Re: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 08/04/93

From: mickey!dalsdb! (Michael Sullivan)
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 93 08:23:55 PDT
Subject: Re: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 08/04/93

> Greg O'Rear suggests that since Tori Amos herself doesn't have a copy
> of YKTR on CD, a fan should send it to her.  I think there's a very
> good reason she doesn't have it -- it was never, to my knowledge, 
> released on CD!

It was definitely released on CD.  I remember seeing lots of copies of
it in bargain bins (thud, thud, thud {that's the sound of me kicking

Michael Sullivan           
Walt Disney Feature Animation        uunet!elroy!cit-vax!mickey!sullivan
Glendale, CA                         +1 818 544 2683  --  +1 818 544 4579 (fax)

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > April 1993