The Zine

Date: Fri, 04 Dec 92 13:52:37 EST
Subject: The Zine


I got my copy of "Really Deep Thoughts" in the mail today.  Bravo, Missy and
Richard!!!  It's very, very well done.  (And many fewer spelling mistakes and
typos than Homeground- for which you should also be congratulated, since as
an aspiring copy editor those things drive me NUTS. ;)

So the tour is finally over.  I hope Tori gets to sleep for a week now.  She
really deserves it.

As for the cheezy music she played before her shows- it was amusing at first,
but the charm wore off quite quickly.  The one good point was at the Toad's
show- the club has a video comprised of clips from ancient silent movies,
50's-era commercials, and matinee shorts from the 20s, 30s and 40s featuring
weird inventions, stunts, and that sort of thing.  They had it going before
the show, and it really worked well with the music- at many points the
combination was quite hysterical, in fact.  If it hadn't been for that (and
the fact that I was running madly in and out of the club trying to catch up
with a friend so I could give her her ticket when she finally showed up), I
would've gone on a Seek and Destroy mission for the tape.

(I'm not touching the Internet thread with a thirty-nine and a half foot

Meredith Tarr

"Snow can wait, I forgot my mittens"- TA

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1992