RDT Right Now #1089

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 00:31:10 -0700
Subject: RDT Right Now #1089
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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 00 : Issue #1089

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  So I wore a slinky red thing...       [ "Lavenda" <earth@nru.com.au> ]
  do YOU yahoo?                         [ Tara Hughes <torilovr13@yahoo.com> ]
  Here is said the King of Dreams       [ "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hot ]
  long distance runners........         [ "Kevin Roscoe" <krmalkavian@hotmail ]
  to the savior a kiss...               [ "kerri klein" <lifeisweet@hotmail.c ]
  russ replies...                       [ "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmai ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1088               [ Tani <taniquel_25@yahoo.com> ]
  archives                              [ Jennifer Dawn Crispin <crispin@pa.m ]
  qu'est-ce que c'est?                  [ "Lori A Near" <nearlori@pilot.msu.e ]
  reintroducing....                     [ becky wall <rxw191@psu.edu> ]
  the suburbs PSA                       [ Abbe J Cohen <abbe@MIT.EDU> ]
  Re: RDT Right Now #1088               [ russ marshalek <fragments1@mindspri ]
  Summer is great                       [ BABADEER1@aol.com ]
  the wicked witch of western californ  [ Lisa071573@aol.com ]


     Really Deep Quote:

       Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house, a
       world, and beyond its world, a heaven.  Know then that world
       exists for you.

                                             -- Ralph Waldo Emerson


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:16:05 +1000
From: "Lavenda" <earth@nru.com.au>
To: "To Arty Turner and back" <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: So I wore a slinky red thing...

I did want to comment on Bethey's post in #1085. For the most part I agreed
with it, but certain phrases had me feeling uneasy, and I meant to sleep on
it to get my head straight on it, but it's taken me longer than I expected
to get back to the computer. So it may be long forgotten now. If so, I

The phrases would be 'attention' and 'asking for it'. Sure, you get dolled
up, and you're bound to catch peoples eye in a particular manner. Some are
bound to feel compelled to comment on your appearance. But for that to
equate to 'asking for it'...? As soon as I hear 'asking for it', I associate
it with sexual harrament and assault. I doubt this is what Bethey was
getting at, that's jsut the way the words associated in my head. But for
that matter, putting some extra effort into your appearance is not asking
for harrasment. To me, it can mean look but don't touch. I say 'can mean'
because sometimes you do have the specific purpose of being noticed, but
more often than not you are doing it for a significant other, or for
yourself (ie you jsut felt like wearing those clothes, and your hair that
way etc). It's not an open invitation for every man and his dog to come
fuck. And you don't have much control over what people think. Heck, look
where I took a couple of innocent lines! But if you wear something 'coz you
like the cut of it or whatever, and someone else treats you like trash,
they're the one with the problem. I don't care what you look like, you are
still human and worthy of common respect.

Heather wrote about this too, and I agree with her. Guys know better. But
they think they can get away with it.

Megan/Succubus typed:
>The reason I'm on a language kick is because my friend told me about this
>program they're offering at the college she's looking at.  You get to go to
>these 3rd world countries and volunteer there.  I'm not sure exactly what
>you're volunteering to do, but I still want to do that!  I can just picture
>going to Madagascar and a few poor European countries (What ones are there,
>by the bye?  Is Czecklosolvalkia (sp?) poor? Or is it doing great?  Because
>I think that would be a fun place to visit and help out.  If I do decide to
>do this, though, I wouldn't really want to go to Madagascar because they
>have those foot long hissing cockroaches and I wouldn't want to wake up to
>one crawling over my blankets.  Uggghhh!

A friend of mine was going to do something like that, though it was separate
from any individual uni. There were about five countries you could go to...
I remember Solomon Islands being one, and one in Sth America, but my memory
is seriously failing me. Waht you did was help them build buildings like
schoolhouses, help them set up farms and other such things so they can be
more self sufficient. The only problem was you had to raise the money for
your airfare and other such stuff, and it was jsut waaaaaaaaay too much than
my friend could handle, or possible raise. But Madagascar has lemurs, and
they're cool. :)

The other night I saw an episode of Sex in the City, and they silenced the
word 'clitoris'. WHY? In the same episode they had the word penis, but
clitoris was removed??? Red Dwarf didn't have a hang up about it... perhaps
it was channel 9 (Aus broadcaster) who had the hang up. Anyway, the
'silenced' clitoris twice, so my jobs done, I've made up for it now. :)

Yay, cricket's on this afternoon... undercover to boot!


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 - 'Merman', Tori Amos

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http://homepages.go.com/~lavenda1/toriamos.html - A Winter Girl's Tori Amos
http://homepages.go.com/~lavenda1/lavenda1.html - Lavenda's Homepage



Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 21:46:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tara Hughes <torilovr13@yahoo.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: do YOU yahoo?

1.  party at bethany's new apartment.  as for the
public transportation, well..  i can take the 92 from
school to the mall.  that's all i really know how to
do..  though, now i kinda-sorta know how to take a
train to 30th street, to market east, to patco.

2.  russ~ try www.tara.com.  anyone care to buy jewish

3.  also, people, check out
www.channel4.com/dogs/cgi-bin/remix.pl   it'll lead
you to finding out your dj name.

4.  turns out that i'm back at school in 2 weeks.  i'm
so excited..  i'm ready to leave this place..  turns
out i might even be getting a car..  a coworker of
mine is selling his '95 chevy corsica..  60,000 miles,
in good shape, blue, $5500.  so then, if i decide i
want her, i can name her blue.  she can have her own
song, and her own album, even.  hehe

5.  some guy on that millionaire show tonight got
stuck on a question about the 3 musketeers book.  he
called his english professor.  the professor was
wrong.  how funny is that?

6.  k, the end.  funny things have been going on at
home..  i've blown fuses after using things for
extended periods of time (like, a half an hour after i
turn the computer on, the fuse will blow).  *sigh*
another reason to be glad to be going back to school.

7.  lilith was never tori's scene..  i have some quote
of her saying it, or something..  i don't remember who
said what about it here, but i'm just adding my 2
cents in (cuz that's usually what it's worth).

peace out (or something to that extent).


np~ fumbling towards ecstasy, 'elsewhere'.

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Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 04:31:16 GMT
From: "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Here is said the King of Dreams

Hello you guys,

How are we all doing presently in our lives?  I'm doing somewhat peachy.
Could be better.  Could be worse.  Hair smells like roses so that's a plus,
but my brand spankin new hair style still has a few kinks (hahahaha) in it.

Beth wrote:

"I started thinking about the concept of the the death of the Dream King"

So have I!  Wanna hear what I think about it?  Of course you do!  Take
notice that when Morpheus tore Lyta and her husband from the kids mind, he
told her that the baby she carried, which formed in dreams, was his and he
would claim it eventually.  Fast forward a bit to when he discovered that
Loki had tricked everyone in Season of Mists and had sent Susan-O- whatever
to suffer in his place.  The Dream King agreed that when he freed Susan-O-
he would put in his place a fake Loki, in exchange for Loki's agreement to
do something for him.  Loki agrees.  Fast forward a bit more to the Kindly
Ones, when Loki and Puck steal Lyta's baby, of which Morpheus had previously
said would be his.  Obviously, Morpheus had told Loki and Puck to steal her
baby for him.

Further proof of this is when the Corinthian questions Loki, and he states,
"I wouldn't DREAM of telling you".  When our favorite reincarnated serial
killing nightmare questions the Puck, the trickster answers "I could answer
you ENDLESSly".  Don't you just love the little hints they place in their

But why, then, would Morpheus send the Corninthian and Matthew to retrieve
the baby he had already had stolen?  Because when Odin visited him, he told
Morpheus that Loki can't help but hurt those who help him.  He's like the
adder that bites you when you do....something....I forget.  The quote was
something like that.  So when Loki saw that, after stealing Danial, Lyta
would try to hurt the Dream King, he decided to keep the kid.

The burning away all the kids mortality?  Maybe that was just another of
Morpheus's orders, knowing in the back of his heart that Daniel would take
his place.  Or maybe the Tricksters were doing something different.  Who
knows?  Does Neil?

I'm thinking that Morpheus knew also, in the back of his heart, what Lyta
would do.  Whom Lyta would summon.  That's why he left the Dreaming to visit
Nuala.  So he'd have no choice but to commit suicide.

That Neil Gaiman, I swear, he's a genius.  Damn!

Another thing:  Remember when, in the Wake, Dream mentions how the person
who killed Despair would take until the end of everything to die?  And
remember in Death: The Time of Your Life when the no-eyes man tried to get
Death's power, and at the end he said that "One day, too, I shall die"?
Don't ya think that he's the guy who killed Despair?  Don't ya?  Don't ya?

If this were any other comic book, I'd agree with you when you'd say that I
have WAY too much time on my hands.  However, with THIS particular comic,
I'd be forced to disagree.  It's much to good to be read only once.


Megan Christine Auffart

All who look should see him there
And all should cry Beware!  Beware!
His flashing eyes!  His floating hair!
Weave a circle round him thrice
And close your eyes with holy dread
For he on the honeydew hath fed
And drunk the milk of paradise

-Kubla Khan by S. T. Coleridge

One is silver:  http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Pond/1197/

And the other's gold:

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Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:52:18 EDT
From: "Kevin Roscoe" <krmalkavian@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: long distance runners........

Hey Russ, the long distance thing isn't too bad.  I would need to know a
little more like is she permanently in another location, are you two stuck
seperated?  My roommate is in a long distance relationship, has been for a
few months now and I do see that it does make things hard.  Not being
together and everything, but they talk daily, this communication is I think
the key!  She calls every night (I think they didn't speak a total of 5
seperate days over the several months)  Very rarely does my roommate call
but thats because he is having financial difficulties and she is making good
coin in an area where housing is cheap and taxes are low.  I would assume
that you two would move to a location to be together again in the near
future, that is in the works for my roommate and his g/f but that may not be
for a year or two.  I really don't see a permanent long distance
relationship lasting between anyone.  Who would want to be married to
someone who is always hundreds of miles away?  The two of you should talk
alot, via phone call preferably but email and snail mail as well!  It's not
easy, but it can definately test your relationships strength!

Kevin 'Roscoe'

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Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:55:30 CDT
From: "kerri klein" <lifeisweet@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: to the savior a kiss...

a few words before i hop on the kennedy this morning to attempt to drive
back to a valparaiso town...after a night at the pick me up cafe and a
mingle on the lake michigan beach with good friends, one from maine.
those big white chairs. anyway.


all boys suck gnome.

they often have introspective graphic moments and we often find them in the
midst of recto-cranial inversions.


apartment advice:

have a good stereo.
buy christmas lights in your favourite colour and string them with
candles to match, and incense of your choice.
bring lots of books.
sleep naked, hell, do everything naked.
most of all, enjoy your solitude. learn to milk it.

and don't forget to water your plants, they don't water themselves and your
roommates won't do it for you anymore. hee.

go shopping at 3am because you can-without disturbing anybody who might have
to get up to work in the morning, etc.

make cookies with funny ingredients.


that is all.

i like my rdt.

kerri renee.

"i am you... there is no distance."

*sheila nicholls

just go there and see what smells.

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Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 16:49:54 GMT
From: "abigail dice" <talulagirl82@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: russ replies...

So, Russ was pondering the reality of a long distance relationship and I am
just here to say that if true love is really there, and there's patience,
realism and determination then it was meant to me. I've been through many
separations from David in the past because of his family and I playing
tug-o-war on where he is living...(near me in Monterey or with his family in
OH) but we've endured because we both love each other and can make this
work. It's not easy, trust me. It's brought me to tears on many occasions,
but when we are together the patience pays off, it shows. We are both
stronger people because of it, and it gives me a challenge...I live for
those. It's like learning a new Tori song by ear for me...at first, it's a
pain piecing it together, getting the feel of the song and putting a twist
on it, but once its a finished product and I am satisfied with it, it is
wonderful. It is something of my creation and hard work inspired from
someone else. Those two situations are very similar. I'm just speaking from
experience here, and while I'm only 18, David and I have been together for
almost two years and our prior friendship before our love saved it all.
Being friends before was one of our major saving graces. And we are still
best friends now. (I call it best friends with *benefits*) Anyways, I just
wanted to add in my two cents. It may or may not help you out Russ, but
nonetheless I've shared my story. I'm listening to the Tori London Solo Show
tapes and wow...just takes my whole body and mind on a ride. A damn good one
at that.

-Miss A
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Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 12:53:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tani <taniquel_25@yahoo.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1088

Russ said:
> but i can't help but wonder......i mean. exactly how
> long can something long
> distance last?
My next door neighbor and her boy have been together
for like 13 years, married for 2 of those. For 4 of
those years he went to school in illinois, while she
lived in georgia.  Stayed together the whole damn
time.  They make me believe in love.  So it is
possible to survive a long distance relationship.
Speaking from experience, its really damn hard.  But
if you really love her, what other choice do you have?
 Just don't go into it with a doomed attitude.


There is a Light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond us all,
beyond the heavens, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens.  This is
the Light that shines in our heart.
The Upanishads

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Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 13:49:27 -0700
From: Jennifer Dawn Crispin <crispin@pa.msu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: archives

Just a quick reply to Abbe:

I use the archives!  Mostly just to look up people who's email addresses I
have lost.  Or sometimes if I haven't been reading in a while and I come
back in the midst of something controversial I'll check the archives to
catch up.  Incidentally, did you all know that Brad Schulz had been on this
list for a *long* time?  I found some fairly inocuous posts from him about
gardening...  Seemed friendly enough even if he was baiting Jorge at the

Whatever, that is so over and done with.

Hmmm.  I like the idea for Killing Myself!  So very twisted!  Yet so very
realistic!  I don't think I could stand living with myself for very long!

Blessed be!
Greensleeves the brief (for now) moundbuilder

Come! Come again! Whoever, whatever you may be, come!
    Heathen, idolatrous or fire worshipper, come!
 Even if you deny your oaths a hundred times, come!
Our door is the door of hope, come! Come like you are!




Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 19:20:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Lori A Near" <nearlori@pilot.msu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: qu'est-ce que c'est?

    So I've been out of the RDTRN cycle for a bit.  I'm not fazed by
some of those leaving.  I'm a little saddened, but as some people have
said - if it's time to leave, then you know it's time to leave.  No
amount of "happy shiny list" or whatever you want will make some of these
people want to return. And some of them will carry that grudge.  Some
will grow up and just move on.  *shrugs*.
    That all said, I'm glad to be back in the mode.  The last
few weeks have been a strain, physically and mentally. I just have not
stopped moving or doing *something*, *anything*, in so long.  Now,
Friday I am leaving for Stratford Ontario for some rest and relaxation.
I highly recommend this city for r&r cause it's quaint, has good
theatre, and Loreena McKennitt lives there.  Oh yeah, it's a long
ways away from anything, so the quiet is *real* quiet.

    Eminem? Beat poet? I can't see that. Not a bit.  Juan pretty much
illustrated why I feel he doesn't embody the spirit of someone who truly
pushes buttons, but I'll wax a little on the subject here.  Burroughs.
Kerouac.  Ginsberg.  Patti.  Tori, even.  These artists and writers enrage
me often. They piss me off.  They punch me in the gut and say LOOK HERE.
LISTEN TO THIS. NOTICE THIS REALITY!  Arrested Development.  Midnight Oil.
Lauryn Hill.  R.E.M.  David Byrne.  Cat Power.  I could list all sorts of
artists that
shove things in my face and make me face up to a reality, but I certainly
don't place Eminem in those arenas.  To me, he's just a guy who wants  to
be accepted by the black community as a black rapper from Detroit, when in
reality he's a kid from Warren who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk.
The misogyny.  The homophobia.  These are not things that are holy.  Your
booking picture on the cover of Entertainment Weekly is not poetry.  This is
not to say that what he says doesn't have something to say.  I just can't
see him being the next voice of change.

    THAT being said.. *grin*

    Beth W. said a lot about what I've been feeling about new music.
I have been listening to a lot of 'older' musicians and their latest work.
Patti Smith Gung Ho.  R.E.M. Up.  XTC Apple Venus Vol 2 Wasp Star.
I'm just not interested in a lot of the new stuff.  Sheila Nichols really
strikes me... and I find myself humming a lot of Cat Power lately, but most
of the new stuff is just not with the heart.  I really was lucky to catch
some great music in the early 90s (hell, Lou Reed's Magic and Loss was probably
one of my favourite albums of 91, and I still listen to it when I am sad)
Music with harsh reality and hard core lyrics.  Tori.  PJ Harvey.  Ani.
These I was just learning about when I stepped onto Michigan State's campus
in 1992.  They still make great music, but there just isn't a lot of
innovation being broadcast.  Perhaps it's a call for internet radio to
become the new pirate radio...

    Your thoughts of death are really reflective as well... I remember hearing
about Cobain's death while I had my earphones on listening to campus radio, in
I was walking right behind the campus chapel, near the river.  The day was
sunny, yet wisps of clouds would occasionally blow over the sun.  My roommate
thought I was joking.  She laughed. I didn't. The news on MTV was stark.

    Such a downer to end on! I know.. I know... I'm just still at work
and it looks like I'll be here for at least another 3 hours or so. Ugh!

now playing:
1965, The Afghan Whigs




Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 21:20:47 -0400
From: becky wall <rxw191@psu.edu>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: reintroducing....

'the little raisongal'

I just recently did a major update to my page and also got my own domain
name, www.raisongal.com.

So please come check out the new look.




Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 18:40:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Abbe J Cohen <abbe@MIT.EDU>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: the suburbs PSA

/nad, that was so sad and so funny.
I can see it all coming, it's too late for me too.
For the rest of you, there may still be hope.

I will *not* live in the suburbs, but it still doesn't matter.
Just buying the house and settling down to gardening and lawn care
and cooking and *gasp* looking at those kitchen and bath remodeling
magazines is enough.

Somerville, MA isn't a suburb by any stretch of the imagination -
2-and-3 family houses spaced far enough apart for a 10x10 square of
yard i fyou're lucky, on the Boston subway system, mostly
working-class demographic. Although it's gradually getting too
expensive for anyone working-class to afford to live here, it's
turning into an expensive yuppie urban neigborhood more than a suburb.

But still, I feel your pain.  Our TV is not only plugged in but it
gets cable and is turned on to the Food Network or Cartoon Network or
Independent Film Channel much of the time.  Our idea of a good weekend
seems to involve at least a day of household chores and errands.  I've
thought seriously about whether to pay someone to clean our bathrooms
and mop our hardwood floors.  And part of me is screaming that I could
stoop so low.


I know, there are worse things to complain about.




Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 09:14:15 -0400
From: russ marshalek <fragments1@mindspring.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Re: RDT Right Now #1088

on 8/15/00 11:43 PM, juan wrote:

> get this, Russ: if you find the same message in Eminem's lyrics and Sarah's
> lyrics and M.Manson's lyrics, you certainly have a completely different way
> of interpreting lyrics than I do, but that's ok... if you feel that Eminem
> is the most gracious, then that is your opinion and there is no point in
> arguing...

ok. um. first off, i never compared mister mathers to sarah. i think sarah
was thrown into the mix cause i made a joke about her in the same post...but
that's an odd comparison. no. i compared sarah to marilyn manson because,
when interviewed, they both say the same things: they want parents to
parent. they want parents to observe. they want kids taken care of. they
want to get rid of the hate in america. and i think popping the blister,
which is what it seems to ME that they're trying to do, is the way to do it.

don't get me wrong. i have no love for manson. the only album of his i can
dig is "mechanical animals", and that has some damn gorgeous stuff on it.
but i think people take him *too seriously*. same as with em.

there's really no sense in arguing over this, because there will be peole
who like him and who hate him regardless of what i say and regardless of if
gore becomes president and regardles if mulder comes back in the next season
of xfiles......and with the exception of throwing sarah m into it, you made
a perfect argument for your point of view. so we'll agree to be in

i'm listening to nin with bowie. nothing can get better.
--      --      --
"Terry brought my breakfast.  I had my canvas bag all packed and ready to go
to New York...I told Terry I was leaving.  She had been thinking about it
all night and was resigned to it.  Emotionlessly she kissed me in the
vineyard and walked off down the row.  We turned at a dozen paces, for love
is a duel, and looked at each other for the last time.  'See you in New
York, Terry,' I said.  She was supposed to drive to New York in a month with
her brother.  But we both knew she wouldn't make it.  At a hundred feet I
turned to look at her.  She just walked on back to the shack, carrying my
breakfast plate in one hand.  I bowed my head and watched her.  Well,
lackadaddy, I was on the road again."
-Jack Kerouac



Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 15:51:53 EDT
From: BABADEER1@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Summer is great

Yesterday  was agreat day for my business. Just wanted to share with you all.
I am fine, my birthday sucked ass.
Haven't  been doing much other than the wage slave job. but i got to swim on
company time so...... guess I can't complain.
Wolves &Love Dadoo



Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 19:25:04 EDT
From: Lisa071573@aol.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: the wicked witch of western california is alive and, well....

ok boys and girlies.. I'm here.. trying to catch up.. (yeah yeah way behind I
know..) hence: the reader's digest version of reading 40 digests while you're
bored to death at work...(or alternatively, I heard some shit went down and
the curiosity is driving me mad..)

so random thoughts on random digests:
1036: I like Linda Kochman's post :) esp the India and Catholic thing -
nicely done. oh claire - everything in HitchHiker's is good :) oh Patricia
you are nuts - run screaming from highschoolalumni.com.

1037: hey Valerie - you're in Campbell?? let's do coffee or something :) (or
was this way before you left to live with Keithers??)

jorge: [ah...the lengths Lisa will go to for just ONE little lesbian :)]
damn, I'm so transparent...

1038: Brad - you are a fucking troll.. no abortion is not akin to declawing..
try grasping at a least one straw honey.. and reread Linda K's post on

1039: Ken T - nice points about the death rate of children in 3rd world
countries.. hahahaahahaha (falling off my chair reading Brad talk about
psycho-babble) the pot calls the kettle pot.

1041: Bethany - I'd sleep with Ani too :)

1042: Arija - right on about the sin is relative thing.. if Brad pulled his
head out of his ass he might be able to think straight. Oh Jessi rocks, and
Wesley can kiss my ass too. Whoa, smeathy in triplicate... oh Yael, thank you
for pointing out mr. troll's poor logic :)

1043: oh Juan my darling.. I understand your desire not to call people
names.. but you-know-who is a fucking troll ;)

1044: john k - I agree..Alice Walker is amazing... I read TCP in two days I
think and Possessing the Secret of Joy in one... that woman is just
unbelievable.. oh so the top five fuckees thing and tori... I think I see
Tori as more of a snuggable person.. maybe she's just too motherly for me or
something. Now Amy Ray - that woman's hot :)

1045: I love Simon :) :) :) :)

hmmm.. I swear I had another reply from pre-1036 that I haven't noticed
yet... maybe it'll turn it up...

well ok.. I'd better send this before AOl crashes and I lose all my
progress.. so, still 40 digests behind but hey, bite me.

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

 *** Respect The One-Eyed Trouser Snake, Tame The Fuzzy Pink Taco digest ***

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