From: at895@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Kevin F. Holy)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 93 15:26:06 -0500
Subject: RE-HI! Like CRAZY

OH MY GOD! You might have forgot me, but I am the guy who posted things
like "My Daily Post" (for a short period of time), and I practically
advertised my purchasing of The Tori Amos Songbook.  If you don't, sorry.

  This is so exhilerating, since I had lost my password just before Spring
Break (March 20th), and since then I havent had the guts to call the number
of the place that I connect to into here. 

  First, I'd like to say, I have bought the Tori Amos Video, and it is very
cool.  I love it tremendously. I'd also like to say I have a NUMBER for
anyone in America who can't get any imports. Overseas Access they are
called, and I found out on *Prodigy, that they can get lots of stuff from
Europe. Their number is 214-255-5624, sorry if someone else has said this,
but I havent red by 80,000 kbytes or whatever of mail yert. (Ill probably
delete it all, since I can get most of it's info on *Prodigy from the
people who also subscribe to this place.) So, I better get going, but Id
like to say Re-hi! And, Hi Anthony Kosky..And: Im sending my $15 to
Columbus soon. I plan on buying more Tori stuff! And, Ill see ya LATER.

- -LiQUiD
(IGNORE this OLD OLD sig file..although it is good)

- -
___  _   _ ' _  |"Doesn't |~~~\  ----- |~~~\     -Tori Amos, from
 |  (_) |   |_  |  take   |___/    |   |___/   "Little Earthquakes"
- - | \ |_   _| |  much   |   \    |   |  
LiQUiD is happy!|   to    |    \ _____ |  us into pieces!"

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > April 1993