Review from the Cambridge, MA Tori show

From: (Gregory Larkin)
Date: Fri, 8 May 92 15:03:14 EDT
Subject: Review from the Cambridge, MA Tori show

Hi there,

I went to the Tori Amos performance at Nightstage in Cambridge, MA about
a week and a half ago.  A writer from the Boston Globe was there and did
a review of the show.  If anyone is interested (and as long as it's legal :)
I could type it in for everyone's perusal.

As far as Tori taking on the current Yes lineup for Best Album, she would
have to win hands down!  I am a former Yes fan (still like their pre-90125
stuff), and I gotta say _Union_ is virtually unlistenable.  Now, her against
Peter Gabriel, that will be an interesting one!  I definitely agree that
she is ready to take on the heavyweights in the music business.

As a sidenote, if you can get the chance to see Tori in concert, GO!  It was
an incredible performance.  I really hope (selfishly) that she doesn't get
*too* popular, because her performing style will be lost in a huge concert
setting.  The club where I saw her holds about 300-350 people.  I was sitting
about 25 feet from her piano stool and that was about the farthest it got.
She really builds a rapport with the audience and we were all close enough
to respond to her quips and comments.  The choice for no backing instruments
was an excellent one, IMHO.  Does anyone know the titles of some of the
non LP cuts that she has been playing in concert?  Lyrics would be even

- -greg

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > May 1992