Re: faq/welcome file

From: WretchAwry <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 93 20:20:53 EST
Subject: Re: faq/welcome file

Hey Anthony, thanks for putting together the FAQ!

You might make the lines a little shorter. On my system (I know others
are different) the lines wrap around weird.

> Q: What is Y Kant Tori Read, and where can I get it?
> Interest in
> this album has been revitalized since Little Earthquakes, 
> and it is now very difficult to come by.

I had an envy attack last week. Someone in Chicago (not on rdt,
but on the net) e-mailed me and told me casually that they'd found
a YKTR CD in a used record store! Though it's a strain for me to
say nice things about YKTR, I'd still *love* to have "Etienne"
on CD. Our album is warped and that song, my favorite on the
album, takes the brunt of the warpness. :-(. I can't help but
say that I wish I'd found the CD before he did :-). He said that
the CD was cheap, and the guy behind the counter had no idea
that it was Tori Amos, who he liked a lot. 

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