RDT Right Now #928

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 16:25:31 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #928
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 00 : Issue #928

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  damn Fiona and Ani                    [ "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmai ]
  The Great H.G.                        [ Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com> ]
  Ketchup (or: HA! I Caught Up!)        [ Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com> ]
  Millennium Actually Starts In 2001    [ Richard Handal <handal@min.net> ]
  "The female of the speices is deadli  [ SirenGrrrI@aol.com ]
  touch my ass if you're qualified      [ Eindeadelf@aol.com ]
  i heard your voice through a photogr  [ Hole Fan <hole_fan@yahoo.com> ]
  oh what could have been               [ Jorge Fernandez <jorge518@bellsouth ]
  Re: 'true fans'                       [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  let's hear it for the boy...          [ Fragments1@aol.com ]
  Puzzled by the way we came together.  [ hc60@cornell.edu ]
  warm beer and icecream                [ "Lavenda" <earth@nru.com.au> ]
  Calling all Toriphiles in the Midwes  [ Hole Fan <hole_fan@yahoo.com> ]
  waiting....                           [ "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotma ]
  The Fall of the House of Usher        [ Richard Handal <handal@min.net> ]
  I got something to say....            [ "Susan" <katrineol@fast.net> ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 14:38:19 PST
From: "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: damn Fiona and Ani

Ok, well, not DAMN them, just damn them cause their touring schedules are
way too screwy. I had planned on seing them both this year, but NO, Fiona is
playing at the warfield in SF which is of course 21 and older...*sticks out
tongue* And Ani is playing in Santa Cruz the DAY I leave for the desert
trip...shit. That sucks so much. She's playing in Davis the day before and
if I didn't have school, I'd hop right up there. But I have school so no I
can't...I am so upset by that. Anyways, onto other things...

I finished finals so a few friends and I are going out for a post finals
dinner celebration. Yeeeehhha. I got a 95% on my Psych final, but still got
a B+...oh well. I got a C+ in civics cause I got a D on my final...oops. My
parents don't have to know about that. Just that I passed and never have to
see boring old Mr. Swartz again (thank GOD!!) I got a B+ in composition,
because I don't think I did well on my vocab final...ooops. So, that wraps
up my major finals. I bought a new copy of UTP today cause my old one was
very scratched. Funny how the essay I chose to read to my english class
today was my review of UTP. Hehe. No one in my class knew who the hell Tori
was, but I don't care. I got a A on the paper and read it. Thought I'd share
some of those things with you guys...and Jorge, my friend is doing much
better and I talked to my therapist about him earlier this week. Things are
getting settled. Just when I thought it was safe, David goes haywire. I
found out that his depression is a result of something really huge that
happened to him when he was a kid, so he takes meds during the episodes. He
won't tell me what happened to him, but I have a feeling it was sexual
and/or physical abuse. I know his dad has hit him, but there's a lot he
won't tell me. The poor guy. His life sucks right now with his job, his
depression, his family...*s* I wish I knew what went wrong in his past, but
at the same time I don't wanna know cause it could be something bad. It's so
buried inside him that he's been to 5 different therapists and STILL can't
talk about it to anyone without breaking down first. Luckily his depressive
episodes are only twice a year and only 4-6 days at a time. He's still
having one now. It sucks. Jorge, if you could help me now with my boyfriend
and tell me what you think might be going on, I'd love advice. Yours on my
best friend was really nice. Sooooo I'm off to the mall....

-the red baroness
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Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 17:37:00 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: The Great H.G.

Richard (NOT the Dalai Lama) Handal wrote at the end of a simply wonderful
explanation of himself:
 >It should be interesting to see other comments in response to your
 >question, Maria.

*raising hand Horshak style* OOHH OOHH OHHH !!! Let Me, Mister Kot-Tar!!!

Richard is the Buddha (sorry to disagree Ken, but Tough!) ;).  He sits and
spouts wonderful stories (complete with date and time) about tours and has
wonderful pictures and the weirdest sense of humor!  He visits me and I
enjoy it so much.  I even ran out after midnight to get him a case of
"Storm" after seeing his desperate need.  You guys should hear the "Storm"
story and how Tori is ultimately responsible for Richard's addiction.  My
luck, Quakertown is a test city for the stuff so Richard comes to see me
more often. ;)  Not really, but he does always leave with half a case or so.

He has this weird affliction for Starbucks that I will never understand,
but hey, nobody's perfect.

So there is another response to the great question, Who Is Richard Handal?

One of my Brothers, that's who.  And don't forget it! ;)
Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
  it's the Fairies Revenge they say
  and I have always been a Fairy
*~**Fairy Blessings**~*
~really deep thoughts and stories~
updated at least monthly



Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 22:41:12 -0500
From: Beth Coulter <betheqt@voicenet.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Ketchup (or: HA!  I Caught Up!)

Now that I feel in the current loop, I'd like to throw out a few thoughts.

Little Elian:
The Cuban Readjustment Act of 1974 specifies that if a Cuban citizen lands
on American Soil, s/he may stay and seek citizenship.  If they are found on
the water, they are to be returned.  That is our Federal Law.  Should this
law be disregarded because of his age and being found *in* the water
instead of on it?  If we allow him to stay, doesn't that set a precedent
for any Cuban in American Waters to the same right?  Would Castro go
nuclear (seriously) if a mass exodus occurred because of the new
precedent?  As a rule, we can not make it ok for one to disregard the law
and not let all others.  So what is the solution?  His father is probably
being controlled and will never have the opportunity to speak his mind
fully.  What does a six year old know about what they want?  A nice house
with a puppy or a hovel with wild dogs (there is a dump in the back of his
house according to an article I read)?  He's going to pick the puppy over
daddy any day.  I offer no solution, for this defies logic for me.  Castro
must be gone before any logic can be made.  BTW, my g'father went to Havana
on a vacation in the early 50's and never stopped talking about what a
beautiful and warm people and country it was.  I wish Cuba would reopen and
eliminate this foolishness of people risking there lives to get to South
Florida!  Eek Gads!  Miami ain't worth someone's life! *wink wink* ;)

Drugs and mental illness:
For the first year of my "recovery", I was drugged up.  I was on tricyclic
antidepressants, anti-anxiety, sleeping aids, goddess, I was wasted before
I finished my morning dose.  My journals reflect my drugged state, and my
drugged state certainly led to total loss of control of my mind.  When I
began working with the therapist who diagnosed me as multiple (my current
one also), she urged me to get off of all medication or I would not be able
to be helped.  I finally got clean of everything (it took 3 months of
decreasing the dose), and all of a sudden, I had more control and
connection with reality.  I no longer sat in a chair for hours at a time
listening to the clock tick with my leg shaking furiously, well, at least
not every day.  I was a real head case on meds.  I am convinced it made my
multiplicity worse.  So I have concluded that Multiplicity is not a
chemical disorder and cannot be helped with medicine.  I do not believe
that medicine alone will ever cure or really help anyone with any disorder,
that talk therapy is required always in conjunction with medication if meds
are required at all.  And I believe that someone should be in therapy for
at least a month (4 one-hour sessions) before being prescribed
anything.  There are indeed chemical disorders that are classified mental
illnesses, but I believe these are actually physical conditions and should
be treated as such (true schizophrenia and severe bi-polar for example).

I ain't touchin' "meaningful lines" or much of the musical stuff except to
say I recently got some good albums.  "This Desert Life" (counting crows)
is growing on me (I like Satellites the best of the three), but my favorite
lately (boy will this blow your mind!) is "From The Inside" by Alice
Cooper.  Yes!  I love this album!  (I see Jorge stroking his chin, nodding,
saying "I see...hmm...this explains some...")  I don't know if I can even
pick a favorite song cause they are all so absolutely righteous.  "Where's
my make-up, where's my face? On the Inside...."  And it ends with a lovely
child chant of "We're all crazy, we're all crazy".  And for the lovers out
there, Millie and Billie say,  "God made love crazy so we wouldn't be
alone" while discussing her chopped up late husband.  *sigh* what's not to
*i see you.  jaw dropped.  glazed look.  blown mind.  deal with it.  a
granny who shakes it to cooper. in the tub yet. whoo*

Because of my growing CD collection, I've gotten some interesting things to
put them in.  A table that holds 112 of them (really neat black wrought
iron  design) and a treble clef that hangs on the wall.  It holds 40 CD's
and 3 Doubles.  I'm almost ashamed to admit that over 3/4's of it is filled
with Tori.  Shit, one of these days I'll go hog wild and sell my entire
collection in one fell swoop and make a fortune.  Ha.  right.  like I'll
make thousands with my beenie babies too. :p

I got a present today that is truly unique.  A Billy Joel Tour package from
the "River of Dreams" tour, the Japan leg.  A grey sweatshirt with Tokyo
and 3 other cities mentioned, 6 postcards, 6 buttons made out of the pics
of the lyric book and a tour program in Japanese.  And I happen to know
there is one of these tour packages for sale at this very moment.  I don't
know what it's worth, but if you think it's worth something, write me
separately.  I think it's totally cool and valuable because Billy means a
lot to me and it was his last world tour as a pop artist.  Actually, there
is (or was?) a very beautiful person on this list who once sent me an old
radio special with Billy.  A really great performance.  Are you still out

My cousin found me and called me yesterday.  She is a year younger than me
and I haven't seen her since June, 1979, nor talked to her.  We were really
close when I was little, from about 2 till 5 her mother babysat me when my
g'father wasn't taking me, and her house was really the only safe place I
had during that time.  The only place I really remember feeling happy and
good.  So she tells me she bought the house we grew up in a couple of years
ago in Santa Rosa.  I just think that's so cool.  And this is one of the
few people on earth who knew me as a child, who knew my family, who *knows*
where I came from.  I hope that we stay close.  She's fairly accepting of
what I've accused her great-uncle of doing to me and she believes me about
what I say happened.  It's very validating when I mention something that
was a repressed memory that I remembered in therapy, and have someone say,
"Yeah, I remember that day".  Wow.  I mean, sometimes in therapy, I think,
nah, that shit never happened to me.  I'm making all of this up and just
looking for attention.  But when someone who was outside of things
remembers things were a bit weird, well, it makes that trip up DeNile River
just a bit harder.

One exciting thing (please don't think I'm bragging, I really just want to
share): I spoke to my agent today, and she has written Mike Weaver in
Spivaks office (Tori's Manager for Newbies) to request that Tori write an
introduction for my book.  I don't know if she will, but can you
imagine???  I would be so freakin' honored I'd probably burst like an
overfilled balloon.  I sometimes wonder if this is really reality, you
know?  I have an *Agent*??  Me?  Publisher*s* are interested???  Network
involvement???  I get sick to my stomach sometimes when I think about it,
feeling overwhelmed.  My agent has high hopes, the entire office is going
"Ka-Ching" I hear, Goddess, do I want this???  I mean, of course I do,
but...  Don't hate me.  I know I should be on my knees thanking whatever
gods exist for my good fortune.  Be patient with me.  I'll learn to deal
with this.
ha.  I told my agent about not forwarding rejection notices, and she
laughed.  Laughed.  Like the thought of a rejection notice was
ridiculous.  Why am I scared?  Anyone out there, lurking or otherwise know
what I'm talking about and care to share your experience?  Please???

Well, this ended on a bummer.  Blame it on the wine. Blame it on the
snow.  Blame it on the lunar eclipse.

Fairy Blessings,
I'm OK when everything's not OK
  it's the Fairies Revenge they say
  and I have always been a Fairy
*~**Fairy Blessings**~*
~really deep thoughts and stories~
updated at least monthly



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 01:51:37 -0500 (EST)
From: Richard Handal <handal@min.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org (RDT Right Now)
Subject: Millennium Actually Starts In 2001


Well, it looks like *some* people are taking note of when the
millennium really begins.

Be seeing you,

Richard Handal, H.G.


                The Onion, America's Finest News Source

     News In Brief

   Millennium Actually Starts In 2001, Terrorists Note

   DAMASCUS, SYRIA--With the world breathing a collective sigh of
   relief following the violence-free passage into the year 2000, an
   international coalition of terrorists issued a reminder Monday that
   the new millennium does not actually begin until Jan. 1, 2001.
   "Technically speaking, we are now in the last year of the 20th
   century," said Mahmoud al-Habib, a spokesperson for the terrorist
   organization Hamas. "Since there was no year zero, next New Year's
   Eve is the real time to detonate bombs in Times Square and blow
   commercial airliners out of the sky." Speaking from a secret bunker
   in the Kashmir hills, Osama bin Laden agreed. "We were all set to
   blow up the Eiffel Tower," bin Laden said, "when one of my suicide
   bombers pointed out that it should actually be done next Jan. 1,
   not this one. I suppose we'll just have to wait."

   (c) Copyright 2000 Onion, Inc., All rights reserved.



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 10:26:16 EST
From: SirenGrrrI@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: "The female of the speices is deadlier than the male..."

Sue!  Honey, I'm a senior, in High school. There are more of us on the list
than we know of, I bet a lot of *Lurkers* are high school students. God, I
make it sound like a disease.. :P


Do this, it looks better. ( :>] )   See, :>+ (sour) :>| (indifferent) :>\
(not too happy)
:D (Laughing)

Okay, I need to stop that, right this instant.. that's nuts.

Koba: "To the Teeth" Is very good. I have it, but I'm giving it to a friend,
I've listened to it though, it is really good. Especially Birmingham and

<<Continuing the thread on "favorite small moments," does anyone here chuckle
or get moist when Tori says the word "tuileries" in josephine? it's in a
perfect(?) french accent. she sounds so...SNOTTY when she says that, and i
can envision her saying "ooh la LAAA..." as she slaps me in the face with a
white glove. that moment rocks.>>

Ha, ha, ha.. Besides the whole "impossible" part, "Tuileries" is my favorite,
she does sound snotty, if you think about it. But anyway, that was funny. I
would pay to see Tori smack you.. =]

The Cure Touring? Um, hello, it's almost my birthday... =)

And John (b/4) Dood, Happy Late Birthday, I know it was around here
somewhere!!! I forgot when though.. But Happy Birthday anyway.

I'm a "true fan", and I've only seen Tori twice. :P

Contest? What contest?

Well, replies are over. Now onto my Personal Life...

La la lala.. My cousin is living with me now, her mom *threw* her out...oh
boy, this is cute..  I love her too death, but she really doesn't understand
that I need to do homework at night. Last night I had to write 3 paragraphs
for my Essay on "The Odyssey", Homer, and she talked the whole time I was
doing it... I am easily distracted, so it wasn't fun.. I don't know how well
this is going to work.. But after this quarter, my grades can decline, I got
accepted to college, so I don't care anymore (I sound like a horrible
student.. LoL) Oh well..

So yeah, that's my sTori.

Off to study for SATs,


"Hey you, Big Star*, Tell me, When it's Over"




Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 10:38:33 EST
From: Eindeadelf@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: touch my ass if you're qualified

oi smellies...

__I got my first offer from a university today.  hurrah.  University of
Glasgow.  even better, they're only asking for really low exam marks.
(*sigh* I keep forgetting that nobody here will understand the evil UCAS
system)  I think the uni's want me because I managed to talk about ABBA in my

__Why is it that everyone on this list has been to visit koba?  I'm just
curious to exactly when you became NYC's newest tourist attraction.  In due
time I shall come and terrorise you.  At least I know that I can seduce you
by speaking german in my mad accent.

__went out last nite to a pub and these skanky old men bought our drinks.
They were filthy.  Family, kids, and these two guys were hitting on my friend
like you wouldn't believe, despite the fact that she kept mentioning that she
was still in high school.  The poor men probably can't get it up for their
wives any more.  It's bad to be a pedophile.  However, the guy playing guitar
in the pub busted out with a really crazy version of 'Famous Blue Raincoat'.
so I danced and nearly knocked over a table of drinks.

>other nominations for music to get down and dirty to?
Nina Simone, the white album...  Black Sabbath.(just because it's amusing)
Though my oddest choice would have to be daft punk's homework, just because
listening to daft punk makes me think of having sex with frenchmen, and then
I start giggling.    gomez

__jorge- I'm shocked that you like Guano Apes. 1, because they're not that
popular here. 2, they're not very good.  though I suppose I don't appreciate
that european quirkiness or something.

__(robbie didn't smell of wee)  ha, brilliant!!
Q: why was the sand wet?
A: because the sea weed.

__I started to listen to the music of that tori chick again (after a four
month hiatus from listening to her) and she's not half bad.  'tis a shame
that she's not tragically gorge like fran from travis.   Do you americans
have travis over there?  a luverly band.

__ i think it's sad that politicians are using a little kids future as their
platforms.  It's a bit sick to trample over someone like that for the sake of
pushing about your political weight.

'please don't put your life in the hands of a rock n roll band and throw it
all away'
(formula one melons)



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 08:56:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Hole Fan <hole_fan@yahoo.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: i heard your voice through a photograph

our resident statue ball-grabber, koba, wrote:

>>jen's "barbados" post was perhaps one of the hardest things i've ever
>>read here. she knows i wish her luck and all other encouraging
>>thoughts that i've never been good at. i'm about as articulate as
>>styrofoam in tender situations, but my thoughts are with her.

aww, thanks david.  you have already expressed to me how hard it is to
say something at times like this, but what you said above TRULY means
the world to me.

>>she then mentions her inability to live in new york. though i won't
>>plague the list with "all that wrong with kc" (not that i know,
>>anyway), there's no reason you can't live here, obvious reasons or
>>not. granted, it might not be conducive to something like...marine
>>biology (maybe hawaii is?), but we DO get some slamming shows here.
>>and every once in a while, the wwf is known to come to town, even.

i still can't believe you read that page.  i mean, i showed it to you
once, i didn't expect you to go back to it ever again.  you know what i
look like, there is no reason to see those half-decent pics of me more
than once.  or is there????  and no, ny is not conducive to marine
biology, but that still does not kill the fact that i would rather be
in new york, obvious reasons or not.  you know how things are headed
for me, and with that in mind, marine biology seems a LONG ways away,
if ever.

as far as the wwf and nyc goes, you can KISS MY ASS.  you had the
chance to see all my favorites like rocky, edge, jericho, chyna, but
NO, not me.  i will be on the couch, screaming at the tv, mad that i
was not in ny to see the royal rumble.  see what i am missing here?

bethany wants to live in nyc because (1) they have an IMAX and (2) she
can get out of the ghetto.  i wanna live in new york to see some kick
ass shows and see my favorite wrestlers.  and favorite rdtrners.  :)

i think al snow said it best:

this ain't the baggage claim in kansas city....


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Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 12:29:49 -0500
From: Jorge Fernandez <jorge518@bellsouth.net>
To: RDTRN <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: oh what could have been

i had a long message written, but my computer crashed
before completing it. i ain't writing it again. not even
for Dani Ringrose.

the highlights were as follows:

i actually drove by Elian's house. he says hi.

i agreed with Venice on her assessment on violent toys.
they suck. i'll write something up about it on my
website soon.

i really want to get Prince's "Crystal Ball," suddenly.

Adrienne unlurked.

my favorite Tori song moments were...

1) second chorus to bridge to piano solo to reprise of
chorus in "Precious Things"
2) second chorus to bridge in "Girl"
3) "Maybe it's too late...." in "Tear in Your Hand"
4) chorus to "Juarez"
5) intro to "Juarez"
6) last part of the chorus to "Suede"
7) first few seconds of "Datura"
8) chorus to "Flying Dutchman"
9) loud piano parts in "Yes, Anastasia"
10) loudest parts of "Hotel"

there was more of an explanation in the other post. oh
well...it's GONE.

i even made reference to Handal's grain of salt. too
bad. it was quite funny.

damn computer.



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 09:42:49 -0800
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: 'true fans'

Jorge quoted Eric with a 'C', then wrote:
> >Tori felt very comfortable that night, maybe partly because this was
> >a smaller place and there were only true fans present - some of them had
> >followed more or less the entire tour.
> now hold a second here.....wasn't it about two or three
> digests ago that you got on MY case over what you felt
> was my attempt at discussing "true" fandom or whatnot?

I missed some of the comments made earlier on the topic, but I just wanted
to express something. Aside from the fact that we know that indeed a lot of
the Tori fans that night were outside in the cold, Eric never said that
those who follow Tori around are THE ONLY ONES to be considered 'true fans.'
There are many things that could make a person a 'true Tori fan,' and
certainly going to tons of shows would be one way to qualify. But I didn't
see Eric saying it was the only criteria.

Secondly, why spend so much energy bagging on Eric? He was just offering his
comments about a show we saw on TV, and some of you were lucky enough to
attend. Really.


"I will gladly take on any monks who wish to argue with my logic.  Silly
silly monks." (Violet)
Visit my web site at http://echoes.devin.com -- see photos and artwork, read
poetry and stories, learn about selkies and Sonoma County, and join the
froud-faeries list.  :)



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 14:14:19 EST
From: Fragments1@aol.com
To: PsyLiLy@aol.com, lupidog@mindspring.com, Joely17atl@aol.com,
        ohsocute@furbymail.com, Nate37@bellsouth.net, rdtrn@torithoughts.org,
        Icicle61@aol.com, fall-silent@rocketmail.com
Subject: let's hear it for the boy...

ladies & gentlemen.....



i'm very very very very happy. very very very. all my credits are getting
recognized...and, at this point, i have a 13 thousand dollar scholarship.

and. yeah. i don't know what else to say. i'm in love with the theater
program so much....
and the school radio station has a 2-hour long R.E.M. program.:-)

so. yeah. woohoo!:-)

To show how much He loves us, God allowed all humans to spring from the
lying, killing, disobedient, incestuous, and totally dysfunctional Adam & Eve
family he made especially for us. Thank you, Lord!



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 14:15:28 -0500 (EST)
From: hc60@cornell.edu
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Puzzled by the way we came together...

Hi kiddos...
LOVE the title song by Natalie Imbruglia (i think its
puzzled...maybe its something else...maybe I'm making
things up and I don't even know it) (yes I know
ick...natalie imbruglia) but the song is great.  Go hear
it.  now.  its on the go soundtrack.

Gosh. Don't I feel the popular one!  All these people
talking to me.  <blushes>  Hope I can continue to say
witty and intelligent things.  for once.  ;)

off to NYC for the weekend.  Can't be colder than it is
here so the change of scenery should be a fun time.
Gonna see the Metropolitan blah blah on Saturday. What
fun! Go out on a real town tomorrow night....I'm
excited.  Made a new tape and everything!

Someone asked where up north I am.... the place I
currently reside and love to complain about is the
prestigious....drumroll... Ithaca NY.  Blah.

I don't know why I never made it to Cape Town, Fog.  We
always wanted to go...but just never got there. I've
seen pictures of the Table mountain though...very cool.

ermm.....other intelligent things....brain don't fail me

So my "future" roommate told me that she won't find out
if she gets housing from Columbia until June.  Since I'm
homeless as of June 15....this means I have to find A. a
new roommate and B. an apartment all in NYC.  And my
bastard of a boyfriend wants to live with his best
friend.... :P  just kidding.  joy.  Real life SUCKS!!!

I finished my winter session class...and the new
semester starts Monday.  joy.

I like that word.  joy.  said sarcastically. joy.

OH...the whole leaving the world behind when you go to
college.  I'm ALL ABOUT that.

So..I spent two years in HS in Virginia. Didn't like it.
Went to boarding school (willingly folks...my mom's
English and I grew up reading Mallory Towers, and the
Chalet (?) books like gospels....anyone else heard of
them?).  But then college rolled around, so I told my
parents to give up their VA citizenship (they do that
when they go overseas because of taxes) because I DID
NOT want to go to VA schools with my old HS peers.  I
think it worked out well in the end, but there are
really good schools in VA that I just discounted offhand
because I wanted to get AWAY.

still last semester this guy from my HS ended up in my
16 person photo class. sigh.

small world.

and that's all my blabbering for today.

i still want to be a millionaire.




Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 08:36:44 +1100
From: "Lavenda" <earth@nru.com.au>
To: "From The Arty Turner Hotel" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: warm beer and icecream

Hi all...

not much to comment on at the moment. It's been damn hot here... possibly
rivaling Florida :Þ hee, but then it is summer here. Gotta eat your icecream
before it melts, and by then your beer is cold.

I've jsut finished re-doing Tiarna's page... now she has her very own
website, separate from mine (so I lied about what year she was born! Sue
me). You can find it at:

There's some new pics and another up-date.

Anyone point me in the direction of some good Tori themes for the 'puter? A
Winter one would be smashing, but anything will do. Mr Jones has decided we
need one. We did have a pic of Tiarna as the desktop, which makes me think
of a Tiarna theme, but we don't ahve any sounds of her on the puter... so
there goes that idea.


~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~

Who could ever say you're not simply wonderful
 - 'Merman', Tori Amos

~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~ ~^^~
<A HREF ="http://homepages.go.com/~lavenda1/lavenda.html";>Lavenda1's
.html">A Winter Girl's Tori Amos page</A>



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 13:40:40 -0800 (PST)
From: Hole Fan <hole_fan@yahoo.com>
To: hole_fan@yahoo.com
Subject: Calling all Toriphiles in the Midwest

I just started a list for those of us who live in the Midwest.  We can
talk about regional shows, trade meet & greet pics and shows, and
basically talk about anything you want.  It's at ONElist, and the
address is:


Please stop by and sign up.  This is a great opportunity for those of
us in the Midwest to get together.


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:02:10 PST
From: "John Kwiatkowski" <stickboy0@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: waiting....

Sue - thanks for the thoughts about Aubry.

We were supposed to get the results from the surgery yesterday.  The doctors
still don't know what's wrong.  It's going to be another week before we know
anything at all.  Last week was one of the longest weeks, I don't even want
to know what this next one is going to be like.

He's not taking it so well.  I don't blame him.  And I feel useless.  We
were supposed to spend the weekend together, but he wants some time to
think, so we're gonna do our own things for the next couple of days.  The
break's kinda of going to be a good thing though.  I need a few days to get
a clear look at everything.  He does too.

I'm learning now, more than ever, just how much work love really is.  Until
now I've never heard someone say "i love you" unless i said it first, and
they just thought they were supposed to say it back.  but i hear di it for
the first time the other night, without saying it first, and with no
expectations that i had to say it back.

i cried.  last friday was one of those nights were you just want to cherish
every second and take in every detail to keep with you later in life when
things are rough and you need a good memory to look back on.

now i just want to get past this next week...

i hope everyone else is doing okay.  hug someone you love for me.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:42:25 -0500 (EST)
From: Richard Handal <handal@min.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org (RDT Right Now)
Subject: The Fall of the House of Usher

Jorge said:

> ...these are the same people who, at various shows this tour, stood
> AT THE ENTRANCE of the venue and WELCOMED people to the show, as if
> they were some Tori fucking welcome wagon of sorts.

Jorge, you made this statement *openly* in relation to me not too long
ago. Now I ask you: Am I supposed to hide from the world when I get to
a venue on the tour? Why? So idiots can't complain about it? Frankly,
it's impossible to know in advance what idiots might complain about,

Also, are tickets going to magically drop out of the sky and into my
hands if I sit in my car in the parking lot? I stood for more than
three hours at the box office in Atlanta waiting for it to open,
guaranteed I would be first in line.

Are you REALLY this brain-dead, or do you just expect that everyone
else is? Can't say I'm surprised either way.

It never ceases to amaze me how people manage to twist simple behavior
into things they expect to see. We could waste everyone's time more
than you already do by yourself by going back and forth on all the
things you've accused me of, but this one is too simple and telling, so
I couldn't resist making it an exception to my usual silent
incredulity. Just astonishing.

Be seeing you,

Richard Handal, H.G.

The less one thinks, the more one speaks.  --French proverb



Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 22:54:43 -0500
From: "Susan" <katrineol@fast.net>
To: <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: I got something to say....

I hate writing damn term papers. Somehow, I ended up with having to write
about Czech Theater, and I'm not finding any books to do research. Grrr.

And I'm amazed at how long it takes for a message to show up in a digest. I
sent a message on Monday, and it didn't show up until Friday's digest.

I don't know how I missed it, but can someone tell me where I can find out
my wu-name?

I finally saw Hard Rock Live. I thought it was good, because it gave me a
chance to see Tori perform. Keep in mind, I'm a "new" Tori fan, so I haven't
had much opportunity to see Tori perform on TV or otherwise. I'd love to see
some older Tori appererences. Damn, why wasn't I listening to her before

Obsessive fans: How exactly are we defining an "obsessive fan"? I've always
associated obsessive fans as those who stalk a particular celeb or
something. I dunno. I remember back in the day when I didn't have much taste
in music, I was listening to people like Mariah Carey. In my experiences
talking to Mariah fans, I found a lot of people who referred to Mariah as
some sort of "goddess" as if she didn't have any flaws. So as I result of
that experience, I'd have to say that I am not an obsessive Tori fan, and it
doesn't seem as though many people on this list are either, and I think
that's a good thing.

dAnIeLlE said:
<<6) Susan! (or sue, whatever we want to call her). Said she was probably
youngest person on here. NOPE! That probably be me, then Jos. I'm 13!
(probably 14 by the time you read this) jos is 14.....I think>>

That makes me happier.

I'll expect to see this post show up in a digest around Monday or Tuesday.

               Susan! :-)
    or Sue (whatever you want to call me)
Email: Katrineol@fast.net
Alternate E mails: MadameChauvelin@sirpercy.org
AIM:  SusanElizabeth84
Yahoo! Messenger: orbatingmars

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

                *** Magic Is Not An Exact Science digest ***

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