Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 12

Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 10:40:00 BST
Subject: Really-Deep-Thoughts digest 12

        An important thing to keep in mind is that Tori and Atlantic
have a legal obligation to suppress bootlegs.  There's something
called "easment" which means that if a copyright holder doesn't
vigorously defend her rights, she can *lose* them.
        If Tori didn't protest the bootlegging of her concerts, she
could lose the rights to the songs on the bootleg.  If that happened,
another record company could put out a CD with those songs on it
commercially, and would not have to pay Tori a cent for it.  For her
own financial security, she *can't* allow bootlegs.
  /  *  /  Alan Hamilton
 *     *

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > July 1993