RDT Right Now #1191

From: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 01:33:33 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #1191
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 00 : Issue #1191

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  discoveries                           [ Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.de ]
  The Big Pixel Disease                 [ "James A. Mathers" <jmathers@westol ]
  re: bush and nostradamus              [ turbulent moon-ridden girl <tess@te ]


     Really Deep Quote:

            A mind all logic is like a knife all blade.  It
            makes the hand bleed that uses it.

                                                -- Tagore


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 19:10:39 -0800
From: Beth Winegarner <echoes@atlantic.devin.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: discoveries

Bonnie quoted:
> andrea asked, "what interesting things has anybody else been reading?"

I've spent the afternoon reading Nick Bantock's "The Artful Dodger," a
collection of his art from his many, many books (he is responsible for the
Griffin & Sabine trilogy, among many others). I'm inspired by his art, a lot
of which includes 2- and 3-D collage. I've gotten some ideas for new
projects which is fun, and I love reading about his experience of putting
the books together.

I'm also reading Philip Pullman's "The Golden Compass." I'm only about 80
pages in but I'm already hooked.

I just finished a wonderful and funny book called "The Complete Book of
Devils and Demons" by Leonard Ashley -- I'm studying a bit of demonology at
the moment, and this book's broken up into small "sound bites" of info about
demons, devils and people who supposedly trafficked with these beings. It's
amusing and really informative.

I still haven't read "House of Leaves." I got several new books for
Christmas, including the aforementioned Bantock books ("Artful Dodger" AND
the G&S series, which I have read many times but never owned), "The Legacy
of Luna" by Julia Butterfly Hill, and "The Sandman Companion," about Mr.
Gaiman's wonderful books.

My brother, bless his heart, got me a copy of "Being John Malkovich" on
video with the limited edition nesting heads. They're like Russian nesting
dolls, except each one has a different actor's head etched on it.
Malkovich's on the outside, of course, then John Cusack, Catherine Keener,
and Cameron Diaz, in that order. The tiny center "doll" advertises the film.
My brother also got me the Todd McFarlane doll of Janis Joplin, who is now
up on my wall. At some point I'll put her next to my Buffy doll but there's
just no room right now.

Heather wrote:
> holly and i did a double dose of movies saturday, both of which blew us both
> away.  requiem for a dream... oh my god i had NO idea what i was in for when
> i took my seat.  EXCELLENT, but extremely extremely disturbing.   has anyone
> seen it?  i've been trolling the amazon.com and imdb.com review sites hungry
> for other peoples' opinions.

I've seen it - twice now. The first time I saw it was at the Mill Valley
Film Festival, in October, and I had to go because Aronofsky was there in
person. I saw it alone, and swore afterwards that I would never see it again
because even though I loved it a lot, it was too difficult a film to put
myself through it again. A couple of weeks later the rawness of it wore off
and I wanted to see it again; I saw it last week with several friends who
liked "Pi" a lot; I couldn't pass up the opportunity. It is a more
"enjoyable" movie when seen with friends rather than alone (despite what I
was saying here a couple of weeks ago). I love how he creates the situations
so deliberately, how he puts the audience in the minds of the characters,
how he makes us understand how people become the way they are when they're
on the brink. Some people have said that they think the brilliance of "Pi"
was a fluke; maybe it was, but "Requiem" is definitely a work of art.

> the movie is literally a requiem -- the soundtrack is as integral to the
> movie as the imagery.  most of it is jarring discordant haunting strings,
> a quartet i think.  i have to get it.

It's the Kronos Quartet. They're amazing. :)

> the other movie was crouching tiger hidden dragon, beautiful beautiful
> movie.  the martial arts sequences are WAY beyond the matrix (same effects
> guys i think)... yo yo ma is on the soundtrack. :)

Yes, same martial arts team worked with the folks on this movie as worked on
"The Matrix" (also "Charlie's Angels," if I'm not mistaken, and *possibly*
"MI:2" but I may be stretching my ability to remember things). I wanted to
see the CT,HD debut in SF the other night but was at a very satisfying party
instead. I can wait. :)


"For some reason, you will no longer be the person you believed you once
were. You'll detect slow and subtle shifts going on all around you, more
importantly shifts in you. Worse, you'll realize it's always been shifting,
like a shimmer of sorts, a vast shimmer, only dark like a room. But you
won't understand why or how." -- Mark Z. Danielewski, "House of Leaves"
    music reviews + stories + poetry + photography + collage + Watchers
   selkies + froud-faeries + esoterica + links = http://echoes.devin.com



Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 23:34:06 -0500
From: "James A. Mathers" <jmathers@westol.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: The Big Pixel Disease

It is Christmas Day and I actually stayed home all day.  I got a gift
certificate for Barnes and Nobel.  This could violate one of my basic
principles and I may have to spend money in the place.  Kandi will have
a heart attack.  I wish all of you a Merry Christmas.  Next year with
all these MP3 files no one will have enough space on their hard drive.
There will be a universal desire for more space on their hard drive.
This will become known as 2001: A Space Odyssey.  Now you understand the
tone of this post.

This group is part of the digital age.  With the coming of the digital
age we are facing new problems that are not common knowledge.  New
languages are making their appearance.  Star Wars has the start of two
new technologies used in our everyday life.  One is the digital
language.  R2D2 was the first one to speak digital.  In religion they
talk about talking in tongues.  Now people in secret are speaking
digital all around us.  One of these days I must learn this digital
language so that I can purchase these new digital communication
products.  If you speak analog they will not work.

With the universal appeal of the Internet and Web pages being developed
around the world.  We now have the potential to have a universal
language.  Conversational Java of course was first developed in Star
Wars by Java the Hut and as the digital language, is starting to gain

On the dark side we are facing a far greater crises:  The Big Pixel

With the advent of digital age we are now facing a new disease that is
being ignored by the medical profession and the media.  Many of those in
this group have web sites and all of you visit Tori sites.  Just
download any image of Tori and put in any graphics package such as
Photoshop or PhotoImpact.  Use the magnifier glass function a few times
and sure enough, you will see Toriís pixels.

I worked in a metallurgical laboratory and operate both light optical
and electron microscopes.  In our light optical microscope I can see my
hand at 1500X but for some reason I cannot see any pixels.  In our
Scanning Electron Microscope I can go up to 100,000X but have not
figured how to get my hand into the high vacuum chamber.  The question
is why I can see Toriís pixels even at a low magnification but even at
1500X I cannot find my pixels.  However, the resolution of the optics
are limited by the wavelength of light.  Thus my pixels are probably
smaller than 0.5 micrometers.

The answer to this paradox may be that that pixel growth is a function
of crime, pornography, and fame, none of which I would dream of

On the news on TV every so often I see stories of undercover drug agents
involved in crime detection.  When these people appear on TV, they
always have huge pixels on their face.  I cannot figure out why the drug
dealers still get caught.  One axiom you must remember is to never sell
drugs to anyone with big pixels on their face.  In another observation I
noticed that many times Mafia informants are seen on TV also with huge
pixels on their face.  When will the Mafia wise up?

When you visit certain X-rated web sites there are young ladies
displayed on the visitor page.  These girls in many cases have pixel
growth in "sensitive locations".  This is a terrible price for the
little income these girls get for appearing on these sites.  I always
worry about when they  get married and on that first night tearfully
having to explain to their husbands how they got big pixels in these
sensitive locations.  On VH1 they have programs on sex in the music
business and again the girls always suffer from big pixels in sensitive
locations.  I am not too sure what the rock singers see in these girls.

In October 1996 I had gotten tickets to see Tori perform in Pittsburgh.
I had never been to the Polombo Center before and went down early to
find the place and then get something to eat before the show.  I saw all
these people standing around in the loading dock area.  I wondered back
there and all of sudden they said Tori was coming and everyone got
behind me.  Toriís limo showed up and my heart started to pound and this
was one of the most exciting moments in my life.  She got out and saw
this 6í5" character standing with quantum mechanics on his tee shirt.
Her eyes bugged out when she saw me and we talked for a minute and the
girl behind me took our picture and it was over.  I carry this photo in
my billfold and has been seen by hundreds all over the world.  This
photo is also on Mike Why's site.  During the concert, Tori saw me
sitting on the corner of the first row and smiled at me.  This day is
probably the high point of my life. The person I idealize knew I
existed.  Looking back at this I had probably to have a chance to ask
Tori about her pixel growth.  I had a magnifier glass on me at the time
and could have looked for her pixels.

When I first saw Alanis in the "Thank U" video, I could not help but
notice but the poor girl had a severe case of pixel smear.  I hope the
medical profession is finding out about this major disease.  They must
develop pixel restoration procedures to help poor Alanis so she can lead
a normal life.

In my posts I have given you new insights into the world.  Now I alerted
you to a danger that even threatens you.  You must keep a constant eye
out for pixel growth.  This requires only a magnifying glass for severe
cases.  For a more detailed examination, the next time you go for a
medical exam, ask the Doctor for pixel growth determination.  This is
critical if you are going into a crime, undercover, pornography, or the
entertainment business.

I have to end.

Jim Mathers  jmathers@westol.com



Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 14:54:54 -0800
From: turbulent moon-ridden girl <tess@tesserae.org>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: re: bush and nostradamus

>On Bush and Nostradamus:
>I didn't thing Tess was in a bad mood; I just assumed she was a

Nope. Registered Democrat for the first brief years of my voting
life. Registered Green since 1990.

I am anti-death penalty, pro-choice, pro-SENSE, pro-environment,
pro-woman, anti-nuke liberal.

I am also smart. I reached a point of absolute exhaustion of the
rhetoric from -both- sides in this ridiculous election, and I hate
misinformation & rumours more than anything.

I also hate getting chain letters and urban legends and illegitimate
virii warnings, and thought I'd pass on the favour to all the people
who would have been forwarded that thing.

bad mood. chronic.

And this curve is your smile/And this cross is your heart/
And this line is your path.
  (   Lantern Waste    +    http://tesserae.org/journal    |

    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

         *** It's The Red Shoes, They Can't Stop Dancing digest ***

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