Tori hugs

From: consid <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 17:16:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Tori hugs

- --------------------------Original message----------------------------
I enjoyed Amity's post about meeting Tori after a concert. I
also had the privilege of meeting Tori after she played Steeltown
in Baltimore ... I told her how much I enjoyed her album, and
she said, "Thanks, those songs are my buddies," or something like
that. Anyway, when I was leaving, she hugged me, too. I find it
somewhat unusual to be hugged by someone I've just met, but maybe
Tori is just a very affectionate person ... Have other fans who have
met Tori also been hugged by her? Inquiring minds want to know!
- -Sue Trowbridge
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I think she has been listening or watching a lot of Leo Bascalia tapes or I
think she is going for the Guinness Book of World Records record on number of
hugs in a career.  I had the honor of meeting her at Rose Records here in
Chicago, first of all there were a ton of people there and the store was packed
but Tori really seemd to take an interest in everyone who met her, she hugged
pretty much everybody.  The one thing I did notice when I met her was, first of
all she is very, very beautiful, and she was very open and seemed to just
really care for what you had to say.  When I met her, I said something totally
unoriginal like "I love your music."  I also mentioned how I was very much
moved by "Me and a Gun" and that I was actually moved to tears (I was, so sue
me)  and she blushed and told me something like its a very emotional song for
her, actually I can't quite remember all that she said because I was still in
awe that she hugged me.  Oh well, what can you do.  So yes, Sue, I think she is
very affectionate, but I think it is a way to thank everyone for supporting
her and her music.


ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > April 1993