Re: DANGER!!! Non-Tori Contents

From: (Ulrich Grepel)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 93 23:25 MET DST
Subject: Re: DANGER!!! Non-Tori Contents

> [...]
> too. I'm sure there was hardly anyone who couldn't see well, at least
> at one point or another. I must admit that I didn't really see much
> of what was going on on the stage at the other side, but PG came to the
> front very often. The show was "well-designed", if you can say that,
> and everybody had a lot of fun - on stage and in the audience.

> If you find Peter Gabriel okay, don't miss his concert, if you have a
> chance to see it - I'm sure you won't regret it (wouldn't you agree,

of course I agree, Ilka, I do not have too much to add to Ilka's description,
as I've written in my previous message about the concert I liked it very, very
much! I promised to rave a bit more, but it seems Ilka has done the job... And
- - if you read Ecto - Karl Dotzek has added the parts from the Stuttgart
concert that Ilka left out from the Frankfurt one. So there's not much left for
me to add. Oh yes! There is something. Even if I stood 2 to 3 feet behind Ilka
I saw more - I am just about 1 or 2 feet taller than she is ;-), so, Ilka, I
think I have to tell you what you missed: Did you see that they used a small

pool or something like that to get wavy reflections for the video camera?
And that they built up something like a living/bed room at the far away stage?
And... - no, I'll stop here. GO AND SEE IT IF YOU CAN! 



ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > April 1993