interpretation....grrrrr (take two)

Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 14:57:40 MST
Subject: interpretation....grrrrr (take two)

hi all
mark pushed a delicate button with his last post
so i just had to post   :)

- ---
From: (Mark Mixson)
"dancing dancing girl and when I dance for him somebody leave the light on
just in case I like the dancing..."		
	Compare:  Tori at home, dreaming of escape from a stifling
	atmosphere through and to sexuality/boys/worldliness...
	Mermaid is otherworldly, different, not human, etc.
	(The world of a child prodigy preacher's kid, eager to join the 
	"humans" who can have fun/sex/etc.)
 	She thought she could be made human (find a "saviour") through a
	man's love, but is ultimately left without her voice, "crucified."
	See also, MERMAIDS (film) 
- ---

okay. i too love to hunt for clues in all of life's corners. it's fun.but
in interpreting a work of art it is insulting to the artist and their work
to pull in somebody else's expressions.  the people who made the movie
MERMAIDS gave the world their interpretation of the mermaid-idea.  so did
disney. so did hans christian anderson (who i believe wrote the original
"little mermaid" fairy tale).  but to rely on these interpretations of 
"mermaid" to understand tori's lyric "what if im a mermaid in these jeans
of his with her name still on it" is not only ridiculous but demeaning
(ha ha no pun intended) to her work.
one more pick:  speaking from humble personal experience, a work of art
lives its own life independent of the artist's other pieces.  to
try to understand SATY by drawing from Mother's lyrics is totally unfair 
to SATY.  the mermaid in SATY, the crucifixion in "crucify" and the
dancing in "mother" all belong in those songs alone because that is the
way tori wanted it.  to mix and match lyrics robs the song of it's 
artistic integrity.  maybe fellow artists will agree with me.  when i 
write a poem about chocolate pudding i don't think of last week's poem
about grandma's bed.

sigh.  okay.  sigh.
steam vented for now.
hope it hasn't offended anyone.


ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > November 1993