
THIS MONEY????????  ok i'm done.


*...the world is full of ugly things that you can't change
pretend it's not that way; that's my idea of faith*
   ~ben folds five



Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 09:00:00 -0500
From: Simon Booth <simon@texas.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: a person who paints amplifiers....

a Marshal artist :)

bethey wrote:

"Simon(e) put his fingers to the keyboard:

"">it's almost like people are already thinking up sick jokes like that almost
""within hours of some tragedy.  Right after the Challenger disaster some of
""the sickest jokes I've ever heard were being told the next day.  I've
"">always wondered what makes some people think up things like that.""

"*simon complaining about sick jokes???;)*"

hey my jokes have never been that bad (except for the ones told during the
whole 'deep cover' phase).  :)

'You're right Simon.  It is a way of coping for some people.  Black humor is
used when tragedy has turned people speechless.  When something happens
that affects an entire Nation, people feel overwhelmed.  People need some
way of saying, "I'm still ok.  This horrible thing happened, but *I'm*
still ok", and it comes out in black humor."'

the reason behind the jokes I've made about my own situation- not to put
myself down but to releive some of the stress and to let people around me
know I'm doing ok, and it also puts them at ease if they aren't totally
sure how to react to the chair.   Some people do get more uncomfortable
though and I've realized that some people assume because they see what
looks like a difficult situation that everything has to be dead serious all
the time.

I've wasted too much of my life being like that...so I've made up for it by
showing that I do have a sense of humor :)

"For centuries, people have
been smashing taboos in order to heal from huge events.  I'm pretty sure
there were some pretty lousy jokes about John Wilkes Booth, if you know
what I mean.  Well, Like, the doctor who treated Booths leg injury after
the assasination was named Mudd.  After that, whenever someone got into
trouble for helping someone, they'd say, "my name is mud."  Not that it's a
good example of a joke, but it's still humor in a way."

actually I never knew the origin of that.  most interesting :)

and if there's a radio station in hell, then Howard Stern already has a job
waiting for him there.




Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 14:45:26 MST
From: "Alitza Abner" <kali222@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Inductions & Phoenix

Hey everybody...I've just started reading the digests again after several
months absence (no computer to use!)...I know there are some rules of
"netiquette" I'm supposed to follow about posting, but I'm willing to face
the consequences & break them...so, stone me if you must, but I WILL post!!!

Okay, wild koba wrote:
>anyway, you need to have a "significant impact over the evolution,
>development and perpetuation of rock and roll" to get into the hall. is
>this tori? she writes great shit, of course, but is it evolving rock? i'd
>like to hear arguments from someone who thinks so, cause i don't.

Huh? How can you not think Tori develops evolving rock? Although I do agree
that she probably won't be inducted because she is one of the most
underrated artists in the "industry," I definitely think she's had an impact
on the music world. The whole "girl & her piano" thing definitely made an
impact...although she wasn't the first to do this, I think what little
popularity there was surrounding LE in the early '90's had a significant
effect on other artists, i.e. Sarah McLachlan. While I'm not bashing the
other artists creativity, I do think that Tori sort of "paved the way" for
them...someone who might not have been played on the radio or MTV before
Tori might have been given a better chance after LE. Also, my other
arguement for this is that Tori's own music has a really obvious
evolutionary cycle...this must count for something! (By the way, I agree
with the vote for Nirvana to be inducted...can everyone say "Seattle

Now I'm sure I'll be stoned (no, not with pot, for those youngsters missing
History 101)...I've just disagreed w/the infamous wild koba... ;)

Did everyone get their "Bliss" singles? I'm really enjoying that
song...hopefully, it's some sort of foreshadowing for how great the rest of
"to venus and back" will be.  And "Hey Jupiter" is just amazing...this makes
me even more excited about seeing her in Sept.

Speaking of seeing Tori, I have a dilemma...I have 2 (fairly good) tickets
to see her & Alanis in Phoenix on Sept. 22...originally, my boyfriend was
supposed to come with me...now I don't think he's going to be able to go
(it's a long story). So, do I go by myself or try to sell the other ticket?
I was thinking about auctioning the ticket off on ebay, but I'm not real
excited about that...what if some jerk buys it? I'll be stuck sitting next
to them all night! So, I was thinking...if anyone on the list would like to
go (and, yes, I know I could still be stuck sitting next to a jerk this way,
too, but I was hoping that maybe a fine upstanding RDTRNer would be less
likely to be a jerk than say, JoeBlow from ebay) or knows somebody else who
would like to, or even if you have a better idea for me, please e-mail me
privately, & I'll try to decide what to do. Speaking of the Phoenix show, &
I apologize if this has already been asked, does anybody want to have our
own little M&G? Although I've been a Tori fan for years, I don't really know
anyone else who is (except my bf, and he's not someone who I'd really
classify as a fan...he likes "Spark" & merely tolerates the rest for me).
Anyways, I'd be interested in meeting up with some other EWF before the
show...if anyone is interested or knows of something already being planned
by someone else, please let me know...also, if anyone is coming in from out
of town, contact me & I'll give you some advice on places to avoid (some
parts of this lovely little city are kind of...dangerous) & places you
should definitely try to check out if you have time.

Okay, sorry this was so long...now I won't post again for another 6
months... :)


"Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge." - Paul Gauguin

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Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 17:33:34 -0600
From: Kerri Klein <Kerri.Klein@valpo.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: go to bed.

school has started, life is on the gogo, i'm everyone and everything.
i did meet some surprise guests on the atlanta-nashville scoop-shots to
becky, keith, russ-ventrue, and of course the ole grey kids handal and
mike. met LOTS of nice people not on this list, everyone was so kind!

Melissa and I gave tori domino sugar for her birthday, with pink
balloons and a card from the truck stop nearby that had a stuffed bear
with a fishing pole on it and said something about eating enough fish
on the inside.

i am forever grateful that melissa got to give a personal thank-you to
handal and tori herself for the request i put through last year for
black swan...tori gave her a big hug-it was quite awesome.

too bad i missed the koba and jorge. maybe someday?

so two of the best of them in my world just left for separate
continents for a year, one left me a tape and the other an email
address and a hug. One i would marry on the spot if he asked.
but the time is just not there, and it sucks when you've found the
greatest thing ever and you find out you have to wait and then when
you're done waiting you might not get it after all, due to the change
factor. but i guess that's why you shouldn't sit around waiting for
that train to come, hey? you miss all the scenery, the little people
hiding in the bushes.

i guess we all could use some spare change.

why is it that i feel guilty admitting i like dave matthews band?
maybe it's the immediate image i get of a drunken boy with that
glazed mashed-potatoes look wearing khaki pants and asking me if i want
to fuck.

no, thank you. heh.

time to go print up some faces, some i only knew the names of before
this last weekend. Thank you all for making my life a little bit more
interesting. You add the garlic, man.

bye now lovers

throwing large clods of green cafeteria jello whilst singing the
William Tell Overture,


" I thought I'd be alright today,
                  I thought I'd be alive today..."
-toad the wet sprocket-
Kerri Klein
Photo Editor- Beacon Yearbook
Publicity Director- 95.1 WVUR
President-VU Photo Club
Graphic Designer-Friends of Art
VU Photo Lab Monitor
General Slave
Email: Kerri.Klein@valpo.edu
Valparaiso University



Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 17:34:24 PDT
From: "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: 1,000 oceans

Hey all-so, my brother who works at a radio station sent me the two new Tori
songs-I heard them. I LOVE 1,000 Oceans!! Wow. I like Bliss as well, but not
as much. And I just got through my third day of school and well..it's weird
still. I'm not used to being a Senior yet, seeing as to how I'm only in one
'Senior only' required class. There are juniors in my english class, and
sophmores AND juniors in my psych class-which there shouldn't be. Psych used
to be open to juniors and seniors ONLY, then for some dumb reason last year
they opened it up to sophmores too. If they can't choose which english
classes they want, then they shouldn't take a complex, mature social science
elective. Anyways, enough bitching for me. I decorated my binders with pics
of Tori, and got some weird looks today in my classes. Some people just
don't get it-but a friend in my band class I found out is going to the same
Tori concert in Concord. But she got the $26 crappy seats. Seats nonetheless
however. I got up today in front of 32 people in my Composition class to
read a poem about my Uncle. The first time I've ever done that in front of
classmates before. It was quite nervewracking, since 95% of the class didn't
give a shit about what I said. Oh well, that's their problem, at least I DID
it. Ok, I think that's enough blabbing for me today. I haven't talked to my
boyfriend in two days cause he's in SC (South Carolina) dropping his older
sister off at some strict Baptist college. Yippy. And I can't talk to him
until Sunday night :( *sigh* Oh well, I'll live. Take care everyone *hugs*

  Abigail Monaghan

"You are not finished when you lose-you are finished when you quit." unknown
(it was up on my psychology class board of quotes today)

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Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 18:59:58 PDT
From: "Melissa Beck" <merissah22@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: setlists?

Hey folks. gotta question that has been bugging me for awhile, especially
with the new tour (which i sat through the pouring rain in washington dc to
see-- awesome..spring haze was awesome!!). how do people know what the
setlists to the shows are ahead of time? people always comment that tori
changed her setlists during the shows...how do they stuff like that? i am
very curious...for future reference.:)

like i said...the show in washington dc was awesome. i really enjoyed
hearing thank you during secrettime...it honestly gave me shivers it was so
beautiful! but, i was a little disappointed. it seemed that she had to play
songs that would kind of cater to the non-tori fans that were in the crowd
to see alanis. she played god, cornflake girl, and silent all these years
(nice to hear live, but woulda enjoyed something..well..something more
rare?)...which are the only three songs that I have EVER heard on the radio
stations (at least in my area where there are no long an alternative
station..*pout*). Also, the only song she played from choirgirl was cruel- a
song that she sang tons of times last year on the plugged tour.

oh well, all in all i loved the show- even alanis. :)
i'd appreciate any comments.:)

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Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:16:01 -0400
From: "heyJupiter" <heyJupiter@110.net>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: salisbury steak? no no silbury hill

Being the resident Misquoter...I feel its my duty to inform you of my
opinion about the line that is SUPPOSEDLY "over silbury hill"...now, when I
listen to it I hear her saying "oversee your burial" for some
reason...doesn't make any sense, I was just wondering if perhaps somebody
else heard that? And does anyone have the actual official 1,000 oceans

    Another thing I'm confused about is this one persons review of the 7
song sampler or whatever the hell it is...he or she (or it as Jorge would
say) said that several of the songs-the vocals are hard to make out and are
staticy...I'm scared that Tori's voice will be drowned out by some thumping

Come here baby you drive me crazy don't want nobody but you my baby
~Meghan The Misquoter



Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 20:34:51 MDT
From: "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: You paid HOW MUCH and you don't even get a blowjob?!

"Dalsh" was wondering how we felt about all those folks charing $100 for
their shows...  And I feel GREAT about it.

Here's why.

All day today I've been beating myself up because I am going to two-- TWO--
Tori shows-- one in Las Vegas for $45, and then a Tori-only show in Salt
Lake for $35.  I mean, $80 for two TORI shows, and I am feeling like I am
throwing my whole future away.  And then my friend tells me that she knows
someone who paid $200 to sit on row two at a Backstreet Boys concert, and I
will never feel guilty again. :-)


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Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 00:07:33 EDT
From: MeSmoRose5@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #795

hi, my name's faye,
well, as it turns out i didn't get issue #795.  i downloaded it and it was
all screwy.  i wanted info especially on the poetry contest.  if you write me
about this, please put "poetry contest" on the subject line.
please send me #795 soon.



Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 23:28:09 -0500
From: "Ryan McGinnis" <chaka@nebi.com>
To: "RDT Right Now" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Blibbity blabbity

----- Original Message -----
 From: Brian Cooper <bcooper@enternet.com.au>
Subject: Blaine is a pain

> #780... Ryan McGinnis:
> >  Why do you insist on posting something that doesn't concern anyone but
> >to an international open forum?

> Ok Ryan, you'll address Becky's reply to your post, but ignore Lavs'
> response on this (thanks to both ladies). Why do you choose to ignore the
> more pertinent points?

  My answer to you is "I post about what I want to post about."

> You've ducked it once, so I'll call you on it. Why
> do you insist (and persist) bringing up something that's been over with
> more than a month now?

  I merely respond to things directed to me, or to tangent discussion on the
matter initiated about other people.  You have, and will not see any new
threads created by me on this matter.  Eventually you will figure out that
the best way to bury the issue is to stop pushing it, as you are doing in
the very message I am replying to.

>Why do you continue to ignore the 'advice' that you
> gave above?

  What are you talking about?  My 'advice', quoted above, is a rhetorical
response to your question of "Why do you feel the need to butt into this?"
The implication being that you started the rock rolling, and that you
shouldn't act all offended when the results of your own actions affect you

> It makes you a hypocrite to say that and still persist with
> your bitching (see also RDTRN #788).

 Blah blah blah.  It's somewhat scary that you actually take time to put
parenthetical notation into a messageboard post.

> In my last post to this list I held
> out the olive branch of peace to you, yet you still persist.

  Peace?  What are you talking about?  I'm not warring with you.  If you
don't want to see any more messages regarding this particular instance, then
drop it.

-Ryan                                        http://www.lionking.org/~ryan/
ryan@lionking.org        ICQ: 1953628        PGP key ID: 0x3EDDA6CA

       "The wonderful thing about Tiggers
          is that Tiggers are wonderful things..."



Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 00:35:11 -0700
From: Amanda Blum <howlingzoe@uswest.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: the worlds smallest violin

I am going through one of those tough lean, "God I cannot remember right
now why it was I thought being an artist full time would bring in the
big bucks, so please please remind me before I off and buy a power suit,
not that I can afford one" times.

I am experiencing one of those adult moments that make you wish you were
back at home.  You know, rent, electric, car insurance...yep..why do
they all come down at once?

In addition to this, it is just so fucking hot.  August in Phoenix just
sucks whatever the absolute largest grossest thing you can think of.
Sucks it hard.  I am so sunburned, I actually match my hair.... I look
ridiculous and its going to take forever to get back to my pale self.

I am having trouble finding a kiln to fire in,  and I am so utterly
frustrated by web page construction that I am beginning to think I could
actually be more productive if I had no hands to type with and just
screamed obsentities at the computer waiting for it to agree with me and
do what I want.

I am so frustrated that I ran a whopping 2 miles today.  I know no big
deal, but as I have afore mentioned, I hate running so this was actually
a feat of endurance for me.  This may also have to do witth the fact
that this is the first time in five years I have not been having sex on
a regular basis, which has only in the past few days begun to really
bother me- a LOT.  It kind of makes me remember why people have one
night stands....sometimes, its just nice to have sex.  The only thing in
my bed lately is my doberman....but I won't even go there.

I am sure that everything will look better tomorrow, I know I dont have
it that rough, and that compared to most other people, these are
treasures instead of problems.. that being said, its nice to be able to
just say how much it all blows once in a while, while functioning as a
testomonial reminder to those of you still in school or at home to stay
there.  Forever.



Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 01:19:17 PDT
From: "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: a rant.....

So after being put out of commision for a few weeks my friends and i decided
to go dancing.  We went to straight club....  We'd been once before and had
fun, but good god....

1.  Maybe this is a stupid thing, but if they are going to give people beer
bottles and glasses (not plastic) there should be some kind of 'no open
toe-d" shoe policy.  We were dancing in broken glass all night, and i'm
kinda sensitive about that whole subject now (they'll be an essay and some
gruesome pictures about my incident with my foot on my site very soon!).

2.  The dance floor was so small...  Which was no big deal, but if you're on
the 'dance floor' fucking dance!  Don't just stand there and get in the way,
and then bitch because people are bumping into you.

3.  People should not flail around with lit objects in their hands.  It's
rude, and it's dangerous.

They played some cool music, but it was too hard to dance with drunk people
humping all over each other everywhere.  The people were rude, they had no
idea of their surroundings.  I'll take the gay club any day.  People there
seem so much nicer.  If someone bumps into you, they usually say sorry, they
don't yell at you for being in their way.  That's a generalization i know,
but from my experience it's true.

So my rant wasn't as bad as I thought.  I was just very disappointed that my
first night dancing in 3 weeks sucked so bad.  BUT!!!!! The guy I like
called me, I'm calling him tommorow, seeing Blondie tommorow night, and
going on a date with him!  *happy dance*

love to all :)

'baby it's all or nothing now, i don't want to run and i can't walk out...'

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sun, 29 Aug 99 00:27:01 +1030
From: cslape@dove.net.au
To: "gangajang" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Shut your fucking face, unclefucker

Hey, I had the number 2 spot in #795.  I don't know if that's a good spot
for me.  I'm better off as a pinch hitter.  So's I only have to strike
out once.  You can have it back, oh wild one.  Speaking of who...

Koba said:
> winegarner mentions silbury hill, and all of a sudden, i have peter gabriel
> floating in my mind.

and then Beth said:
>Nonono... that's *Salisbury Hill*. Completely different hill. (Also a great
>song, I have to admit). Has nothing to do with Silbury Hill.

and then andrea said:
>although his is salsbury hill

and I'm a Peter Gabriel idiot, but my money's on Solsbury Hill.  Does
anyone have a CD they can look at?  I'll go along with great song,
though.  Hey, he had a song with a monkey in it too, didn't he?  And now
Tori's done one ... I have no idea how to make that coincidence
significant.  Maybe Jorge knows.

Everytime I go to Tori's Beauty ... and a Gun, all the links are screwed
and I can't download anything.  And I won't get to hear it until later
than most anyway because it'll be released later here than it will in
America.  And I'm going nuts.  Not so happy.

I lied, actually, I did manage to get Bliss.  I like it.  And I missed
out on seeing her on Letterman, not because we don't get Letterman, but
because we only get Letterman on days when there isn't something more
important like rugby or golf to put on at 1:00 am.  Fortuitously I have a
friend (what one might call a friend of a friend, actually, or a FOAF)
who lives in Canberra.  Now, in Canberra they get their rugby in prime
time, and so she got to see Letterman that day, and she taped it, and she
sent it to me, and I've seen it.  So.  I'm lucky as far as Bliss goes.
In all other regards, I am unlucky.

I didn't even mean to write a post tonight.  My finger slipped.




Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 11:09:41 EDT
From: Fragments1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: sail you home

so i just re-listened to the MP3's of "1,000 oceans" and "Suede"...and...i
said it before with choirgirl, and i was halfway right..but...venturing from
what i've heard so far of venus [how will that be abbreviated, by the way? is
disc one gonna be "tvabd1:o" and disc 2 "tvabd2:l:so"?]..this may be the
album i've wanted tori to make since i've been a part of camp tori.....

suede...ohmygod....it's like the nineteenththousandth time i've said it, but
those of you kicking suede in the ass now will be eating your words in two
month's time. trust me. that song is...wow....it may take the place of "tear
in your hand" as my most beloved torisong....especially right now.."oh little
sister, i hoped you wouldn't feel that way, and, oh, little sister, can you
forgive me one day?"........

and "1,000 oceans"...i'm very scared of the commercial possibilities raised
by this song....we may end up seeing tori on tour with sugar ray and
smashmouth because of this...it's soooo good, but soooo very ready for top

anyway. i hope i never have to pay 100 bucks for crappy tori seats.......not
that i still would'nt..because ...quote lecy:"tori could piss on my leg and
i'd love it".

i'd just bottle and sell it on ebay.

which reminds me...

I officially want to whine about the toristicker lecy had for me getting
lost. it makes me sad. pout pout pout.


two old women want to buy my old car. i've gotta go.

you're a fine mothafucka....

-russ the ventrue
"Call me evil, call me tired as anyasthide
Anything you want
Anybody knows you can conjure up
Anything by the dark of the moon "
-tori amos



Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 08:39:13 PDT
From: "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: wow chocolate coffee is GOOD

Dumb subject title, I know. Someone asked where Past The Mission was
filmed-in a small village in Spain, I believe. Someone also contemplated
about living in Europe-I raise my hand to that! I have been to England once,
and fell in love. I need to go to Ireland soon to see all of my Monaghan
relatives, and I just want to travel all over the world. My brothers got to
go to Ireland at 18, and my oldest bro even got to go to Thailand for 2
weeks *sticks out tongue* AND in one of those British Royalty Mansions in
the hills. I am SO jealous of those bastards on that dumb Road Rules
show-they get to go everywhere, YET they still find some way to bitch about
the trip. Dumbasses. During my week off in February I want to go somewhere
in Europe, dunno where yet. I find it a tradition since that's when I went
to England, so every week off in Feb, I should go somewhere cool! OH, I
converted yet another Toriphile yesterday at school-my best friend Rosie.
She said to me yesterday, "I thought you should know that I got some Tori cd
in the mail...it has Choirgirl in it...?" And I said, "From The Choirgirl
Hotel?" And she said, "Yeah that's it! I love it!" And I felt yet another
victory :) I am so glad it's the weekend, I can not begin to explain. I had
a dream that at the Tori concert, during Alanis, all of the Toriphiles
rioted and she got booted off stage :) Heh. Nice one. Question: (totally
irrelevant) Does anyone happen to know when the video for Bliss comes out?
Cause I saw Tori on Mtv News 15/15 and she said that there was a video out
soon for it, and that there was a UK Version and a US Version. I was just
wonderin. That's enough for me-more chocolate coffee :) Take care everyone

Abigail Monaghan

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         *** Of The 36 Alternatives, Running Away Is Best digest ***

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