Looking for Performance Mag

From: jim@medinah.atc.ucarb.com
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1993 11:32:40 -0500
Subject: Looking for Performance Mag

I wondering if someone could help me get the lastest "Performance Magazine"
 which was to hit the stands Feb. 5th. It has the group Disappear Fear on
the cover. I also would like to find the "Campus Activities Today" which
nominated Disappear Fear for Best Contemporary Group. I like this group
alot and would appreciate any help in finding these items.

I have picked up a number of Tori related CD's. I picked up the collection
"All Women 2" which has Tori during Winter (the album version). It also has
selections from Kate Bush, Annie Lennox, and I believe 15 other Women
Artist. There is nothing new on the collection, but it is a nice grouping.

I got the Ruby Track collection. I think Tori is buried too much in the
production of Ring my Bell. I really like some of the other covers (
Another Brick in the Wall was done well ), but overall it is probably not
worth its cost.


ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > February 1993