Re: Everything under the sun

From: Anthony Baxter <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1993 20:51:48 +1000
Subject: Re: Everything under the sun

In message <>you write:
> Vickie (who has a Diamanda Galas in her waiting to claw out)

I'm not sure I want to know, but _what_ is a Diamanda Galas?
Anything like a Galah? (which is a particularly annoying bird
that hangs around in huge swarms, or flocks or whatever you call
a group of birds, and wakes you up at 6am...)

Nooooo, I didnt get woken up by them this morning, no, not at all, well
maybe a bit...

With people talking about Tori dreams and suchlike, it reminds
me of something that happened last year, just after I got LE. I
quite often put a CD on quietly before I go to bed, and just fall
asleep to it. The lyrics of 'Crucify' sort of implanted themselves
into my half-awake mind, and I had a _really_ wierd dream - it actually
scared me awake. All full of strange references taken from the lyrics
twisted around by my subconcious... not sure what any of it meant
(could only remember small bits of it) - except for the obvious one
of being careful to pick music to fall asleep to...


PS: Anyone have any opinions on the video of Little Earthquakes? Is it worth
shelling out the money for? 

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > May 1993