perverse curiosity, i guess...

Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1993 15:34:49 EST
Subject: perverse curiosity, i guess...

ok, this is going to sound very stange.  i am curious as to how many poeple
who listen to tori are homosexuals. i am not, but as far as i can tell from
my own experiance, quite a few people who like her are gay. i was wondering
if there are any people on rdt who are gay.  don't reply if you don't feel
like announcing it to the world. you can email if you want, i won't reveal
my findings to anyone.  i know that this sounds odd, but most of the people
i know who like tori are gay, hence the question.  btw, i won't judge you
or think less of you if you are. i will probably think more of you, as you
were courageous enough to say it. thanx.

                     the ever perplexing black-winged rose

ToriThoughts.Org > RDTRN > Archives > December 1993