
From: at895@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Kevin F. Holy)
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 93 17:07:31 -0400
Subject: Sorry

..There might be multiple posts from the same letter from me, today,
because we're having terrible storms..and Im going to get a HUGE wave of
Severe Storms tonight during the MTV Video Music Awards (Everyone hope
Annie Lennox and Peter Gabriel win their awards!)..Anybody else have REALLY
bad problems with the weather lately? (Besides Tori's home state, North
Carolina.. =) )

- -
Luvs: Tori Amos|"I'm lookin' at The BIG Sky! Im lookin' at The Big Sky! You
 Annie Lennox  |never understood me! You never really tried! ... ... ...
Enya, Sting, & |Pause for the Jet!!" -Kate Bush "The Big Sky" - Tori Amos
   Kate Bush   |Internet Mailing List:

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