Tori called!!!!

From: (Melissa D. Caldwell)
Date: 15 Jan 1993 23:54:33 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Tori called!!!!

Richard and I are putting together the Winter '92 issue of the 
Really Deep Thoughts fanzine.  We had been working with Tori's
manager since October to arrange an interview for the upcoming

Last night I was on a call to a fan in California, and the
operator broke in with an "emergency call from Tori".  The guy
on the other end of the call was flabbergasted.  So was I.

A few minutes later Peter, Tori's manager's assistant, called to
let me know that she would be calling us to do the interview.
At about 9:30 Tori called.

My chest constricted and I was shaking.  I had seen and talked 
with her after three of the four concerts we went to but this 
was different.  I had her undivided attention for an hour.  
Unfortunately I was only able to ask about 1/3 of the questions 
on my list.  When I mentioned this at the end of the call she
said that I should save those for next time. (!)

The first question was about her earliest memory at the piano.
>From talking about that she went on to talk about her tour of
the Bosendorfer piano works in Austria.  She had been talking 
about the Bosendorfers for about 15 minutes and then stopped in
mid-conversation to ask if she was boring me.  She said that she
doesn't get to talk about those kinds of things often, "because
most people don't care."  I assured her that she could talk
about anything she wanted.

I asked about the next album, which she plans for release in
1994.  Tori didn't talk about the tour much, but I would guess
she's pretty burned out on that topic.  We talked about her
influences, but again, didn't get to spend as much time on that
as I'd have liked.  I wanted to ask specifically about female
influences, but I'll save that for next time.

Tori talked a little about the Baltimore single.  Apparently it
was something that her father encouraged her to do for the
Baltimore Orioles.  She referred to her father as a "Mama Rose".
She also talked about Me and A Gun and how she doesn't hate men,
but rather the actions of people in general.

Tori wanted everyone to know how much she appreciates all of the 
letters and gifts she's received.  She apologized for not being 
able to answer everyone personally.  She did say that she reads 
everything that is sent to her.

Tori mentioned that she'd received many poems and stories and 
she encouraged fans to send them in to the fanzine because "it's 
all about sharing".   She said that a girl from New York sent 
her a poem and that she has carried it with her since she
received it.  If Tori can fax it to me, I'll print it (with the 
author's permission)  Unfortunately Tori couldn't find it while 
we were talking, so I can't tell you who wrote it.

At the end of the conversation she thanked us for "caring enough
to do the fanzine".  I thanked her for the interview and told
her that we'd be in touch.

I feel bad that there were so many things that went unanswered,
but since she's mentioned a "next time", we'll cover those
things then.  Tori encouraged us to interview her road manager,
John Witherspoon, and to also talk with her sound man, Ian.  I
believe Graham is working on these things for us.

If you have items you'd like to contribute to the fanzine, send
them to us at:
                Really Deep Thoughts
                P.O. Box 328606
                Columbus, Ohio  43232  USA

Really Deep Thoughts is the official international Tori fanzine.
It is published quarterly and has the full support of Tori and
her management.  For subscription information send a request to 


Thanks to all of you for your support of our efforts with RDT.  


 Melissa Caldwell                         You want my reply?
 The Big Sky BBS (+1 614 864 1198)         What was the question?                   I was looking at the Big Sky

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1993