Tori Fan Club /M&AG/ Mother

From: (Anthony Kosky)
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 93 16:49:58 EST
Subject: Tori Fan Club /M&AG/ Mother

Jim posted:
>I just received a letter from Tom Richards. I am sure this should be of
>interest to anyone not on his mailing list. I'll quote parts of the letter:

For myself, I'd like to find out what this is like and what to expect
from it before I joined. Is this being run as a profit-making venture
or not? If anyone has any info or experience on the fan club please
post it.

Following up the various posts on MAAG, I find it the most moving and
disturbing song on the album, and, therefore, the best. I do find that
it's something that I can't listen to with other people around, and
find it difficult not to skip that track when playing LE to friends.
Difficult to explain why really.

re Mother: I remember reading an article along time ago which
commented that much of the imagery in this song is taken from Hansel
And Gretel. I'm still unclear what the song is really about, and
suspect that there's alot more to it than just that, but it does seem
to shed light on some of the lyrics.

- -Anthony

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > February 1993