Kate and Tori

Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 13:41 EST
Subject: Kate and Tori

Buffalo News (BN) - FRIDAY, November 19, 1993
Edition: CITY  Section: GUSTO  Page: G33
Word Count: 826

KATE  BUSH  The  Red  Shoes  (Columbia CK 53737). A remarkable effort by an
English  rock  singer  who sounds like an older, wiser Tori Amos. Bush, 35,
brings  an  atmosphere  of experience and sensitivity to her new album. The
title  track,  "The  Red  Shoes,"  has  a  hypnotic  English  folk  appeal;
"Rubberband Girl" shimmers with American soul. "Constellation of the Heart"
possesses  world  beat rhythm, and Prince himself supplies the backup vocal
for "Why Should I Love You." On "The Top of the City," Bush presents a full
pop  symphony of sound, and she turns funky on "Big Stripey Lie." Bush, who
has  been  around since the late 1970s, has reached a new creative level on
this record. Rating: ****
- - A.V
                Copyright (c) 1993, The Buffalo News

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