RDT Right Now #916

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 19:41:08 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #916
To: "Recipient.List.Suppressed":;;@torithoughts.org

    Do not hit reply to unsubscribe.  To unsub, send a message to
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 00 : Issue #916

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Robbie is my one!                     [ MeganSara1234@aol.com ]
  Me Again                              [ MeganSara1234@aol.com ]
  Unidentified subject!                 [ Jorge Fernandez <jorge518@go.com> ]
  RDT website is back...                [ fartachu <woj@smoe.org> ]
  Unidentified subject!                 [ "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotma ]
  another "patented list" from laurahe  [ "Laura Heywood" <laurahey@hotmail.c ]
  another "patented list" from laurahe  [ "Laura Heywood" <laurahey@hotmail.c ]
  PUNKER THAN PUNCHING YOUR MOM         [ "buddyhead dot com" <buddyhead@budd ]
  "god, venice. all i said was 'drooli  [ Thrak75@aol.com ]
  God (The Thinking Mix 2) full length  [ MadRuCher1@aol.com ]
  King Of The GreyEars                  [ Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com> ]
  Fiona may be on the cover...          [ "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail. ]
  oh yeah (rdt website)                 [ fartachu <woj@smoe.org> ]
  another year.                         [ "Lori A Near" <nearlori@pilot.msu.e ]
  ...hit where it hurts, silver and go  [ Thrak75@aol.com ]
  She's so mean, but I don't care       [ Brian Cooper <bcooper@enternet.com. ]
  Wu hoo!                               [ Jessi <jessi@tangerinegirl.com> ]
  Re: Drivel                            [ Richard Handal <handal@min.net> ]
  915 stuff                             [ "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotma ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 19:40:42 EST
From: MeganSara1234@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Robbie is my one!

    I was so glad to see some Robbie Williams talk here.  I have become
OBSESSED with him and I can't figure out why.  I kind of like his music and I
think he is hot, but I dont know where the obsession comes from.  I have
thought famous people were hotter than him before and never got obsessed.  I
hope I'm not becoming a super-psycho fan.  I NEED HIM!!!  Okay, enough with
the wierdness.  I did make my husband go out and buy me his CD today.

I feel the need to share my top ten CDs with all of you, so here it is:

1. Tori Amos-Little Earthquakes
2. Alanis Morissette-Jagged Little Pill
3. Tori Amos-Unplugged
4. NIN-Pretty Hate Machine
5. U2-Best Of
6. Jewel-Spirit
7. Tori Amos-Tori Stories (box set...does that count as 4?...oh well)
8. Joshua Kadison-Painted Desert Serenade
9. Fiona Apple-Tidal
10. Robbie Williams-The Ego Has Landed (so I could have him with me at all

About Tori being pregnant, which someone was talking about.  At the
Minneapolis concert in September, she looked like she was growing a little
belly, an early pregnant belly.  Towards the end of the concert, she stood
up, rubbed her belly and smiled.  I swear she was trying to say she was
pregnant, but I'm pretty sure she's not.  I've seen her many times since then
and, unless she's hiding it well, she sure isn't pregnant.  Oops!  I got the
DJ on a local radio station to announce that she was right after the concert.
 I thought she was.

I don't really have an interesting way to end this so, bye for now.



Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 19:58:15 EST
From: MeganSara1234@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Me Again

I'm posting again...so what?

Thank you to all who welcomed me.  I think something about Megans likes
something about Tori.  I have a good friend named Megan too who is also a big
Tori fan.

I have dyed red hair.  The best compliment in the world...I have been told
many times that I look like Tori.  At the Boys For Pele concert a security
guard grabbed me (hard) and said "Oh my God!  Has anybody ever told you you
look just like Tori?"  One time I almost got attacked at a party by a guy,
who loved Tori, because he thought I was Tori.  He was also very very drunk.
:sigh: Thank you.



Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 17:49:43 -0800 (PST)
From: Jorge Fernandez <jorge518@go.com>
Subject: Unidentified subject!

To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org


Date: Sun, 02 Jan 19100 17:49:43 -0800 (PST)

Subject: je ne sais quois

what is up with my posts from this account and that bizzare double spacing

so we made it through Y2K without any major snags.....that is, of course,
until we find 50 dipshits in matching Nikes who inhaled Draino at about
11:59 PM somewhere in Lebanon, Pennsylvania....

today was interesting here in NYC, as I got to meet someone who's been on
this list with me for a while now....after about five years, i got to meet
Andrea. i must say that the smart 13 year-old who used to inhabit this list
has grown up to be a really awesome girl. we had some interesting
sandwiches, with Venice, Koba, and her friend Adrianne (who supposedly
lurks here), enjoyed some ice cream at Cones, and finished up by taking
some rather interesting pictures on Christopher Street. yeah, they're
coming soon to my site. i never keep the cuties away for long. i have an
audience of women-starved Coopers to please.

back in Miami LATE tomorrow...



Jorge Fernandez

Miami, Fl.



________________________________________________________ ____

Get your Free GO Network Email address at http://mail.go.com



Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 22:16:22 -0500
From: fartachu <woj@smoe.org>
To: fiercest clams <precious-things@smoe.org>, torinews@smoe.org,
Cc: mikewhy@iglou.com
Subject: RDT website is back...

the really-deep-thoughts website is back!

...and it looks like the caldwells have added some interactivity (ala
slashdot) to the site too. huzzah!




Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 19:20:37 PST
From: "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Unidentified subject!

So my boyfriend called me last night.  Because we listened to it here he
went out and bought Choirgirl and the Raspberry Swirl single because it has
the video and a few remixes on it.

Cool huh?  He already had little earthquakes and the hey jupiter ep, but he
bought Choirgirl.

So I'm listening to the top 40 stations Top 50 songs of the year.  They
picked Livin' La Vida Loca as the number one song of the year.  That's kind
crazy.  Of course last year it was My Heart Will Go On.

I listened to Ricky's cd and did not like it all.  I liked Shake You Bon Bon
but not even the song with Madonna appealed to me.

Oh well.  I hope everyone's well! *hugs*

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 20:10:04 PST
From: "Laura Heywood" <laurahey@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: another "patented list" from laurahey

1.  happy y2k!!!  (hey, in mejico and espan~a do they call it a2k?)

2.  i had the *most* fun at the party i went to.  it was up at lake tahoe (a
ski-resort town on the border of nevada and california, right be reno) with
my buddies from the summer camp i've worked with the last two years.  about
100 people showed up and 60 spent the night.  the house was more trashed
than any i have ever seen!!  but boy, ws the party fun.  of course everyone
asked about my trip, and i loved telling them it was fabulous.  i even got
kissed at midnight -- though i doubt i'll ever see the guy again -- and that
completed the experience.  !viva 2000!

3.  this weekend i'm meeting eric-with-a-c.  in berkeley.  we're going
tori-shopping!  (go figure).  i'm hoping to fnd the promos from the new
album.  i have at least one from every single from pele and choirgirl, but
not a SINGLE (bad pun intended) one from venus.  boo!  talk to me again next

4.  do any of you have connections in RADIO?  i'm going to be on the radio.
i have decided that i want to be a dj first, then a programmer.  i'm sending
out resumes for summer internships this next week.  but believe me, if any
of you can give me a boost, even by giving me a name, i'll fall all over you
with kisses.  (ok, metaphorical kisses.)

5.  can we do a count of lauras left on rdt?  i feel left out of the
meg(h)an crowd.  but that's okay.  it's just good to be back as a part of
the "regulars".  i don't *just* scroll to find my name, but it _is_ awfully
fun to see myself mentioned.

6.  can someone send me the url for the rdt drinking game?  i did a search
on metacrawler, and it gave me nada.

7.  to everyone in england:  you may or may not be as ecstatic as i am that
that f*cking millenium prayer song never made it across the atlantic.

7b.  and, well -- did it go #1?  (because, for everyone who *doesn't* know,
if it does go #1 in 2000, then cliff richards will have had a number 1
single in each of 6 decades.)

7c.  did you just say "cliff who?"  THAT is why i love america.

8.  i just finished what will probably be my last bowl of pumpkin ice-cream
of the season.  i've never understood why they stop making it as soon as
december is over.

9.  did anyone tape the snl tori-spoof?  i'm dying to see it.

10.  thanks, rdt, for a great 99... and get ready for two important events
in 2000.  they are:
APRIL 28, 2000:  LAURAHEY TURNS 21!!!!!

10b.  i almost just wrote, "laurahey turns @!"

11.  of to watch waiting for guffman, with the folks, who have never seen
it.  as for me, it has been too long.

12.  love and peace to everyone in the new year!

sweet laurahey.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 20:10:16 PST
From: "Laura Heywood" <laurahey@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Cc: laurahey@torithoughts.org
Subject: another "patented list" from laurahey

1.  happy y2k!!!  (hey, in mejico and espan~a do they call it a2k?)

2.  i had the *most* fun at the party i went to.  it was up at lake tahoe (a
ski-resort town on the border of nevada and california, right be reno) with
my buddies from the summer camp i've worked with the last two years.  about
100 people showed up and 60 spent the night.  the house was more trashed
than any i have ever seen!!  but boy, ws the party fun.  of course everyone
asked about my trip, and i loved telling them it was fabulous.  i even got
kissed at midnight -- though i doubt i'll ever see the guy again -- and that
completed the experience.  !viva 2000!

3.  this weekend i'm meeting eric-with-a-c.  in berkeley.  we're going
tori-shopping!  (go figure).  i'm hoping to fnd the promos from the new
album.  i have at least one from every single from pele and choirgirl, but
not a SINGLE (bad pun intended) one from venus.  boo!  talk to me again next

4.  do any of you have connections in RADIO?  i'm going to be on the radio.
i have decided that i want to be a dj first, then a programmer.  i'm sending
out resumes for summer internships this next week.  but believe me, if any
of you can give me a boost, even by giving me a name, i'll fall all over you
with kisses.  (ok, metaphorical kisses.)

5.  can we do a count of lauras left on rdt?  i feel left out of the
meg(h)an crowd.  but that's okay.  it's just good to be back as a part of
the "regulars".  i don't *just* scroll to find my name, but it _is_ awfully
fun to see myself mentioned.

6.  can someone send me the url for the rdt drinking game?  i did a search
on metacrawler, and it gave me nada.

7.  to everyone in england:  you may or may not be as ecstatic as i am that
that f*cking millenium prayer song never made it across the atlantic.

7b.  and, well -- did it go #1?  (because, for everyone who *doesn't* know,
if it does go #1 in 2000, then cliff richards will have had a number 1
single in each of 6 decades.)

7c.  did you just say "cliff who?"  THAT is why i love america.

8.  i just finished what will probably be my last bowl of pumpkin ice-cream
of the season.  i've never understood why they stop making it as soon as
december is over.

9.  did anyone tape the snl tori-spoof?  i'm dying to see it.

10.  thanks, rdt, for a great 99... and get ready for two important events
in 2000.  they are:
APRIL 28, 2000:  LAURAHEY TURNS 21!!!!!

10b.  i almost just wrote, "laurahey turns @!"

11.  of to watch waiting for guffman, with the folks, who have never seen
it.  as for me, it has been too long.

12.  love and peace to everyone in the new year!

sweet laurahey.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 21:59:28 -0800
From: "buddyhead dot com" <buddyhead@buddyhead.com>
To: buddyhead <buddyhead@buddyhead.com>


first off, we moved.  anyone sending us records, love letters, flowers,
telegrams, or coming over to fight us should take note of our address change




*tons and tons of music reviews.  if you are in a band, you are not safe.
*win a free GUNS N' ROSES live era 87-93 double cd, or the WEAKERTHANS debut
cd "fallow" in our infamous contest area. also don't forget to check and see
who won stuff last month.
*an in depth interview with daryl taberski of SNAPCASE.
*a look into the mind of speedo from ROCKET FROM THE CRYPT
*the journal and photographs from the hell tour 99.  INK AND DAGGER,
THE ICARUS LINE, BLUEBIRD, and a few members of buddyhead made their way up
west coast... the result was utter destruction.
*an interview from the heart of L.A.'s underground hip hop scene, ETERNAL
tells us what's in store for the year 2000.
*remember SKID ROW?  well, SEBASTIAN BACH was the singer and he wanted us to
interview him, so we did.
*tons of photo.  AARON FARLEY, TRAVIS KELLER, and ROBIN LAANAEN all showcase
their art.
*the last interview ever with KID DYNAMITE'S singer jason.
*this one is pure humor, and i can't give it justice, just be sure to read the
*TRISTEZA's love, joy, and guitar player, jimmy.
*john sampson was tracked down at last.  THE WEAKERTHANS interview is finally
in this issue.
*we attended a GRAFFITI ART SHOW on melrose, and reported what went down.
*marko talked with filmmaker graham streeter about his film "FRANK IN FIVE"
*learn all about LA TOURISM through the eyes of buddyhead.
*merry christmas. we went to the EPITAPH CHRISTMAS PARTY and asked everyone
silly questions.
*read about the legendary PAY PHONE in the middle of the mojave desert that
*we got a package and we posted what was inside. discover the TRICYCLE FACTION.
*tons of MOVIE REVIEWS.  what's hot, what's not.
*this month we let dean, dean the sex machine answer the SEX ADVICE.
*this month's classic movie is "MEET JOHN DOE" in the CINEMATIX section.
*and as usual marko has a few things to say in his ever amusing and

also don't forget to check out the showlist to find out what shows are coming
to town and also remember to become a member of the buddyhead message board.
tons of free stuff will be given out to members.  and in our extensive archive
section you can find all of our past interviews and features including;

to be REMOVED from this list, follow these DIRECTIONS or your request will not
be completed.
reply to this email with "remove" in the subject.
simple, i know.




Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 02:31:19 EST
From: Thrak75@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: "god, venice. all i said was 'drooling, wet and with a cold nose.'"

so i had the pleasure of lunching with jorge and venice again, today.
however, this was even more special because i was blessed by the presence of
one andrea norstad. as an even sweeter added bonus, i met a lovely brit named
adrian, who i said i'd out here on rdt (she mumbled something in that lovely
accent about knowing laurahey). many witty and/or crude verbal exchanges
occurred between all those involved (i was more on the crude side, as the
subject title suggests). photographs of us in comprimising positions were
had, and will be developed soon. there's even one of me sandwiched between a
statue of two gay men. they were going to take a picture of me straddling the
statue of a lesbian couple, but i chickened out. good idea, since a family
complete with children was making its way into the little park. what an
emotionally scarring image THAT would be for them! imagine the news headline:
koba straddles lesbian statue; park visitors blinded."

and if dancing between statues of two gay men isn't good enough, one of ms.
norstad and ms. adrian's final images of me is standing by the window of the
subway train, panting and sticking my tongue at them in crude gestures. i
even got the european "fuck you" sign, which made me smile grandly.

nonetheless, i had a blast, and i thought i'd share with rdt-land.

while i'm being generally useless here, i thought i'd plug my website. it's
been a while since you saw it, and you know it. that means what's there now
is probably totally different from the last time. writings, photographs, a
dream journal, and a lot of other things. go look. address in my .sig.

"war, children, it's just a shot away."
wild koba

david y. kobayashi
new york law school

"i've got a feeling the tide is turning now, baby...." -m. portnoy



Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 12:39:13 EST
From: MadRuCher1@aol.com
To: precious-things@smoe.org (fiercest clams), torinews@smoe.org,
Subject: God (The Thinking Mix 2) full length mp3

This is just a quick message to let you all know that the featured track this
week on my website is the Thinking Mix2 of God.  It's a rare 11 minute
version and is perfect quality.  You can download it at:


just go to the "featured song" section, and you'll find it there!




Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 17:02:07 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
To: jmathers@westol.com, rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: King Of The GreyEars

Happy Birthday (belated) to the new King of the Greyears (ToriFans over
30).  As your Loyal Lady Bethey, I offer congrats on your advanced age and
wisdom and thank you on behalf of arty turners everywhere for letting us
know life doesn't end at 40. ;)

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
  it's the Fairies Revenge they say
  and I have always been a Fairy
*~**Fairy Blessings**~*
~really deep thoughts and stories~
updated at least monthly



Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 16:52:45 MST
From: "Doug Smeath" <heyjupiter1@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org, mikewhy@iglou.com
Subject: Fiona may be on the cover...

...but the February 2000 issue of SPIN is all about Tori!

I have been out of town and unable to get online for a while, so this stuff
may be all over the Internet, but just in case, I want to spread the good

First, a large portion of the reader letters section is about the Tori
article.  Unfortunately, many of them are from readers who didn't catch on
to Maureen Callahan's apparent bias and who were just happy to see Tori in
another magazine.  One was from a guy who said he finds Tori scary but
strangely erotic. :-)  There were two from concerned fans, including Pat
Kochie's husband Tom.  For some reason they titled the part about Tori
"Earth Girl First!"  (?)  Anyway, in what is fairly rare for Spin
contributors, the writer of the controversial article actually made a little
reply:  "I meant in no way to slight Pat's work.  But most of her dolls do
look like Tori, and when I said the same to Pat, she replied, 'That's what
everyone says.'"  Also, Spin has this really hilarious little section they
do with their reader letters where they claim to break down their letters
into categories, such as "5%  Blink-182 concertgoers who 'really dug seeing
their pseudo-punk-rock penises.'"  This is always one of my favorite parts
of a Spin issue.  Anyway, it usually only dedicates one or two statistics to
a particular subject or artist.  This month's dedicated 6 to Tori:

42%  Deluded Toriphiles who claim to write "on behalf of Tori"
99%  Grateful subscribers who "thank the Lord that Fred Durst wasn't posing
with that tree"
50%  Disturbed Tori-heads who make dolls out of their feces
.01% An Amos aficianado who wanted "to crucify myself after reading your
blasphemous tripe"
25%  Tasteless new-schoolers who think Christina Aguilera is "the next
generation's Tori Amos"
25%  Unaware old-schoolers who didn't realize Amos recorded anything after Y
Kant Tori Read

Now to the really exciting news!!!  In the 1999 Spin Reader Poll, Tori won
lots and lots of titles:

Best solo artist (but they called her the Cornflake Girl again and speculate
that her win was due to fan-club campaigning)
Most underrated
Second best album (just under The Fragile)
Favorite Spin cover ("The tree-humping photo wasn't even on the cover!")
Best live act
Sex goddess :-)

So there...

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 21:51:17 -0500
From: fartachu <woj@smoe.org>
To: torinews@smoe.org, fiercest clams <precious-things@smoe.org>,
Subject: oh yeah (rdt website)

i completely forgot to mention what the really-deep-thoughts website's
address was last night! (oy!) it is, of course, <http://www.toriamos.org/>.
sorry about that....




Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 23:02:14 -0500 (EST)
From: "Lori A Near" <nearlori@pilot.msu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: another year.

hello arty-turners!

I hope that everyone had a great new year's, and that your
holidays were good.  Mine were good, and new years was much
more fun than I had anticipated.  Before we went out, we
(my boyfriend and I) spent the day watching the new year's
celebrations around the globe on PBS.  It was just cool watching
all the different cultures ring in the new year, although
Singapore having a bunch of folks covering "Livin' La Vida
Loca" was personally a low point for me...

I have about 10 digests to get through, so I'll be behind for
a bit, but that's the way I like it... enough material so I can
read at work when things get slow here.

First things first -  I finally picked up Strangers in Paradise
#28, and saw you listed there, Jess!  Dont you just love the
paper dolls included this time around?

oooh, russ commented about the harry potter books.  I loved
them too!  I hear that the author is making a movie about
the series too, and she has *complete* control.  she's using
no name actors and is going to make everything live action.
Think of Quidditch... she's going to do her best to make it
as realistic as possible without much computer animation.
Ought to be interesting.  BTW, I'm very very openly pagan,
and I think the series is fabulous, having both sides (good,
evil) portrayed.  Hell, CS Lewis, one of the most educated
and well respected Christian writers ever, wrote a freaken'
fantasy series with good witches and what not (ever hear of Narnia...).
It's amazing what people will protest against, eh...

anyways, catch up slowly but surely...

a handshake is worthy if it's all that you've got ~

secret stigma:  http://www.geocities.com/~loria7/rem.html
thoughts:  http://www.msu.edu/~nearlori/main.html



Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 03:47:51 EST
From: Thrak75@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: ...hit where it hurts, silver and gold

my god. it really IS y2k. valerie used the word "fuck" in one post almost as
much as i do in one sentence. at this rate, she's going to be drinking 3
times a week, and cursing like me in no time! shit. don't go to college, man.
stay home and sheltered, or you're going to be a fucking goon, too.

ratio of koba curses to valerie curses, as of 1/4/2k: 6346 : 2. if that ratio
gets more even before the year is out, rdt's going to get posts from me where
all i type is "fuck" for about 20k. ;-)

btw, i'm pulling for you, monkey. but you know that.

so is it me, or does it sound like someone's yelling something really loud at
about 2:45 of "juarez"? there's this noise that almost sounds like yelling-
loud yelling. but it's rather difficult to decipher. has anyone determined
what this is?

i've discovered two new favorite moments on tvab. the first is the amp hum
right at the very end of "josephine" that trails into "riot poof." i think
it's stuff like that which makes albums memorable. for example, if you listen
really closely to stevie ray vaughan playing "little wing" on "the sky is
crying," you can hear his amp humming. stuff like that, so subtle, yet so
characteristic, can make a recording beautiful. granted, i don't think any
old crap called "noise" will do the trick. if it's noxious, it's going to
sound like torn-asshole. but sweet little things like the buzz at the end of
"josephine", or even hearing the person couting off in the beginning of that
song, are way cool. i thought i'd share that.

then, in "riot poof," the end just KILLS me, yo. the "sun is warming" part
(at about 2:45). that part rocks so insanely, it's not even a joke anymore.
it's evans' fault that that part is so awesome. it also helps that caton is a
brilliant guitarist and comes up with disgustingly cool parts throughout the
song. and then i heard a live mp3 of this, and they do that little thing at
the end where it sounds like living colour fucking the high school
cheerleaders, and i die every time (does anyone know what she was singing at t
he end, there?).

speaking of rocking, can someone remind me again why it took me 24 1/2 years
to own a rolling stones cd? i regret waiting so long, but am enjoying them
now massively.

"Speaking of trolls, as I'm catching up, I'm noticing some unprovoked attacks
on people.  Koba said that he doesn't really see me as someone who can be
bullied, but I have felt that way, Wild One, in the past.  There were attacks
on me that brought me to tears because they came from no where, or from
stupid misunderstandings.  There are attacks on others here, who I know
personally to be terrific people, that really saddens me.  It"

actually, i discovered this as i went along.

"group) have unsubbed.  And when things get boring, Don't bash Handal.
Richard has never done anything negative to this group.  He has gotten angry
and responded in that manner, just like everyone does.  Sometimes he comes
off as a "know-it-all", but that's because he does know it.  His musical
intellect blows me away, and his loyalty as a friend puts me to shame.  Even
Tori respects him and his ways.  If Tori likes him, why shouldn't we?  ;)
But seriously, like him or don't."

bethey comes across as saying something interesting, that i almost agree
with, despite the fact it pains me to do so. see, i believe that he has done
negative things on rdt. and regardless of whether or not he's a
"know-it-all," with the powers of internet resources, any half-brained clod
can be a "musical intellect." they're cool, but the ones without the
"know-it-all" attitudes are even cooler. really.

and luckily, i know you're joking about liking and respecting handal, even if
tori might.

"But don't use Richard as the scapegoat of this list.  Why should we when
there are so many others that we can bash happily, like Brittany Spears?  ;)
*did that piss anyone off? ;)*"

despite the fact that i have my own reasons to think handal is hypocritical
and opportunistic, i DO have to concur that some of the unwarranted personal
attacks on several people here recently sucked (not just to him, either). it
pains me to say this, really. but in all fairness,  if you're going to go
after someone, why get personal about it? that's like lighting a cigarette
with a blowtorch. i mean, i wouldn't invite handal over for a beer even if
tori were to blow me, but i at least try to wait for him to open his mouth
first. that alone is usually more than enough ammo.

apparently, it looks like mobile fidelity sound lab, better known as the guys
who gave us those cool but expensive gold cd's, are going out of business. so
start stocking up.

ooh, vernon. oh, god, you're so burnin',
wild koba

david y. kobayashi
new york law school

"... it is nevertheless often true that one man's vulgarity is another's
lyric." -j. harlan



Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 21:32:49 +1100
From: Brian Cooper <bcooper@enternet.com.au>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: She's so mean, but I don't care

One of life's great little mysteries... why do they make scented toilet
paper? I mean, think about what you do with it and where you put it. It's
not gonna make much difference now, is it? I don't think anyone's gonna
notice it, though dogs might appreciate the change.

In #914, Valerie claimed....
>this was actually the first holiday season in our house where "santa" didn't
>come. my dad asked us when it was we stopped really believing...

You mean Santa doesn't exist? *shock* ~horror~ *gasp* You've probably just
gone and broken the misquoter's heart.

>ohman. brian really does rock.
Shhh. You'll make Keithers jealous.

>tell me you
>listen to Letters to Cleo (for some reason i group those two together)

No. I must be the only Veruca Salt fan that doesn't. Putting them together
isn't much of a stretch as they supported each other. If you can add that
VS pinched LTC's drummer Stacy Jones, there is a strong link.

I hear the new VS album "Resolver" will be out on April 4. I know a guy
that's heard it and he says it kick ass, though he is biased. Nina Gordon's
solo album was supposed to be out this month, but it looks like sliding
again. I've heard some of her songs from last year's Lilith Fair and
they're pretty strong. Both VS' and Nina's albums were supposed to be out
over nine months ago, but the record companies keep stiffing them.

>arg. okay, ppl with laptop computers, wtf do you do when your touch-sensor
>mouse thing jumps all over the place? i can't control where the freaking
>thing goes. arg. we've had it "fixed" three times already, but it starts up
>again about a month after we get the puter back. grr.

If it's been "fixed" three times, check out your state's consumer laws, as
it sounds like a lemon. If there's a port on the back for a PS/2 mouse, use
it or a serial mouse around the home if possible to save wear and tear.
Personally I can't stand those touch pads. Try sliding your finger slower
and use a very light touch.

JessiPaff (TM):
>and damn are they comfortable.  I have had a red pair of long thermals for
>about 2 years now - I wear 'em during "that time of the month"....

Sheesh, first digest of the year and we're into crotch scum threads
already. I can see it all going downhill from here.

>Probably 50% or more of Tori's meet and
>greets consist of dyed red heads ;)

Only 50%? I could have sworn it would have been more like 70%. Can't really
comment though as I've never been to one. Add about 10% natural redheads
and you'd think the whole world was red. Mind you, from commercials on
Aussie TV, you'd think the population is 20% redhead.

Petulant Kate wrote...
>*bratty whiney tone* Why won't Tori come to Australia? Every time any
>OTHER American band/singer comes here, they always talk about how much
>they love Australia and how wonderful it is...

Maybe because last time she was here she had her stiletto shoes up against
the bulkhead of an aircraft, even after she was told not to, hence getting
the latex glove treatment from the police. Oh, that was Courtney Love.
Sheesh, if Courtney can come back after that, why can't Tori come here? I
dunno, it always beats me. They should look at it as a working holiday. Do
a show here, take a week off there, do another show. How hard can it be?
I'd do it.

But then again, nobody's ever asked me.



Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 07:58:57 -0500
From: Jessi <jessi@tangerinegirl.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Wu hoo!

Whoa...Cooper and I agreed on something....I feel like getting a plaque to
commemorate the moment :)  Yeah, Bob Rock blows....

My Wu?

Superintendent God-Botherer

Awwwww yeah baby.

Patrick is Fiendish Observational Comedian.  Not bad.  Mine is better.

Russ You liked the LAst Broadcast more than Blair witch?  ewwwwwa.

WHile there were some similarities, I didn't find them as "stricking" as
alot of media has made them out to be.  YEah, they were both psuedo
docs....but thats like saying Psycho and Nightmare on elm street are
identical.  And personally, when I saw Last Broadcast, back about a year
ago,  - keeping in mind it is short and made for even less money than TBWP,
I still found it greatly lacking.  I just thought those HAxan guys gave a
lot more bang for their production buck, while all I've heard from the
makers of TLB is alot of bitching and moaning about why they missed out on
all the fame.

hey, dem's da' breaks, life ain't fair.

Oh, and according to other sources, TBWP idea was made written about 2
years  before TLB - for a undergrad project by one of the guys at UCF.  At
least, that's what Time magazine said....


		A Tangerine Girl
	"she's the sweetest cherry in an apple pie"



Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 07:53:34 -0500 (EST)
From: Richard Handal <handal@min.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org (RDT Right Now)
Subject: Re: Drivel

Beth Coulter said:

> ...don't use Richard as the scapegoat of this list.

Thanks for the kind words, Beth, but I've found it amusing--and
telling--when folks have given me a hard time here out of the blue.
What makes *me* so important that I would be singled out? Must be
*something*, huh? That's me: Mr. Important Guy.

So, anyone who feels better by being nasty to me should feel free to
lay it on. It just shows the folks who couldn't already see it for
themselves the sort of people who you really are deep down inside.  :-)

I *do* find the whole scenario to be an enormous waste of time for all
concerned, though--especially for anyone who thinks there ought to be
[gasp] *content* in the conversation around here in addition to the
seemingly bottomless boatloads of hormones. But, who among those people
cares about anyone other than themself and their group of friends,
right? Pretty fucking self-absorbed.

Be seeing you,

Richard Handal, H.G.

The less one thinks, the more one speaks.   --French proverb



Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 10:51:35 PST
From: "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: 915 stuff

so I checked my wu name...

Inscrutable Drama Queen.

That's too fucking funny because before Aubry changed it, the banner on my
cell phone said Drama Queen.  And my friend bought me a sticker for my car
that says drama queen.

That really cracked me up.

Did anyone check Tori's Wu Name?

I did.  It's Inebriated Assistant.

I really got a laugh out of the article about Tori, Courtney, Trent and
Marilyn that Koba sent the link to.

Bethey said

"Why should we when there are so many others that we can bash happily, like
Brittany Spears?  ;) *did that piss anyone off? ;)*"

I'm listening to Brittany right now Bethey and I'm pissed!  How dare you
bash her amazing musical talent! :p

Actually I think the cd is pretty good.  But then again I also bought
Melanie C's solo album last night and I really like it too.  Northern Star
is such an awesome song.

It's funny, I've mentioned how my musical taste changes with the people I
date.  For once I'm influencing the other person.  Aubry had LE but I got
him to buy Choirgirl, The Rasperry Swirl single, and Jackie's Strength (with
the bee sides).  Of course, he's influencing mine too.  I was already
listening to a bunch of teeny bopper music but now I'm listening to tons of

These are the cds i brought with me to listen to in the backroom at work
today.  Cher - Believe, Brittany Spears, Melanie C - Northern Star,
Backstreet Boys - Millenium, Jennifer Paige (i just rediscovered this one
and i love it), Sheryl Crow - Tuesday Night Music Club.  Okay, so the Sheryl
Crow is my saving grace.  Well, not to some people on the list, but oh well.
  We can always bash Brittany *grin*

But anyway I'm going to actually work now and stop playing on the net on the
clock *yeah right*


'sometimes i run, sometimes i hide, sometimes i'm scared of you, but i
really want is to hold you tight, treat you right, be with you day and
night, baby all i need is time...'
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               *** Oh, Lord, Please Don't Burn Us digest ***

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