Re: "pappa" rose and "winter"

From: Mike Quinn <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1993 14:50:28 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: "pappa" rose and "winter"

 Melissa Caldwell writes:
>I'm beginning to regret having posted a summary of the
>interview.   I suppose in my eagerness to let you all know about
>the interview I didn't stop to think about how my summary might
>be perceived.

Please don't - many of us enjoy being able to get so close to Tori; and it's
all thanks to you.

>		The comment that Tori made about her father was
>completely tongue-in-cheek and wasn't meant to be mean-spirited
>or critical.

As a fairly new father (3 years now), I identified with winter instantly.
You invest so much love and devotion in to this little person and they seem
so intent on self-destruction. Often feel like saying

	"When you going to love you as much as I do?"

>Tori has said many times that _Winter_ is a tribute to her 
>father.  Tori is very open about the fact that there are things
>that she and her father don't talk about.  (the squirming on the
>piano bench mentioned on Leno is just one of them)  Everything
>that Tori and her father have said about the song indicate that
>it is a very loving tribute and I think it's a mistake to
>suggest that she means anything else by it.

If my little ones end up with as much feeling for me as Tori obviously has
for her father, I'll know I did my job.

>I am sorry if my mention of the 'Mama Rose' comment caused any 

Please keep sharing Tori with us all - just remind the trigger-happy ones
to wait for the full interview transcript. Thanks again and I am listening
to Kate at the moment, she says:

"Just look at your father and you'll see how you took after him" - All We
Look For (Kate Bush - Never for Ever)

- -- 
Mike Quinn.	...!uunet!mcsun!uknet!abekrd!mike

Abekas Video Systems Ltd.		"All these moments will be lost,
Reading. United Kingdom.		  in time, like tears in rain."

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1993