US releases question

From: Marc Bennett Hirsh <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 93 15:35:29 CST
Subject: US releases question

Since the list has been quiet of late, a question that has preyed 
heavily on my mind. Why has Atlantic put "Winter" on every US CD
release? Obviously it would be on LE and the "Winter" single, but
that doesn't explain why they'd put it on the "Crucify" EP. Of
course, "Crucify" was released before "Winter," so they could 
attempt to justify it by saying that they didn't know what the
next single would be, but I can't believe that a major record 
company would have so little foresight. Did they discover that
"winter" was a popular track on the EP and then release it as a
single? Apologies to non-US list readers, but it seems kind of
silly that I should have 3 copies of the same song when they
could have probably put 2 songs in its place on the EP (and I
still can't afford to shell out $10 to buy an import single
even though I desperately want "Song For Eric"). But then the
cover-song theme of the EP would be ruined. But wasn't it 
already by the inclusion of "Winter?" Am I just ranting?

On a more bizarre and not-so-unrelated note, I was trying to
arrange "Winter" for a single acoustic guitar (with help from
a piano-playing friend, who figured the song out BY EAR - he
truly is god) in the key of D. Once I finish, I'll probably
post it to alt.guitar.tablature and
tablature. Anyway, I was playing my version on electric when
I got frustrated with the little fills, so I started playing
power chords. Inspiration! I turned it into a punk/metal song,
screaming "Snow can wait! I've forgot! My! Mittens!" in my
best Metallica/Megadeth voice. What I want to know is, would
Tori mind? After all, she covers "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and
"Whole Lotta Love" in concert, so why not kind of do the 
opposite with her songs? Am I just insane?
- -- 
Marc Hirsh (

"How about a little action from the kids?"
   --- snappy end-of-file sign-off quote from Woody Allen in 
        Hannah and Her Sisters and Neurotic Friends

\ /
 ^ --- ugly red source of all evil record executives

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > January 1993