the tape, Alice Cooper, etc.

From: (Laurel Krahn)
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 23:29:52 -0600
Subject: the tape, Alice Cooper, etc.

  I'm pleased to report that one of Shulamis' Tori rarities tapes has 
  made it to me... I'm quite happy with it.  Tomorrow I'll make a copy
  and pass it along (please don't post queries of who's next and all that,
  it'll get there eventually... :))  I especially liked the live version
  of "Tear in Your Hand" (one of my faves) and Tori's rendition of
  the Cure's "lovesong".  Excellent!
  I'd heard about the Alice Cooper - Neil Gaiman connection at World
  Fantasy con.  (It was an amusing moment.  Roger Zelazny, Neil, John
  Crowley, and Poul Anderson were discussing their current projects.
  I thought Zelazny's would be hard to top [he's finishing an
  Alfred Bester novel], but then Neil chimed in with his Alice Cooper
  story.... hee.... :))  
  I was at my local record store and some guy was there asking about
  Alice Cooper and when his next release would be out.  I think I scared
  myself by being able to tell him about it.  :)  I mean, I pride myself
  on knowing a great deal about a great many musicians, yet.... I never
  really kept track of Alice's work....
  Last I heard, the Flash Girls album wasn't yet out, but that could've
  changed.  :::sigh:::  I'm homesick for Minnesota already.
  Steven Brust's album is out, which does include a song called
  "Neil Gaiman Pastiche #37" (or something like that). . . 'tis a
  good album.  Folkish.  Stevish.  (Steve-ish? um...)
 Anyhow,i think i got lost and thought I was on Ecto (the Happy Rhodes
  mailing list).  I hadn't even heard of Happy Rhodes when I started on
  the list, but it's a nice list if you enjoy conversing about subjects
  other than the obvious.  (happy)..  We just had a Science Fiction
  digression, which I enjoyed immensely.  ( is
  the address, I believe)
  I'll be quiet now.  :)
 - Laurel Krahn - - Augustana College-Sioux Falls, SD -
 "in your head, no car is fast enough/in your heart, no love is true/
  would it ruin all your solitary fancies, if i tell you that it isn't
   only you?!?" - Emma Bull

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