RE: Aimee Mann

From: (glenn mcdonald)
Date: 25 May 1993 16:43:31 -0500
Subject: RE: Aimee Mann

>Why is Rush a big leap for Tori fans?  I've been a Rush fan for years
>and am also a Tori fan.  I see no problem.  It seems to me that a lot
>of the people on the list have a wide variety of musical tastes, so I
>don't think someone listening to Tori and Rush is that big a deal...

I didn't mean that there aren't people who like both!  I like them both
myself, and most people's musical tastes encompass at least two artists who
wouldn't normally be considered "similar".  But I wouldn't recommend Rush
to a Tori fan just on the grounds that "If you like Tori you'll probably
like Rush."  On the other hand, I *would* feel more comfortable saying "If
you like Tori you might like Aimee Mann", and then "If you like Aimee Mann
you might like Murray Attaway".


ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > May 1993