RDT Right Now #1249

From: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 01:07:53 -0800
Subject: RDT Right Now #1249
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org

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Really Deep Thoughts Right Now			Volume 01 : Issue #1249

                    o - O - O - O - O - O - O - O - o
         .       o                                     o     .
               o                                         o
              O         "Thoughts right now...            O
              o        What will become of me,            o
              o       Become of her, become of we?"       o
          .    o                                         o     .
                 O                                     O
                    O - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - O
                             o                           .
                                         Tori Amos, "Thoughts"
In this issue:

  Unidentified lurker!                  [ piano_elves@juno.com ]
  bullies                               [ Yael Harlap <yharlap@channelsintern ]
  Mind the fur balls                    [ Brian Cooper <ByteMe@smartchat.net. ]
  Total Inspiration....                 [ "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hot ]
  Total Inspiration....                 [ "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hot ]


     Really Deep Quote:

                 none today


     Missed a digest? Pick up a copy at the RDTRN archives:



Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 20:27:59 -0600
From: piano_elves@juno.com
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Unidentified lurker!

::sighs:: this seems like as good of a place to jump in as any. i've been
subscribed to this list for a long time, but i've only posted about once
or twice. and that was quite a long time ago, so i'm sure no one
remembers me.

i've also been meaning to post for a long time, but i'm terribly lazy. so
i know if i don't finish and send this now, it'll sit in my draft folder
for another month.

now, i know it's old, but i'm filling out winterlion's little
questionnaire. i'm rather fond of it. it's rather like slippery elm cough
drops. oddly appealing. <G>
            Pagans?  not... really. paganism appeals to me, but i don't
have the discipline for it. maybe later on down the road.
	Poets?  i have this thing with poetry: i don't particularly like to
it. so, i figure, if i don't have sense enough to sit and read and
understand it, i don't have any business writing it.
	Right-wing Christians? ::imagines herself as a right-wing christian::
	Mad people?	 most definitely.
	Cultists?  cult of bob!
	Mormons?  heh. no.
	Buddhists? i'll look into it one of these days.
	Tantric Students?  heh heh. i wish.
	Taoists?  again, something to look into.
	Engineers?  see the right-wing christian entry.
	Painters?  no, but i sketch.
	Ice-swimmers?  i'm not that mad.
	Historians?  history is interesting. especially when you have multiple
opposing viewpoints of the same events. then you can piece together what
really happened.
	Fools in the Art of Love?  no, just a Fool.
	Virgins?  moi. i'm also a virgo, so that's like a double whammy, i
	Musicians?   if you call the sounds of a piano in pain "music"....
	Accountants?  i don't do math. period.

i'm also quite fond of japanese manga. and attempting to develop a
fondness for japanese food (i'm addicted to "iron chef"). alas, i have
yet to master the nuances of miso soup in my own kitchen. vegetarian
sushi is my friend, though.

megan: i wish i could give you some advice, as i know what it's like to
be tormented in school. but my mind seems to be empty of useful wisdom
right now.

so, greetings to everyone here! maybe posting once in a while will start
inciting me to read the digests more often. (as you mentioned, megan.
^_^) and if i've annoyed anyone with my rambling already, i'm sorry...

--lady bella

np--tori, "professional widow--merry widow version (live)" "i've only
ever tried this one other time in my life, and i gave myself a brain
    "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
    "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm
mad. You're mad."
    "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
    "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Lewis Carroll: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

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Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 02:29:41 -0500
From: Yael Harlap <yharlap@channelsinternet.com>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: bullies

About Megan's situation:
You could print out all these interesting responses and ideas and then the
next time he starts to bug you, you could say something like, "Hey Nick,
I've been meaning to ask you about something - check this out and tell me
what you think" and just drop the printouts in front of him and walk
away... It depends what he's like so I don't know if it would backfire -
you could just have him look at them and not let him keep them (so he
wouldn't have "ammunition" to tease you later).

I think that could have multiple responses:
1. He'd know it really really does bother you enough so you could solicit
advice from others
2. He'd realize that it is sexual harassment, which is serious, and that he
could get into deep shit over it.
3. He'd realize that you are contemplating taking it to a higher level.
4. He might be embarrassed that a gazillion people are reading about what
an ass he is
      a) if he actually does like you (people are suggesting that and it
may be true though it bothers me in general that when a woman is being
sexually harassed there's a tendency to dismiss it as "he likes you" when
really the situation is very uncomfortable for you)... then he'll feel crappy
     b) if he doesn't like you and is really just being mean then he might
be embarrassed that 1000 people think he's an asshole, and immature to boot.

Just a thought.



Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 19:21:19 +1100
From: Brian Cooper <ByteMe@smartchat.net.au>
To: RDT Right Now <rdtrn@torithoughts.org>
Subject: Mind the fur balls

I was doing a job in the area where all they do is watch Fox Sports all
day. It's a little more than that, they actually have to pay attention and
put progressive scores on the net, but it's a wet dream type of a job for
most guys.

Anyway, one guy was calling all the others around the TV which piqued my
interest. Although I couldn't see the screen, I realised they were watching
a commercial and that it was one that I saw during my holidays in the
States last year. It's the cat herding one for EDS, which you can find at:


I loved this ad the first time I saw it, as it's just so insane, but very
appropriate at the same time. Sometimes it does feel like you're trying to
herd cats in the IT industry. I haven't seen it myself here yet, but I see
the one for Computer Associates with the nuclear rooster giving the wake-up
call, but it's not as good as the EDS one.

In #1245, Succubus Megan told us about Nick the Dick and his tormenting
tricks. I'm glad you've decided against the more violent methods of dealing
with him. Not that a good knee in the happy sacs or punching his lights out
may/may not work, it can have other repercussions. Either it would work and
he'd show you some respect, or he could turn into your worst nightmare.

I quite liked the idea of being the funny girl in school. It could deflect
a lot of his attacks if people think you're cool, but it's not for everyone.

I'd like to suggest another option. Be friendly to him. While he's probably
got some issues of his own if he feels the need to torment you, it may be
that he doesn't know how to relate to people. You say that you say hi to
him in the corridors... go further than that. Ask him how he's doing. Make
small talk. Listen to him and answer in ways that say you are listening to
him. If you're in any of the same classes, talk to him about the subject.

Probably the last thing he'd be expecting is you being nice to him. If he
keeps tormenting you, think of him naked with a small penis as Greenie
suggests. But it may just happen that he'll stop. It makes it harder to be
nasty to nice people.

At least you can probably take some comfort in the thought that at your
high school reunion years down the track, you'll probably be somewhat
successful and Nick will be cleaning toilets for a living. Life has its way
of getting even.

Sarah declared herself a new user in digest #1247. I suppose that's better
than being newly used. Welcome Sarah. I'm just glad you used the word
bugger. Not what I would have expected from a Canadian.




Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 23:08:32 -0000
From: "Succubus Barbie" <delirium1479@hotmail.com>
To: rdtrn@torithoughts.org
Subject: Total Inspiration....

Hola, mes amies!

You guys have totally inspired me!  Seriously!  Thank you to all those
people in the last digest who gave me very sound advice (and the suggestions
that nick actually likes me is very disturbing!) and you are all very nice.
I never actually realized how simular my idiotic apologizing was to Precious
Things lyrics....weird.

Anyways, I have been inspired.  My friends Kathy, Ade, and I have come up
with a really great idea for a sort of support group.  We were talking about
the California school shootings and decided that a lot of the reasons behind
school shootings are partially based on teasing/harassment/utter intolerance
of fellow human beings.  So we decided to form a group that would start as a
website with both a forum and a mailing list on it, then expand into a
telephone hotline.  It would be called either:


I like the second one better, but unfortunately aasi.net, aasi.com, and
aasi.org are taken.  aasv.net is free for now, but I don't know.  The third
group of options (so far) is:

www.antiintolerance.com, or www.nointolerance.com, or www.antiharassment.org


Oh my gosh.  I was just looking at http://www.harassmenthelp.com and was
utterly disgusted.  Harassmenthelp apparently offers to write a
'professional (in)formal complaint' to help stop harassment for a measly
charge of $29.95!

Now, I know next to nothing about starting up something like this.  But if
this little project of ours works, I want someone to slap me the moment I
think of charging for freaking HELPING people!  I mean, jeez!  Now, maybe
they really need the money, but I doubt it.  They have a very professionally
done website.  They're basically taking money from tormented people who are
merely asking for the constant hurting to stop.  I don't like these people!


So, if anyone has any suggestions as to how this huge project could be
accomplished, let me know.  Thank you!
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    o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o  o-o-o

      *** Say "Pistachios" ... It's Impolite To Say "Nuts" digest ***

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