Tired of Lesbian Thread, but...

From: "John M. Relph" <relph@presto.ig.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 14:10:09 PST
Subject: Tired of Lesbian Thread, but...

Well, I couldn't help it.  I was still thinking about the "gay woman
trapped in a man's body" idea, and it still bothers me.  One of the
things that has changed with the advent of some acceptance of gayness is
that ofttimes some lesbians will take a more masculine role in their
relationships.  Almost macho in fact.  So then we need to distinguish
between the more "sensitive" (submissive?) lesbian and the more "macho"
(dominant?) lesbian.

At this point, the whole analogy breaks down, which, considering that I
thought it was pretty lame in the first place, does not suprise me.

Let's be thinking, feeling, reasoning, emotional PEOPLE.  Man or woman,
it shouldn't matter.  If you're interested in my sexuality, then either
it's none of your business, or I'll tell you.  If you don't like me, for
the me I am, that's great.  If you do, well that's great, too.  But as
soon as you make me a pariah for my personality, preferences, or
persuasion, then you have FAILED in your role in society.

And that's why we need to fear FUNDAMENTALISTS.  Of any sort.

	-- John

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > March 1993