RDT Right Now #975

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 02:43:28 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #975
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 00 : Issue #975

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Lisa rules!                           [ "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefoos ]
  what you need is a boyfriend or a do  [ Lisa071573@aol.com ]
  Sexual Chocolate                      [ Brian Cooper <ByteMe@smartchat.net. ]
  and that bitch Anne Murray too!       [ "top meat" <topmeat@hotmail.com> ]
  *sigh*.....                           [ Fragments1@aol.com ]
  cheap tricks                          [ "Voss, Patricia" <patricia.voss@wil ]
  Hey, man.. it's not *MY* wet spot.    [ Keith Shapiro <kdshap0@sac.uky.edu> ]
  erkyah badu's hat                     [ "arija*" <arija@attglobal.net> ]
  Gotta love those twin blades          [ "Lora of the Hill People" <shmopkin ]
  went to a party last saturday night   [ David Woodson <otma@chorus.net> ]
  Venus necklace envy                   [ "Jen Kingwell" <jen@boysforpele.zzn ]
  This made me so MAD!!!                [ "Jen Kingwell" <jen@boysforpele.zzn ]
  sleepy time...                        [ Heather Cook <hc60@cornell.edu> ]
  Oops-                                 [ Kate Naughton <elkato@labyrinth.net ]
  Ohh a reply to digest #967            [ Kate Naughton <elkato@labyrinth.net ]
  PS: please don't let him leave        [ "Jorge Fernandez" <jorge518@bellsou ]

    Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori Informa-Tori

   No report today.

                         mark your calendar

     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 00:50:52 CST
From: "Juan Manuel Torreblanca" <cheefooska@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Lisa rules!

hey! lisa was talking about prop 22, and about that I have no comment cuz
it's not even my country. However I do have something to say about something
lisa said and I think it has a bit to do with it, first here's a quote.

>about losing faith in your country?? welcome to my world...Hell is empty
>all the devils are here...It makes me want to hide under a rock since no
>in this country listens to reason.

just one thing, anyone knows how many homophobia murders happened there in
the US the year that Matthew Sheperd was killed? cuz, that was known all
over and we were all angry... but here in Mexico, that very same year, there
were over 200 murders just like that one.

so I find it funny to see people there in a society that (aside from right
wing or those conservative groups whatever) is much more open. and you
complain about those things. and it is good. but there are so many things
that you guys don't even worry about and here in Mexico people don't really
talk that much about legalizing gay marriages because most of gay people are
too scared to come out of the closet to begin with.
I mean, I have some gay friends and yes there are gay clubs and all, but it
is like totally underground and if someone looks gay in the street... must
be prepared for mockery, rejection, and judgemental staring, at least.

but that's just an outsider's opinion.

>so Eyes Wide Shut is soft porn?? maybe I'll have to rent it...any

mmhh... I don't remember. But I DO remember some AMAZING women. so at least
to feast your eyes, it's worth it... and I think it's a good movie...
mysterious... far from being Kubrick at his best... but good.

>so hey Juan - did you get the tape I sent you?? just curious.. let me know
>how the search for Mexico shot glasses goes..

YES!!!!!! I just got  it yesterday!!! I was so happy!!! I'm halfway through
watching it!!! and I'm so ashamed that I haven't sent your stuff yet... I'm
so sorry, I have been so busy, but I won't forget!!
You rule!


so music is great! it can save the world from a black cloud.

my life is so much fun lately I can't believe it... I am happier than I've
ever been probably. I'm glad I found some time to write here today.

take care


juan el chifuska detaramede
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Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 02:08:47 EST
From: Lisa071573@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: what you need is a boyfriend or a dog

hey amanda...I think there are only some of the Ani shows where it's a triple
bill with Greg Brown and Gillian Welch..I think the rest of the time she is

hey dougyfishysmeathy..that IS a weird story..the first time I saw Thelma and
Louise I was just in awe..I never saw it when it came out (91??) but I
finally decided to rent it because of Tori. The previews for it (from what I
remember in 91) portrayed it as two girls just raising hell..I didn't realize
it was a movie about rape. My favorite line is "we still woulda gotten in
trouble. Our lives woulda been ruined a whole lot worse than they are now.
And I'm not sorry that sonofabitch is dead. I'm just sorry it was you that
did it and not me."

yeah bethany..I saw Ani last summer on the F-word tour and she totally rocked
:) that was the first time I heard To the Teeth and Hello Birmingham.

well so I don't know anything about the 4 police officers who shot the Hatian
 guy 41 times.. now what is the difference between manslaughter and 2nd
degree murder?? koba? sometimes it seems they focus on the all-out higher
charges when they could just nail the guys on the lesser charges..

hey Simon..no, my dad hasn't gotten his clubs back... he went to a couple of
used sporting stores but hasn't done much else.. I told my mom they should
post a reward at least to try and get back a couple of them. Like he has (or
had) this Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus wedge that is like 30 yours old and
this putter he'd had forever.. *sigh* criminals suck. oh and Charlie, if
you're playing golf with my dad's clubs I'm gonna kick your ass...

so patricia..did you have the affair?? I've never cheated on anyone but I
have been the cheatee on more than one occasion...

so I saw this really cool folk chick on Friday.. my friend and I had never
heard of her but went on a whim and she totally rocked.. so we went to see
her in Davis on Saturday night. Her name is Allette Brooks and she's cute :)
oh yeah, she writes some good songs too.

what I need is to look in the mirror and see my own face
what I need is give myself any name that I choose



Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 21:56:48 +1000
From: Brian Cooper <ByteMe@smartchat.net.au>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Sexual Chocolate

Yes, I'm still here. I've been busy/slack. I've caught up so now it's your
turn to suffer.

Things I've learnt/done in the last 8 or so weeks...
I know now not to paint outdoors in the middle of an Australian summer.
It's a little pointless when you're having to stop by 10:30am because the
paint is dry within 30 seconds.

For those that were paying attention, I did meet Lavs the day before
Valentines. It's the best we could do without making Mr. Jones too
suspicious. For a quick summary of the day's events, well it was a day of
going in, out, up, down, side to side and around about. I must say hanging
from that trapeze wasn't easy. And the things that girl can do with
alphabetti spaghetti! I did feel a bit off colour next day, so she probably
drugged me and took my sperm again. That pregnancy announcement must be
coming soon now. Needless to say I was rendered speechless for a couple of

What else? An e-mail friend from Boston asks me for a favour. It's like,
"There's this friend of mine who's going to Australia for a holiday. She'll
be looking for somewhere to stay. I know you've got a spare room and I've
told her you're a nice guy and have given her your contact details. She's
23, a model and she's a real livewire. I know it's short notice, but could
you help her out?"

My response was... "HELLO???? Did you say she's 23, a model and a real
livewire and is looking for somewhere to stay when in Sydney? You're
sending her my way and you call it asking a favour? Ask me favours more
Well she got in touch with me and I met her at the airport at sparrow's
fart. What was I thinking? I don't even get up that early for work. I
played tour guide around Sydney and had a fun day. She bogged off to
Adelaide a couple of days after that, just my luck.

What else? My hard drive screeched to a halt. While I didn't really lose
much data, it did cause me a great deal of trouble when my second drive
didn't want to run as slave to the new one. I guess the drives sorted out
who wanted to be on top by themselves.

For those of you that are awake to the subject title, yes, I'm coming to
America. My US domination tour starts in LA at the end of May and heads
north and east until I hit Boston in mid to late June. Warning to Meghan
MQ, I'll be in Boston for a week, plan to be out of town now. Don't say I
didn't warn you.

Onto replies...
Pickup lines. The polite one... "I suppose a fuck is out of the question?"
and that old earthy Aussie favourite... "Wanna root?"

In #971, El Kato wrote...
>John "I Look Like A Particularly Ugly Garden Gnome" Howard

You do a great disservice to gnomes worldwide. I was glad I talked my
manager out of sending me to Canberra to do field service for a week,
otherwise I'd be working in the same building as that "gnome".

Patricia - before you think about an affair, think about this... you must
work under the assumption you will be caught. Think of why you married your
husband and weigh that up against the idea of him leaving you. Or, consider
how you would feel if he was the one having an affair.

Onto #972, Johnny, not to be confused with Howard, Topmeat decloaked with
photon torpedos blazing. While I agree with your sentiments re arguments,
it does get tedious when it's been dragging on for months. Glad you like
crotch scum... all we need is that Bellson chick back and we can get down
to it.

Lavs has fantasies about Brett Lee. I'm sure 99% of this list has know idea
what you're talking about. I just hope in your dream he doesn't kiss as
fast as he bowls. I always said you were a cricket groupie.

El Kato again... it takes me 90min one way to get to work too. I've been
doing it for 9.5 years now. You get used to it. I find it's quality time
for reading or listening to my walkman. I just wish the trains weren't so

I must say I found digest #973 disturbing on many levels. I guess it's tear
someone a new arsehole season again??? I thought things were getting too
touchy-feely recently anyway.

On that note, I hope things are settling down for Jim, Valerie, Lora,
Elisha\Lecy and anyone else that's been having a rough trot lately. Good to
see Patricia, Simon and Kristina back again too *waves*.

I'm outta here.
NP: Other Star People - Diamonds In The Belly Of The Dog



Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 09:13:19 EST
From: "top meat" <topmeat@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: and that bitch Anne Murray too!

Best Dressed Category?

Trey Parker & Matt Stone! Trey was even hotter than Jennifer Lopez. I just
wished they would have won so that they could have livened up that show. The
highlight for me was Robin Williams doing Blame Canada. I'm not a fan of his
but he did justice to the song. Okay, enough of that...

Hey Bethany!
I'm gonna have to take your recommendation for Joni's Don Juan c.d. with a
grain of salt. Something tells me that you're a little biased towards Ms.
Mitchell's work. ;)  Actually, I'm itching to get more Joni but i gotta wait
until payday.

Hi Cheefooska Juan!
Yeah, I unlurk and spew at the mouth - that's what happens when you hold it
in for a few years. I'll try to refrain from posting too often. But I gotta
tell ya - I got a whole lot of opinions that I feel compelled to share with
the world and I may not be able to control myself. But I'll try.

Hey Simon!
Zoloft dreams? I have never been able to remember dreams until I started
taking Zoloft. And you are SO right - they are the freakiest dreams ever!
Not that I'm complaining - it's kinda cool to be entertained in my sleep.
And I always know during the dreams that they are dreams so I really don't
get too upset over the weirdness going on in them. Though there was this one
dream with a certain red haired goddess (just for you Simon) and
strawberries and her husband that kinda wigged me out a bit.

Damn, it's past nine in the morning. I guess I gotta start actually working
now. Time to sign off.



'give me peace, love and a hard cock' - tori

Oh yeah - now playing: Hounds of Love - Kate Bush

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 10:48:53 EST
From: Fragments1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: *sigh*.....

i'm none to thrilled about tom cruise not getting an oscar for his
performance in "magnolia"....argh. argh and damn and blast. that was the only
time tom has EVER made me feel...and the end of the movie..his little one
minute with his dad..i cried more then i think i've ever cried at any

but hell..at least "american beauty" got what it deserved...and thank goddess
that damn toy story song didn't take home shit...but...well..in my opinion,
tom got cheated.





Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:06:13 -0600
From: "Voss, Patricia" <patricia.voss@wilcom.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: cheap tricks

first things first. let's clear this up.

>vaginas are really cool.

no, hon. vagina is not cool. pussy is.  vagina conjures up a frightening

was anybody totally over the academy awards? At 10pm, i shut it down. too
overwhelming and boring. the highlights IMO were billy crystal's "i see
white ppl" (& it was nice to see everybody laughing about it) and robin
william's "blame it on canada."

what's the low-down on angelina jolie and her brother? Every awards show
i've ever seen her on since she won for "Gia" involved her bringing her
brother to the shows, bringing him up on stage, and making a comment to/ for
him.  My guess is he has a terminal illness.. Any word on this?

>>I've got a 'rap
sheet' covering the period 1982-95 detailing the hatemongering I took part

but that's no excuse for anybody to shoot off their mouth, when worse things
can be said about them.

And Dennis?  i'm whore-hey's slut and he loves it...

never test my patience, sweetie, i'm high maintenance



Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 18:00:49 -0500 (EST)
From: Keith Shapiro <kdshap0@sac.uky.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Hey, man.. it's not *MY* wet spot.

>man, that couch hasn't even smelled the same since Shapiro left...

But wait.. who else was there right about that time?  That's right.
Becky Wall.  So don't go blaming any random smells (or stains) on me
just because you don't want Venice to know what *really* happened.  :op

You know I love ya, man.

To some of you who might have been wondering where the fuck I've been
(um, anyone?  no?  oh well) I've been consumed with school and work.
Not that that doesn't mean I haven't had time to write a post, just
that I've not been so inclined.

That and just the huge lack of anything for me to go off about.

I graduate from college in December.  Pretty fucked up, really.  I've
been here for what feels like an eternity.  It's somewhat exciting that
in 9 months I'll be in a moving truck heading for Florida.

I'm really starting to get what my older friends told me when I first
started school.  I was lost and confused, not really sure where I wanted
to go with my life.  I knew I wanted out.  But things really do solidify
if you have give them the time to do so.  A year ago I had no idea where
I was going when(if?) I graduated or even when I would finally be getting

But, over the last 7 months I've really start exploring what it is I
want to do with my life.  And it definitely didn't involve Lexington.
I've been all over this country following that Tori chick around.  I've
seen a lot of places and a lot of people.  And I did finally find a
place I was happy with.

Now, I'm not saying I'll spend the rest of my life in Florida, but
definitely right now it's where I need to be.

Besides, it's a hell of a lot warmer than Kentucky.  There's just
something appealing about being out on New Year's Eve in shorts.
And I'll be able to drop in on JessiPaff on a regular basis.

"and I said, 'What a coincidence, darling, cause I was just thinkin about
skinning you like a deer.'"

Keith S.

-- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** -- ** --
     Keith D. Shapiro        *             Clouds descending
    keither@iname.com        *   I'm not policing what you think and dream
http://take3.dreamhost.com/  * I run into your thought from across the room
AOL: kdshap0   ICQ: 1978801  *    just another trick can I weather this?



Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 19:37:35 -0500
From: "arija*" <arija@attglobal.net>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: erkyah badu's hat

i fell in love with adrienne rich this yr.  have you read "living in sin'"?
 i had to do a paper on it analyzing the way the sound and
language contributed to the overall meaning.  its amazing what you
can find if you look hard enough.

also, is your ts eliot quote from "the love song of j alfred prufrock"?
i can't remember.

how much did i love roberto begnini at the oscars?  how much do i
love that man?  "pedro almodovar makes begnini look like an
english teacher."  yay billy crystal.  "you know, despite everything,
i'm still the coolest guy in the room."  and hilary swank..."mom,
living out of the car for 3 months really paid off." i guess she figured
it worked for jewel.....no, i really like hilary swank and i'm glad she
won.  wouldn't have it been great though if annette bening had to
drag her pregnant ass on stage and then by some freak of nature
she went into labor.  it would have made for an intersting night.

some one said
>Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher

ugh.  my mother swears by that book.  but Ophelia Speaks isn't
that bad, actually.
speaking of Ophelia, i'm in love with Hamlet

we had to write a sonnet for english.  feedback?

That light so brilliantly at work within,
Not close enough for fingertips to snatch;
So make thy wish, and then rush to begin
To weave thy steady net for star to catch.
Consume`d are thine eyes by that which burns
So bright it seems alone in life's night sky,
But if thou blinks, thy hearts as quickly learns
Ten thousand stars the darkness occupy.
Lest thou forget, thy love is too a star.
She'll kiss away thy tears and melt thy woe,
And never from thy grasp be very far:
A home she's found and has no cause to go.
Though wishing lights eventually grow pale
Thy star's embracing love will never fail.




Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:09:50 CST
From: "Lora of the Hill People" <shmopkins@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Gotta love those twin blades

Twice the muss half the fuss.

Okay. I kinda instantly regretted my last post. (Well not instantly but...)
I figured the best thing would be to forget about it. And I don't really see
the big problem cuz I'm only hurting myself, rigth? Right. So I'll go back
to writing happy well-adjusted posts.

But don't get me wrong. I really appreciate your concern. And I hope it's
okay that I'm gonna disregard all your advice for me to see a dr., get
therapy, etc. It isn't gonna happen. Ever. So let's move on...

whoever guesses that lyric gets my undying affection for a day...

Haven't you done this before? Does anyone actually guess these?

And Eric looked pretty cool too, especially with his hair cut and all.
Is it just me or has he just not aged in the last 7 years or so?

He looks sooo much better with the haircut. And he hasn't aged. Maybe he's
like Dick Clark and he's found the fountain of youth.

Someone said something about even Tori album years. Do you remember? (I
can't find your post for the life of me and I don't remember exactly what it
said. Sorry.) Well I'm gonna respond to that if anyone remembers.

It's been my general observation that albums are released every two years.
(Think of Tori's releases. '92, '94, '96...) And since TVAB (the accidental
album) broke that I'm guessing the next album will be 2001.

Speaking of Tori, is she ever gonna have another tour and album? I kinda got
the impression that this past tour was like the last hurrah. But maybe
that's just me.

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. That was really rockin'
of you.

I've recently gotten into Ani. (And you're all thinking 'well it's about
time!') Got her only on mp3 though. I'm thinking about getting Little
Plastic Castle. Unless someone can recommend a better one.

And I'm hoping to see her live but I've got no one to take me. Sucky I know.
Grrrr....I hate this dink ass town. I can't meet anyone with good taste in
music. (Actually I can't meet anyone good taste or no.)

I'm watching the Btm2. I really like it. Needed to be longer though. I liked
all the people talking that you never hear from. Except Marcel. I mean he
was there but he only said one word I think. "busy". I expected him to talk
more than Mark. *shrugs* Go fig.

lora we all like you here *hug* :)

Awwwww...you're sweet. :)

Lora, I remember feeling a bit like taht at high school... I jsut said 'fuck
it' and was a loner till I left...

I think I gave the wrong impression here. I'm not a loner. I'm not popular
but I'm not a loner either. I've got some good friends (usually), nice
family, and I generally get along with everyone. It's that I fear that no
one genuinly (did I spell that wrong?) likes me. I feel like I have to
project this happy aura all the fucking time. So I raelly have no real
reason to be sad. I've got everything I need... except for the happiness
part. But that's okay. I can live without being happy. No biggie.

I gotta go and get ready for my dance class. See y'all later.

otherwise known as the supreme space cadet,

The Rules Have Changed...Get Paid to Surf the Web! Go to:

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com



Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 21:02:24 -0600
From: David Woodson <otma@chorus.net>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: went to a party last saturday night i didn't get laid i got in a
 uh huh it ain't no big thing

1: Actually, I went to a concert Saturday, didn't get laid *or* get in a

2: I also went to a concert Friday night.

3: Friday's concert was Tina Turner. If she comes anywhere near where
you live, don't hesitate to go! This was an awesome show . . . over two
hours of great music. I've never spent so much on a concert ticket
before (I could have seen Tori twice with change left over) but it was
well worth it. The whole show absolutely rocked!

4: With all the artists out there writing lyrics about how great they
are, it's nice to see someone who would have every right to, but doesn't
have to, because everyone just knows.

5: It's also a good reminder as to why the celebrated divas of the 90's
don't seem too impressive.

6: Saturday's concert was Paula Cole.

7: Wow . . .

8: Ok, this "A team" "B team" stuff . . . If by "A team", people mean
the true originators of a musical style, than I'd have to agree that
even Tori wouldn't make the A team. Kate Bush put out "The Kick Inside"
14 years before LE. In fact, it could well be said that the nineties
have not produced any A team artists, and the eighties produced scant
few outside of rap. Even artists who create major innovations within
their styles haven't always created something totally unheard of.
Grunge, for example, was just a repackaging of elements of punk, power
pop and hard rock. It was a new model, but it didn't invent the wheel.
Techno? Kraftwerk. Rave? Disco.

9: On the other hand, if "A" and "B" teams represent a measure of
musical quality within a style, and how close the artist is to heralding
the rise of the dreaded "C" team that signals a music scene's final
descent into derivative self-parody, then I must say , , , Paula Cole .
. . "B" team . . .MY ASS!

10: Paula Cole has an incredibly powerful voice, an awesome band backing
her up and a passion and energy on stage that can't be faked. The little
I had heard on the radio prior to this show does not do her justice. She
did a cover of "Black Dog" during her first encore that could
spontaneously reunite Led Zeppelin. I'll never consider missing another
Paula Cole concert in my area again. Never.

11: Once again . . . most "professional" divas bore me. This is the real

12: Now if only Bjork would show up remotely near the midwest US. . .

13: Both concerts also had great opening acts. Paula Cole is touring
with a band called Wood, and Lionel Ritchie raised the roof of the Kohl
Center prior to Tina's show. Who would have thought I'd be dancing to
"Brick House" in the year 2000?

NP: nothin' , cause the CD ended. (it was Wood, "Songs From Stamford


" gadji beri bimba clandridi lauli lonni cadori gadjam a bim beri
glassala gladride e glassala tufm i zimbra"
-Talking heads



Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 21:43:51 +1000
From: "Jen Kingwell" <jen@boysforpele.zzn.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Venus necklace envy

<html><head><meta Name='keywords' Content='commtouch, pronto, mail, free
email, free, branded, web based, free web based email, communications,
internet, software, advertising banners, e-mail, free
software'></head><body   ><div align='left'><font
><blockquote><blockquote><TT>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; >>-El Kato Again<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &quot;The
Girl With the Venus Envy Necklace&quot;<BR>
I thought *I* was the only one in Australia who had this necklace!?!? My
whole sense of <BR>
identity.... shattered...<BR>
Oh MAN. Here I was, just casually skimming through all the unread RDT's in
my inbox, whilst <BR>
writing my gamelan orchestra composition (it's mad - very mint) and I find
I am not the only <BR>
person in Australia funky and smug enough having the only VE necklace on
the continent. (Of <BR>
course, thinking about this I do realise it is highly unlikely that only
one person, ie me, would <BR>
have it anyway, but it was nice to think so all the same.) Now I shall just
have to be the only <BR>
person in Canberra to have it, which isn't nearly as exciting. <BR>
BTW Kate (kat with the hat!!hahaha I crack myself up.Anyway) do you have a
Choirgirl t-shirt? <BR>
Do you have long hair (I think?) If so, I may have seen you last year (I
just forgot to mention it <BR>
until now - I was in Melbourne for a few days and I saw a girl with a
Choirgirl t-shirt with long <BR>
hair (I think) walking somewhere in the city. It wasn't until afterwards
that I thought that could <BR>
have been you... so... we could have seen each other and never known!! <BR>
You swear it's a heart,<BR>
&quot;The Other Girl With The Venus Envy Necklace&quot;<BR>
</TT><br><br><br><br><br><br><font><p align=left><br>Tori-fy your e-mail at
ZapZone brought to you by LookSmart: http://www.beseen.com/email/index.html



Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 23:05:40 +1000
From: "Jen Kingwell" <jen@boysforpele.zzn.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: This made me so MAD!!!

<html><head><meta Name='keywords' Content='commtouch, pronto, mail, free
email, free, branded, web based, free web based email, communications,
internet, software, advertising banners, e-mail, free
software'></head><body   ><div align='left'><font
><blockquote><blockquote><TT>Dennis, who seems to have proclaimed himself
as morally superior to the rest of the human <BR>
race, wrote:<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&quot;patricia wrote:<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; >
Speaking of &quot;married life sucks ass.&quot; I have a dilemma all!
Marriage doesn't<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; > really
suck ass, except when you lusting after an amazingly hot guy that you<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; >
shouldn't have, but know you CAN when the opportunity arises. And that<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; >
opportunity is presenting itself more and more each day. i'm so tempted;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; > know i
can get away with this without getting caught. and i know myself.<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; > i'll
never confess out of guilt. what should i do!?!??<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ><BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; slut.&quot;<BR>
Dennis, I cannot CONCEIVE of a more self-aggrandizing, misogynistic, smug
and <BR>
narrow-minded person than yourself at the moment. Who the fuck do you think
you are to <BR>
make this judgement on Patricia (or anyone else, for that matter)? When she
asked for advice <BR>
on this list, she did it in good faith that she wouldn't get viciously
slammed and verbally shat <BR>
upon by people, like yourself, who think themselves as occupying some moral
high ground <BR>
and who do this because they depend upon making other people feel REALLY,
REALLY bad. <BR>
Is this is the kind of person you want to be? You have NO right, ever, to
say that about <BR>
anyone, let alone someone you don't know at all, and to say it in a public
forum like this is <BR>
just totally despicable. You don't even have any basis for slandering
&nbsp;Patricia, because she <BR>
hasn't even done anything wrong, but in any case you still would be a
vicious creep for trying <BR>
to impose YOUR morals on her, and through this incident, on to the rest of
the list as well. <BR>
How dare you think that just because you're a man, you have a God-given
right to label and <BR>
pass judgement on any woman for the choices or mistakes they might make!
What <BR>
justification could you possibly have for what you wrote? <BR>
I think you'd better apologise, big time.<BR>
Ms Jenski<BR>
</TT><br><br><br><br><br><br><font><p align=left><TT>Jenski &nbsp;{\0/}<BR>
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;/_\<BR>
 </TT><br>Tori-fy your e-mail at
ZapZone brought to you by LookSmart: http://www.beseen.com/email/index.html



Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 13:11:26 -0500
From: Heather Cook <hc60@cornell.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: sleepy time...

I love sleepy time tea.  I love tea in general.  Just thought I'd share.

Hey peeps....which are taking over the local grocery stores.  Glad Easter's
a month away.  Our Local grocery store is AWESOME but scary with the candy.
 I shopped on Valentine's Day (the night actually...but I have a life I
swear :(  ) and they'd stripped the place of all Valentine's candy but
there were tons of Easter candy out.  IT WAS VALENTINE'S DAY!!!
geez....but I love Wegmans anyways. Its sad when you realize one of the
things you'll miss about college when you move on is the GROCERY STORE.
sigh. i need to graduate.

I'm back from spring break.  And not sleeping again just like before in
that blur of pneumonia/allergy hell.  I think I'm allergic to something in
my apartment.  All I know is that I'm spending too much time at the health
center, they're messing with my inhalers and now they won't fix them until
after I see an allergist and become a human pin cushion. So...that's fine.
I don't need to sleep until next week...really!!!  Arrgh. Damn asthma. [the
not sleeping is a result of a lack of oxygen due to not properly
functioning lungs ... as if they ever have functioned properly]

So I'll end my rant. All I know is that it sucks to toss and turn when
you're exhausted.... I would not be a good insomniac.  Sympathies to those
that suffer similar night time distresses.

yeah. life is.  Busy.  the kindergartners are crazy....spring fever is
hitting full force.  joy.  nothing like 20 excited five year olds at 8am
five days a week....and I want to do this for a living why?  I'm just
kidding, I really do love it.  :)

I had intelligent things to say after reading 4 digests in a row, but now
i've forgotten them all. bummer.

so later folks!

np -- Fiona.  When the pawn...




Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 09:41:14 +1000
From: Kate Naughton <elkato@labyrinth.net.au>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Oops-

While I love to see my name up there in lights on RDT, I'm afraid this
is addressed to the wrong person... *sheepish look*

> El Kato- *Hugs*, I feel ya, I think Laura (the bitchin' one) hey is right,
> you should try to seek some help, don't go to a therapist thinking "god
> this
> quack is going to be such a fucking idiot who will try to relate me, even
> though he has no clue." Just try to remember that the doctor is human too,
> you might be surprised. If you want to talk, feel free to e-mail me any
> time.

Sorry Lecy-Elisha... that was Lora that Laurahey was talking about
there... (although it could apply to me, I have this idea where therapy
is a good idea for everyone except me... ohhh long, long story).

*hugs to all* *waves*
take care,
-El Kato
"The Girl With The Funky Green Lace-Up Top That Might Be Inappropriate
To The Weather"



Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 11:02:19 +1000
From: Kate Naughton <elkato@labyrinth.net.au>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Ohh a reply to digest #967

Just in case no-one's solved this one for Abigail :)

The 13th track, "You Oughta Know" at the end of "Jagged Little Pill" has
a hidden song at the end of it, which is, you guessed it, "Your House",
but there's a really long silence between "You Oughta Know" and "Your
House". Just leave the CD running and it should play :)

(as far as I know, happens with mine anyways *smile*)

*waves all*
-El Kato
"The Girl With The Hat"



Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 00:14:11 -0500
From: "Jorge Fernandez" <jorge518@bellsouth.net>
To: "RDTRN" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: PS: please don't let him leave

oh gawd...i've been sitting here reading through a BBS at www.nbc6.net
concerning the Elain situation. i've been pretty infuriated all night.

i'm sick and tired of having to deal with ethnicity in South Florida. if
this country, in general, is behind when it comes to ethnic relations, then
South Florida must be 50 years behind where the rest of this country is.
segregation is alive and well here. communities are either distinctively
Hispanic dominated, or they are eerily Anglo dominated. there's rarely
middle ground. the media completely polarizes public opinion. you'll never
hear a non-minority person, on the news, say that they support Elian
staying. non-Hispanic DJ's on radio stations make light of the situation and
take "send him back" calls and put them on the air like it's some sort of
joke. to this day, people still want Cubans to "learn english." well
assholes, we did 30 years ago.

i posted this on the nbc6 bbs, but i'll say it here.......i wish every
paranoid person in South Florida who feels threatened by Cuban American
success in this county would spend a week in New York City, where people of
all nationalities figured out a common ground on which to thrive on years
ago. i hope they feel like fools upon their return.

it aggravates me to see the resentment and frustration that the Elian case
brings out in people in this community. it also scares me to see how those
trying their damndest to make their life here percieve their efforts and if
anyone besides the exile community wants them to succeed at times.

sorry. it's extreme frustration right now at reading some of the nastiest
shit i've ever read.

now's a good time to post and say, "jorge, we understand." restore my faith
in humanity, will ya? :)


Jorge Fernandez

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

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