winonanger l'enarnia mann toesuckingfest

Date: Mon, 24 May 1993 12:03:13 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: winonanger l'enarnia mann toesuckingfest

> Death would be played by Winona Ryder in about 1986,'' Gaiman said. 

> ``Delirium? I don't know. I mean Tori Amos could probably do
> Delirium. She'd have the nice pixieish side of the character, but I
> don't know if you could do the nasty side of the character,'' he said.

oh wow....winona *and* tori? sign me up for a few tickets in advance!

> Hmmm, I don't know; I think Tori might still be able to dredge up enough
> anger to give Del a nasty side.  It could be fun!

can't comment intelligently on this yet since i still haven't met delirium
but i've seen tori express a hell of a lot of anger.  neil did say "nasty"
though and i do have a hard time seeing tori act genuinely *mean* as
opposed to expressing pain

btw who is this aimee mann person i've heard five reference to in the last
three days?

> Hmm, Madeline L'Engle - sounds like another author I'll have to try. Anyone
> wanna give a quick resume of her style, and point me to a good starting
> point? Always willing to try something new, that's me!

she's considered a children's author...from what i've seen the average age
for a first reading of a wrinkle in time tends to be about twelve or
so...but it's the kind of thing where you can find something applicable
and fascinating no matter what age you are it's fantasy in the genre of
ordinary kids having fantastic things happen to them but it's also one of
those books with a revelation about life on every other page won a
newbery award i believe

the chronicles of narnia by c.s. lewis are also children's fantasy books;
they begin with four siblings named peter susan edmund and lucy who get
whisked out of england into a magical country called narnia
in the largest perspective, the whole series is a metaphor for christianity;
c.s. lewis was a christian writer and he wrote this children's series as a
way to introduce children to the idea of christianity in an entertaining
way, but that theme is very very unobtrusive and it's quite possible to
read them without paying any attention to that symbolism very very
fascinating the first one, the lion the witch and the wardrobe also won a
newbery award i believe

> Eeep, who could???  (Anybody see the PBS WONDERWORKS
> dramatizations?  Truly masterful- and Tom Baker as Puddleglum
> was worth the price of admission alone, though the poor kid they
> got to play Lucy could haunt a 57 room house at forty yards...)

well puddleglum was pretty good but calling the series as a whole
"masterful" invokes an AUGGGH! from me...just take a look at the putrid
animation in the lion the witch and the wardrobe! maybe i'm letting that
awful lucy get to me too much though.  it's just that i loved that
character SO much and seeing that short haired buck-toothed whiny idiot
actress playing her just makes me very very colors my opinion
of the whole thing and they mixed up the hair colors...susan was supposed to
be dark and lucy blonde...the "special"  effects just left a lot to be
desired, too aslan looked like a teddy ruxpin doll in lion makeup

> Which brings me onto feet! Toe-sucking has become quite infamous over her
> recently, with David Mellor (a politician) and Fergie (a Royal) being
> exposed as indulgers. Me, I've been doing it for years, though not with
> all these fancy toppings! All I ever had was honey on my honey! (Awww,
> ain't that sweet! Yup!). Funny though, I always thought the mutual
> showers before (to clean the feet), and after (to wash off the gunk) were
> more fun thanthe activity itself, but there you go!

whoa, whoa. martin, you're taking seriously someone who calls himself a
electric sadistic wonder confused squiggle troll?

> (Somebody stop this thread before it sinks through the floor and gets
> REALLY personal!)

i'm afraid it's a little late... :)

> So then I explain that we are planning on haveing a few parties around
> the world on her birthday. He was fasinated and said he'd tell Tori later
> that day when he rang her. :-) I hope to hear from him again today when
> he supplies me with a list of the very early tour dates. At which time I
> hope he tells me what Tori thinks of all us crazzies planning these
> things :-) :-)

oh you know what she said?

> when is tORI's birthday?

august 22nd.

and as long as we're asking stupid questions, um...graham <blush>
um...who's ian thorpre?

> Finally (in the ToriFest stakes anyway), I LOVE kelly's bus ride idea!
> Reminds me of Cliff Richard's Summer Holiday! Just over-inflate the tyres
> and float it across the Atlantic, people, then we're talking!

for the record, while going through survey responses, i found three
requests for a fest in england...and according to a survey anthony kosky
took a while back, there are twenty british rdt'ers, so...sounds like you
probably have the makings of one

i think that a grand total of three fests all on august 22nd would be best.
one in australia, one in england, and one in boston, linked by a tv hook-up.

stay tuned for my next post, which will be purely fest-planning details
with lots of lists of names and other stuff that will be nice to have in a 
big clump for easy deletion if non-applicable


ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > May 1993