Re: just a quick note.....

From: at895@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Kevin F. Holy)
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 92 16:10:29 -0500
Subject: Re: just a quick note.....

>Hey all-
>	Don't ask me why but I was watchin' eMpTyV today, and they were
HEY It aint Empty V its MTV! Get it straight! =)
>rerunning their Rolling Stone special (again) and I noticed that during one
>of the stories (don't remember which--got too excited :) )  they were playing
>"Precious Things" in the background.  No lyrics, but it was definitely that
>introduction.  :)  Did anyone else see/hear this?  Anyways, just thought I'd
>pass this on....later.....

You heard it too? I heard it and I went frantic.. I was like "Oh My God,
they are actually playing something of TORI's!?" I was hystrical! They
played it just until Tori would have started singing (So I run faster..)
then they played something else for 30 seconds then went back to the
Breathing part of the song. I was freaked =) Just my comment.

Hey, Me too! :)

- - --
___  _   _ ' _  |"Mind Alterin ain't gonna help" "WINTER STEELE?...Well,  
 |  (_) |   |_  |I'll be damned..its her!" -Winter Steele from LiQUiD TV.
- - --- | \ |_   _| |"Dying is easy, its living that scares me to Death!" "Come   
LiQUiD is at895 |to me, run to me, do and be done with me" -Annie Lennox.

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1992